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Kit Tanthalos X OC

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 27

The next day, we’re surprised. Miles slept through the whole night. It’s extremely Foggy. We are both looking at each other. Miles bound to my Chest.

K: What are we going to do with the Name thing ?

I look at her.

J: Well… We’ll let him figure that out once he’s old enough ?

She looks at me with a face that says ‘Really ?’. I lift my hands.

J: Ok, sorry.

I think.

J: How bout we both just pick one ?

She sighs.

K: Thought about that too but what if we choose the same thing ?

J: I want Mama.

K: Good, I picked Mom.

J: See, it worked.

We both chuckle and look at Miles. 

B: Don’t you understand. You’ve killed us !

G: I had to do it. I didn’t have a choice.

We walk to them.

Ja: What did he do ?

B: He set Kenneth free.

G: He was Sick.

J: He would have Died. 

B: You’re on his side ?

J: Yes. Kenneth would have died if he went further. He was getting weaker the Further we went. 

B: Yeah ? Well, now we’re gonna die. Hundreds of leagues from anywhere. There’s no way to go forward, there’s no way to go Backwards. And nothing, nothing has gone the way it was supposed to !

E: We have to walk. It’s what you said. We walk across it.

B: For how long ? Till we starve ?

E: It’s not long now. We’re close. 

We start walking.

J: You wanna know what I’m thinking about.

K: What ?

J: What are we going to do with Miles during the Fight ?

She looks at me.

K: Oh shit.

W: I can put a force field around him.

J: You can ?

W: Yes.

J: Good. That’s good.

E: We’re almost there.

W: I didn’t know how far we’d have to go.

I hold Kit’s hand as we walk.

Ja: Your mother told me before we left that you’d never give up. And there Might come a Time where I’d have to bring you Home.

K: You think this is it ?

We both look at her.

Ja: No. I think you’re gonna make that Decision on your own.

K: What did she tell you ?

I look at her.

J: Me ?

She nods.

J: She asked me if I really loved you. And then told me to protect both of you.

She squeezes my Hand. A giant  skeleton can be seen through the fog.

B: Hey do you see that ? 

G: What ? The Giant skull ?

B: Yeah. Just checking. I’m not who I thought I was Gray. 

G: Who are you ?

B: I’m nobody.

We keep walking. I give Boorman a look. I don’t know how long we were walking, but Miles needed Three new Diapers and was fed four times. When Boorman stops Elora from walking. We see a cliff with no end and nothing ahead of us. 

K: Oh my God. 

J: That is not good.

E: Impossible. 

G: Maybe we took a wrong turn somewhere.

J: Really we walked straight ahead. What Turns did we Take ?

B: Yeah, should've gone left. 

E: We crossed the sea. We passed the Test. The city is Supposed to be here. 

W: It isn’t.

E: It has to be !

W: I’m turning back. 

B: Yeah me too.

Ja: We went as far as we could Elora. 

E: No. This isn’t how it ends. 

K: How does it end ?

She lets go of my Hand and walks to Elora.

E: In the Immemorial City. With the wand Broken, and me … Dead.

K: What ? 

E: It’s what Willow saw in his Vision all those years ago. The reason Sorsha didn’t want him to Train me. Tried to hide me away. ‘Cause if I face the Crone, that’s how it’ll end. Isn’t it ?

We all look at Willow. 

W: How did you know ?

E: She showed me.

J: The Crone ?

Ja: You’ve been, what, communing with her ?

B: Great. Just Great. She led us right here.

W: I thought I could Change it. But I’m not a great sorcerer. I’m just a Farmer who got lucky. 

Crying Elora falls to her knees. 

W: And I can’t keep pretending. 

E: Neither can I. I don’t wanna be Elora Danan. I just wanna go home.

I look at her with a sad face. I can understand her. It’s a heavy burden resting on her shoulders. Kit looks at me and Miles.

K: Well, tough.

She goes to kneel in front of her.

K: You’re afraid. So am I. But you know what ? My fear, it doesn’t get to decide. It doesn’t get to, to define me. I’m not giving it the Power. I’m giving it to you. I have never believed in anything my whole life. I believe in you. 

E: I don’t know … I don’t know what to do. 

K: Yes, you do. We both do.

They get up.

B: Look around. It’s over. There is nowhere to gop but back

Kit takes a look at me and Miles. My breath gets stuck in my chest and I shake my head. She hugs Elora.

K: You ready ?

E: Yes.

J: No wait.

K: We’ll do it together.

J: Kit !

They both fall backwards. Jade holds me back. I cry and scream Kit’s name and Miles starts crying too. I fall to my Knees pressing Miles against my Chest. I feel someone hugging me.

B: I’m here.

I fall into Boorman and sob in his chest. 

