Jazz Fenton - Tumblr Posts
Bored and had a lot of free time in Amity Park, Danny decides to visit his lovely sister, Jazz. Before going tho, he told his parents where he was going, the parents already knew what Danny is capable of so they dont mind.
Upon going to Gotham, he found himself sensing an eerie 'death' in the air but he assumed that its because of the villains and criminals.
But anyways, as he was supposed to go to the university that Jazz was in, he ended up getting lost and had to ask a kid that was similar in his age.
Damian: Just avoid Crime Ally
Danny: Sounds tempting!
Damian: What's so tempting in Crime Ally???
Danny: It's not. It's the way you made me wanna avoid it
Somehow, someway, he ended up following Damian way back to the mansion and yes, Danny did ride the limo too but he was too distracted in talking with the kid and Damian was too distracted in reacting at Danny's stupid little replies.
So now, Danny was just sitting on a sofa wide eyed with Jazz right across him who was also staring wide eyed at Danny.
To be brief, Jazz became friends with Jason along the way in her stay in Gotham.
Danny: I don't approve
Jazz: You're misunderstanding
Anyways, long story short/along the way/somehow around it/someway around it, the Batfam sees Danny as a fragile weak kid cuz of how he's built so they all got worried cuz Jason would often find Danny in Crime Alley
Danny: This is Crime Alley???
Red Hood: How are you still uninjured???
Danny: Why would you ask me that??? Where's the 'Hey, you lost?' or 'Leave, it's dangerous here.'?
The Batfam could tell how unconcerned Jazz is when she found out that her little brother has been walking around out in the open in crime alley often times, which made them puzzle cuz the next thing they knew, they were whispering and chuckling.
Jazz: *whispering* no ghosts?
Danny: *whispering* not one, all safe
Jazz: good then!
His parents and, surprisingly, Jazz, both didn't research more on where and what Gotham is like before deciding to have a vacation there.
The three just saw the happy beach and to Danny who was sleep deprived that they just thought, "Screw it. Let's have fun."
Now, Danny doesn't know the dangers of Gotham, and thinking that maybe Gotham is like Amity Park but no ghosts. And he was right, it is like Amity Park with no ghosts but it does has a lot of criminals.
So when Joker arrived and kidnapped Danny, cuz he was closer than Robin (Batman and Robin is there).
Joker fled and tied Danny on the chair and as Joker was about to do his little speech in his recording (live), Danny's family tracked Danny down with their batarang that detects Danny's signature and had already arrived with level 10 guns in hand.
Maddie: You get away from our son, you clowning scum!
Jack: I'll have you ripped out! Molecule by molecule!
Jazz: Danny! Are you okay?!
The three Fentons said as they fought the goons and had them knocked out easily all the while the people who are watching the recording had their mouths agape while the people in Amity Park who watched the live just thought, "Oh, it's our weirdos again." with a calm manner.
The JL was still in process in locating the whereabouts, at first they were worried for the the three Fentons but as they see them fight, their worry decreased at least. The odd thing they saw in the live was that their punch gave quite the damage especially the red haired girl and that their eyes would glow slightly in the dark.... Which is to say when they saw Jazz but for the parents, not so much since their face is covered with masks. The parents were wearing the hazmat suits in full while Jazz was in her casual clothing.
But anyways, when the family subdued Joker, the JL arrived just in time to take Joker in Arkham.
Danny: There were other heroes?!
Jazz: Color me surprise, I didn't think we'd get to meet superheroes!
Danny: Ahem... Jazz, I'm right here???
They were in the basement with Jack Fenton having a grave announcement.
It was about the family going to Gotham cuz Jack, as much as he hates it, has to go to a gala since his cousin invited him and his family. He was also threatened that if he were to decline, his cousin would burst through the Fenton Works and live there for three days so Jack decided that it's better to go to the gala and deal with his cousin for one night rather than three.
Who's the cousin you may ask? Bruce Wayne.
Danny was confused
I mean, Vlad literally outright says his plans right at Jack's ears as clear as crystal but Jack somehow manages to wishy washy away from his head but when the Fentons had to go to a gala at Wayne's manor, Jack was all aware and perceptive around Bruce.
