33 posts
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sleepover 4
tae; drinking is just borrowing happiness from tomorrow
suga; woah I borrow a lot of happiness huh
Rm; but you forget the happiness
Jk; uhhh
jimin; What if you don't have any happiness the next day
hobi; jimin
jimin; its just a question, not meant to be serious.
RM; its 2;54 am go to sleep!!!
Sleepover 3
tae; "do not touch!" would be a scary thing to read in braille
suga; "Poisonous Surface" would be worse
Rm; who on earth would put braille near anything like that
Jin; and why?!
Jk; Tae we are hear to help you sleep
jimin; yah go to bed
hobi; its 2;33 am now... I am lacking sleep
tae; if my calculator had a history it would be way more embarrassing than my browser history
Jk; honestly same
jin; yah
hobi; me to
sleepover 2
tae; "go to bed, you'll feel better in the morning" is the human version of "Did you turn it off and back on again."
Jk; wait what
suga; soooo true!
Rm; False going to bed doesn't turn off the brain
jimin; mindfucked
jin; LANGUEAGE!!!!
hobi; Um....its 2;13 am
tae; sorry...
Sleepovers 1
Tae while bts is all asleep during their sleepover; hey guys... if midgets smoke weed do they get high or medium?
Jk and Jimin laugh
jin; uhhh they....
jhope- Namjoon answers
Namjoon; Tae... Tae
Suga; Its a genuine question
tae; ive been thinking about it for a really long time...
Jin; its 1:23 am go to bed.
Court Scenario 2
Namjoon calling his members finally Tae picks up; Where are you guys?!?!
tae; Uhhh well Suga, Jk, and jimin are fighting so they bought a court and Jin is the judge and Jhope is the jure
Namjoon; Oh....….Wait a minute you guys are doing another court room scenario without me!!!!!!!!
Taegi Convo 4
Tae- you only help to lift me up you sweet and misunderstood shadow link
Yoongi breaths in;....What?
Taegi Convos 3
tae; only the bestest mostest dynamic duo in the entire universe
Yoongi; you got that right!
tae runs and hugs Yoongi
Jk- Noooooo
Rm do something!
Tae; Rm you have to do something about this!!
Rm; About what?
tae aggressively points at all the members fighting and yelling; are you kidding?!
Edgy Yoongi
Suga; I don't want Tae to live in a world where you can die for not following the laws made in the name of a lie
everyone silent
Namjoon- oh... ok I cant believe I am saying this... But that was so edgy and over the top. We are talking about Taes Acting.
Yoongi always listening
Suga; you called?
Jimin- oh no sorry
Jk- where just talking.
Suga; alright, alright; Just be careful what you talk about because I am listening
Tae trying to calm down Jk and Jimin; Hey yoongi
Suga- Hi Tae Tae!!!!!
Court scenarios 1
RM; Didn't it seem kind of ridiculous taking this matter soooo seriously to the point of buying a court just to settle it in a serious setting!!!!!!
Jk shrugs- ehhh
Hobi- I don't know really...
yoongi- it seemed pretty important.
tae- it was important to us RM....
Jin- We do that kind of stuff all the time.
jimin- it was quite serious
RM screams; UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! it was about where we were going to eat!
Taegi Convo 2
Suga while eat ice cream; My mouths cold!
tae; oh Suga Hyung want me to warm it for you?
Suga blushing; yeah tae that would be nice..
tae hands him his hot cocoa; Here you go hyung!
suga stays quite while face is bright red.
tae; this is what you wanted right Hyung...?
suga; yup.. yah definitely
Taegi convo 1
Tae; Yoongi wanna hear the best joke!
Suga sighs; what is it Tae?
Tae; my life! My life is a joke..
Suga; don't say that tae.
tae; aww than-
suga; the best joke has to be funny
RM in the background; Unless your Jin.
RM; situations can improve
Jin- Can and will?
RM- Can lets not jump the gun here
Taegi at the same time- Can they....
Bts looks at tae and he makes a small smile
RM- of course they can!
BTS Hogwarts houses
tae- Rm should be a Gryffindor
Jk- and why is that Tae?
Tae with starry eyes- Because he’s my hero
Cosplay Vmon
Hobi- I am trying to call Our Manger but I forgot my password so my phone is barred
suga- You mean locked
hobi- Sure locked..
Namjoon runs in the room- SHERLOCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!
Tae running after him- AND WATSONNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suga- oh for crying out loud!!!!!!
Hobi- Make them stoppppppp!
Disney tea cup
hobi, jimin, and Jin- spinning slowly while talking
Jk and Namjoon- Spinning slightly faster while arguing
tae and Yoongi- spinning as fast as possible screaming about wanting death and arguing over how there funeral will be
Overprotective Suga
Suga; Look I am just trying to protect Tae! Yah he was invited to a couple parties but if I wasn't their to make Tae not go, Who knows what bad things would happen!
Jk- Yah Suga Hyung Tae might have had to go out, talk to some people, dance ridiculously and have a fun night!
Suga still holding tae; Yah!! ..wait.. what?!
Jk- I don't like you Suga hyung!
suga; your just mad that I am holding TaeTae.
The Maknaes
RM; I’m actually feeling quite relaxed
The maknae line; hey
RM screams; Oh god!
Incorrect quotes
Jimin; Hey Namjoon if your wife dies from child birth can you press charges on the baby
Tae; oi oi Namjoon! Why do blind people walk their dog so much?
Jk; Namjoon
Rm; Yah?!?!
Jk; why did she leave
Tae And Namjoon
tae singing- no, no don't touch me their this is my no, no square. No, No don't touch me their No, No my N-
tae notices Namjoon
Namjoon laughs; Tae what ar-
tae with serious face; what are you doing here Rm?
Be there for me?
Namjoon; Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something
Jk; No
Jimin; Nope
Jk; Absolutely not
JK and Jimin laugh
Yoongi; I hope it sucks whatever your going through.
Jk and jimin laugh harder
j-hope; I hope it sucks?!
Tae; I hope it emotionally scars you, for the rest of your life
Yoongi; I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you
Jk, jimin, and yoongis laughter.
Jk; tae can you one up that?
tae says with 0 emotion; I cant wait to go to your funeral knowing I could have changed that outcome.
yoongi and the maknae line laughs
jin; w-wh-what?!!
j-hope; oh fuck
Jk; this got real, real quick.
Namjoon making a sad face; I was just asking if you'd be there for me!