Going Horse Riding
going horse riding
o-rion-sta-r liked this · 3 years ago
More Posts from Spqrkles
fucking cookies - d.d
pairing: damiano david x reader
warnings: swearing
fandom: maneskin
summary: not gonna spoil it ha
prompt: "shut the fuck up and take it, pretty girl." - @/slut4dvc0

“Here is a cookie”
You and Damiano had baked cookies, but he didn’t want any claiming that he was going to the pool afterwards. It was the middle of winter.
“I don’t want it” He responded, turning his head away.
"Shut the fuck up and take it, pretty girl." you said, shoving a cookie in your face.
You both looked at each other and burst out in laughter, falling into one another.
“You- you sound like me in bed!” Damiano said, wheezing.
“I know I do Dami, that’s where I got it from.”
You guys heard the front door close.
“We are here! If you guys are fucking put on some clothes and get your asses down here!” You heard Victoria scream and Ethan snickering.
“We aren’t fucking Vic, we’re in the kitchen!”
general: @unedibledaisyduck @slut4drvc0
måneskin: @l0vely-lupin
⛱cym as outfits (i'm seeing this a over my dash)
omg same anon
@maybanksslut as

@unedibledaisyduck as

@slut4drvc0 as

your heart is my safe space and my arms are your safe space <3
idk if your celebration is still open and if we’re mutuals but if all of the above are checked, may i please have a 🍹; take off your makeup before going into the water! <3
like a bunny idk why but like a black bunny with white spots???