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Kit Tanthalos X OC

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 22

She’s holding a sword. I recognize it as Madmartigan’s. Elora also walks in.

K: He didn’t take his sword.

E: You can’t take anything. Not in there.

K: I’m going.

I look at her.

J: Are you mad ?

K: I need to.

I take her arm.

J: Kit.

It starts rumbling and dust falls off the roof. 

E: If you do, you can never come back.

K: I don’t care.

E: I won’t let you !

K: Yeah are you gonna stop me ?

J: I will. We have to get out of here. You can still save aryk.

She starts running. I put my arms around her waist and pull her out. She screams for her Dad but I don’t care. I carry her out and the Tomb closes. She looks around

K: Where is Allagash ?

B: He’s Gone. He got the lux too.

Ja: We need to get out of here.

I pull Kit with me. Outside of the Cave Trolls are waiting for us.

J: Brilliant.

?: Hi there. Which one of you is Elora Danan ?

Ja, B, E: I am.

The Trolls groan.

?: You know what, take both of them, ugh, kill the others.

Graydon throws Willow his Staff and pulls off his mask.

G: Hi Guys.

J: Never been Happier to see you graydon.

He walks to us. Willow picks up his Staff and points it at the Trolls.

?: What are you gonna do, Peck ? Kill all of us ?

W: Don’t call me Peck.

B: I say do it Willow. Flash fry these furry framps. 

?: Seize them.

Allagash comes running out of a Tunnel.

A: Sarris. Recognize these ?

Sa: Not really.

A: I’m here to even the odds.

A fight breaks out there are Trolls all around us. I try to protect Kit as much as I can. She rushes in front of Alagash and saves him by stabbing the Boss. Allagash takes off the Cuirass.

K: What are you doing ?

A: Damn thing doesn’t work. I put the Lux in and Nothing.

B: Ha Maybe a lifetime of lying, cheating, stabbing your friends in the back made you somehow, I don’t know, unworthy of its power  ?

Allagash throws it to Boorman.

A: There’s only one way to find out if it’ll work for you, Kid.

JA: More Trolls coming.

J: How do we get out of here ?

I look at Allagash. 

A: Through that gate.

Boorman opens it. The first one is Willow then Elora, Graydon, Boorman then me and Kit. I keep walking. We fall down some sort of slide and land on trash and see a yellow lava-ie looking platform. Few seconds later Kit also comes down But not Allagash.

W: Where is Allagash ?

She shakes her head. I gently take her hand.

B: Oh Bummer.

G: I think I see a way out.

I walk to him.

B: Ah Great and how do we get there ?

We slowly start walking. I look back for Kit.

E: Kit come on.

She starts walking slowly.

E: Kit we have to keep going. It’s gonna collapse.

K: Then make it stop.

E: I don’t know how.

W: You two please leave it for now.

K: You started this.

E: I didn’t mean to,

K: All that power and no self-control.

J: Kit come on.

E: I was… 

B: Guys ! 

E: I was trying to help.

K: Yeah of course you were. That’s what you always want, it to help right ? To …

J: Love please …

K: To find Aryk and to save Graydon just rescue us all.

J: Kit, you can do this outside.

K: I … I heard his voice.

I look at her. I didn’t hear anything.

K: He was calling to me. To Me ! and I could’ve got him. I could’ve brought him back and I could’ve finally understood why everytime he chose you instead of me.

She's Crying a Tear rolls down my Face.

K: But now I can't.

E: Please.

K: Or what ? What you’ll kill me?

J: No Kit please just …

K: You’re tearing everything down.

E: I know. It is all my fault. You know. Blame me, Hate me, just please, can you do it somewhere else ? Cause if we stay here we’re both gonna just …

She can’t finish her sentence. A rock falls from the sky and Kit falls right into the Hole which closes up again.

J: NO ! 

I run to the hole and try to break it back open with my Bare Hands. They quickly turn Bloody since the skin of my knuckles break open. Boorman pulls me back. I look at Elora Crying my heart out 

J: Save her ! Please ! DO SOMETHING !

Willow tries with a Spell but it doesn’t work. Elora finds the wand. I’m screaming at Willow and at Elora.

J: DO IT !

As soon as it breaks open she gets shot out of it and falls on me. I press her against me. She’s coughing up the water.

J: I have you.

I get up and Carry her outside. Being cautious of the Rocks. I keep carrying her.

K: You can let me down.

J: No, I will not. 

At the beach we stop. I sit her down on a Stone. I kneel in front of her and take her hands.