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More Posts from Starjane312

2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 18

The next morning, when I wake up, Kit is gone. I groan and get up. When I step out of the Tent Boorman is leaning against a tree stump with his eyes closed. I kick his shoe.

B: Ah you’re awake.

J: Yeah.

B: You’re not allowed to see Kit.

I look at him with wide eyes.

J: Why not ?

B: Bad luck.

J: But …

B: No Buts. You have to get ready too.

I blink and look down.

J: What’s wrong with that ?

B: You wore the same thing yesterday.

I groan and get out my Bag I throw him 3 shirts.

J: Those are the only clean ones left.

He looks at all three of them and then throws me one. I throw it inside, take the other two which I stuff back in my Bag and go change. 

J: That better ?

B: Very much. Now your Hair.

I raise my Eyebrows. Elora walks to us.

E: Ah good you’re awake. 

I look at the basket with flowers.

J: What are those for ? 

E: Few for your Hair the rest for decorations.

J: My Hair ?

E: You wanna look pretty for your Wife don’t you.

I sigh and sit down on the Tree stump and she starts doing my Hair.

J: When did you get Kit ?

B: Bout half an hour ago.

Graydon walks to us too. I suppress a laugh. 

G: Stop laughing or you’ll get no food.

I look up.

J: Food ? I’m starving. 

B: Would’ve thought you ate enough last night.

I glare at him.

J: I may be sitting here but I still have my Dagger and I’m not scared to throw it.

He lifts his hands. I start eating the bread and stew.

J: Wait stew ?

E: It’s early noon Jane.

J: Hmm, Oh. Wait …

Boorman looks at me with Risen Eyebrows.

J: Don’t you dare say anything.

Elora pulls on a strand of my Hair.

J: Ow.

E: Stop moving your head.

I continue eating.

G: Did you even think about Vows ?

J: Bro my Marriage Proposal was caught in the Moment. No, I didn’t.

G: Maybe you should.

I roll my eyes.

B: He’s right. The Proposal was probably hold in private.

J: Yeah … I hate when you’re right Twinkle-Toes.

The next 10 minutes Elora Fixes my Hair. Then I get up.

J: What can I do now.

Kit Tanthalos X OC

Elora shrugs. I look at the basket.

J: What did you say you’re doing with the Flowers.

E: Decorations and the bouquet.

J: I can do the Bouquet.

E: You can ?

J: Why not ?

She hands me the Basket and sits down next to me.

J: How’d you know her Favourite Flowers ?

E: I asked her ?

I nod and start making the bouquet. Once it’s Finished Elora takes it and walks away. I look at Boorman and Graydon.

J: And now ?

B: Vows.

G: I have a pen and Paper.

He hands me a Book. I start scribbling down some words, scratch them out again. Not even 5 minutes later I hand him the Book.

J: Nope I won’t write that down. I can’t.

Ja: Hello.

I look at her.

J: Did you leave Kit alone ?

Ja: No Elora’s with her. What are you doing ?

B: She should be writing her Vows.

Ja: But … ?

J: I can’t write that down. I will come to my Mind just in Time.

After half an hour Jade comes to me again.

J: Jade ?

Ja: Yes ?

J: Can you be the Officiant ? You know us best.

She looks at me with tears in her Eyes.

Ja: I’d be honoured to. So yes. 

I hug her.

E: Be careful with the hair !

We both laugh and part.

B: It’s Time.

I look at him and my hands start sweating.

B: In 10 minutes.

I punch his shoulder.

J: I hate you. 

B: Love you too little sis. 

He kisses my Forehead. 

B: You can do this.

I nod.

Ja: I will need your Rings.

I nod and give her mine.

J: When we get home I’ll have new ones made.

She laughs and walks off. Ten minutes later I stand in front of a crowd. Jade behind me. Graydon and Boorman as my Mans of Honour and Elora and Willow on Kits side.

Ja: Welcome everyone ! On this beautiful day, Jane and Kit have brought us together to celebrate their love and union in matrimony. Thank you all for joining us and being a part of their love story.

A soft music starts playing. I look up and see Kit walking to me. She’s also wearing a white shirt and has flowers in her Hair. We’re both crying once we make eye contact. I smile at her. She hands the bouquet to Elora and Stands in front of me. I take her hands.

J: You look beautiful my love.

K: You look good too Darlin’.

We look at Jade. Who’s also smiling.

Ja: After years of nurturing a beautiful, strong relationship, it’s great to see these two taking the next step towards building a family.

I remember the day Kit told me that she loved Jane. There was a light in her eyes that I’d never seen before. She was excited and nervous. She worried that Jane didn’t feel the same connection she felt.

It warms my heart to see the way Jane looks at Kit. She looks at her as if she’s the last and only woman on Earth, and to her, I know she is. 

