stickbug-made-entirely-of-spite - (Req's full!! brb ^-^) A Mildly Artistic Stickbug
(Req's full!! brb ^-^) A Mildly Artistic Stickbug

19, Agender. Any pronouns that don't indicate gender are a-okay! (such as they/them, it/its, etc :]). If you think I seem like friend material, don't hesitate to send a message ^-^ | That being said, heyo! I make art from time to time, mostly depending on when inspiration decides to strike lol. I figured it wouldn't hurt to have somewhere to document all of it, and why not share it with some people who might enjoy it as much as I do while I'm at it? :] To anyone who happens to stumble upon my profile, I hope you're doing alright, and that you have a wonderful rest of your day!

221 posts

Stickbug-made-entirely-of-spite - (Req's Full!! Brb ^-^) A Mildly Artistic Stickbug - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago

Hello, friends! We've got more art!! Lmao

I've been in a painting mood recently, probably because I finally got more white paint after having been out of it for months TTvTT

Hello, Friends! We've Got More Art!! Lmao

I decided to let myself make something a little less demanding than the last painting, I only spent a few hours on this one ^-^

(Which is probably evident in the not-so-crisp lines of those not-so-consistent swirls at the top lmao)

Nonetheless, I had a lot of fun with this one!! I really like this more graphic style, and I always appreciate a good monochrome + accent colour situation 😌👌 (especially if it's blue and orange bahahaha, are we surprised at this point?)

I really just let myself paint without thinking too much about the outcome, it was really therapeutic to just *paint pretty colours* for once, rather than striving for absolute perfection, which is a bad habit I often find myself falling victim to

Pretty colours and Stick's favourite colour combo aside, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day ^-^ 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

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8 months ago

yippee new moot :3

Yippeeeee! ^-^ 🪲🤝

8 months ago

We've got art!! (Long-ish post ahead, friends)

Poorly photographed art, but art nonetheless bahahaha

I was listening to Epic: The Musical a lot while working on this, and 'Thunder Bringer' definetly influenced the sky a lot during the painting process! I'll include a picture of the sky about half-way through the process after the close-ups, so you can see what I mean :]

We've Got Art!! (Long-ish Post Ahead, Friends)
We've Got Art!! (Long-ish Post Ahead, Friends)
We've Got Art!! (Long-ish Post Ahead, Friends)
We've Got Art!! (Long-ish Post Ahead, Friends)

I've edited the first image -to the best of my ability- since my phone camera couldn't quite capture it accurately (it looked really de-saturated, and a lot of the detail was lost to the lack of contrast TTvTT), but the close-ups are un-edited since they're more true to life ^-^

I'm really proud of how the water turned out, I've never painted water before so it was a fun process to figure out!! :D

And I don't usually name my art since there usually isn't any meaning behind it, but this painting is directly inspired by The Odyssey through Epic: The Musical, and I've decided to name it "Six hundred men"

Why I've decided to name it this, you'll have to figure out yourself! (although, the name is pretty self-explanatory lmao)

A little hint is in the flowers I've painted, specifically the meaning behind those flowers, and their use in Greek and Roman myths. The colour of the flower isn't essential here, only the type of flower

Here are some pictures of the sky early in the painting process, and half-way through, as promised :]

We've Got Art!! (Long-ish Post Ahead, Friends)
We've Got Art!! (Long-ish Post Ahead, Friends)

This is essentially what I picture in my mind when I think of the term 'rolling thunder'

I spent a total of about four workdays on this (in hours, that is)

Paintings with hidden meanings and flower language aside, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day ^-^ 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

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8 months ago

Heyo, friends!!

Here is yet another awesome character I've made art of for ArtFight: Sol, owned by @citrispace here on tumblr ^-^

They were depicted both as a child and a young adult, so I decided to lean more towards the latter for the actual appearance, while I took inspiration from both of them for the expression and over-all vibe of the character :]

The hair was so incredibly fun to draw! I just love this lava-lamp vibe so much, and the floaty bits were a blast to add in the end!

I'm really happy with how they came out looking almost like a paper doll in some of the detailing, I shade my line-art *as well as* the actual flat colours, which might be why that happens from time to time bahahahaha

I'm also extremely satisfied with how their expression turned out! They seemed like a really fun-loving character, so I wanted to draw them laughing at a good joke ^-^

Awesome character #4 aside, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

Heyo, Friends!!

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8 months ago

Hello, friends!

Here is another awesome character I've made art of for ArtFight, owned and designed by @leilanising (and with the same name as she is a sona) here on tumblr ^-^

Hello, Friends!

I actually struggled a bit with this one!! I couldn't use my usual approach to the line-art in terms of colour since I like to make it slightly darker than what it's surrounding, so it was challenging to let go of that familiarity and use lighter colours this time!

Nonetheless, it was a very fun challenge, and I'm glad I was able to push through with the rendering rather than just leaving it as flat colours ^-^

I'm happy with the result! And I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of drawing noses, which I've struggled with a lot in the past :D

Awesome character #3 aside, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day ^-^🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

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8 months ago

Hello, friends!!