J: I thought I lost you.

K: You didn’t.

J: I almost did.

She wipes the tears away.

K: I’m sorry.

I shake my head. 

J: Don’t be. You were sad and angry. Kit we didn't hear his voice.

K: You didn’t ?

J: No.

W: We have to keep going.

We start walking with the others. Her hand is tightly in mine. We stop at an endless wet sand landscape.

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More Posts from Starjane312

2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 13

We’re Basically in the Middle of nowhere. Kit starts Walking next to me.

K: Jane ? Can we talk ?

J: Not in the mood.

I ignore her.

E: You Ok ?

W: Uh, just need to Rest. Then we resume your Training. You’ve still got a long way to go.

E: Maybe if I had the Wand …

Suddenly Graydon falls to the Ground.

E: Wait Graydon's Hurt !

Willow lifts his Collar and there is a Golden glowing spot.

J: Shit.

G: Bad Magic.

E: We have to get him to shelter ! Something !

B: Yeah ! And what do you Suggest, Huh ! We’re right in the Middle of…  I don’t even know where in the Middle of !

J: Moon.

Moon walks to Graydon and Kneels down. Me and Boorman help him up. I point my Finger at Graydon.

J: If you hurt him, I’ll kill you. Doesn’t matter that you’re Possessed.

He nods.

W: I know where we are.

He walks to a few Rocks and Looks beyond them. I walk there too. It's a Castle.

W: Nockmaar.

The Giant cloud is Swirling Right over it.

J: You’ve got to be Kidding me. Ok, let's go.

I walk forward. Moon right beside me. The others behind me. Willow falls to the Ground. Kit helps him up. 

W: We can’t go in. Don't you see ? This is what she wants.

E: We have to get Graydon inside or he'll Die.

B: And he’s not the only one.

J: There’s nothing around here for Leagues.

W: This fortress  was the Stronghold of the Most Brutal tyrant of her Age, Bavmorda.

B: Yeah. Or as Kit calls her Grandma.

I give him a Piercing side Glare. When we are inside we help Graydon off of Moon. Who then shakes the water out of his Mane. The others Chain Graydon to the Floor. Me and Jade start a fire and soon we’re all dry. Boorman closes the Chain around Graydon’s Wrists with a Hot Iron pickle.

B: Sorry about this Pal.

G: What do you think she used these for ?

B: Bavmorda knew how to Romp. Legendary Parties. Three four days in a Row. All kinds of weird shit.

G: How do I look ?

E: Like a Vermathrax at a vestal faire.

G: What ?

E: It was …

J: No it was a really good Joke.

B: Next time leave the levity to me.

Graydon coughs and vomits on the Floor.

J: Ah, Lovely.

G: What happened to Ballantine and Marrick is gonna happen to me.

Boorman gets up.

G: And you guys are gonna have to stop me before I …

Thunderclaps and I flinch. Elora gets up.

E: What … What was Ballentine gonna do to me ?

W: What Bavmorda started when you were a Baby.

G: The Ritual of the Thirteenth Night. Banishing your Soul to a Realm of perpetual suffering. Only the Combined strength of Willow and Raziel, the two most Powerful sorcerers of all time, was able to stop it. In the end using the Fibonacci Hex, if I’m not wrong ?

Willow hums.

J: Willow obliterated Bavmorda, rescued Elora Danan, You and Saved the World.

Everyone looks at me.

J: What  ? He’s not the only one that Reads.

B: Wow. And then What’d you do ?

W: We all went out and got pissed.

Graydon vomits again.

K: And that thing you did at the Slaughtered Lamb could you …

W: Blast his insides out ? A few moments of the Most excruciating pain ever endured. Probably followed by Death.

J: Maybe not that great of an Idea.

G: The way you’re talking. Sounds like you're starting to like me.

J: Don’t lose your head over it Twinkle Toes.

I smile at him.

K: This is all your fault.

She looks at Boorman.

B: Sorry, how’d you figure that ?

K: You send us on a wild goose chase to find some stupid artefact. And it doesn’t even exist. And now we’re trapped in some cursed castle and Aryk is still half a world away …

B: Right Aryk your brother. And meanwhile your ex-fiancé Grayoncé there, is being Ravaged by a 300-year old demon.

By the word Ex- Fiancé my grip on my Dagger Tightens.

G: Come on man. Don’t say Ravaged.

B: Sorry bud.