Turns out, they both were relatives and Jack didn't seem to like Bruce. Jack just could smell the "fakeness" around Bruce. But I guess it's because Vlad would actually slip his tongue and be honest, his voice and the way he acts, Jack didn't feel off when he is with Vlad.
But with Bruce? Naw.
Danny looks at Bruce and he seemed nice, a bit *weird* around here and there but he was still nice. But then again, he can't trust billionaires and just as Danny felt that untrusting vibe, he heard a disgusting voice coming from behind him.
"My, oh my, if it isn't the Little Badger?"
Danny narrowed his eyes, disgust was all over his face, "Vlad." he replied with venom.
And that's cue on Jack to wrap his arm around Vlad's neck and starts talking to him cheerfully just so he could get away from Bruce.
To Vlad's dismay, he went along with Jack. And to Danny's dismay, Bruce started a conversation with him. Then to Jazz's wondrous night, her and Maddie were outside to take a breather so Danny was all alone and unguarded and stuck with Bruce Wayne, introducing himself and his ward, [pick ur choice].
Btw, I also wanted for Clockwork to show up, saving Danny but that's just too much lelelelellel.
The Fentons Secret
Maddie and Jack had a secret that they couldn't tell their kids, it was a secret that they thought the kids wouldn't accept.
It was the fact that Jack Fenton had the bloodline of an alien, Jack wasn't from around here and Maddie knew that. Jack's whole life and their family was to get back to their planet after their ancestors got lost in space but the Earth's technology was too outdated. But there was another way, all Maddie wanted was to help her husband since she knew that Jack's race had an obsession with home and that way was through the ghost zone.
The ghost zone had entries of other planets and dimensions, they were all connected to one. And since they didn't want the kids to know, they had to disguise this obsession of the ghost zone to want to hunt ghosts when in reality it was to get an entry way back to Jack's family home planet.
And when Danny revealed that he was Phantom in the end, they were saddened by the words and phrases they had used when they were near him. So, the Fentons had to reveal their secrets too.
"No more secrets." The family said.
Evil Fenton Parents Meeting the Good Ones
It's basically that.
Maddie and Jack (the canon ones. Let's call them as is)
Mads and J (the evil AU ones).
Maddie and Jack were doing the "normal" stuff with Danny and Jazz, a happy family bonding time.... Fighting and helping ghosts and humans around Amity Park. Now that the Fentons have one thing in common, everyone is as close as they were before. It was all good and peachy when a new ghost came to Amity and had the whole Family portaled through somewhere else where clouds are grey and the streets are crowded.
Jack: Well... This can't get any weirder, won't it?
Jazz, eyeing Jack with worried looks: Dad!!
Jack: What?! Gotta let it come over and finish it faster!
Danny: Whoo... Boy... This is gonna be a loonnggg day.
Maddie: Awww, sweety, wouldn't that mean we'd get a long bonding time?
Jack: Great idea, Mads!
The family then found out that they were in Gotham but they didn't know anything of such a place before. And all the while the Fentons go around exploring the place and finding a way to get back (They found out that they're in a different reality due to seeing Maddie and Jack working with the GIW [they knew because of one big advertisement in a billboard])
Maddie: Well, that's horrifying.
Jack: Danny here must be a human then!
Danny, who knew that his parents despises the GIW even before knowing Danny is Phantom: Whoa. To think I'd see you guys work with them.
Jazz: Alright you three, stop dilly dallying. We still have a reality to get back to and put back a certain ghost to the ghost zone.
Maddie: Oh, Jazz. Can't we explore a bit more? For a ghost to be able to take us here just seems so fascinating.
Jazz: Eughh... Fine...
While they walked around the streets, the people would stare at them weirdly and were amazed to see the parents. Meanwhile the Danny in this reality was staring at them wide eyed at the corner of the alley.
Danny (the dissected one au): Did... Did they somehow clone me????
And the JL are freaking out when they see the Fentons being in two places rather than one because one, the evil ones are being held with them and two, the evil ones are also confused.
But Batman came in and theorized that the new Fentons may be in a different reality and thus, the new Fentons were invited to the Watchtower.
(I'm being honest, I literally have no idea if they would allow this or not but the only place I know is either the Manor or the tower ๐๐๐ and yes, I'm not a fan or probably I am [I'm not] but I am interested in DC just that I'm too confused on where to start reading, watching, gaming first cuz they're everywhere and the multiple of Robins are not helping me)
And then there, they all discuss while the evil Fentons (cuffed)...
