Expensive Things
Expensive Things
Synopsis - When you start secretly dating Bruce Wayne, Gordon starts worrying about where you got all these new expensive things
Warnings - mentions of blood, injury, and gordon thinking the reader has a sugar daddy lmao
Masterlist 🧚🏻♀️
Bruce Wayne Masterlist 🌻

Bruce Wayne.
How could you describe him?
Self-centered? Loner? Smart? A bit Over the top? Shy? Handsome?
The last one made your heart leap in your chest when you thought about it. But you didn't think he liked you this way. No, to him you were most likely just his good only friend from high school, the only friend who he had somehow managed to keep for so long.
You weren't part of the high society of Gotham and had a tad of a passion for investigations. Sometimes you even thought your talent for quick conclusions spooked Bruce, causing him to push you away lately.
But then you met The Batman, and he left you and your little heart to be torn in pieces.
Your passion to play detective had landed you a good job as James Gordon's assistant, making you his right-hand woman when handling Batman-related things.
And of course, what you felt like Bruce didn't see in you, you felt like Batman did. When Bruce would often put you aside when things got rough, when you tried to help with your detective skills. Well, Batman seeked your help. He trusted you. He didn’t push you away from a mission, or didn’t push you away when things got rough.
And now you felt yourself list all the ways you could describe him.
Smart? Loner? A bit over the top? Trusting? Handsome?
Now you had to take a minute to rethink. Handsome? You had never seen the top of his face.
But your mind travelled to the times when he made eye contact with you. When his piercing grey eyes made your heart do flips and turn your stomach upside down. Your mind travelling to how his voice brought shivers down your shoulders. How his jaw line contrasted with the black of his cowl.
You had a crush on both Batman and Bruce Wayne. Batman had torn your heart in two, leaving you to doubt your feelings and being a mess in front of both.
The worst part was, that Batman flirted with you all the time. Even to the extent that Gordon would ask him to stop and to ask you out already, or simply stop for his own sake.
But everything became less confusing when Batman came tumbling down your window, all bloody and bruised up.
You panicked, the sudden noise making you jump awake and aware. You had been dosing off while writing a report and his sudden arrival made you wide awake. You grabbed the knife you always kept under your desk and quickly turned around, your face dropping at the sight.
Batman had fallen onto your white carpet in a pool of his own blood.
"Holy shit" You dropped your knife and came near him, crouching to get a better sight.
You placed a hand on his shoulder, slowly turning him around to see the half of his face that wasn't covered by the mask.
"Y/n-" He mumbled.
"Bats what happened?" You frowned, trying to calm your own panic down before scanning his body to see his hand clutching his side. The pannels of his suit had been destroyed to reveal black fabric soaked in blood. The side of his face was badly bruised and blood was smeared on his chin.
"Bad guys" He groaned trying to keep his eyes open.
"I'll be right back." You frowned again before standing up and making a mental list of what you had to grab; towels, warm water, your first aid kit, bandages...
You thought that maybe you should call Gordon, or a Doctor? No. You couldn't bring him to the hospital...
You breathed. You could do this.
You came back to him, your heart beating like lighting as you saw him sprawled in a starfish position, still in the same spot beneath your window. He was muttering something under his breath that you tried to understand but couldn't seem to make out, maybe trying to keep himself from passing out.
"Are you ok to move, bats?" You asked carefully and he tried to nod. "I at least need you to sit up against my bed, ok?"
He listened, and with your help he was sat up, his head resting against the bed as you held his shoulders. You analyzed him carefully until you spotted the bloody area.
"I'll probably have to take your shirt off, bats. Is that ok?" You touched the side of his armor and looked at him. His bright eyes looked back at you and he nodded before closing them back again.
"Never thought you'd be the one to undress me first."
"Shut up and let me work." You bit back a smile, the flirty comment reassuring you that he would be fine. You frowned again when he winced at your touch.
Each piece of armor was carefully dropped against your already stained carpet until only the thin black shirt was revealed to you. It was already torn into pieces from the fight, making the removal easier.
"I hope you own more black shirts."
