starswhisperwritershear - UnarticulateVoid

Just a blog to dump my writing thoughts from the last 15 years on

63 posts

"Are You Ready To Admit Anything Yet, Then?" Paulina Chirped From His Phone. "Since, You Know, You're

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

"Are you ready to admit anything yet, then?" Paulina chirped from his phone. "Since, you know, you're visiting Danny the day after you're back from vacation and not me?"

Dash huffed, bringing his van to a stop for a red light. A stubborn part of him wanted to keep denying everything just so he wouldn't give Paulina the satisfaction of being right. "What, did my grandma snitch to you too?"

Paulina laughed. "If you were telling your grandma about him, then you're more whipped than I thought?"

Dash rolled his eyes, guiding his car through the green light. "Maybe more than I thought too."

Paulina screeched, absolutely delighted. "I didn't think you'd actually admit it! Tucker owes me twenty bucks!"

"You guys were placing bets?" The cars in front of him slowed to a stop. There were flashing lights up ahead signalling a detour. He craned his neck to see what was going on and only caught flashes of green; a ghost attack.

"Of course, what kind of friends would we be if we didn't? Sam bet that it wouldn't happen til college because both of you are too stubborn. She's gonna be so mad." Paulina giggled. Dash imagined she was kicking her feet too. "So, when are you telling him?"

Dash tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, urging the detour line to go faster. He was not in a particular hurry to get caught in the middle of another ghost fight. "I'm not."

Paulina sighed, long and dramatic. "Don't tell me you're still waiting for Phantom?"

"What?" Dash coughed, choking on his breath. There was a crashing sound from further up the street.

"What was that?" Paulina asked.

"Ghost attack," Dash responded automatically. "Why would you think I'm still waiting for Phantom?"

"Why else would you not want to tell Danny you like him? You can't have both, I mean, one that's unfair to the rest of us, and two, I think Danny would be pretty upset if he found out you still had feelings for a ghost when he's right there."

Dash snorted. "As if you don't also have a crush on Phantom."

"Passively! Like a celebrity crush! You almost kissed the guy!"

"It doesn't matter, I don't have to tell either of them anything. I'm allowed to have crushes that don't go anywhere. I don't have to share my feelings."

"Ugh!" Paulina pouted. "But don't you want to? I've seen how you look at him, Dash!"

"I don't want to rush anything, Paulie! Just three months ago I was still an asshole he wanted nothing to do with." Dash saw the ghost then. It was a massive T-rex stuck between two buildings. It was thrashing about as it tried to catch Phantom between its huge jaws. A spike of fear went through him as he flipped on his hazards. It had been a while since a ghost this big and dangerous attacked.

"I don't know about that," Paulina mused. "Sure we were awful to him, but that never stopped him from trying to go to our parties or hang out with us every chance he got. Sam and maybe Tucker had more of a grudge against us than Danny ever did. And remember that time our parents were kidnapped by ghost pirates? You were the one he picked to be his immediate backup. I don't think he would have done that if he hated you."

Dash felt his stomach flip, both in fear of the ghost in front of him and nerves from what Paulina was saying. A memory from the ghost mosquito epidemic rushed to his mind; Danny had been the only one to check on him when he was in danger. "Okay, but that still doesn't change my mind. I like how things are right now. I don't want to ruin that. Paulie, I've never even been in a relationship before. What if I fuck it all up?"

The T-rex roared, the force of it shaking the ground and his car. What was taking this detour so long?

Phantom was having a hard time getting close enough to the T-rex to use his thermos as it sent pieces of buildings flying through the air. It looked like the Fentons had also shown up as green bullet-like globs narrowly missed Phantom. How in the hell had they decided that Phantom was the bigger threat than a T-rex?

Dash gripped his steering wheel, knuckles turning white. Everything he learned about them made him feel bad for Jazz and Danny. Seriously, if Danny was down there about to be trampled, would they still priotize Phantom?

"No relationship is perfect, Dash. You can't avoid making mistakes. It's about communication and caring about how you fix issues, not avoiding them."

Dash breathed a sigh of relief as Phantom finally managed to capture the T-rex. Phantom turned and started shouting at the Fentons. It was an odd picture; a ghost hero floating the sky and berating a middle aged couple surrounded by pieces of broken buildings. It would make a lovely oil painting.

"I know," Dash relented, "but that doesn't make it less scary. I-" His words died in his throat as he watched the Fentons start shooting at Phantom again. Phantom was caught off guard, slow to dodge. One shot grazed his leg, causing him to stumble and fall right into a second shot that hit him directly in his torso. He went spiraling through the air, ectoplasm dropping like rain to the streets below. He was sinking closer and closer to the ground as he tried flying away, his powers failing him. He crashed into an alley close by Dash.

The Fentons were already in pursuit.

"I gotta call you back!" Dash muttered, ending the call before Paulina could respond, and yanked his van out of the detour line into the parking across the street. He scrambled out of his car, sprinting for the alley- he had to make it before the Fentons; even if he didn't know what he could even do, someone had to help.

"Phantom!" He shouted, turning into the alley. Phantom had one arm wrapped around his torso, the other was supporting his weight against the wall as he struggled to stand. Ectoplasm was everywhere, on Phantom, on the walls, on the ground, glowing like a bright neon sign for the Fentons. Its acrid smell burned Dash's nostrils.

Phantom looked up at the sound of his name. his eyes wide in adrenaline and panic. "Dash," he breathed, "you're back."

Phantom knew he'd been gone? Had he looked for him? Dash shook his head, not the time. He ran over to the hero, hands hovering uselessly in the air. "What can I do? They're coming."

Dash glanced around the alley, looking for anything useful. It was a dead end, solid brick wall too high and smooth to climb, especially with the state Phantom was in. There were no back doors to the buildings on the side to duck into and it was entirely empty except for one small dumpster near the end of the alley; too small to hide behind.