We are Waiting. I don't know for what but it’s Boring. I’m sharpening my Axe. While Jade cooks something. Boorman holds a plate in front of me.

J: Not hungry but thank you.

Graydon lays coughing on the Floor.

Ja: How long does he have ? Before it takes hold ?

W: Not long. Sometime in the small hours of the Night he’ll lose control.

I look at my Axe.

K: I mean we all know it has to be done. What was the last thing that Ballentine asked you to do ?

I look at Jade.

Ja: Kill him. He’s the Prince of Galladoorn Kit. We’d be at war

K: Hastur knew. Right ? We all knew that he never should’ve come. And If I have to decide between saving Aryk and waiting for Graydon to turn into some kinda Monster …

I sigh.

G: Kit’s right. I’ve had some experience with this before and I know I’m not strong enough to stop it. I don’t wanna hurt you guys. But I will.

E: If her Highness is in such a hurry to see it done she ought to do it herself.

K: Oh you don’t think I will ?

B: Uh I don’t. Killing someone who isn’t trying to kill you back, it’s not an easy thing to do.

I look down at my Axe. If it comes to it, I would do it.

E: Please you’re the greatest sorcerer alive. You obliterated Bavmorda.

J: There must be something you can do.

W: When she was young, your Age. Bavmorda was bright, curious, full of Promise. She was abducted by Members of a long-forgotten sect. The Order of the Wyrm. The crone radicalised her, converting her with their warped beliefs and gifting her with unnatural powers.

Ja: What kind of powers ?

W: Well for example she once changed the entire Galladoorn army into Pigs.

J: Hm, lovely.

W: Raziel and I, Eventually, changed them all back. It was chaos Pigs everywhere.

B: Sorry, All of them ?

W: Huh ?

B: You … You turned all of the Pigs back into people ?

W: Think so.

I nod. Boorman spits out the rest of his food.

J: So glad I didn’t eat.

W: The point is, the order of the Wyrm practised Taboo magic, against Nature. If a rite exists that can extract that Kind of evil. I think I know where we’d find it.

We all follow Willow into a room. He gets out a Book and lays it on a Table.

W: The Malatrium. Bound in the skin of a satyr.

K: Gross.

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 6

We arrive at the Mothers’ gate. It’s empty.

B: Where is everyone ?

I get off Moon.

Ja: Armory’s untouched. If they fled, they went in a Hurry.

K: Guys.

I look at Kit. She points her finger at the Wall next to us. Something is written in blood.

Ka: They’d never abandon their Post.

J: Guys.

K: Look at this.

She steps away from the wall and the others look at it.

G: We stand at the threshold …

We both look at him and he stops.

J: Keep going.

G: We peer into the Void. We bear witness  to his Glory. The Eternal One, the healer of Worlds.

The ground starts shaking.

G: As he stirs from his Deathless Slumber deep below the Surface. The Harbinger of the Wyrm will come.

The ground starts shaking progressively worse. The Horses start to Panic, and I wrap my Arms around Kit. When the shaking stops. I calm Moon and we keep riding. Through the Fog and over the Grass fields. About an hour later we see Dove walking.

K: Unbelievable.

Ja: You gotta admire her Persistence.

K: No she’s gonna get herself killed.

J: HEY ! 

We ride to her and stop.

K: What did I say ?

D: You’re not the Boss of me Princess. Not out here.

B: I like her. I think we should keep her.

K: Nobody asked you, Boorman !

D: Shut up, Boorman !

Ka: Enough. We don’t have time for your Bickering. Aryk doesn’t have Time. I don’t Care if you like each other. We’re all in this together now. And out here, in the World beyond. If you’re not Vigilant at each moment. I swear you will not survive.

Just as he finished speaking, he gets shot by an Arrow and falls of his Horse. Men on Horses with Skull Masks come riding towards us.

B: Bone Reavers ! RIDE !

Kit helps Dove on her Horse.

J: Let’s Go Moon.

Moon Rides as fast as he can behind Kit. They Start shooting arrows at us. If Kit and dove wouldn’t have leaned back they would have been shot. We Ride directly to a Cliff.



He is shouting something and His horse jumps off the Cliff into the Water and our Horses do the same. As soon as we land I look at Kit.

J: Are you Ok ?

She nods. Moon nudges my Side. I stroke his fur.

J: I’m fine.

K:That was Incredible. How’d you get him to … I’ve never seen Horses do that. What does Hsu-Gala mean ?

B: It’s an Ancient Angorian word. It means stop.

We all look at him.