I’ve seen these two be there for each other through life’s unexpected twists and turns, only growing closer and stronger from each setback. I’ve seen them share laughs, exchange inside jokes and most shocking of all, I’ve seen Jane share her dinner with Kit, which is when I knew this was serious.

Marriage isn’t easy but I trust these two. I have trust in their love, their friendship, and their commitment to one another. With that, I think it’s time to let them speak on their love.

She holds a bowl with Truth plums in front of us. We both take one and eat them.

Ja: Do you Jane, solemnly swear that you will support and defend the institution of marriage against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Do you promise to honour and love Kit in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, Do you promise to cherish her as your most beloved ?

J: Yes, I do.

Ja: Do you Kit, solemnly swear that you will support and defend the institution of marriage against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Do you promise to honour and love Jane in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, Do you promise to cherish her as your most beloved ?

K: Yes, I do.

Ja: Then please face each other and share your vows.

We turn to look at each other again.

J: Kit, they say a life lived in love will never be dull, and since we started Dating 6 years ago truer words have never been spoken. 

You make me want to be a better person. With you, I feel safer than ever. I have never liked a voice as much as I like yours, and I wish to wake up to it every day. My life has been a rocky road but knowing that I will always find you at the end of it makes me want to keep going. I love you so much, my best friend, the love of my life.

Your love gives me hope. Your smile gives me joy. You make me a better Woman.

I used to be scared of what-ifs. But every time I take your hand I'm more excited for the future than scared. Because I know that even in our most difficult times, if I extend my hand in the darkness, I will always find yours, ready to walk with me until we find the light at the end of the tunnel. You are my strength, the gust of joy that picks me up when I am at my lowest. With you, I have found love, and I never want to let you go. Thank you for choosing me over and over again.

I mean How lucky am I to call you mine? Your love and trust makes me a better person, each and every day. For all those times that we've been together, there's always been a mutual understanding that's only shared when two people love each other truly. You were there for my greatest challenges. You encouraged me to grow. You helped me believe in myself and become the person that I am today. In your arms and by your side, I know I can do anything.

When I wake up, I think of you. When I go to sleep, my last thought is of you. My mind never stops turning back thoughts to you.

I promise to be your guiding light in the darkness, a warming comfort in the cold, and a shoulder to lean on when life is too much to bear on your own.

You're everything that I ever dreamed of and everything I will ever need. Our love for each other is heaven-sent. Today I vow to be here with you and for you, forever and always.

As we grow a family, like right in this Moment. I promise to work together, to be equal partners in life and to remember the amazing person I married.

I promise to be your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days.

Kit looks at me while crying. I hear others sniffle too.

K:Jane, you have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life, and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible. You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life.

I take you as mine, knowing and loving all of your strengths and faults, just as I offer myself to you as yours with all of my strengths and faults. I will be there for you in your times of need, just as I know I can turn to you when I need a guiding hand.

I can’t even promise I’ll never hurt you, because even the best of intentions sometimes falls short. What I do promise is to always reach for you over my pride, to hold you, to heal you, and to seek forgiveness .

But nothing will divide us because I know that with your love, I will always have strength.

Without you, my life has no meaning. I vow to always remember to treasure you

I could conquer the world with one hand, as long as you’re holding the other.

Love is friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows, one day at a time. Love is quiet understanding and mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real. It gives you strength and grows beyond you.

If you grow weak, I’ll be there to fight your battle for you. I’ll help you with your responsibilities and make your problems my own in order to spread the weight a bit more evenly.

If you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, I’ll be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you

I choose you and promise to choose you as my Wife every day we wake. I will love you in word and deed. I will laugh with you, cry with you, scream with you, grow with you, and craft with you. To be your kin and your partner in all of life's adventures is all I could hope for in the world. 

Loving what I know of you and trusting what I don't yet know, I give you my hand. I give you my love. I give you myself, the good, the bad, and the yet to come.

I promise to be there to catch you if you should stumble, carry you over every threshold, and fall in love with you every day.

Tears are streaming down my Face. Boorman hands Jade the Rings. Tears on his face. 

Ja: The wedding ring is an unbroken circle, which symbolises unending and everlasting love. It is a visible symbol that represents your inner commitment to one another. Because these circles are designed without an ending they speak of eternity. May the incorruptible substance of these rings represent a love glowing with increasing lustre through the years. May these rings which you give to each other be a sign of your love, trust, and faithfulness.

Jane, take Kit’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me.

With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.

I take her Ring and Put it on her Finger.

J: With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.

Ja: Kit, take Jane’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me:

With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.

K: With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days.

Ja: May your home be filled with laughter and the warm embrace of a summer day. And may you find peacefulness and beauty, challenge, and satisfaction, humour and insight, healing and renewal, love, and wisdom, as in a quiet heart. May you always feel that what you have is enough. Jane and Kit, we have heard the sincerity in your promise to share your lives in marriage. We recognize your love and support your decision to build a home together. By the power vested in me, Ten minutes ago. I now pronounce you Wife and wife.