Nowhere to go.

Nowhere to hide.

Phantom moved his arm to check on the injury; a gaping hole in the right side of his torso, edges blackening and flaking off as the venom spread- the ectoplasm doing nothing to wash the venom away. His arm was starting to blister where it had been touching the wound and his leg was struggling to hold his weight.

Phantom's eyes darted between the wound, Dash, the alley, the sky, desperately trying to find a solution. He was sliding down the wall, his energy waning. He reached a hand out; Dash jumped into action, looping Phantom's arm around his shoulder and his own around Phantom's waist to support him. Phantom slumped against him, the chill of ectoplasm soaking straight through Dash's jacket.

They heard the Fentons' shouting close by.

Phantom gripped Dash's jacket (a backup, Danny still had his favorite one) with his free hand, pulling him close. He made eye contact; pain, panic, trust, desperation, several other emotions swirling in the depths of his green eyes.

"I trust you," he muttered.

Dash didn't get a chance to respond as Phantom crashed their lips together.

Several things happened all at once, too fast for Dash to process.

Phantom fell back against the brick wall behind him, taking a confused Dash with him. He turned his body so Dash's hip bone was keeping pressure on the wound and so that nobody entering the alley would be able to see the injury.

Phantom was kissing him. It was desperate, hurried, frantic. He was trying to communicate something to him, but Dash was too shocked to decipher it.

Phantom was bleeding out. He couldn't use his powers and he was bleeding out. He needed medical attention, not Dash's tongue in his mouth.

The Fentons were right around the corner, and the two of them were covered in ectoplasm; there was no hiding that. It stained his clothes, his skin, the alley. How was kissing him their best method of getting out of this? What piece of the puzzle was he missing here?

Phantom was kissing him, his fingers digging into Dash's back and Dash was starting to forget where they even were.

There was a bright flash of light behind his eyelids and suddenly the weight in his arms was heavier, the blood on his skin was warm instead of cold, the lips against his were now gasping for breath, the smell of iron assaulting his nose instead of bitter ozone.

Footsteps screeched to a halt at the entry to the alleyway; Dash barely registered them until a woman's voice echoed off the brick around them. "Danny?"

Phantom was pulling away from him, biting his lip and staring at him with pleading, desperate blue eyes.

His eyes were blue. Dash gasped, blinking up at him. The person clinging onto him in pure, unbridled fear wasn't Phantom; it was Danny. It was Danny's blood soaking his clothes. It had been Danny's lips on his. It was Danny begging for his help; Danny had said he trusted him to save him.

Danny was turning his panicked gaze to his parents who were standing in the alley with wide eyes. His parents who had just shot him; his parents who were trying to kill him.

Danny cleared his throat, trying to keep the pain out of his voice. "Mom!" he squeaked. "What are you guys doing here?"

The Fentons didn't seem to notice the blood everywhere now that it wasn't glowing green. Mr. Fenton frowned. "Didn't you notice the ghost, Danny? What are you still doing here?"

"Did you learn anything from our ghost safety lessons?!" Mrs. Fenton hissed.

Danny shrugged, nearly failing to keep a grimace off his face. "I was kind of busy." He glanced at Dash for backup, eyes begging, begging, him to help.

Dash blinked, still trying to process everything that had just happened. He sheepishly turned to the Fentons, careful not to take pressure off Danny's wound. He waved weakly. "Hi, Mrs. and Mr. Fenton."

Mrs. Fenton frowned at him. "The two of you could have been seriously hurt. Remove yourself from the Baxter boy and march yourself home right now, young man."

"Listen to your mother, Daniel, you're grounded." Mr. Fenton added.

Dash bit his tongue, fighting back his anger. Who were they to be concerned for his safety when they're the reason he's bleeding to death? Dash wanted to scream at them, rage, tell them exactly what he was thinking, but Danny sunk his fingers deeper into Dash's skin, sending a clear message; keep it together.

"I'm an adult now, you can't ground me." Danny grit his teeth, shifting his weight to lean more against Dash than the wall.

Dash was beginning to worry about how much blood his jacket was absorbing. How had the Fentons not noticed by now? Did Danny heal like this? How much time did they have?

"Isn't there a ghost you guys should be chasing right now?" Danny sneered.

Mrs. Fenton gasped. "Don't talk to-"

"He's right!" Mr. Fenton interrupted. "He's getting away, Maddie!" He took off down the street, not even looking back to make sure his wife was following.

Mrs. Fenton rolled her eyes, a sigh of exasperation leaving her. "Get home, Danny. We'll talk about this later." She took off after her husband, feet pounding against the sidewalk.

Danny sighed in relief, slumping to the floor, face pale and covered in a cold sweat. He grinned lazily up at Dash. "Fake-out make-out, totally a real thing."

Dash dropped next to him, hands already in action shrugging his jacket off to turn into a makeshift pressure bandage. Every memory he had with Danny and Phantom ran through his mind, a lot of weird coincidences started to make sense. "You're a ghost." He muttered intelligently.

Danny heaved a deep breath into his lungs as Dash tied the jacket around him. "Half-ghost."

"So, that time at the lake and outside my house, that was you? You're like, actually Phantom, not just possessed or something?" Dash's hands were shaking something awful. He shook his head. He needed to focus or Danny didn't stand a chance of making it. The wound was definitely worse now; about the size of a large baseball. The edges were still flaking off, but at a slower rate now that Danny wasn't in ghost form.

"Yeah, it was me. It's a long story."

"You kissed me." Dash was panicking. Blood was pounding in his ears and his chest felt tight. He grabbed Danny's arm to inspect the blisters there; they weren't as pressing of an issue.

"Fake-out make-out. Common Team Phantom tactic. Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else." Danny wheezed.

"You're a ghost. You're Phantom. Your parents are trying to kill you. Oh, my god, Danny, how did this happen?" The graze on Danny's leg wasn't a bad injury either. It would be fine until they could address the wound in his torso.