"You'd be surprised." He attempted a smile but gave out a big 'oof' instead as you started patching him up, the gash on his side too distracting to make you blush at the sight of his toned body or even think about who was under the suit just by how his abs looked.
You had one mission; save him so he didn't die on your bedroom floor.
"I'm sorry." He broke the silence.
"For?" You didn't look up from the wound as you replied.
"Coming here, like this..."
"Bats, you know it's alright-"
"You're the only one I trust, Y/n/n" He cut you off, the nickname rolling off his lips as if he had been saying it all his life, making you lift your gaze up to meet his. You didn't know what was different about this, maybe the way he used your nickname for the first time, or the haze in his voice. But you felt your blood rush to your cheeks more than it already had.
Maybe it was a tiny bit more than a crush...
"What about Gordon?" You attempted.
"He doesn't know me like you do." Your hands stopped moving and your eyes kept focus on his face, trying to figure out what he meant.
That was a lie. Gordon had started to work with Batman even before you had arrived in the G.C.P.D.
You didn't seem to know what to reply, and the eye contact was getting longer by the second.
Batman grunted as he leaned on one arm to scoot closer to you, his other hand attempting to reach yours. He tried to focus all his strength on sitting up without resting against the bed - making you grab the side of his arm so he wouldn't fall over.
"I'm sorry about being so distant lately." He whispered, and if you weren't so close you might have not been able to hear him.
His words might have confused you, but something about the change in his voice felt so familiar, so comfortable - as if you had known him your entire life...
Before you could think of something to say or wonder what he meant, his lips were on yours.
Your eyes went wide open until you registered what was going on. Your eyelashes brushed his face as you closed your eyes, gripping his arm to deepen the kiss.
Your other hand wrapped around his neck as his held your waist. You subconsciously reached to place a hand in his hair but were quickly stopped by the edge of his cowl, making you come back to earth.
You didn't know who you were kissing...
But damm it felt nice.
As if he had read your mind, he pulled away - eyes scanning your face for any reaction, but all he could see was your hesitation to kiss him again.
With a small sigh, he kissed your cheek and slowly brought his hands to his cowl.
"Wait-" you took his wrist in yours. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean-" He shut you up with a kiss.
"Yes." He mumbled, squeezing one of your wrists.
He took one of your hands in his making you reach for the edge of his mask. The fabric felt smooth and almost cold under your skin, contrasting with the warmth of his hand on top of yours.
He closed his eyes and took a breath, you blinked slowly - the moment almost feeling like slow motion as he made your hand hook with the back edge of the cowl and slowly slipping it off.
It was a staring contest as it slowly moved away from his face.
Your breath caught in your throat.
The same grey eyes that you had been staring at your entire life were staring back at you.
"Bruce." You whispered and he leaned against you, faces inches apart. Your breath was caught in your throat, and all you could do was keep your gaze on his.
Somehow it made sense. The way Bruce had been more distant. The little times you saw him he seemed more sleep deprived than usual and less talkative. More reserved.
Batman, on the other hand, he was everything Bruce had been during your childhood. Cheeky jokes and sarcastic comments with more flirting and a good extra dose of charm.
"I wanted to tell you" he stopped to sigh "for so long."
Your brain moved faster than you could comprehend and your lips were on his again. Shushing him with a kiss, trying to tell him it was ok, that you loved him, but also trying to convince yourself that he felt for you just as much.
You pulled away, and smacked his chest with the back of your hand.
"Ow!" He whined, "what was that for?"
"Not telling me sooner" before he could reply you kissed him again, but the kiss was broken by your growing smiles.
"So I take it you like me as well?" He raised an eyebrow and your eyes went wide.
"Like you as well? Bruce, I’ve been head over heels for you since high school"
And the rest was history.
It would be a lie to say that Gordon didn’t notice a change. You started coming to work with a grin and a small step to the way you walked. You seemed happier, more at peace.
It didn’t take him long to figure out.
And it only took a month for you to actually say it.
You were planning a mission with Batman, and like always: his flirting was annoying Gordon, but today in particular he didn’t seem in the mood to take it anymore.