J: I beg your pardon ?

He nods. From now on we walk. I walk next to Boorman while Moon walks in front of us.

B: Uh, Jane ? Your Horse ?

J: What’s with him ? 

B: He’s walking away.

J: He’s not.

B: You let him walk free ? 

J: Yes.

B: And he comes back ?

I nod my head.

B: I don’t believe you.


Moon comes to me and walks next to me.

B: Wow.

J: I’ve had him since he was a Foal. He chose me and I raised him.

Boorman nods.

K: I wanted to say uh, I’m Sorry … about the way I behaved. It was … I was very Childish and …

G: No, it's ok. I, I can understand not wantin’ to Marry someone that you barely know. I wasn’t happy about it either.

K: You weren’t ?

G: I mean you're a very pretty person. But uh I just think you should be in love with someone, before you commit to spending the rest of your life with them, right ?

Boorman looks at me and I just shake my head.

K: What about our responsibility to unite the realm ?

G: One day you and I are gonna be in charge.  And when that day comes, we don’t have to do things the way our Parents did. I’ll find someone I love and you have Jane. I mean I get why she hates me.

I sigh. 

J: Hated you. You're kinda useful with your understanding of different languages and stuff. Doesn’t mean we’re friends.

We arrive at a Broken and destroyed Village. I bind Moon next to Eclipse and look at Boorman.

K: Are you sure this is the same Village my Mother was talking about ?

B: It’s the only Village in the Valley.

Ja: Where did everybody go ?

I look around and go to stand next to Kit.

?: Oh Daikinis. Terrific. Just what I need.

I look at the Nelwyn man.

Ja: What happened here ?

?: Plenty. And if you’re not Careful it will Happen to you too.

K: We’re looking for a Sorcerer, Willow.

?: Congratulations. You found him.

When I look at him he doesn’t look like a Sorcerer.

B: You’re Willow ?

?: Yep that's me. Willow. But I’m out of the Sorcery Business now. I’ve retired. So, jog on.

Kit's getting frustrated. I take her hand.

K: My name is Kit Tanthalos. My Mother is Sorsha. She send me here to come find you. She told me that once long ago you stood together against the Forces of Evil and Defeated Them. The world needs you again. It needs your Magic.

Another Voice speaks up.

?: It’s Okay. She is who she Claims to be.

?: How do you know ?

?: I read her Mind. 

Another man who definitely looks like a sorcerer come out of a Hut.

W: Kidding. Had you though didn’t ? I didn’t read your mind. It's just you remind me of your mother.

K: My Brother Aryk was taken by …

W: The Gales.

J: The what ?

W: Your Brother's Alive. A prisoner of the Withered Crone. Who dwells in the Immemorial City, that lies beyond the Shattered Sea. The four who came to Tir Asleen are her Servants.

B: I’m Sorry did you say Beyond the Shattered Sea ?

Willow nods.

B: Okay.

J: What ?

Kit definitely can't do that, that is way too dangerous.

B: I’ve Travelled all across the world and met some real Magical Marvin’s. But I never met anyone who crossed the Shattered sea. That’s where all the Maps end.

W: And that's where we must go. Beyond the edge of our World into the unknown. It’s the only way to … To …

He stops Speaking and walks to Dove. We look at her. He lifts up one of her sleeves and lays his hand on it and starts chanting something. When he lifts his hand a Mark appears.

W: You shouldn't be here but it’s so good to see you, Elora.

K: Did he just say … 

I nod.

D: No, you’ve made a mistake. That’s not… I’m not … I’m Nobody.

W: You are Elora Danan, Last blood of Kymeria, future Empress, High Priestess, Semprum Sorceress of the Nine Realms, and the world’s last, best hope against the Evil coming to destroy us all.

E: What ?

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 21

He turns around. I see Kit.

K: Jane.

J: Kit. 

I quickly walk to her and pull her into my Arms.

J: Are you ok ?

She nods in my shoulder. She looks at me and gives me a Kiss. I look and see Boorman fighting another guy.

J: Who’s that ?

K: Allagash. An Old friend of my Father.

W: Where is the wand ?

E: Look I may or may not have, well, kind of , like ,dropped it.

W: What.

Ja: She only dropped because she was saving …

W: Shhh

He points his finger at Jade.

W: And the staff ? What, you drop that too ?

E: No graydon has that.

W: And where’s Graydon ?

E: Supervising a spill on Triton level Probably.

J: And very Happy he’s still alive.

I look at Kit.

J: Nearly got himself killed.