Jane, you may kiss your bride !

She doesn’t have to say that twice. I gently grab Kits face and kiss her.

Ja: Everyone, give it up for Mrs. and Mrs. …

I point at Kit.

Ja: Tanthalos.

Everyone starts applauding. I laugh. I couldn’t be Happier. I kiss Kit again and lay one hand on her Belly.

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1 year ago

Do you know where i can find chapter 10 and 11 from kit tanthalos x oc?? I love the series!!<3

So I have a problem with the links. They are kinda broken, I've been trying to fix that since I posted the chapters.

I will keep trying to upload the links to the masterlist, until I succeed with that you'll sadly have to scroll down.

Thx for all the support and likes. That really keeps me going.

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 5

K: How much further to the Barrier ?

B: Another day. Maybe less.

I look at Kit who shortly smiles at me.

Ka: Rangers garrisoned at the Mothers’ Gate are led by Commander Remar, an Old Friend. We can Resupply before we head beyond the Realm.

B: You ever seen the Mothers’ Gate ?

Ka: Aye.

B: Ever been beyond it ?

Me and Kit Ride upfront.

B: Hey Don’t worry. I’m sure there’s plenty of stuff I’ve done that you haven’t.

Ja: I think someone’s Followin’ us.

B: You know that’s what I thought. Then I realized, you’d have to be pretty daft to follow us, considering we’re all gonna die.

G: Wait, you think we’re gonna die ? I wish someone Told me. I’m Really Scared of Dying.

J: Yes Twinkle-Toes, some of us might die and I’m making it my personal goal that you are the first.

G: What do you have against me ?

Ja: Shhh. Let’s get off the Road.

We get off the Road and Hide in the Trees. After a few Minutes we hear a Horse.

B: Hey they're coming get down.

Boorman gets the Rider of the Horse. When I see who it is I sigh.

K: Uh Uh. Absolutely not.

D: I wanna Help Rescue the Prince.

J: Yeah, Dove Not Happening.

K: Go Home.

D: You don’t understand. We’re in Love.

J: That what he told ya ?

Ja: I hate to break it to you but Aryk’s been in love with quite the ..

D: Not like this. Not like us. You think I’m a fool, fine. I don’t care.

Kit Hums agreeing

D: What we have comes around once, maybe, If you’re Lucky. And you’ve been.

She nods at me and then looks at Kit again. 

D: And there is nothing we wouldn’t do for each other.

K: Have you ever been in a Fight ?

D: You mean, like, verbally ?

J: No defending yourself against someone who wants to Hurt you.

D: No. Have either of you.

J: If you don’t remember last night ?

She looks at me for a second.

D: I can do other stuff, whatever you need. Tend Horses. And somebody’s gotta cook Right ?

I look at Kit.

J: She’s right.

Kit gives me a Death glare.  I raise my Hands.

B: Are you any good ?

D: I’m Phenomenal.

Kit looks at me and shakes her head.

K: She’s not coming with us, Boorman.

Ka: You heard the Princess. You're going back to Tir Asleen at First light.

Kit turns to him.

K: What ?

Ka: What ? It’ll be dark soon. She can go back in the Morning.

G: So what can you cook out here ?

J: Maybe you.

G: Ok why do you hate me ? I’ve done nothing.

J: If that's what you think.

Dove looks at me.

D: I heard you’re a good hunter.

J: Meh … From whom ?

D: Aryk.

J: He overestimates me. I caught One deer because it was dumb and ran in my Trap.

Half an hour later I caught a Possum and Dove stats Cooking. We sit by the Fire and wait for the Food, when Graydon starts playing the Flute.

K: Seriously ? You brought a flute ?

G: Yeah, was that not a good idea ? My Nan believed that music was a balm for the soul. So …

J: This is not some Jaunt.

K: Or your chance to see the World. It’s Dangerous and those things that took Aryk they’re not just gonna give him back.

She looks around.

K: Tell him.

Boorman takes the piece of Black Root out of his mouth.

B: Well, you’re all so Naive, it’s adorable. What you’ve never known pain, fear, hunger. When we get out there it’s not gonna matter who your Parents are or what you think you deserve. Because the World is bigger than you could possibly Imagine. It doesn’t give a damn about any of you.

Dove comes with a plate.

D: Possum stew ?

Boorman takes a bite. Chews. 

B: Wow

D: Phenomenal.

We all get Plates and start eating. Except for Kit. I sit down next to her.

J: Love you must eat.

K: I’m not hungry.

J: It doesn’t matter if you’re hungry or not, you have to eat. If not for me then for the Baby.