Gordon's head was bowed over the map while you looked at it, trying to figure out where to put the little figurines of you and Batman to show where you would position yourselves to spy on your next mission. You smiled a little to yourself as you remembered going into the toy store and finding a little Batman stocked in the corner of a shelf.
Batman was collecting information via his computer, trying to focus on the little information you gad until a light smirk covered his lips when you slightly bent over the table to place the toy in your hand on the map.
"You look good in those jeans." He smirked.
You felt heat come to your cheeks and eyed him with a furious look. His flirts were only growing bolder since the two of you were together, and you 1. didn't want Gordon thinking something was going on between you two and 2. getting embarrassed in front of your boss.
Gordon who had way pass enough his tolerable dose of flirts for the night lightly slammed his hand on the table and glared daggers at Batman.
"Can you please cut the flirting, please" Your boyfriend raised his hands up in defeat.
"Yeah." You chimed in. "I should warn you, my boyfriend wouldn't like it" You gave him a cheeky smile and eye contact only he could decipher.
"I'm sure I could take your boyfriend down easily"
"You think so?" You teased.
Gordon wasn't wrong, you had someone.
"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Gordon thought at loud, his curiosity breaking the coded bickers between you and Batman.
"Oh yeah, I forgot haven't told you." You look back down at the map in a poor attempt to change the subject.
"How long have you two been together?"
"About a month." You nodded.
"What does he do for a living?"
"What is this? An interogation?" You looked up at Gordon who looked like he had been caught in the middle of a heist.
"I just want to know who you're dealing with-" You wanted to laugh at his choice of words and side-eyed Bruce who was trying his best to keep himself out of the conversation.
"My relationship is not a criminal case, Gordon. He's a great guy that I really like, and can you accept the fact that maybe I don't want to tell who he is just yet?"
"Because if you knew you would make a full case file on him. And don’t act like I didn’t see files of my ex opened on your computer after I told you his name back when we started dating."
"You did that?" Batman chimed in with a light chuckle.
"You're not in this conversation." Gordon snapped.
"Just please, trust me."
And even though you knew he didn’t, at least he stopped asking questions.
Until four months later where his worries increased.
And who’s fault was that?
Your dear boyfriend who kept showering you with gifts and expensive things.
"Bruce, you have to stop" you made a desperate face as your thumb glided over the fabric of the Versace heels he had just gifted you.
"I saw you eyeing them when I was getting a new suit" he gave you a light smirk as he watched you bit your lip. Your words might have told him the contrary but he knew you were fan girling over these shoes and couldn't wait to wear them.
"I love them but, babe, you have to stop." You whined as you put the shoes back in their box and went to peck his lips.
"My closet is becoming fuller and fuller of designer clothes and people around me are starting to notice" you squeezed his shoulder a bit. "I even feel like Gordon is starting to get suspicious"
"Then don’t go to work in the things I gift you"
"Bruce, it has taken over my entire closet"
And exactly a week later, your predictions came true.
"Y/n, Im worried about you." Gordon stopped you as you were heading out of the building.
"Umm ok?" You blinked, holding onto your phone a bit tighter in your hand. It was late, you had a diner reservation and Bruce's car was parked a block away, waiting for you.
"Well…" Gordon shifted his weight from feet to feet, sighing before digging both his hands in his pockets and looking at you. "I’m not going to deny that you look… happier."
You raised an eyebrow as you tried to guess where he was going with his statement.
"But, this man you’re dating, he’s been giving you an awful lot of fancy gifts" he pointed to your brand new Burberry coat and the expensive heels you were wearing. Not to mention that he didn’t spot the thousand dollar dress you were wearing under the beige fabric. You were speechless, almost instantly knowing where he was going with this. "And.. I can see that he makes you happy I just- I’m worried that- and of course I trust you, I know you don’t let yourself be seduced by fancy things- but” He took a breath for courage. "I’m worried he’s got a grip on you with gifts- and-"
"Are you worried that I have a sugar daddy?" You tried to hold a laugh.