"Long story. I can tell you all about it when I'm not bleeding to death. We have a PowerPoint." Danny was starting to feel dizzy.

Dash hooked an arm under Danny's knees and another around his back, lifting him off the ground. Step one was to just get Danny to the car and then he'd figure out the rest. Obviously, he couldn't take him to his house, his parents might kill him.

"That's why Pookie attacked you. Cause you're dead. Are you dead? How does half-ghost work? Oh, god are you dying now? If you die again does that make you a full ghost?"

"Dash," Danny huffed, "I'm gonna pass out. I can't answer too many questions."

Dash peeked out into the street. Everybody had cleared out for the ghost attack. He'd be able to make it to his car unseen. He just hoped the Fentons weren't still lurking around. He sprinted for his car, careful not to jostle Danny too much. "Right, sorry. Who's we?"

"Sam, Tucker, Val, and me. Team Phantom."

Dash settled Danny in the back seat, reclining the seats to give him more room. "Okay, don't actually pass out."

"I might."

"Danny, listen to me. Don't pass out. If you pass out, I can't guarantee that I can bring you back."

"No promises," Danny breathed, laugh dying as he choked on his blood. "Sorry, about your jacket."

"Fuck my jacket." Dash closed the door and clambered into the front seat, frantically searching for his phone. "Just don't pass out and keep pressure on it. You said Sam knows?"

"Yeah, but she hates stitches."

"You'll need more than stitches," Dash muttered, dialing Sam's number. He started the car and turned it back toward his house. His mom was at work, it was probably the safest place they had. He'd just have to keep Pookie in his pen.

The phone was still ringing. "C'mon, Manson, pick up!"

"Ask her about the antibiotics," Danny mumbled.

The phone clicked as Sam answered.

"I mean it, Fenton. Keep your eyes open."

"Dash?" Sam hissed. "What's going-"

"Sam! It's Danny. He's in real bad shape. I need you, and Foley if he can, to grab whatever antibiotic he's talking about, a few gallons of distilled water, and medical gauze- the big pads- and meet me at my house in like ten minutes."

"Fuck," Sam muttered, tripping over something in her haste to get up. "How bad is it?"

Dash swallowed, glancing at Danny in the rearview mirror. His breathing was shallow; his skin was sickly pale and shiny with sweat. "Bad. Be fast."

He hung up to focus on driving so he didn't get anyone else injured. "Danny? Danny, talk to me. How are you doing?"

Danny chuckled weakly. "Just peachy."

Dash took a few breaths, the pungent smell of blood doing nothing to calm him down. "At least you're still making jokes."

"If I lost my humor, then I'd really be dead. There's no need to panic. I've had worse."

"There's a fucking hole in your side, what do you mean you've had worse?!" Dash took the corner to his street a little too fast.

"I'm half-ghost, there's, there's plenty of people lined up to, to torture me for any reason." Danny wheezed, his lungs failing him.

Dash felt sick. What in the world had Danny gone through up til now? "Okay, putting a pin in that for later. How do your ghost healing powers work?"

Danny choked back a groan of pain. "I don't really know. Full, full ghosts will heal back to where they were when they died. I just kind of, uh…" He trailed off.

"Stay with me, Danny! You kind of what?"

"Um, I don't know, it's like normal healing but accelerated? It's never be-been like this before. It usually just takes care of itself."

"Okay, okay. We can work with that." Dash pulled into his driveway. Sam and Tucker were waiting on his doorstep; Tucker chewing on his nails as he balanced gallons of water in one arm. Dash stumbled out of the car, throwing his keys at Tucker. "Foley, get the door open, get Pookie outside, and clear off the kitchen island. Sam, help me get Danny inside."

Tucker struggled to catch the keys, but he moved with a speed Dash hadn't thought him capable of once he had them. Sam was at his side in a moment, immediately moving to support Danny's shoulders as they worked him out of the car.

"We shouldn't stand him up, he might pass out. We'll just have to move him like this."

Sam nodded, paling when she saw the blood left behind on the seats. The two of them worked quickly to get him inside.

"Hi, Sam," Danny muttered, grinning at his friend lazily.

"Hi, idiot," She replied as they got him situated on the counter. She turned her attention to Dash. "What happened?"

Dash motioned to Tucker. "Grab a pillow from the couch to put under his head. Uh, his parents shot him with that weird venom stuff."

"So, you know?" Tucker asked, lifting Danny's head gently to place the pillow down.

"He knows," Danny uttered. "Guys, I'm not doing so good."

"Hang on, Danny," Dash whispered. "We've got you. Sam, how do these antibiotics work?"

Sam pulled a few deep blue vials out of her pocket. "We reverse-engineered them from the Fenton Venom, but they only work if the venom isn't active. We have to clean the wounds first."

Dash nodded, taking a few steadying breaths. "Okay, Tucker, grab a few towels from under the sink and do what you can to wash the venom off his arm and leg. Sam, I'm going to take the jacket off, there's going to be a lot of blood, you need to immediately rinse the venom off the edges of the wound so it stops spreading. Try to avoid getting water inside the wound. Got it?"

The two of them nodded, rushing to grab the aforementioned towels. Dash untied the jacket, ready to remove it once Sam was in position. He threaded the fingers of his free hand with Danny's. "This is going to hurt. You ready?"

Danny hummed, weakly clutching his fingers back. "Your hands are warm."

"Okay, go." Dash took the jacket off the wound, exposing it to the air. Danny hissed, painfully grasping Dash's hand. Tucker was quick to jump into action, taking great care not to spread the venom as he was cleaning it off.

Sam hesitated, rag dripping water between her fingers as she stared at the hole in his side.

"Sam," Dash soothed, trying not to let the fear and urgent frustration show in his voice though it was increasingly hard, "Do you need to switch places?"

Sam breathed out. "No, I've got this."