She exhales and starts Eating

D: I know it’s a silly question. But What is the Barrier Actually ?

Ja: It’s a force field, forged by Raziel and Cherlindrea to protect the realm. It was a refuge for those who wanted a life that was more than just Survival. My, um, Family was headed to the mothers’ gate when we were attacked. I was the only one that survived.

B: That's depressing but it’s not why they build the Barrier.

Me and Kit sit down next to Jade. My arm around Kits waist.

Ka: He’s right. It wasn’t built to protect the Realm, it was built for Elora Danan.

D: What Happened to her ?

Ja: People say she’s dead. But the Prophecy says that one day she’ll return and unite the world against the forces of Darkness. Truth is no one actually knows.

K: My Mother knows. Pretty sure my father knew too. I think he snuck her out of the castle one night and took her somewhere far away where nobody would find her. And then stayed with her.

My Arm around her tightens. She lays her head on my Shoulder.

B: That what you really think ? Or what you wanna believe ?

K: Why would I want to believe that he chose her instead of us ?

B: I don’t know. Maybe cause, you know, sometimes it’s easier to hate them.

J: I don’t know what happened with my Real Family and I don’t hate them. I don’t even know if they’re still alive. Or why they left me. I vaguely remember an older brother who left  when I was around 7 and never came back. I don’t hate him either.

Boorman looks at me in Surprise.

B: You don’t ?

J: No. I like to believe that everything happens for a good reason.

D: Even this ?

J: Yes. Something good must come out of this.

G: Ok, can we go back to the ‘Why do you hate me so much?’ question ? Cause I want to know what I did wrong.

I Groan.

J: Ok first of all you are stealing my last nerve right now. I hate you cause you show up with your Idiotic behaviour and think that you can just waltz in and ruin everything. And now leave me alone.

I stand up and walk to Moon who is Laying on the floor and sit against him. He lays his head on my Lap. 

J: Oh Mooney. 

I stroke his fur when kit sits down next to me. She pushes her shoulder against mine.

K: Hey.

J: Hey.

I exhale and she lays her Head on my shoulder.

K: Ignore him.

J: How can I ? When I know that you were one day away from Marrying him.

She takes my Hand.

K: I won’t.

J: I know.

She gives me a kiss and leans against me. I lay my Arm around her with my hand resting on her Belly and we both fall asleep.

In the early Morning I wake up. Kit is almost completely laying on me, her Head on my Chest. I smile and kiss her head and my Hand grazes her Belly where I feel a kick. I see Jade and Boorman looking at us. I look around and Dove is gone. I look at Kit Again.

J: Love wake up.

She buries her head in my Neck and Groans.

J: We have to get up.

K: A few more Minutes ?

I chuckle and nod.

J: Only a few.

I feel her smiling as she wraps her Arm around me.

K: Love ya.

J: Love ya more.

She falls back asleep.

B: Already on the ‘Love you’ stage ?

Ja: Oh please, they've been there for 3 years. They’re at the Disgusting in love engaged stage.

Boorman looks at me with Raised eyebrows. I smile and lift my hand off Kit’s Belly to Show the ring.

J: It’s true. But I wouldn’t say Disgusting.

B: That’s why you hate him so much ?

J: You wouldn’t ?

B: Would've killed him.

J: See.

B: Does anybody know ?

J: Jade, Aryk who Probably told Dove and The Queen since Yesterday.

B: Do they have disgustingly in love Nicknames for each other ?

He looks at Jade.

Ja: Jane calls Kit Love and Kit calls Jane Darlin’.

J: It’s not Bad.

Jade starts making breakfast.

B: And since when is your Girl Pregnant ?

I look at him.

J: How’d …

B: Your hand is resting on her belly the entire time. I’m not dumb.

J: Around four months. So still enough time. To get her Home safely.

Boorman nods.

B: Can I ask how ?

J: Witch in the woods and a Cow.

He looks at me confused and disturbed.

B: A cow ?

J: Its blood.

He nods shortly.

J: I'll explain it later.

I gently stroke Kits cheek.

J: Kit the few Minutes are over.

She glares at me.

K: I hate you.

J: I know. Love you too.

She sits up and gives me a Kiss.

B: I’m trying to have breakfast here.

I laugh at the face Kit pulls.

J: He knows.

She nods. I get up and get us something to eat while Jade wakes Graydon and Kase. After we’ve finished eating and packed everything up we start riding again.

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 15

The next thing I know is that the Gales chase us.


Kit, Jade and I are again being chased by the Monster with the cage on its head. We try to Hide in an Alley but when dust falls on us we see that he is standing on the wall. We all scream and run. We run to the Others and Hide behind a wall.

K: How long can they keep us up for ?

W: The Crone won’t let them rest till they have Elora and have killed us.

G: If only they took the Time to get to know us. Right ?