"Well- I wouldn’t-"
"Gordon." You put a hand up to his shoulder. "Please do not worry" you let you a short laugh at his antics. "He’s my age. And I’ve known him forever" you bit your lip so another laugh wouldn’t escape you.
Gordon’s eyes seem to soften as you explained.
"Trust me, I ask him not to get me all this" you pointed down to your clothes. "But that’s just who he is, I guess" you smiled a bit as you thought to the little meaningless fight you’d have over gifts. "So no, I am not a sugar baby" you chuckled as the words left your lips.
"That’s good." A tight lip smile fell across his features and a short silence lingered, you knew he wanted a name, to put a face on the one who would make you late for work, make you mindlessly smile when you thought of him, the one that bought you all these new things you kept changing into after work.
"I know you want his name" you broke the silence. "But not yet." You shook your head. "I promise you’ll find out and can make your police report on him to make sure he’s a good guy for me or whatever-"
"I wasn’t-"
"Gordon we both know-"
"Fine but-"
"Please trust me on this one. As I’ve said, I’ve known him forever. He’s a good guy, but I just can’t tell you yet." Your phone buzzed as you said that, a red heart filling the space for the name.
"He’s waiting for me." You smiled as you showed him your phone, Gordon sighed before moving and letting you through to the front door. "I’ll see you tomorrow."
Your 6 months anniversary was supposed to be perfect.
And apart from the rain that was pouring out onto Gotham, nothing could stop this moment from being amazing.
You were both sitting at a restaurant that gave out a beautiful view of the city. Its skyline almost looked even more beautiful with the rain hitting the river and making the street lights flicker.
You were deep into conversation, half of your appetizers already gone as you let the night take its course.
Those big grey eyes were looking back at you as you smiled, it was almost intoxicating how much you were falling more and more in love with him by the second. Everything about the way he was with you was warm and brought you comfort. He somehow felt like home, a home that you could find refuge to forever. Even with the over-exaggerated amount of gifts that you knew you couldn't level up with.
Everything was quiet, you could barely hear the chatter from the other guests, your table being too far and too hidden from the rest of the big room, to hidden for anyone to even notice the prince of Gotham was there.
You were about to break the short loving silence that had slithered itself into the evening. About to express the burning feeling in your heart-
but of course your work phone cut you.
"You can’t be serious?" you sighed and a short ugh sound left your lips as you threw your head back in desperation, Bruce frowned.
You had specifically told Gordon not to call you in case it was a big, batman level emergency.
He melted a bit in his seat at the thought of this night getting cut off by some Batman business, he started picking at the W engraved cufflink as he watched your face for a reaction to the call.
"Hello?" You heard muffled noises. Sounded like car tyres and an engine, maybe even the heavy rain ringing in the distance.
"Y/n-" the sound became less muffled, and suddenly you heard gunshots. Bruce watched as your face twisted with horror.
"I need you to meet me at the bat-signal, now. Light it up, I’ll be there when I can."
"Gordon what is happening? Are you ok?"
"Yes, I will be. I have to go-" more confusing sounds came from the other side of the line until it was cut by silence, and Bruce’s voice.
"What happened?"
"I- I don’t know- I heard guns, he was in a car- he- he told me to meet him at the bat signal, light it up. It sounded really bad"
He had that calm collected look he always did when he was trying analyse the situation and his next moves.
"Alright let’s go."
He took your hand as you walked back to the counter. You chewed on your bottom lip in anxiety as you tried to figure out what could have possibly happen to Gordon while Bruce figured out the entire paying and getting his jacket and your bag back from the coat check. You barely heard him ask for his car keys instead of someone bringing his car to him, something about being in a hurry.
But now you had other worries.
Spring had called to you being dressed in a long sleeveless dress and shiny heels, not only will you be meeting Gordon like this but your shoulders were barely covered for the rain.
And of course, the parking had to be in another building, leaving you to walk a block in the rain. You heard Bruce mumble a complaint about how this fancy restaurant could at least have a parking in the same building.
The second you were met with the flooding rain he shrugged his jacket off and laid it on your shoulders despite your resistance.