K: Again ?

I nod

W: You are in serious trouble, young lady.

E: Yeah, I know.

Allagash and Boorman are still fighting.

B: Not the Hair.

E: I Kinda missed you.

A: Who cares about your Hair ?

W: Yeah ?

E: Yeah.

W: Missed you too … in a way.

B: Stop it ! Stop it ! You puckered old bergencoif !

A: You spineless little zudcudder.

W: Come on guys. Language.

A: Sorry.

B: Sorry.

A: Sorry Ladies.

I raise my eyebrows.

B: I’d prayed you’d still be alive so I would have the pleasure of killing you myself.

A: I’m right here. Buffets open. Beanpole. Grab a Tray.

Kit walks to them and since I’m not letting her go she pulls me with her.

B: Beanpole ? Yeah well I’v actually put on quite a lotta bulk.

A: You know what, you have. You’ve gotten bigger, you look good.

B: Well, thanks. It’s Diet mainly actually a little bit of Torture endurance …

Allagsh tries to attack him. Boorman pushes him away, grabs his Sword and crosses it with Kit who's holding a Hammer with spikes. I hold my Dagger under his Chin.

J: Step away from my Wife.

He lowers his sword. Then he looks at Kit.

B: Whatever he told you,it’s a lie

K: You stole the Lux arcana.

B: Back from him. He got Blaylock and Mookie killed. He betrayed us, he … He betrayed Madmartigan.

A: Oh come on this guy will say anything. That was you huh ? That was him.

He steps a little bit too close to Kit. I give him a sharp look and he steps a step away from her.

A: You think I’ve been down here for ten years ‘cause I like it balmy, huh ? 

K: You were his squire and you left him to die.

B: I know.

Kit lowers her weapon. I grab her hand.

B: I would’ve stayed with him till the end. I should’ve. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

E: I think there is someone coming.

W: Trolls.

A: This is were they caught me last time. They must#ve known I ‘d come back here. They’re so smart. Damn it.

Ja: What’s the quickest way out of here ? 

Allagash walks to a wall.

K: The doorway.

A: Yeah.

He grabs into a wall and pulls out an Arm.

A: Put your arm in here.

He points at Kit.

J: Definitely not. 

I go to him and push my arm into the Hole.

J: And now ?

A: Pull the lever.

J: If I lose my arm I will kill you.

A: Understood. But you will not.

I take a breath and pull on it. Something rattles.

A: Good, stay put.

He starts running.

A: Herewe go, solving elaborate booby traps. 

He sticks his hand in another one. Something sounds like it’s opening. But nothing appears.

Ja: Yeah I don’t see a secret door.

A: That’s because you don’t know how to look.

We follow him. It’s a Giant stone head.

J: What the hell ?

B: Ah big head. Great, where's the treasure ?

Some weird music starts playing.

Wiggleheim: Through the Ages and remember I have tested those who entered. Seeking fortune, fame and Glory. Hoping those might change their story. But the greatest Treasure I ever found was the Love and laughter all around.

A: Ah, what a lovely sentiment, huh ?

Wiggleheim: Though should Riches be your heart's desire, the answers I shall now Require. And If by chance you don’t reply in my tomb you all shall die. 

E: Wait hang on did he just say we all would ie.

B: He did.

The secret Door closes.

J: Wait what ?!

Wiggleheim: So I pass for sire to heir and each of brothers takes his share. A gift or curse I may be, used by others more than thee.

A: Anybody ?

W: It’s a riddle, I’m good at these.

A: Good, you got the answer ?

W: Wait, wait, wait.

Ja: A name.

A: What ?

Ja: That’s the answer.

A: We’re going with “A name ?”

Wiggleheim: Congratulations. 

A: We’re in. We did it !

Wiggleheim: If Once more you do succeed, my vault of treasures is yours indeed.

A: Oh.

Wiggleheim: Where whatever by your hearts appeal, awaits you beyond it’s seal.

I look at Kit.

J: Didn’t know you were in there.

She pushes her elbow in my ribs.

J: Sorry.

A: Come on, Come on. Team Allagash. We got this. all right Wiggleheim, give us your best shot.

Wiggleheim: Beggars have what wise men crave. But both shall take it to their grave.

Noone has a clue. 

Wiggleheim: Seems perhaps you need more Time, Or if you wish, I’ll repeat my Rhyme.

We are stuck here. And he continues repeating the same words over and over again. It feels like we’ve been here for hours.