"Okay, hurry. We have to get his healing working again before he bleeds out."

Sam nodded, touching the rag to the wound. Danny screamed, crushing Dash's hand. Sam dropped the rag, covering her ears with her hands and squeezing her eyes shut. Dash grabbed her hand and replaced it with his in Danny's.

"Here, let me." He took her place, getting a new rag, pouring water over it, and immediately getting to work.

He blocked out the sound of Danny's screams and whimpers of pain as best he could.

His hands were covered in blood; he'd have nightmares about that.

The distilled water was a mute pink as dunked the rag in again.

"His arm and leg are done," Tucker muttered, tears staining his cheeks.

"There's bandages in the first aid kit under the sink, do you need the antibiotics?"

Tucker nodded as he rummaged around for the med kit. "They're supposed to help speed up the healing also."

"That's good." Dash huffed, getting the rest of the venom out. The wound slowly, incredibly slowly started stitching back together. He sighed, relieved. "Sam? Can you pass Tucker the antibiotics?"

Sam reached into her pocket, hands shaking, and passed over the vials. Tucker took them, passing one to Dash before he started with the bandages on his leg.

"Danny?" Dash asked, realizing he'd gone quiet. "You still with us?"

He didn't receive a response, but Danny was still breathing so he'd take it as a win. He'd gotten all the venom out and dosed the wound with antibiotics, but he wasn't really sure what to do now. It's not like he could stitch it up if the skin and muscle was just going to regrow.

"Uh, will this just close up?" Dash looked at Sam. She didn't respond, her eyes were closed and she was running her free hand through Danny's hair.

Tucker cleared his throat. "It should. He just… ends up fine."

"But you don't know for sure?" Dash washed his hands in the sink and grabbed the gauze pads the others had brought.

"No, he usually handles it by himself. I've never seen anything this bad."

"Okay." Dash's heart dropped. Danny had worse injuries than this, and he's dealt with it all alone? How had he managed that? Dash pressed the gauze pad over the wound, catching most of the remaining blood leaking out. He secured a bunch of layers in place with medical tape.

"Okay, he should be good." Dash breathed, leaning against the counter and resting his forehead in his hands. "Sam, Tucker, are you guys comfortable with washing the blood off him and getting him into some clean clothes?"

Sam nodded, finally opening her eyes. "Yeah, yeah we can do that."

Tucker raised an eyebrow on him. "Do you have some of Danny's clothes here?"

"No, I've just got mine, but he shouldn't be in bloody clothes. You two either if you can stand it."

"Are," Sam started, taking a deep breath, "are you okay?"

Dash shook his head. "No. There's blood all over me and my kitchen and my mom's van and I'm pretty sure there's some in my mouth from when he kissed me and he might die or is dead and-"

"He's not dead," Sam muttered.

"He kissed you?" Tucker gawked.

Dash hummed. "Fake-out make-out is what he called it."

"Wow," Tucker snickered. "Welcome to the team I guess."

"He's done that with all of you?"

"How do you think he figured out he was bisexual?" Tucker laughed, a strange sight when compared to the tears still making their way down his face.

Dash chuckled. "Figures." He sighed, watching some blood drop off the counter onto the floor. "I'm going to get started cleaning this up. Don't want it to stain and have my mom ask questions."

Tucker nodded, motioning to Sam to help him pick Danny up. "Salt and cornstarch help get blood out of fabric."

"Thanks, shout if you need help." Dash turned to the supply closet as the two of them gently hauled Danny upstairs. He really hoped they had cornstarch.

   It was hot.

It was cold.

Danny was shaking.

He inhaled, smelling fennel and cedarwood. It was warm, cozy.

He blinked his eyes open, groaning at the light; his surroundings blurry as his eyes tried to focus. Deep blue walls covered in sports and boyband posters stared back at him instead of glow-in-the-dark stars.

This wasn't his room.

Panic gripped his chest as he wildly grabbed at anything nearby to help pull himself up; the blood rushed from his head making him lightheaded. Warm, strong hands gently pushed him back down into the soft covers. Worried blue eyes and freckles filled his vision.

"Hey, easy, it's okay. You've just barely started healing, don't strain yourself."

"Dash?" Danny blinked, clearing his eyes. "Where am I?"

Dash leaned over, wringing water out of a rag and into a bucket before smoothing it over Danny's forehead. The chill of it was greatly welcomed. "My house. You're running a fever. Sam and Tucker are downstairs getting food. I'll have them bring you some water." He typed something into his phone before setting it back down. "How are you feeling?"

His muscles ached to the bone; his torso burned where he'd been shot; there was a headache pounding behind his eyes; his arm felt raw and his leg throbbed; he felt like he was being torn apart at the seams. "Shitty."

Dash huffed a small laugh. "Yeah, that seems right. Do you need anything?"

Danny shook his head, immediately regretting the action. "No." He swallowed against the dryness in his throat. "Sorry to traumatize you."

Dash forced a breath out of his lungs. "Yeah, when you're feeling better you owe me an explanation."

Danny grinned. "No promises."

"Okay, now you owe me two explanations." Dash joked back.

Danny hummed, his eyes drifting closed again. "Yeah, I know. Tucker has a slideshow that he's been dying to…" He trailed off, exhaustion creeping up on him and settling deep in his bones as he fell back asleep.

 The next time he was consciously aware of anything, he heard voices talking.

"Don't worry, my mom's working a late shift. It'll be fine for at least another six hours."

"How is he?"

"It's mostly just a surface wound now, uh, I guess it just has to finish stitching itself back together? But his insides are, well, on the inside."

Danny tried to open his eyes against the exhaustion weighing them down. His throat was parched. "Dash?"

There was some shuffling and then a hand was on his shoulder. "You okay?"

He shook his head, finally managing to get his eyes open, blinking up at Dash. "Water?" He croaked.