The leather of the car ended up getting soaked, so did your dress and Bruce's jacket that was now securely wrapped around your shoulders. Bruce was soaked just as much as you, his hair was unevenly poking around like the back of a hedgehog.
The two of you would have probably laughed at the situation if this had been different, but right now his eyes were focused on the road and yours on trying to get news from Gordon.
The bag signal lit up in the sky as your answer. He probably was already there, safe and away from who ever was chasing him before.
"What an anniversary."
"Tell me about it."
He parked right in front of the abandoned building, watching you as you slipped the sleeves of his jacket on, an attempt at shielding yourself from the storm that was waiting for you outside of his sports car.
"I’ll see you in a few minutes" you leaned your forehead against his.
"I love you" he mumbled before kissing your lips and reluctantly letting you go. He made sure you were inside before firing up his engine.
Gordon looked pissed.
The side of his jacket was ripped out, his glasses were crooked, he was dripping with rain just like you, and he was pacing around like a maniac, mumbling things as he did.
The sound of your heels came before your voice.
“What in the world happened?"
His wide eyes scanned your figure for a second and you realised he had noticed your outfit.
Of course he would
“I didn’t have time to change, I was at a restaurant.” You defended, bringing Bruce’s vest a little closer to your body as a shiver passed down your spine from the accumulated rain.
“I’m sorry I cut your evening” he sounded really desperate, not mad at you or frustrated that you came into work dressed in clothes more expensive than 3 months worth of both your paychecks united and heels that would definitely made you unable to run in case of emergencies.
"It’s alright, I just want to know." You pleaded again, taking a step closer to him.
"I found them, the base we have been searching for. I found half of their crew trying to smuggle something- I don’t know what yet, but it’s at least another clue. I know where they’re hiding now. But as I made my way out one of their guys spotted me-" he continued explaining the goose chase that had been going on while you were at diner. You carefully took in the information, trying to piece out the puzzle of this case.
You thought that maybe this would lead you to the Joker, or some other villain trying to put any version of your boyfriend’s head on a spike as well as rule Gotham’s darkest corners.
As he finished up his story, there he was, Batman. The shadow you had fallen in love with, a different version of him from the one you had been with barely 10 minutes ago.
"Nice fit" he looked at you up and down, not bothering to cover the way he was checking every piece of you out - and if you weren't dating the man behind the suit you would have probably wished you could disappear into a puddle with the rain.
"What are we here for?" He asked as if he hadn't known the danger Gordon had been in 20 minutes prior.
"Found them, they chased me around, I need you to bring us back to the station, I had to crash my car so they would stop following me" He winced at the memory. "We need to figure out what they want and what they're dealing so we can attack again. " He removed a usb plug from his pocket.
"What's that?" you frowned.
You had forgotten how being in the Bat mobile felt. It was almost like a race car but everything was ten times more intense. You thought it might have even been similar to how formula one drivers felt. A swarm of buttons covered the dash, and when the inside of the car lit up, you remembered you'd have to be in the cramped back seat. Half of the space had been taken by version engines. You didn't even know if you could call this a seat.
"Sorry, princess," Batman mumbled as he opened his door and moved his seat forward so you could climb in the back. "Promise I'll give you a better ride next time." He winked and you wanted to hit him in the ribs to stop, but you quickly realized that it would be really dumb to do when he had his suit on.
That's when Gordon noticed the shiny button of Bruce's jacket that you still wore. Your hand was placed on top of the car as you made a movement to get in, the street light was reflecting on it.
His eyes focused on the engraved letter on the button.
He closed his eyes as he realized.
How could he have been so blind?
'I've known him forever' your words came back to him.
You were dating Bruce Wayne.
Of course, you were.
The gifts, the fancy dates, the wishing to keep the relationship a secret.
He snapped out of his realization and slid into the passenger seat of the batmobile, a smirk lighting up his features.
"You need a ride?" Batman offered as you yawned. You smiled as you put a file back in a cupboard. It was 3 am, you were finally satisfied with what you had come up with: a small plan that consisted of the three of you kidnapping the main boss and getting the information out of him.