Here is yet another awesome character I've made art of, this time as friendly fire ^-^

His name is Felix, he is sixteen years old, and the creator is @sobro48917 here on tumblr!

Hello, Friends!!

His hair was a lot of fun to shade! I really liked the highlight colour that was used in one of the reference pictures, so I included it in my own art of him :]

I know that the metal details on his choker really stand out lmao, I got carried away TTvTT

And I think I'm getting better at drawing hair!! I feel like it actually makes some semblance of sense this time bahahahaha

Awesome character #2 and funky highlights aside, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! ^-^ 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

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8 months ago

Long time no see, friends!

Recently I've had an all-you-can-eat buffet worth of responsibilities and struggles on my plate, so I haven't been able to (or had the energy to) post or talk to anyone, let alone make art TTvTT

But with ArtFight came excitement, and with excitement came motivation! So I'll be posting everything I make for other participants on here, with their permission and credits of course ^-^

Starting right now!!

This, my friends, is my take on a human version of Grief (owned by 8atwix on ArtFight), who can be found through this ToyHouse link! :]

Long Time No See, Friends!

I had so much fun experimenting with the unusual skintone, and figuring out how I should render it! In the end, I think it turned out really good ^-^

Grief seemed like a really playful, miscievous character, so I hope I was able to portray that in my art as well!

I'm still not entirely sure of what I'm doing when I'm rendering people, but I definetly feel like I've made really good progress so far!

Awesome character #1 and art progress aside, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day ^-^ 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

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9 months ago

I felt like putting some clothes on the buggy dude! ^-^

I included a close-up of the second version, since tumblr loves to just *eat up* all the details TTvTT

I Felt Like Putting Some Clothes On The Buggy Dude! ^-^
I Felt Like Putting Some Clothes On The Buggy Dude! ^-^
I Felt Like Putting Some Clothes On The Buggy Dude! ^-^

It's heavily inspired by my own wardrobe/general sense of fashion lmao, I basically have those jeans, as well as that belt and that orange sweater, and I love to mix my metals :]

And he may not have any nails, but who says you can't wear nail polish just because of that? Bahahaha

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9 months ago

Hello friends!

I don't have any art updates to post this time, I just wanted to let you know that you are absolutely wonderful, and that I appreciate every single one of you!! You're amazing, if you're reading this (and if you aren't, let's be real bahahaha), and I hope you're having a wonderful day ^-^ <3

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲🧡

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9 months ago

My bug boy - Acherynn - is now registered on Art Fight, so I am now vulnerable to attacks starting July 1st :'D

The link is in my masterpost, for anyone who is interested :]

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9 months ago

UPDATE!! He has an official name now!!! :D

I was looking at the wikipedia page for the Goliath stick insect for inspiration, and I scrolled down to the many different scientific names it's been given by different people throughout the years. One word that popped up in three of the names was "Acheron", which is the name of a river in classical mythology. The word itself means both -death- and -hell-

I wasn't completely sold on this word as his name for that reason, since the meanings don't exactly suit his character, but I wanted to include it somehow to tie his name to the actual insect!

So, I decided to combine the word 'Acheron' with my own name, 'Robynn', which gave me 'Acherynn' ^-^

I think this name has a much softer feeling to it, which suits him much better! And as a bonus, it's really easy for me to remember since it was easy to come up with :]

He no longer has to go by strictly 'bug boy' bahahahaha

Alright, that's my rant over lmao

Stickbug (and Acherynn!!) out 🪲

He's finished!

Or well, his base concept bahahaha

And as promised, I'm also including his colour palette! The shadow colours aren't set in stone of course, that 100% depends on the style and lighting one chooses to use - should they want to doodle my bug boy -, but I wanted to include them because - why not? -

Nothing is set in stone tbh, if you wanna up the saturation, darken/lighten some colours, change a hue or two to make him fit your style a little better, you're more than welcome to do so ^-^

He's Finished!
He's Finished!
He's Finished!
He's Finished!

I haven't worked out a name for him just yet, but I tend to call him "Stick", "Bug", or "Bug boy", so I guess those are his nicknames so far! ^-^

And just to be clear, there are no set pronouns for this buggy dude! I tend to use he/him because it comes naturally to me, but this character is in fact genderfluid, with a majority of the time spent more on either the agender or masculine side of the spectrum

He basically shares my gender identity (and my eye colour, a fun little detail), which makes sense since he is my persona after all bahahaha

His height, which I now realise I should have included in one of the pictures :'], is 7'8". Yes, this is very tall. Yes, he is based on an absolutely massive insect lmao

Clothes are honestly up to whoever is doodling him, I drew him without them here since I wanted to clearly display his build (and he technically doesn't need to wear any clothes unless he's cold, since there isn't really anything to cover up lmao)

All of that said, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

(and Stickbug's bug boy)