J: This leads us to nothing, we're all going to die. Great. Just what I want. You know. Growing up, meeting the love of my life, marrying her and then dying with her locked in a cave, not even a day after. Fairytale ending.

Ja: Can you stop being sarcastic ?

J: In a situation like this ? No.

She gals at me.

E: Wait, say that again.

I look at her.

J: No ?

E: The first thing you said. 

J: This all leads to nothing ?

E: That’s it. The answer is Nothing.

The doors open again. Boorman and Allagash run in. They search everything. Allagash finds it in the end and runs out with it. Kit walks inside the vault. Everything starts to Rumble. 

J: My Love ?

I walk to her.

Tags :
2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 27

The next day, we’re surprised. Miles slept through the whole night. It’s extremely Foggy. We are both looking at each other. Miles bound to my Chest.

K: What are we going to do with the Name thing ?

I look at her.

J: Well… We’ll let him figure that out once he’s old enough ?

She looks at me with a face that says ‘Really ?’. I lift my hands.

J: Ok, sorry.

I think.

J: How bout we both just pick one ?

She sighs.

K: Thought about that too but what if we choose the same thing ?

J: I want Mama.

K: Good, I picked Mom.

J: See, it worked.

We both chuckle and look at Miles. 

B: Don’t you understand. You’ve killed us !

G: I had to do it. I didn’t have a choice.

We walk to them.

Ja: What did he do ?

B: He set Kenneth free.

G: He was Sick.

J: He would have Died. 

B: You’re on his side ?

J: Yes. Kenneth would have died if he went further. He was getting weaker the Further we went. 

B: Yeah ? Well, now we’re gonna die. Hundreds of leagues from anywhere. There’s no way to go forward, there’s no way to go Backwards. And nothing, nothing has gone the way it was supposed to !

E: We have to walk. It’s what you said. We walk across it.

B: For how long ? Till we starve ?

E: It’s not long now. We’re close. 

We start walking.

J: You wanna know what I’m thinking about.

K: What ?

J: What are we going to do with Miles during the Fight ?

She looks at me.

K: Oh shit.

W: I can put a force field around him.

J: You can ?

W: Yes.

J: Good. That’s good.

E: We’re almost there.

W: I didn’t know how far we’d have to go.

I hold Kit’s hand as we walk.

Ja: Your mother told me before we left that you’d never give up. And there Might come a Time where I’d have to bring you Home.

K: You think this is it ?

We both look at her.

Ja: No. I think you’re gonna make that Decision on your own.

K: What did she tell you ?

I look at her.

J: Me ?

She nods.

J: She asked me if I really loved you. And then told me to protect both of you.

She squeezes my Hand. A giant  skeleton can be seen through the fog.

B: Hey do you see that ? 

G: What ? The Giant skull ?

B: Yeah. Just checking. I’m not who I thought I was Gray. 

G: Who are you ?

B: I’m nobody.

We keep walking. I give Boorman a look. I don’t know how long we were walking, but Miles needed Three new Diapers and was fed four times. When Boorman stops Elora from walking. We see a cliff with no end and nothing ahead of us. 

K: Oh my God. 

J: That is not good.

E: Impossible. 

G: Maybe we took a wrong turn somewhere.

J: Really we walked straight ahead. What Turns did we Take ?

B: Yeah, should've gone left. 

E: We crossed the sea. We passed the Test. The city is Supposed to be here. 

W: It isn’t.

E: It has to be !

W: I’m turning back. 

B: Yeah me too.

Ja: We went as far as we could Elora. 

E: No. This isn’t how it ends. 

K: How does it end ?

She lets go of my Hand and walks to Elora.

E: In the Immemorial City. With the wand Broken, and me … Dead.

K: What ? 

E: It’s what Willow saw in his Vision all those years ago. The reason Sorsha didn’t want him to Train me. Tried to hide me away. ‘Cause if I face the Crone, that’s how it’ll end. Isn’t it ?

We all look at Willow. 

W: How did you know ?

E: She showed me.

J: The Crone ?

Ja: You’ve been, what, communing with her ?

B: Great. Just Great. She led us right here.

W: I thought I could Change it. But I’m not a great sorcerer. I’m just a Farmer who got lucky. 

Crying Elora falls to her knees. 

W: And I can’t keep pretending. 

E: Neither can I. I don’t wanna be Elora Danan. I just wanna go home.

I look at her with a sad face. I can understand her. It’s a heavy burden resting on her shoulders. Kit looks at me and Miles.