Gordon looked up from his glasses before you could answer.
"I need to talk to her alone before, I'll give her a ride. Sorry Bats." He gave him a tight slip smile and you could see Bruce trying to keep his expression neutral.
"That's alright" He nodded, giving you a 'i'll be waiting for you at your place' look "I'll see you guys around."
"Bye bats"
Before he was even out the door you opened your phone to text him.
"One second I'm just texting my-"
"Bruce Wayne?" He took the words out of your mouth.
"What?" You froze.
How did he figure it out? was all your mind could play as you tried to find words to get out of this.
"Your boyfriend, Bruce Wayne." He folded his arms.
"Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Don't change the subject, Y/n" You swallowed as you knew there was no good way out of this.
"No?" It sounded like more of a question. "I'm not dating Bruce Wayne- he's- he's my friend."
"Right the friend who you went to diner with and came back with his jacket" He pointed to the vest you were still wearing.
Your eyes went wide and you noticed the W buttons.
"I promise I was going to tell you- I was just waiting-"
"Y/n, it's alright."
"I get why you haven't told me, and I promise you that this time I won't make a file on him" He smiled a bit.
"You're not mad?"
"Why are you smiling you usually hate my boyfriends"
"Y/n. You're a family friend, I've known you since you were a kid. But you forget I've known him since he was a kid." He pointed out. "The two of you weirdly fit together, Bruce is a good guy, I approve"
"You do?" You stayed baffled for a few seconds. 'Well that went better than expected'
"So you will stop asking me questions about my relationship?"
"Oh thank god."
"But just one condition, you ask Batman to cut off with the flirting or else I'm calling your boyfriend to tell him what's happening when he isn't around." That made you smile.
"Alright, I will"

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More Posts from Starstruckwinnerpeanutscissors
say my name | hc
pairing: tate langdon x female reader
summary: headcanons - you discover tate’s kink while making out with him, and eagerly entertain the new information
warning: smut, so 18 + only; mommy kink, choking
a/n: I live off of feedback, especially after one of my many hiatuses. please leave a comment or reblog, as it would feed my starving ego

Keep reading
Sticky Notes (Bruce Wayne x GN!Reader)
Hi I wrote this in 30 minutes bc I wanted to get the idea out before I forgot so I apologize if this is crappy in any way! I’m a bit rusty when it comes to writing so please bear with me <3
Also! I tried to portray B as accurately as possible so I apologize if he seems too OOC lol
Warnings: fluff, puns
Requested: Yes! When I replied to the ask I accidentally clicked ‘answer privately’ and I lost it so I tried my best based on what I remember from the request. If you want me to rewrite it please let me know!

It all started with a blue sticky note on the Batcomputer (as you affectionately named it).
‘Don’t forget to get some rest B <3 U need it.’
It had caught his eye when he went to sit down to document everything from the night. From the handwriting, Bruce knew it was you who had written it.
You were also the only one who could call him B and get away with it.
Bruce found himself smiling as he picked it up and placed it on the desk. Once he had finished writing and analyzing everything, he placed the sticky note in his diary journal, not wanting to lose it.
A few days later, he found another sticky note (this time yellow), on his bedroom door after a night of crime fighting.
‘You are doing amazing <3’
Bruce felt his face warm up at the note. The words on the small piece of paper seemed to make the weight on his shoulders disappear, and he slept more soundly that morning.
Sticky notes of various colors started appearing through the tower throughout the week, and Bruce collected them all like pokemon cards. He kept them with him at all times, not wanting to lose them.
‘Hey there, hot stuff’ (this was on his bathroom mirror, and he chuckled as he read it)
‘I love you like macaroni loves cheese!’ (this was left on a container of mac and cheese for waiting for him in the Batcave)
‘You take up so mushroom in my heart <3’ (With a drawing of a mushroom)
And his personal (not that he would admit it) favorite, written on a black sticky note in a silver sharpie:
‘I am all a-bat you!’
“Thank you.”
You jumped before whirling around to see Bruce standing in the entrance of the study you were currently occupying.