(if ur wondering how they got here, it's because they were able to control Danny's mind again and got them to this place and was planning to destroy it but Danny actually tricked them into thinking that they did control Danny [The JL are planning for something to the evil Fentons])
...while the evil Fentons are listening in and make comments like:
Mads: He's a ghost scum! How could you ever accept him?!
J: That ghost scum must've successfully controlled your minds! Why else would you accept an abomination?!
But each time they do, the good parents would counter it like:
Maddie: Because he is our son! No matter who or what he is! He is still our boy!
Jack: You said it! And Danno-boy here is a great hero! Why shame him?
Maddie: We are proud of him! And we love him! Isn't that all that matters?
Jazz, hugging Danny (the edgy one): Oh, little brother, it must have been hard for you...
To Danny (the one that got experimented au), felt his tears welling up in his eyes, to think he'd hear the day where his parents would say that and see his sister alive but.... They weren't his.
The JL are all quite surprised/shocked and amazed by how cheerful, snarky and pretty much talkative this other Danny is (the one that got good parents).
They also found out that this Danny loves space and is now a fan of Martian Manhunter and all had thought that it was probably the same for their Danny (the one that got no parents).
Danny lost his memories and he was in Gotham. All he remembered was that he died and turned into a ghost who can 'disguise' himself like he was still a human living being.
He also remembers his relationships with the ghosts were more of enemies to friends to enemies to a looping cycle kind of way.
Now, Danny doesn't know where he is and how he got here. He needed to get back to his haunt but doesn't know where, his home, forgotten, he doesn't remember his human name.
So, without furtherado, Danny was walking blindly to the crime alley till he encountered some muggers. He's not afraid since he can't just die twice, am I right?
So he just stays still and turned intangible not knowing Red Hood was watching from above but Danny's ghost sense went off, finally noticing a comrade.
The feeling of familiarity made him just transform back to a ghost and floated to Red Hood, "Friend!" Danny cheerfully said, "I'm so glad to find one of my kind!"
Danny as a background npc of Tucker's and Sam's stream
It all started with Tucker and Sam having an idea to go live streaming to promote their beliefs like Sam with her eco-friendly stuff and her defense technique tidbits and Tucker's meat importance and also some tech tidbits.
Both streams were getting views, a whole lot to a point where the two were so popular that some haters would try and expose them, even tried to hack but is shamefully failed because for some reason, each time they tried to search about this Amity Park, their screens would glitch and the like. It's like the firewall is protecting all residents from the outside world which got the viewers questioning but Tucker and Sam didn't know anything about that, not even Danny who suddenly popped in on their stream.
slam12kki: WHOS THAT???
dragonobsessed_coffee: ....someone needs some explaining to do...just in case.
animalkingdom123: No
Bruce_W: Hey, the kid's look a lot like...
animalkingdom123: NO
blueM0nk3y: YES
Llupex0x: only one things that needs to check out
While the chat was booming, Sam and Tucker is in a collab this time and is in Danny's house when Danny first popped in and so is Jack and Maddie with some snacks, and seeing Jack's features and personality the chat went wild.
Llupex0x: lmao, nvm
viviran76: we're gonna hav to weyt
OPrtx: wats wrong wit u??
Everyone is thinking that Jack may be a cousin or something but the thing is, the Fentons are in no way related to Bruce at all. Sam and Tucker was confused but shrugged it off.
Anyways, continuing on, another collab was set again and this time, Danny popped in casually with an angry look, not noticing that Sam and Tucker was still live but the two didn't mind and had their focus shifted to Danny and Danny started complaining about ecto-acts and how he can't go a day without getting shot and hunted down by Skulker who wants his pelt.
The Batfam who watches this got concerned.
Then another collab was set outside and Danny was seen in the background with a strange belt on and he looks like he's being chased and beaten up, Danny wasn't just running, he was also fighting back and all. The one who is fighting him is Vlad who also has a strange belt on and is now using an ecto gun, but nobody knows that, what they do know is that the man is carrying a gun and is actively shooting it at Danny and Danny also has a gun with him and a bat.
Vlad and Danny exchanges blows, the JL are now concerned.