I exhale.

Ja: Where to now Captain ?

G: We can’t outrun them, so where can we go ?

W: Into the Wildwood.

J: Yeah, great ! Another place that is said to be cursed.

I smile sarcastically.

G: She’s right, what about the you know, perils of the Wildwood ?

E: What Perils ?

W: People say there’s something in the Air, the Trees, the water, that makes you …

G: Never wanna leave.

J: Loose your will to do anything.

K: Trust me. We are not spending any more time in there than we need to.

E: Yeah, no way.

W: If anybody has any better Ideas, I’m sure we’d love to hear them.

The cage Monster lands in front of us.

W: RUN !

I get up and pull Kit with me. We run into the Woods. We have to chop little branches.

B: The Key is Vigilance. Stay sharp. The wildwood is seductive. It lures you in with its sights and sounds. The next thing you know you’re officiating Weddings and Dog-sitting for casual acquaintances. 

K: Well, that’s not gonna Happen.

G: Personally, I’m still worried about the Perils.

We keep on walking. My hand gripping Kits and not letting go. We stop walking when we see tiny lights and Butterflies swirling around the Trees. It’s beautiful. Kit starts pulling me with her.

Ja: The Bone Reavers that Killed my Family fled into the Wildwood. Maybe they’re still here. Somewhere.

We make a pause. I sit down against a Tree Kit sitting next to me. I play with her Hands while Kit and Jade talk.

B: Listen Guys.

I look up

B: I know you all have your doubts about my integrity, motives, whatever. But I’m begging you to Trust me, when I tell you that no matter what happens next, I have a plan and everything will work out if you all just Remain …

Before Boorman can finish his sentence there is a Blade on my Neck.

B: Calm.

I Stare at him.

J: You could’ve just said Warning Danger stay Calm but nooooo.

B: Do you always have to be Sarcastic.

J: Yes.

The Bone Reavers  take us to their Camp. I see skulls as decorations.

J: Ah, just Lovely.

As we’re let go, I immediately go to Kit. She takes my Hand.

K: I’m fine.

J: Good.

?: Boorman.

B: Lori.

I look at him.

J: Lori ?

B: Toth’s first name is Lori but for some reason he’s insecure about it. Yeah Own it Lori. You know, make it yours.

He punches Boorman right on the Nose.

J: Thank you I would’ve done it If you hadn’t.

Toth points at me.

T: I like her.

?: Now, Now boys. Play Nice.

I look at a Woman. She looks interesting.

?: You don’t look dead.

B: Funny Story. Well not Ha-Ha funny. More like a “Ain’t life funny” kind of funny.

She walks down the Steps towards us.

?: You can Imagine my Surprise when Toth came back and said he’d run down a Tir Asleen cut-out. Five kids and a beanpole that Looked exactly like Thraxus Boorman.

I look at him.

J: What did you Idiot do ?

He ignores me.

B: You are entitled to an Explanation.

?: No one gets out of Skellin alive. Ever.

J: Sorry did you say Skellin ?

E: Skellin ?

Ja: Dread mines of skellin. In the Mountains.

J: Run by the Trolls.

B: What can I say ? Guess that makes me the Somebody who did.

?: I’m going to enjoy this. 

B: Well, if you’re thinking what I’m thinking you’re thinking so am I.

J: Just shut up for Once.

?: I doubt that very much.

She looks at Toth. 

?: Take him to my Tent and make sure he’s well tied up.

A man grabs him and pulls him there.

B: I don’t know. See, that Kind of sounds like we’re on the same Page.

I pull a disgusted face.

T: And the others ? Do you want em ‘ or should we just Fire up the old skull-boiling cauldron.

In an instant I push Kit behind me. But she steps in front of the Woman.

K: I’m Kit Tanthalos of Tir Asleen. I’m Queen Sorsha’s daughter.

J: My Love, what are you doing ?!

I lay my Hand on her Arm.

?: Scorpia. Well, actually, it’s her Sublime Eminence Mistress Magnificus Venoma Scorpia. But Scorpia’s fine.

J: Very nice to meet ya.

I pull Kit closer to me. Scorpia looks at me.

S: And you are ?

J: Me ?

She nods.

J: Jane Chander.

K: My Brother was abducted from our Castle.

S: Wasn’t us. Wasn’t, was it ?

She looks at Toth.

T: Mm- mmm.

J: It was servants of the Withered Crone.

K: We’re going beyond the shattered Sea.

The People laugh.

K: To rescue him. If you could find it in your Hearts to let us go. I’m sure my mother would repay the Favour.

J: And you can keep Boorman. He’s, like, The worst.

Ja: You're wasting your Breath. They don’t have a whit of Mercy about them, and they’re too stupid to realise what you’re offering them.