K: Well, tough.

She goes to kneel in front of her.

K: You’re afraid. So am I. But you know what ? My fear, it doesn’t get to decide. It doesn’t get to, to define me. I’m not giving it the Power. I’m giving it to you. I have never believed in anything my whole life. I believe in you. 

E: I don’t know … I don’t know what to do. 

K: Yes, you do. We both do.

They get up.

B: Look around. It’s over. There is nowhere to gop but back

Kit takes a look at me and Miles. My breath gets stuck in my chest and I shake my head. She hugs Elora.

K: You ready ?

E: Yes.

J: No wait.

K: We’ll do it together.

J: Kit !

They both fall backwards. Jade holds me back. I cry and scream Kit’s name and Miles starts crying too. I fall to my Knees pressing Miles against my Chest. I feel someone hugging me.

B: I’m here.

I fall into Boorman and sob in his chest. 

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 15

The next thing I know is that the Gales chase us.


Kit, Jade and I are again being chased by the Monster with the cage on its head. We try to Hide in an Alley but when dust falls on us we see that he is standing on the wall. We all scream and run. We run to the Others and Hide behind a wall.

K: How long can they keep us up for ?

W: The Crone won’t let them rest till they have Elora and have killed us.

G: If only they took the Time to get to know us. Right ?

I exhale.

Ja: Where to now Captain ?

G: We can’t outrun them, so where can we go ?

W: Into the Wildwood.

J: Yeah, great ! Another place that is said to be cursed.

I smile sarcastically.

G: She’s right, what about the you know, perils of the Wildwood ?

E: What Perils ?

W: People say there’s something in the Air, the Trees, the water, that makes you …

G: Never wanna leave.

J: Loose your will to do anything.

K: Trust me. We are not spending any more time in there than we need to.

E: Yeah, no way.

W: If anybody has any better Ideas, I’m sure we’d love to hear them.

The cage Monster lands in front of us.

W: RUN !

I get up and pull Kit with me. We run into the Woods. We have to chop little branches.

B: The Key is Vigilance. Stay sharp. The wildwood is seductive. It lures you in with its sights and sounds. The next thing you know you’re officiating Weddings and Dog-sitting for casual acquaintances. 

K: Well, that’s not gonna Happen.

G: Personally, I’m still worried about the Perils.

We keep on walking. My hand gripping Kits and not letting go. We stop walking when we see tiny lights and Butterflies swirling around the Trees. It’s beautiful. Kit starts pulling me with her.

Ja: The Bone Reavers that Killed my Family fled into the Wildwood. Maybe they’re still here. Somewhere.

We make a pause. I sit down against a Tree Kit sitting next to me. I play with her Hands while Kit and Jade talk.

B: Listen Guys.

I look up

B: I know you all have your doubts about my integrity, motives, whatever. But I’m begging you to Trust me, when I tell you that no matter what happens next, I have a plan and everything will work out if you all just Remain …

Before Boorman can finish his sentence there is a Blade on my Neck.

B: Calm.

I Stare at him.

J: You could’ve just said Warning Danger stay Calm but nooooo.

B: Do you always have to be Sarcastic.

J: Yes.

The Bone Reavers  take us to their Camp. I see skulls as decorations.

J: Ah, just Lovely.

As we’re let go, I immediately go to Kit. She takes my Hand.

K: I’m fine.

J: Good.

?: Boorman.

B: Lori.

I look at him.

J: Lori ?

B: Toth’s first name is Lori but for some reason he’s insecure about it. Yeah Own it Lori. You know, make it yours.

He punches Boorman right on the Nose.

J: Thank you I would’ve done it If you hadn’t.

Toth points at me.

T: I like her.

?: Now, Now boys. Play Nice.

I look at a Woman. She looks interesting.

?: You don’t look dead.

B: Funny Story. Well not Ha-Ha funny. More like a “Ain’t life funny” kind of funny.

She walks down the Steps towards us.

?: You can Imagine my Surprise when Toth came back and said he’d run down a Tir Asleen cut-out. Five kids and a beanpole that Looked exactly like Thraxus Boorman.

I look at him.

J: What did you Idiot do ?

He ignores me.

B: You are entitled to an Explanation.

?: No one gets out of Skellin alive. Ever.

J: Sorry did you say Skellin ?

E: Skellin ?

Ja: Dread mines of skellin. In the Mountains.

J: Run by the Trolls.

B: What can I say ? Guess that makes me the Somebody who did.

?: I’m going to enjoy this. 