His blue eyes latched onto yours, affection and gratitude shining in them, something that he rarely showed.
“For what?” You asked, standing up and walking towards him.
He pulled out the notes.
“They were a nice surprise.” He explained, glancing at the notes before lifting his gaze to you.
“Oh! Yeah, you’re welcome. I wanted to do something nice for you.” You smiled shyly, looking down at the notes in his hand.
Bruce noticed you looking at the sticky note at the top. He let out a faint smile before leaning down and whispering in your ear:
“I am all a-bat you too.”
(If all these sticky notes ended up on a board in the Batcave for him to read before and after he went out, that was no one’s business but his own.)
Alfred bought him the board when he noticed that Bruce was sad because the sticky notes were starting to get wrinkled from being in his pockets for too long.
Thank you for reading!
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the ones i love
pairing(s): jason todd x fem!reader
summary: you go all wanda maximoff and take over gotham after jason's death and the only one who can stop you is well...jason.
warning(s): just rotten fucking angst and crying, also bruce is being kind of a dick and this takes place on a rooftop im not sure if i state that in the fic and this is unedited.
© msgorillagripcoochie , do not steal, post on third party sites or translate my work

"You need to stop this." Dick spoke standing a few feet away from you. "Why should I?" You asked "What has Gotham ever done for me!"
"Y/N c'mon" Dick breathed out standing a few feet away from you, Dick wished he had grasped it before, the way you had been struggling to handle what happened to Jason. Maybe if he had helped you wouldn't have gone so far.
"You're hurting people."
"Well people hurt me!" You shouted "All people have done is hurt me!" You sniffled wiping your eyes before tears could spill "I know, I know." Dick moved towards you "But you're my best friend Y/N, you're better than this." He took your hands in his "You deserve better than this."
You looked down tears leaking from your eyes and you wanted to take it back just for Dick but you couldn't, he didn't understand how much you needed this, how much was riding on this for you.
"I can't"
"You can." Dick whispered.
"I can't let him go." You shook your head your tears evident in the dim light of the night "You don't have to."
The voice made you freeze, your hands shook as you turned your head and you recognized the voice but you didn't want to believe. You pulled your hands away from Dick's as the person came out of the shadows, he stood there a red helmet on his head.
"Hey sweetheart." His voice was shaky like he was struggling with this too but you couldn't believe it was him.
It couldn't be.
They were tricking you, they were using someone or something just to get you to give up...right?
"This isn't real." You whimpered tears slipping from your eyes, he took a step towards you but you took a step back "You're tricking me." You hiccuped looking at Dick.
"Would I ever lie to you?" Dick asked and you knew he wouldn't, Dick was your friend.
You turned back to the man in front of you.
You watched his hands reach up to his face and slowly he took his helmet off. You let out a soft gasp bringing your hand up to your mouth, it looked just like him, was it him? "It's me." He shrugged almost reading your mind, Jason was always good at that.
"Jay." You breathed and for a moment you didn't care if it was fake, if this was some delusional you'd wake up from. You needed this, your shaky hands reached for him and he stepped towards you letting you hold his face in your hands.
Your fingers traced against his skin, tracing his rough skin.
You closed your eyes feeling him for a moment and you couldn't stop crying once you had fully started. You dropped your hands "Is it really you?"
"It is" You jumped at the sound of Bruce's voice, he was now on the roof with you. "You have what you want now stop, you've hurt too many people."
You took a step back and Jason saw it, he knew you and he knew you wouldn't respond well to the way Bruce was approaching you. "Y/N" Jason tried.
"Let everyone go Y/N!" Bruce yelled at you and you flinched suddenly feeling like a little girl getting yelled at by your mom again for not sweeping the floor correctly. "Stop" Dick told Bruce "We had it handled."
"Handled, none of this has been handled, she's become a monster."
"Leave her alone!" Jason shouted.
You wiped your eyes "I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster" You shook your head quickly not trusting this. "You just want to lock me away, this isn't real is it?" You placed your hand over your ears and you just wanted it to go away.
