stemwithjooricanka - Stem with Joori Canka
Stem with Joori Canka

She was simple as quantum physics |

152 posts

Stemwithjooricanka - Stem With Joori Canka

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When you break the law, you go in jail. But when you break the law of physics, you end up in Norway and win a Nobel Prize. #NobelPrize #breakthelaw

1 year ago
When Albert Einstein Met Charlie Chaplin In 1931, Einstein Said, "What I Admire Most About Your Art Is

When Albert Einstein met Charlie Chaplin in 1931, Einstein said, "What I admire most about your art is its universality. You do not say a word, and yet the world understands you." "It's true." Replied Chaplin, "But your fame is even greater. The world admires you, when no one understands you."

1 year ago

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