Sam and Tucker are just continuing their live cuz they thought it would be perfect if they could ask for help with this type of proof (they can't seem to find anyone to come help in their aid and was dismissed as kids prank)
Another collab was set up once more, and this time, Sam and Tucker wasn't shown. What it did show was Maddie and Jack trying to fight the men in white while Jazz tries to get Danny out of.... chains?? and Danny is also inside of a cage??? looks beaten up and bleeding.
Sam and Tucker was sending proof.
But that was in 1990's and the heroes and the viewers saw the video in 2020's already
Danny de-aged but he retains his memories
Danny was in Gotham with his family, it was all normal and everything when a villain came out and started blasting from left to right, turning some people young or old.
Now, Danny would love to go and rescue but he can't cuz he never fought off a real human villain, Vlad and the GIW doesn't count, they've got ecto guns and one of them is a ghost, deeming them to be strong to Danny.
But this, this is a human, no ecto or anything of the matter to protect themself from a ghost. And when his father almost got hit, Danny rushed in to take the blast, not like he's gonna die again anyway.
Now Danny turns into a young ten year old boy.
After a while, the vigilantes came, news to Danny that the effects will wear off and that everyone should be fine.
Except, Danny is a halfa, not a human. So the effects didn't wear off and that got the parents worry a little so they tried to find the vigilantes by having the boo-merang find the signature of this one vigilante that they could FEEL like it was a ghost but also not ghost.
So now, the Fentons found the Batcave, well, no, they didn't cuz the boo-merang stopped working right after banging at a wall so now the Fentons are looking all over where the "ghost" could be at.
Picnic time with the Fentons
Danny was in Amity Park with his family, having a little picnic.
After everything that happened, everyone accepted Danny as Phantom. Everything was going well when a new family arrived in Amity Park, they are the Wayne family.
The Waynes just wanted a time-out from work, well, more like Alfred wanted them a time-out and sooner or later, during their visit in Amity. Bruce meets the Fentons and everything are spiraling down there cuz everyone still sees the Fentons as crazy scientists that keeps shooting down around the town but the difference from before and now are like joking about the past.
And that the Amity accepted their fate.
The Waynes thinks that they are villains but just really dumb but cant really say that since the Fentons are actually quite good at fixing tech and also making one out of every day materials like a thermos.
Danny thinks that this is all just hilarious and cracked up some dead jokes that got Jason eyeing on him while Jack laughs and the others just sighs in annoyance.
One of them commented: "I don't even know which side you're better off with. Dead or alive?
and Danny casually replies with: "Both are a die-hard fan, I guess."
and so on.
But what's really intriguing in all of this is just whenever Danny questions where the GIW is, everyone just can't seem to remember and the Waynes are confused so they asked Danny about it and Danny answered.
In all of this Q&A session, the Waynes found out that he's a halfa but not all too surprised that Danny would've thought they'd be but then again, Danny had an inkling feeling as to why.
He does know why.
And that this all picnic is all one big lie
"I'm still inside a facility, am I?" Danny asked, his glistening eyes looked straight back at Bruce with a cowl on.
"Where am I?" Danny asked, his voice hoarse. Jason didn't look at him, avoiding Danny's gaze that only made Danny laugh tiredly. "Thank you..." Danny closed his eyes and when he opens it again, he sees himself on a table, strapped and muffled. The dissection time were already over by the time he opens them.
Danny was thanking a person who helped him even if it was a lie.
Martian Manhunter helped him.

I doubt literally anyone cares, but I'm rewriting the entirety of Danny Phantom. Straight up MY obsession ๐
But I wanted to reimagine Danny Phantom in a way that honors the bones of the OG series, but makes things new and cohesive.
Anyway, if anyone is interested in that, I'm gonna be posting updates here and maybe a few other places, but we'll have to see.
Gotta go ghost ig

a quick look at my Jazz redesign

Tell me, what do you see in my eyes?
More comic sneak peaks. I'm still working on chapter 1 and it's slow going, but hey, this is still the most I've worked on it. executive dysfunction will do that to ya.