"Hey, hey look at me we know you're not a monster baby" Jason reached out but you flinched away from his touch "We know you didn't mean for any of this to happen but I'm here now, you have to let everyone go" He told you, his voice almost soothing "This isn't who you are."
Bruce went to speak again but this time Dick didn't let him "Go, you'll need to help them when she let's them go." Bruce stopped for a moment "But if anything goes wrong-"
"It won't." Bruce nodded before leaving.
This time when Jason went to touch you, you let him as he held your chin in his hands forcing you to look at him "I need you to come back to me sweetheart."
"He's gonna send me away, just like mom did." You whimpered "No, no I won't let him, no one is going to hurt you. It'll just be you and me just like you want, just like I want." He held you just like he used to and you closed your eyes just listening "I just need you to come back to me."
It was silent for a second, just him holding you "Okay." You nodded and he smiled that same smile that made you fall in love with him "Will you still be here?"
"What do you mean?"
"When I take down the hex will you still be here?" He realized that still you weren't sure if he was real or not "Yeah, I'll be here" he pressed a soft kiss to your lips and sure it tasted salty from your tears but it was enough.
"I love you Jason" you whispered just in case he was lying, just in case he'd go with everything else.
"I love you too."

a/n: thank you so much for reading pls tell me what you think and if you enjoyed it. feel free to request!
God this is so sad i love it.
Dustin’s Letter
I would recommend reading Guilt before reading this
Dustin Henderson x Sibling! Reader
Guilt recommended order
word count: 2.5k

Hi (y/n)!
I really miss you. I know you died, I’m not stupid. Everyone keeps trying to jump around saying it to me.
I was at Mike’s house when you died though. Mrs. Wheeler cried because mom called her and told her. She almost fell down the stairs coming to the basement because she came down them so fast.
I was really confused about why she was so sad and even more confused when she hugged me and kept saying that things were going to be ok.
Mike, Lucas, and Will were super confused too.
I didn’t even know what was going on until mom came and picked me up like 15 minutes later. She was crying too. I was kinda surprised she didn’t crash on her way there.
Mrs. Wheeler hugged me again before leading me to the front door where mom was waiting.
The guys ran up the stairs to see what was going on and then we all found out because Mrs. Wheeler walked out to mom and started saying stuff about you being in a better place now and that she was so sorry
I couldn’t really make out anything else she said because mom and she were both crying
I remember I turned back to the guys and without even realizing it I started crying too
They all looked so confused because you were the coolest person we knew and we just didn’t get how you could just die.
I knew almost everyone that went to your funeral, the only person I didn’t recognize was this one guy. He was older, like 50 or something maybe.
I would ask you who he was but your dead now so I can’t.
It’s really weird being an only child now. You were one for a little bit before I was born but I was never supposed to be one.
I feel bad for not telling you this too but before you died we found out that there’s another dimension and it’s attacking the town and mike is totally in love with this girl with super powers even though he denies it all the time and Will is kind of possessed and one time I gave that girl, her name is Eleven, by the way, I gave her some of your old clothes.
You never mentioned missing those clothes so I don’t think you would’ve cared even if you knew I gave them to Eleven.
I keep waking up in the middle of the night because I’ll have a dream that you’re just pranking me and everyone is in on it and I’ll run into your room and think you’ll be there laughing at how long I fell for it but you're never there.
All your stuff is there, just the way you left it. But no you.
I heard someone say you did it to yourself but I don’t believe that. You wouldn’t do that.
I really miss you (y/n). I miss you driving me to school sometimes too.
I like riding my bike to school but I liked when you would drive me more. Even though I didn’t always act like it when you were here.
I was playing with Mews earlier and I had this really weird thought,
one day I’ll be older than you! Isn’t that weird? I’ll always be your little brother but in a few years I’ll be older than you
That is weird. Super weird!
Sorry for not telling you about the other dimension stuff when you were still here again. I didn’t want to tell you because I was scared you would get hurt but you would’ve thought Eleven was super cool.
I love and miss you (y/n)
I really miss being your brother even though we would fight sometimes