Dash helped him sit up, placing pillows behind his back and head to support him. Danny's hands shook as he accepted the glass of water; he chugged the whole thing, relishing the way the chill of it soothed his throat. He leaned back into the pillows taking deep breaths as Dash took the glass from him again.

Tucker sat on the edge of the bed, placing a comforting hand on his knee. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and sweatpants instead of his normal cargo pants and sweater. "How ya' doin', buddy?"

"Better," Danny breathed. "How long has it been?"

"About seven hours since the incident," Sam answered, not meeting his eyes. She was wearing a sweater and joggers, nothing close to anything she'd ever consider wearing.

"My, uh, parents. Have they…" Danny trailed off, a little distracted by the strangeness of Sam's attire.

Tucker shook his head. "They haven't called anyone. They're probably still trying to find Phantom."

Danny breathed, relieved they hadn't caused issues for his friends while he was out. "Good." He twisted his fingers into the fabric of his shirt. The material was thick and heavy. He glanced down to find a dark blue sweater in place of his t-shirt. "Okay, what's going on with all of our clothes?"

Dash coughed, red creeping onto his face. "Uh, well, you kind of drenched everyone in blood so you all had to borrow some of mine while yours are in the wash."

Danny, trying to bury the trauma of that, grinned at him. "I didn't take you for a sweater person."

Dash just shrugged.

The room fell into an awkward silence. He supposed he couldn't delay it any longer. "Alright, Tuck, you got your slideshow?"

Tucker jumped up and ran over to his bag. "You know I do. Dash, do you have a projector?"

"Yeah, one second." Dash searched through the drawers on his desk.

Sam took a long sip from the mug in her hands. She hadn't spoken much in the last couple of hours.

"You okay, Sam?" Danny asked, pulling Dash's blankets closer to him. They were cozy.

"Fine." She muttered.

Danny frowned. Her eyes were smudged with black; different from the normal precise lines she had. And it wasn't like her to not make a snarky comment by now.

Tucker sat back down next to him as Dash passed him the projector. He set it up to display on the wall opposite Dash's bed. Sam dragged the desk chair over to them.

Tucker cleared his throat and straightened an invisible tie. "If you'll please keep all questions til the end, we'll go ahead and get started with a detailed backstory of Amity Park's famous ghost hero, Danny Phantom."

"You didn't even change your name," Dash muttered, running a hand down his face. "How did I not notice?"

"There, there." Danny patted Dash's shoulder. "I try very hard not to let people find out."

"Dude, you almost kissed me at the lake and I should have- I even told Paulina that you looked familiar and didn't connect the dots."

Danny coughed, his face burning something awful. "Uh, so Tucker you were saying?"

Tucker smirked at him but clicked start on the slideshow, a picture of a younger Danny standing with a jumpsuit next to a non-working portal coming up. Tucker started rapping poorly. "So, Danny Fenton was just fourteen when his parents built a very strange machine. It was designed to view a world unseen."

Sam put a hand over his mouth. "No, you're not singing this whole presentation."

Tucker shoved her off. "Why not?! I worked really hard on this!"

Danny wrinkled his nose at him. "I'm gonna fall asleep before you finish singing, dude."

Tucker rolled his eyes. "Ugh, you guys are no fun." He clicked to the next slide. "So, basically Sam dared Danny to fix his parents' machine and he went in there and died and got-"

"He didn't die." Sam protested.

Danny huffed. "There's no sugarcoating it, Sam. I died."

Tears were spilling over her eyelids. "You're still here, you didn't die."

He leaned around Dash to glare at her. "I think I'm the one that gets to decide if I died or not. I was electrocuted and I died. I know you don't want to accept that, but it's what happened."

Sam shook her head. "No. You just got weird ghost powers. Danny, I can't- I can't have killed you okay? I can't have been the reason my best friend died."

Danny reeled back, shocked, his heart aching. "You're not- It's not your fault, Sam. I probably would have gone in that portal at some point."

Sam stood from her chair, fingers harshly tugging at her hair. "No, no you wouldn't have. You were a good kid who didn't break rules. You didn't even want us down in the lab, but- but, I was trying to- ghosts were just supposed to be spooky goth shit! They weren't supposed to get my best friend killed!" She slumped against the wall and buried her head in her hands.

Danny wished he could get up to comfort her, but moving was excruciating. "Sam, I don't blame you for what happened. You know that right?"

"Of course you don't." She sneered. "You die and it's my fault but you don't blame me. I try to have a say in everything that you do after to try and prove I'm not the bad influence who got you killed and I end up over-controlling and you still don't blame me for it. You just ask for space. You're too good, Danny, and that's what got you killed. Cause you couldn't tell a friend 'no'."

Tucker did get up; he crouched down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry for saying it the way I did. I didn't realize you were beating yourself up over this. It was a dumb joke. And, I was there too you know. I encouraged it just as much as you did."

Dash was drumming his fingers on his knees and trying to look anywhere but at Sam. Danny felt a little bad for how awkward he must feel right now.

Sam shook her head again, what remained of her make-up washing away with her tears. "But, I'm the one who made him do it. And now every time you get hurt, it's my fault 'cause you wouldn't be fighting ghosts if I'd just listened to you when you said enough was enough."

"This," Danny gestured to himself and the wound in his side, "this is not your fault. I didn't have to listen to you. Deep down I was hoping that fixing the portal would make my parents see I'm just as smart and- and valuable as Jazz is. And this? This is because I was so pissed off at those same parents for ignoring the giant fucking dinosaur putting people in danger that I failed to remember I'm what they saw as more of a threat. It is not your fault, Sam. We were all dumb kids." Danny was out of breath, lungs heaving as they weren't fully rested.

Sam wiped her tears away, wrinkling her nose and wiping them on her pants. (She'd wash them for Dash later anyway.) "But I knew better. I should have known better."