B: Well, if you’re thinking what I’m thinking you’re thinking so am I.

J: Just shut up for Once.

?: I doubt that very much.

She looks at Toth. 

?: Take him to my Tent and make sure he’s well tied up.

A man grabs him and pulls him there.

B: I don’t know. See, that Kind of sounds like we’re on the same Page.

I pull a disgusted face.

T: And the others ? Do you want em ‘ or should we just Fire up the old skull-boiling cauldron.

In an instant I push Kit behind me. But she steps in front of the Woman.

K: I’m Kit Tanthalos of Tir Asleen. I’m Queen Sorsha’s daughter.

J: My Love, what are you doing ?!

I lay my Hand on her Arm.

?: Scorpia. Well, actually, it’s her Sublime Eminence Mistress Magnificus Venoma Scorpia. But Scorpia’s fine.

J: Very nice to meet ya.

I pull Kit closer to me. Scorpia looks at me.

S: And you are ?

J: Me ?

She nods.

J: Jane Chander.

K: My Brother was abducted from our Castle.

S: Wasn’t us. Wasn’t, was it ?

She looks at Toth.

T: Mm- mmm.

J: It was servants of the Withered Crone.

K: We’re going beyond the shattered Sea.

The People laugh.

K: To rescue him. If you could find it in your Hearts to let us go. I’m sure my mother would repay the Favour.

J: And you can keep Boorman. He’s, like, The worst.

Ja: You're wasting your Breath. They don’t have a whit of Mercy about them, and they’re too stupid to realise what you’re offering them.

S: Maybe we won’t fire up the ol’ skull pot just yet. Lock the Nelwyn and the Pretty fella down the Borough. Toss these two in the Rattler.

She nods at Kit and Elora. They grab all four of them. Toth holds me and Jade. I start to struggle.

J: Hey let me go. No. Kit.

She looks at me.

S: We’ll keep those two here. They’ll make good sport.

K: Wait, what'll you do to her ?

Panicking, she looks at me and also starts to struggle.

K: Jane. 

And she disappears from my view.

J: Don’t harm her. Please.

I look at Scorpia. She steps towards me.

S: Why wouldn't I ?

J: She’s pregnant. You can Kill Boorman. I don't care. Just leave her.

She looks at me and nods. Me and Jade get bound up outside.

J: You ok ?

Ja: Yes.

J: Good.

Ja: Really you would let her Kill Boorman ? Your Brother.

J: I would kill myself, if that meant keeping Kit safe.

Ja: What did you see in that Castle ?

I look down.

J: I uh … 

Ja: Jane ?

J: We fought. Again, and I said that I couldn’t keep going like that. Then I just walked off. Uh … Then I heard her scream my name. I of course started running there and … there was a Door. Once I opened it she just laid there. Not breathing, not anything. She-She gave birth to the Baby. Alone. They  were both …

Tears run down my face.

Ja: That’s why you were Crying so much.

J:Boorman was carrying me cause I tried jumping out a Window.

Jade keeps quiet. 

Ja. What ?!

Suddenly there is an explosion. We see Kit and Elora. Bone Reavers stand around them.

E: We don’t wanna hurt anybody, and nobody wants to get Hurt.

K: Oh, I will hurt you, if I have to.

E: Hurt you bad.

K: All we want are Jane and Jade. Where are they ?

J: We’re here.

She looks at us and walks to us. 

J: I’m fine.

K: Cut them loose.

T: Afraid we can’t do that. Not without the Mistress's say-so.

E: I will melt your face off Lori !

T: We have a sayin’ for People who make Empty threats. They make nice Hats.

They grab both of them.

J: Hey let them go !

Scorpia walks to kit sarcastically clapping.

S: I applaud your Spirit Princess, but you really must loosen up, have some fun.

Jade frees herself from her Binds Grabs a Knife and holds it against Scorpia’s Throat.

Ja: I’m lots of fun and I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.

S: Oh gorgeous, I’m all yours.

And in the Next second Jade lays on her back and Scorpia lands a good Punch in her face. But jade fights back. It ends when Scorpia has Jade on her knees, her head tilted forward, and her Hair pulled up. Scorpia freezes. Then gets off her. Stunned, I look at her.

S: Take her to my Tent.

They’re in it for a few Minutes. When they come out Scorpia commands to make us free. I instantly walk to Kit and check her.

J: Are you ok ?

K: Yes, are you ?

I nod and she hugs me. I look at Jade.

J: What is going on ?

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