S: Maybe we won’t fire up the ol’ skull pot just yet. Lock the Nelwyn and the Pretty fella down the Borough. Toss these two in the Rattler.

She nods at Kit and Elora. They grab all four of them. Toth holds me and Jade. I start to struggle.

J: Hey let me go. No. Kit.

She looks at me.

S: We’ll keep those two here. They’ll make good sport.

K: Wait, what'll you do to her ?

Panicking, she looks at me and also starts to struggle.

K: Jane. 

And she disappears from my view.

J: Don’t harm her. Please.

I look at Scorpia. She steps towards me.

S: Why wouldn't I ?

J: She’s pregnant. You can Kill Boorman. I don't care. Just leave her.

She looks at me and nods. Me and Jade get bound up outside.

J: You ok ?

Ja: Yes.

J: Good.

Ja: Really you would let her Kill Boorman ? Your Brother.

J: I would kill myself, if that meant keeping Kit safe.

Ja: What did you see in that Castle ?

I look down.

J: I uh … 

Ja: Jane ?

J: We fought. Again, and I said that I couldn’t keep going like that. Then I just walked off. Uh … Then I heard her scream my name. I of course started running there and … there was a Door. Once I opened it she just laid there. Not breathing, not anything. She-She gave birth to the Baby. Alone. They  were both …

Tears run down my face.

Ja: That’s why you were Crying so much.

J:Boorman was carrying me cause I tried jumping out a Window.

Jade keeps quiet. 

Ja. What ?!

Suddenly there is an explosion. We see Kit and Elora. Bone Reavers stand around them.

E: We don’t wanna hurt anybody, and nobody wants to get Hurt.

K: Oh, I will hurt you, if I have to.

E: Hurt you bad.

K: All we want are Jane and Jade. Where are they ?

J: We’re here.

She looks at us and walks to us. 

J: I’m fine.

K: Cut them loose.

T: Afraid we can’t do that. Not without the Mistress's say-so.

E: I will melt your face off Lori !

T: We have a sayin’ for People who make Empty threats. They make nice Hats.

They grab both of them.

J: Hey let them go !

Scorpia walks to kit sarcastically clapping.

S: I applaud your Spirit Princess, but you really must loosen up, have some fun.

Jade frees herself from her Binds Grabs a Knife and holds it against Scorpia’s Throat.

Ja: I’m lots of fun and I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.

S: Oh gorgeous, I’m all yours.

And in the Next second Jade lays on her back and Scorpia lands a good Punch in her face. But jade fights back. It ends when Scorpia has Jade on her knees, her head tilted forward, and her Hair pulled up. Scorpia freezes. Then gets off her. Stunned, I look at her.

S: Take her to my Tent.

They’re in it for a few Minutes. When they come out Scorpia commands to make us free. I instantly walk to Kit and check her.

J: Are you ok ?

K: Yes, are you ?

I nod and she hugs me. I look at Jade.

J: What is going on ?

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2 years ago

Kit Tanthalos x OC

Big Masterlist


Chapter 12

After a while Boorman's Horse stops walking.

B: Come on. You are Embarrassing me.

I smile at him still sitting on Moon.

K: Keep going.

B: Oh yeah, I’m trying. I just think his enthusiasm has waned.

K: The cuirass.

I look at him.

B: Ah well after Thuul impaled his little Brother on a spike…

K: The Part about my father and Jane's Brother.

He looks at me with the ‘You haven’t told her ?!’ look.

B: Me and her brother were the young handsome heroic ones. He was our, uh, slightly shorter comedic foil. 

K: And where’d you go ? Why did you come back, and they didn’t ?

B: There is no such thing as Fate. Okay, you get lucky, or you get Dead. I got Lucky.

K: So, you actually saw them ?

B: No but I know what I know.

K: How ?

B: Cause if he were Alive. If he’d come back, things would be different. You know the Cuirass isn’t a weapon. It’s a shield.

K: Against what ?

We look up and see the Giant Cloud over a Hill and Exactly in that Direction are we Going.

I look at Boorman.

J: You’re my Brother, aren’t you ? I’ve been thinking about it since you told that story. I’ve heard it before the exact same way.

Boorman looks at me and plays along.

B: Yeah.

Kit looks between us.

B: I found you in a closet after your Village was burned down by Raiders.

I nod. 

J: And the rest of my Family ?

B: They’re dead.

I stare in front of me.

J: Ok. I still don’t  hate you.

He nods.

B: Thanks.

K: That is so weird.

B: You think that is weird ? You got Pregnant because of a witch. 

He looks at me.

B: You still haven’t told me how that Worked.

Kit walks up ahead. 

J: Well, we needed to give her a Blood sacrifice. First time we brought two chickens. We got some weird Tea. The Witch drew a circle of Blood on the floor, and we had to sit in it. She drew some weird rune things with the Blood on our Arms and Back.