Dash huffed, now he knew how his therapist felt. "Manson, if Danny doesn't blame you, then you need to forgive yourself. Or else you're just going to drown yourself and everyone around you in a wave of guilt and depression that won't do anyone any good. I don't think any of you need more of that."

Sam blinked at him. "Who taught you that, your therapist?"

"Yeah, so you should listen to professional advice."

"Dash is right," Danny added. "You can't keep beating yourself up over this. I'm the idiot who didn't look where he was putting his hand in a machine that was plugged in."

"Okay," Sam scrubbed at her eyes again, taking deep calming breaths. "Okay. God, I'm sorry for freaking out. That's such loser behavior, huh?"

Tucker squeezed her in a warm hug. "No need to apologize for expressing your feelings. I'll change the slide show. But only if you let me keep my theme song."

Sam snorted. "Deal. Speaking of your dumb slideshow, we'd better get through it before Dash dies of curiosity." Tucker grinned, helped Sam stand up, and then practically sprinted for the projector remote.

"You sure you're okay?" Danny asked.

Sam nodded. "For now. I should probably ask Dash for his therapist's number though."

"Okay, everyone ready? Let's start from the top, making edits as we go." Tucker clicked to the next slide.

They went over everything; from the portal accident to Danny learning how to use his powers to him beating the ghost king to Vlad causing issues with the Fright Knight to the Ancients appearing to parallel timelines. Danny had to give Tucker credit, it was a very thorough slideshow.

"So," Dash drawled as Tucker opened the floor for questions, "that's why you're so cold all the time? Cause you have fancy ice powers?"

"I wouldn't call them fancy, considering I could freeze from the inside out if I'm not careful, but yes." Danny relaxed back into the pillows, finding it hard to stay sitting by himself. Technically, he was still trying to shake a fever. He was slowly growing tired again even though he'd only been awake for half an hour.

"And, you're you the whole time? You're not like possessed by a ghost?"

"Yeah, it's me." Danny didn't really like admitting that part out loud a second time. Not when Dash was starting to connect a lot of dots.

"So, that time outside therapy, and in my backyard, and the la-"

"Yup!" Danny rushed, face starting to burn as he remembered the lake. "Yup, all me."

"Okay," Dash eyed him quizzically. "Why?"

Tucker started laughing. "You said thank you to him. It doesn't take much to get Danny to swoon-" He was cut off as Danny threw a pillow at his face.

"Shut up!" He hissed.

Sam joined in the teasing. "The whole reason he sat with you at lunch was cause you were nice and bandaged his booboo."

"Really?" Dash raised an eyebrow at him. "That's what made you want to be friends with me?"

Danny sunk into the pillows and pulled the blanket over his face. "I can't hear you over the sound of me trying to rest and recover here!"

"Very mature," Tucker snickered.

Sam poked his shoulder through the blanket. "Do you need help getting home Mr. Rest and Recovery?"

Danny frowned, poking his head back out. The thought of going home while he was healing wasn't the most appealing. He was still angry with his parents for putting the entire downtown in danger; he wasn't sure he could play civil with them in this state. Plus, they probably still wanted to ground him for what they thought was him ignoring a ghost attack to make out with a boy.

And he was still so very tired.

Dash cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact. "You can always stay here if you're not feeling up to moving. My mom usually goes straight to bed after a long shift. She wouldn't know you're here so she wouldn't be able to tell your parents."

Danny glanced between his friends, one option clearly more tempting than the other. He spoke tentatively. "If you're sure that's okay, then yeah, I'd like to stay. I just, don't really want to deal with my parents right now." Despite his best efforts to keep it at bay, he yawned.

"Alright then," Tucker stood and stretched. "Sam and I are headed out. Do either of you need anything from us?"

Danny shook his head.

Dash opened the door for them. "Uh, yeah, could you guys take the bloody rags and stuff to the dump?" He waved at Danny to signal that he'd be right back.

"See ya later, nerd." Sam smiled as she left.

Danny waved, happy that she was feeling better. He snuggled back down into Dash's bed, wincing as the muscles in his torso pulled at the wound. This thing was taking forever to heal.

He stared at Dash's wall as he drifted off, getting lost in the blur of posters and awards. He'd have to ask about those when he woke up.

 He woke to Dash gently shaking him. "Danny? Danny, wake up. I gotta check your bandages."

Danny groaned, forcefully rubbing the sleep from his eyes, head still groggy. "What time is it?"

"Just after two a.m. My mom just went to sleep." He set the first aid kit down on his bedside table. "Is it okay to lift your shirt?"

Danny yawned, "'is fine." He would have made a joke about the shirt not really being his, but he didn't have the energy to flirt with disaster right now. He fought to stay conscious as Dash removed the old bandage, put new medicine on the wound, and placed a new bandage on. "You're really good at this. You ever think about being a nurse?" He mumbled.

Dash snorted. "Do you see the hours my mom has to work? No thank you." He tugged Danny's shirt back down. "How are you feeling?"

Danny smirked lazily at him. "Better now that Nurse Baxter has taken care of me."

Dash's nose wrinkled. "Ew, that's what they call my mom." He reached around the medkit to grab a bowl and offered it to Danny. "I brought you some oatmeal, in case you were hungry."

Danny sat up far too quickly, head spinning. "Yes, please. I haven't eaten anything all day. I'm surprised Sam didn't kill me over it."

"Sam watches what you eat?" Dash tidied the med kit up and slipped it in under his bed before sitting next to Danny.

Danny averted his gaze sheepishly. "Uh, when I first got my ghost powers, I was so overwhelmed and worried about ghosts attacking at any second that I kind of didn't eat a lot. It lead to some really bad issues and Sam has been on my ass about eating properly since."

Dash nodded, twiddling his thumbs. "She's a good friend."

"Yeah, she is." Danny smiled.

Dash let him eat in silence for a few minutes before speaking again. "Can I ask you a few questions."

"Shoot." Danny was the only one who giggled at his pun.