So humans have stripes... But they can only be seen in the case of high radiation. Soooo... Does ectoplasm count as a radioactive substance, I've seen people use the headcannon that liminals and people with ecto contamination have glowing eyes at times and may faintly glow in the dark, so I think ectoplasm is a substance that could make the lines visible. Now what about Danny? Would they be full on markings when he's in ghost form, as a human can he dull the glow, etc. Now what of the Bats and Birds? Imagine Bruce touched Danny, a handshake or smthn and they glow cuz the messed up ectoplasm recognizes Danny or worse it's Jason the introductions are going well but Danny's distracted, Jason is leaving the room ( he's feeling uneasy) and walks by Danny who grabs his wrist, Jason's eyes turn green and markings glow on his face, the room is pin drop silent "You've died before" a statement not a question, Jazz scolds Danny, the two stair each other down green on blue, till Danny looks away and let's Jason go, he maybe the ghost king but he has too much respect for Jazz.
I'll probably continue with this idea, if anyone is interested in it feel free just tag me!
Jazz gets frustrated that the higher ups of Arkham aren't even giving her a chance to implement a program to redeem the patients that she knows can be saved. So she decides to implement her own plan as an alter-ego of sorts outside of Arkham.
She slowly gets the resources necessary to provide Gotham's rogues a healthy outlet that's not destroying the city.
Harley is the one that finds out about Jazz's alter-ego, and decides to join her in helping the rouges be more understood.
And when Batman starts looking into them, Harley easily distracts the Batfam away from Jazz's Underground Therapy movement. Especially since it's working, and only the true problematic rogues (like Joker) are repeatedly kept at Arkham.
Its fun to see jazz be written more OP great take ๐
Jazz rested her chin on her folded hands that hung on Danny's shoulder. Dani sat in front of them going over the contract their summoners had provided.
Summonings were rare for Jazz. Rarer still, were that her siblings had been summoned with her. Most only bother with calling for one of them.
Jazz mostly ignored the call. Summoning was a two way street. If one side didn't consent then the ritual would fail.
More often than not the callers were kids or drunk college students playing with things they really shouldn't. Or it was someone that wanted her to conquer or destroy everything between a kingdom to their realm.
Jazz's liminalness allowed her to sense the emotions of her caller. From that she could more than guess why they were summoning her. Gleeful emotions were to be fully ignored.
This summoning wasn't like that. Desolation hung in the air. Almost palpable.
That and mild curiosity of her siblings being called too was what brought her over. There weren't many left that could give one of them a run for their money. Let alone the three of them.
Jazz hadn't spoken much after she arrived. Content to let her brother ask the important questions as she switched between looking for red flags with the emotions of the strangers that lingered outside the summoning circle and skimming the twenty page contract over her sister's shoulder.
Jazz snorted as she watched Dani write โNOโ in big letters next to a crossed out paragraph. Dani flipped the page over to its blank side and continued writing.
A door swished open. A figure with a red hood pulled over his head stood there. His head bowed over a tablet.
Jazz watched the newcomer as he made his way to another guy in red with a quiver and bow strapped to his back.
He must have felt her stare by how he turned his head.
Jazz stiffened when he made eye contact.
A ringing filled Jazz's ears. She slipped away from Danny's side.
She knew those eyes. Younger and paler. They haunted her memories.
She didn't register the sparks shooting off her shoes as she crossed the summoning circle's outer ring. Its runes glowed brighter as the barrier woven within put up a futile fight. With a flash the spell broke.
Jazz didn't even notice the pulse of fear that ran in the room. Too focused on someone she thought she'd never see again. He had to recognize her. She hadnโt changed that much since the last time she saw him a decade ago.
Weapons were drawn. Red Arrow notched an arrow. Drawing it back as he aimed warningly at Jazz. Nightwing and Batman rushed to intercept her.
Danny snarled for everyone to stand down.
Jazz continued treading forward. She stopped only when he took a step back from her. To many emotions flashed through him, wrapping tight around a ball of confusion.




Werewolf!Jazz (and little baby man Danny) hours



she has a heart for both of them! <3
Here's what I did for coloring it in, I made your watermark easier to see and made a bigger version of it. I had a lot of fun coloring this ^^


I got very distracted by making cookies today, so Iโm late haha. Iโm really happy with the comp for this one though, and I hope to finish it in the future. If anyone wants to colour it, then go for it! (dm me if you want the transparent version)
DannyMay Masterlist
Screenshot redraw! The Ultimate Enemy is my absolute favorite episode for many reasons, this hug being one of them. I love the fenton sibling relationship so much :D