B: You were naked ?

J: Yes, now shut it. Uh she slit our hands and we had to press them together. She started Chanting some stuff. Then Pushed our hands away from each other so that our hands are still connected by the Wrist and the Blood pooled around there. She chanted some more, and a Blob of Blood flew in the Air which spinned around a little and then flew to Kits Abdomen and disappeared in the Flesh.

B: You said the First time ?

J: Took three Times. Second one was a Goat. Third a Cow.

He nods. We arrive at a destroyed Village and Bind our horses to a Pole.

K: It’s a Graveyard.

B: Hey what can I say ? I’m as disappointed as you are.

K: What happened to the Slaughtered Lamb ?

B: Must have gone out of Business ?

J: You’re Lying, aren't you ?

B: How dare you ? At least one-third of everything I’ve said has been true.

I groan.

K: We’re such Idiots.

B: No, you’re not you’re just … You’re just very Young.

K: I’m going back. Don’t care what you are doing Jane.

J: Kit wait.

B: Yeah, Wait.

K: Maybe I can still catch up with Jade.

B: Okay, the Guy who owned this place was a close Friend of your father’s. Okay we trusted him and he’s the only Person we told the Secret of the Cuirass to because we knew he’d take that Secret to his Grave.

A thunderclaps and I flinch. We go to an Opening that leads down.

K: You think it’s Down There ?

B: There’s only one way to find out.

Boorman goes down after me. Kit comes down a few seconds later. We get Torches and wander through the Halls. To a Room with a Well.

B: Over here.

He throws a bucket down and sits on the Edge.

J: Yeah, we’re not going down there.

B: Of course not. I need you to stay here and pull me up. Look out for the Wererats.

K: What ?

B: See ya.

He jumps down.

K: What are Wererats ?

B: Exactly what they sound like.

I sit down on the Step and stare at the Wall. Kit walks around. I sigh.

K: What ?

I look at her.

J: I’m not Sorry for going easy on you. 

She scoffs.

J: You know, considering you were Pregnant and you, you know, didn't tell me.

K: I told you before that I’m sorry about that. Ok ?

J: Yes, you did. But that Doesn’t change it. You could’ve gotten Hurt.

K: And now ?

I stand up.

J: I KNOW ! We talked about Stopping. Stop letting you win. But we didn’t. We just went harder. We never thought any of this would Happen. Everything I ever did was Trying to Protect you. But apparently that has no worth.

K: I really hate you right now you know that ?

I grab my Torch and walk to the Exit. Tears in my Eyes.

K: Where are you going ?

J: Outside. I need a breather.

K: Jane …

I keep walking, a Tear running down my Face. When I arrive outside it’s Raining. Then I see Ballentine Merrick and Keene. And the others.

J: What in the fuck knuckles is Going on here ?

And the Fight begins. I quickly get out my Sword and Start fighting. We all fight everyone. The wagon explodes but we can’t concentrate on that. If Kit and Boorman hadn’t come out of a Brick wall and pushed Ballentine away Jade would’ve been Dead. I try to protect Kit as best as I can. I fall on the Floor. Keene Stabs my shoulder with his Dagger. I scream out in Agony. It all ends in bright light. Ballentine Keen and Marrick get pushed away. The magic fading into thin golden air. I hold my Shoulder, the blade still in it. I see Silas on the Ground Willow by his side.

K: Jane !

Kit and Boorman come to me. 

B: I’m gonna pull out the Dagger and you need to put immediate pressure on it.

She nods.

J: No don’t you dare Boorman. I will kill you.

B: I’m sorry Sis. I need to do that. Otherwise, it will get infected.

J: Please don’t.

Tears run down my Face. He pulls out the Dagger. I scream out. Kit pushes her hand on the wound.

J: Fuck you Boorman.

He Rips part of his Cape and Binds my Shoulder. I hear Jade Crying. I get up.

K: Jane.

B: You need to sit down.

I push their Hands away.

J: Let me. 

I slowly walk to Jade, Blood running down my Shoulder. She looks at me. I pull her in my Arms.

J: I’m so sorry.

She shakes her head and gets up. She cleans her Blade. Elora Binds my Shoulder. Boorman Buries Silas.

B: Horses are Gone. They ran off and I think they had the Right Idea. All except for Moon. The Pitiless pass is about to become the Pitiless Lake. I don’t think we can go the Way out we came in.

E: There’s another way.

K: Those steps ?

W: No, we can't go that Way.

K: Why not ?

He doesn’t answer. I go to moon.

B: Okay, well, now you can do Magic, you wanna fly us out of here ?

J: No ? Well then, I’m going up the Big scary steps.

I take Moons lead and start walking. Boorman walks with me and one after another the others follow us. It’s still pouring Rain.

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