Dash hesitated, biting his lip in thought. "What did you do before me? When you got injured?"

Danny shrugged. "Most of the time I would just take a nap and wake up mostly healed with a few sore muscles. If it required stitches, Jazz usually did it for me. The only reason I'm not healing as well is the Fenton Venom."

"And your healing works even when you're Fenton?"

"Yeah, it does." Danny chuckled under his breath. "Honestly? I thought you'd have found me out when Pookie bit me. That bite was already healing when you pulled out your fancy nurse stuff."

"That's why you didn't want me treating it." Dash hummed. "Okay, next one. Why were you hanging out with me as Phantom? Like actually?"

Danny took his time chewing his last bite and setting the bowl down before answering. "Well, you saving my ass that one time really meant a lot to me. Sam's not wrong when she said that was my main reason for seeking you out as Fenton. And, then I guess, I just kept running into you and I liked being around you, so I just stayed. Until I realized I was about to fuck things up and then I had to get out of there."

"Like when you almost kissed me?" Dash was prying, he knew. But Danny guessed he was owed an explanation.

"You were kind of pretty and I was a little distracted." Danny didn't dare let those words linger in the air. "Sorry, I just kind of left you freezing in your car. I panicked."

Dash shrugged, his face bright red. "It's okay. At least you got me to my car. You were so mad I thought you'd just leave me in the lake."

"It was freezing! You were going to get hypothermia! Seriously, who jumps in the lake after a ghost?"

Dash didn't hesitate. "You would have."

Danny jokingly rolled his eyes. "Well, yeah, but I'm also a ghost. It's not as dangerous for me." He leaned back and pulled the covers back up to his shoulders. He was still tired, but at least his fever seemed to be completely gone.

"How," Dash stopped, taking a breath and twiddling his thumbs, "how come you haven't told your parents? Isn't it more dangerous to not tell them? Since they're trying to kill you and everything?"

"You mean 'rip me apart molecule by molecule'?" Danny frowned, picking at threads in the blankets. "I don't know. I tried once, about a month after the accident. But they were distracted with a new invention and wouldn't listen and Jazz antagonized them over their tendency to be a little neglectful. After that they just kept talking about wanting to dissect ghosts to see what secrets they held. And I- I was scared. How can I prove their love of their son exceeds their love of ghost hunting? Today sure wasn't a great example. I'm more scared than I ever was before."

"God, I'm sorry. No wonder you never want to go home."

Danny shook his head. "It's not always like that. I love my parents, even if I'm upset with them right now. When we graduated, they took me out to my favorite restaurant and my mom had baked a whole cake that said 'congratulations Danny' on it. And they were so happy and proud of me. And on my birthday they planned a whole zoom call with Jazz and they all told me their favorite memories with me and gave me this photo album they had handcrafted full of favorite memories. They are thoughtful and they do care about me. It's just… I don't think they were ready for kids when they had us. At least, they weren't ready for two. It takes too much time away from their careers."

Dash reached forward, winding his fingers around Danny's in a show of comfort. "Cheers to complicated parents, right?"

Danny squeezed his hand. "Yeah, cheers to both of us having parents who tried to kill us."

"At least yours didn't know it was their son." Dash snorted.

Danny absentmindedly rubbed the back of Dash's hand with his thumb. "Can I ask something kind of shitty?"

"Go for it."

"Is your dad the reason you bullied me? I know you said he was the reason you stopped. I guess I'm just curious why you started."

Dash forced all the air from his lungs. He took a slow breath in. "Kind of. It was mostly my fault. He had said that weaker people deserved what came to them. And well, no offense, but you were kind of a twig back then and the other popular kids would make these mean jokes and I thought 'hey, this is what he's talking about. If you wanna stay on this end of it, you'd better participate'. So, I just started picking on you and hoped that would secure my spot with them. And it got worse after we kicked Valerie out. Sorry. I was just trying to make sure they didn't notice I was the weakest one among them."

Danny reached over and poked Dash's arm. "Weak, huh?"

Dash blinked, face turning red. "Uh, I meant, like emotionally."

Danny squeezed his hand. "Well, I'm glad you stopped. And I'm glad you and the others are friends now. You're all really fun to be around. And to be honest, I'd probably be dead without you today. Thanks for that."

Dash shrugged, gaze fixed firmly on the far wall as his ears felt like burning off. "You've saved my ass a lot. Even when I was being shitty to you. It's only fair I repay you."

"But you didn't have to. Especially when I kind of traumatized you by using you as a bandage and a distraction for my parents." Danny's eyes slipped closed again. He was getting tired of being so tired.

"Yeah, maybe next time we can leave the trauma out of it?"

Danny hummed, drifting off to sleep, Dash's hand still twined with his.

"Next time sounds nice."

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Sam's toxic relationship with Danny.

Alright, so, in Double Cross My Heart we all know Sam gets a new crush and Danny becomes jealous. But, after watching this episode for the umpteenth time, I really don't think he was jealous, he was just being overprotective as always (13).

Moving on, there was something about Gregor I noticed from the get-go and why I think Sam just fell for him on-sight, anyone want to take a guess?

Sam's Toxic Relationship With Danny.

Well, let's see, he's tan, wearing black and white, has white hair, and green eyes (he takes his sunglasses off at the end of the episode). Any of these attributes sound, I dunno, familiar?

Do I think this was intentional? Yes, but not from his end, he had no idea Sam has a crush on Phantom, and yes I mean Phantom. Why?

Sam's Toxic Relationship With Danny.

This is when Sam's crush on Danny actually started, this moment here. No not earlier in the episode when they're holding hands, she and Danny do blush but it's because they're in an awkward situation, not because 'oh no I'm touching my crush's hands'. Sam doesn't show any actual interest in Danny in any episode prior to this, sure she and Danny are dancing together at the freshman dance (parental bonding) but there's no romance underlying the scene, it's just two friends dancing platonically, Danny even says he wish he took her just because she wanted to go.

Do I think Sam even knows she has a crush on Phantom and not Danny? No, she's 14, she wouldn't understand that. Why do I think that? Well it's just the way she treats Danny as Danny and not as Phantom, when Danny does regular teenage boy stuff she gets all angry and annoyed by him and Tucker, but when it comes to the ghost stuff she's not as bad about it. I get she's trying to get him to be more mature etc, but he's 14 xD let him be 14.

Then there's Memory Blank, remember how she just straight up gets called out for her causing issues with Danny and just not apologising for any of it? She apologises for the fight, not for what she's done, and Danny just rolls over. It's insane. "Welcome to my world, remember? We should make the menu recyclo-vegetarian! We should let the gorilla out! We should sell all of your dad’s stuff at a garage sale!" "Anything else you want to blame me for? The ice age? Puberty?" "Sam, both monsters knew your name. Either there’s another Sam involved in ghost fighting-- or it’s you." "How about a “thank you”, huh?"

She never actually apologises for any of that tbh, even in this episode she had a go at Danny for beating up the possessed cow balloon and not for haunting the Truck Dealership place. Y'know, he does mature superhero things and she's like "yeah but my agenda", Sam has a tendency to only be mad at Danny for abusing his ghost powers if it doesn't give her perks.

Killer Garage Sale: Danny gains popularity, Sam is ugh. Splitting Images (the NEXT episode): Danny (who's possessed and Tucker even states Danny's acting weird) gains popularity, Sam ignores Tucker's observation and jumps on Danny's popularity to save the frogs.

I feel like the two finally getting together was only because of Elmer's initial plan, but in-universe they only got together because every other character insisted on it. Sam only has the Class Ring because Valerie dumped him and the only reason it has her name in it is because of Jack, Danny never actually gave it to her.

Alright, gonna jump all the way to Frightmare now because I think, even subconsciously, Danny just doesn't have any real feelings for Sam. Why?

Sam's Toxic Relationship With Danny.
Sam's Toxic Relationship With Danny.

Because this happens. In order to wake up from Frightmare's dream helmet things, you need to have a shock in their dream, or basically a nightmare. So Danny's dream was basically perfect up until Danny was confronted with what he thinks is what he wants, yet he wakes up in distress over it. Then there's Sam's dream, which is identical, but Sam wouldn't have woken up from the kiss, it took this to snap her out of it.

Sam's Toxic Relationship With Danny.

Which feels... Kind of telling to me. Sam's perfect dream was happening and she would have remained asleep, but Danny's exact same dream was happening and he woke up. Our subconciouses are basically our thoughts and feelings in their purest form, the way how you feel about something will be very apparent in an instant.

Ok, last episode I'm gonna talk about it, ugh, Phantom Planet. I know, I know, the writing in this episode was so messed up, but the one thing it did get consistent was Sam's character in this. I'm just going to take her last line in the show, which also happens to be the last line in the show, period. "Why not? Cool statue. Personally I would have made it out of recycled materials but, you know, that's just me." Honey, your boyfriend just saved the entire planet and you're going to take the time to complain about his statue??? Like... C'mon Sam... Anyway, yeah, there's a lot more I could say about this btw, but I think I'm done here. Personally, I think if Paulina and Danny wound up together I don't think it'd be as toxic as one with Sam's currently is. "But she only loves Phantom", yeah, but also she's never mean to Danny on her own, she's only mean to him in front of her friends and to Sam to piss her off. She always singles Danny out from his 'loser friends'. Weird huh? ((Just know I'm not saying I ship Paulina with Danny, just that she's actually not as bad as people think she is to him, she's a lot less mean to him than Sam is tbh, you can probably guess who I think is the better person for Danny xD)).

So yeah, I feel like after some time Danny's relationship with Sam would dwindle and eventually end, they'd still be friends, but just that.

I'll end it there.

EDIT: I also forgot about this.

Danny spies on Sam with Gregor because he’s worried Gregor’s with the GIW and doesn’t want Sam to get hurt, Sam gets mad at him for spying on her whilst on a date.

But when both Sam and Tucker spy on him and Valerie because they’re worried Valerie might waste him as Danny Phantom (Sam also has some very blatant jealousy spikes) everything is ok???

Sam's Toxic Relationship With Danny.
Sam's Toxic Relationship With Danny.

I don’t think Danny gets upset that Sam and Gregor kiss because he’s jealous either, I think it’s because either: A) he’s realising he might be wrong, B) he’s worried that if he’s right Sam’ll be heartbroken. If he was jealous he wouldn’t have been suddenly ok with Gregor after stopping the GIW from attacking him, he even apologised to Sam for the spying, Sam and Tucker never did ouo

When Danny goes on to say there’s many reasons to want to date Sam, again, only Sam blushes here, Danny just plays it off and doesn’t blush at all. He was just being a good friend and making her feel better, not saying he would date her. He’s 14, he doesn’t know you can platonically call someone pretty.

Let’s not forget Danny’s feelings for Valerie haven’t gone anywhere yet, the episode (double cross your heart) literally starts like this.

Sam's Toxic Relationship With Danny.

the fact that dash has a dog called pookie has aged like FINE WINE

This one is for grammarly.

I see you.

I see you after all you've done to me.

You come in, sweep me off my feet, correct my comma usage and wrap me around your little finger making me dependent on you.

You taunt me with your premium features, making me wish I had just a little more money to fully commit to you and you never go on any good sale.

Then you drop me into a filthy hole with the rest of the garbage by incorporating ai that can't tell the difference between its and it's and leave me to rot.

So I move on, I find something better than you could ever be. Just for you to flash a 50% off sale in my face like we were nothing. Like I never meant a goddamn thing to you.

Now you want me back?!?!

After all this, this how you want to wine and dine me back into your arms?

Well, I won't play your game. I've grieved our parting already and now I feel nothing but utter indifference toward you.

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