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9 months ago

Bro I am still so fucking proud of how my bug boy turned out, that pose was 100% just my brain working overtime, underpaid, with not nearly enough resources lmfao

I looked at a picture of a stick insect to figure out the buggy ends of his limbs, but that's literally it

Sorry I just had to get that out of my system bahahaha, it was eating me alive TTvTT

Stickbug out ✌🪲

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9 months ago

I have decided to give my good friend Pothead Larry (A plastic halloween candy container that once housed a singular hemp plant which I found had sprouted in the yard) a realistic make-over

Painting away those angry eyesockets is definetly a challenge lmao :']

I Have Decided To Give My Good Friend Pothead Larry (A Plastic Halloween Candy Container That Once Housed
I Have Decided To Give My Good Friend Pothead Larry (A Plastic Halloween Candy Container That Once Housed

Making said eyesockets - as well as the nasal cavity - look like they aren't just shallow indents has also been a journey to say the least, and why is the cheekbone so long???? And why are the teeth so small?????? 😭

Definetly turning this into a flower pot once again after this, gotta get me some plant lights though since my window doesn't get enough light TTvTT

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9 months ago

He's finished!

Or well, his base concept bahahaha

And as promised, I'm also including his colour palette! The shadow colours aren't set in stone of course, that 100% depends on the style and lighting one chooses to use - should they want to doodle my bug boy -, but I wanted to include them because - why not? -

Nothing is set in stone tbh, if you wanna up the saturation, darken/lighten some colours, change a hue or two to make him fit your style a little better, you're more than welcome to do so ^-^

He's Finished!
He's Finished!
He's Finished!
He's Finished!

I haven't worked out a name for him just yet, but I tend to call him "Stick", "Bug", or "Bug boy", so I guess those are his nicknames so far! ^-^

And just to be clear, there are no set pronouns for this buggy dude! I tend to use he/him because it comes naturally to me, but this character is in fact genderfluid, with a majority of the time spent more on either the agender or masculine side of the spectrum

He basically shares my gender identity (and my eye colour, a fun little detail), which makes sense since he is my persona after all bahahaha

His height, which I now realise I should have included in one of the pictures :'], is 7'8". Yes, this is very tall. Yes, he is based on an absolutely massive insect lmao

Clothes are honestly up to whoever is doodling him, I drew him without them here since I wanted to clearly display his build (and he technically doesn't need to wear any clothes unless he's cold, since there isn't really anything to cover up lmao)

All of that said, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

(and Stickbug's bug boy)

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9 months ago

It just occurred to me that my post doesn't exactly make very clear what exactly I'm selling lmao, so here's me fixing that!

It Just Occurred To Me That My Post Doesn't Exactly Make Very Clear What Exactly I'm Selling Lmao, So

It's a poster of this doodle I made a little while back, 20×28" or 50×70cm ^-^

That is all, carry on with your day friend!

Hello friends! ^-^

I just made an etsy!! I only have one listing up as of now, but I'm still really excited about it bahahaha

I tried my best to make it affordable without losing too much quality, so the main listing is 25USD, while there's another version with slightly better paper for 35USD, and a framed version of the first one for 75USD :]

(that last one feels a little unnecessary, but I figured that not everyone wants to go buy a separate frame for their prints, so why not? Lmao)

Here is the link to my first listing! There is no pressure whatsoever to buy of course, but I would appreciate a share if it isn't too much trouble ^-^
How would you approach this mysterious light source out in the vastness of space? Would you be cautious, or curious like our pirate captain

The printing service I'm using is Gelato, which is connected to my Etsy shop where the products will be displayed and avaliable for purchase!

Any and all feedback is welcomed with open arms, I'm incredibly new to this so I wouldn't be surprised if I've made a mistake or two bahahaha TTvTT

That being said, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!! 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

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9 months ago

Hello friends! ^-^

I just made an etsy!! I only have one listing up as of now, but I'm still really excited about it bahahaha

I tried my best to make it affordable without losing too much quality, so the main listing is 25USD, while there's another version with slightly better paper for 35USD, and a framed version of the first one for 75USD :]

(that last one feels a little unnecessary, but I figured that not everyone wants to go buy a separate frame for their prints, so why not? Lmao)

Here is the link to my first listing! There is no pressure whatsoever to buy of course, but I would appreciate a share if it isn't too much trouble ^-^
How would you approach this mysterious light source out in the vastness of space? Would you be cautious, or curious like our pirate captain

The printing service I'm using is Gelato, which is connected to my Etsy shop where the products will be displayed and avaliable for purchase!

Any and all feedback is welcomed with open arms, I'm incredibly new to this so I wouldn't be surprised if I've made a mistake or two bahahaha TTvTT

That being said, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!! 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

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9 months ago

A Spot of Cream: a short story

The man stared into his coffee mug, swirling the cloudy liquid absent-mindedly and observing how the thin layer of cream gathered in the center, a melancholy yet fond look on his paling face. The sun was beginning to peak through the kitchen window, as evident by the way the morning light was just shy of touching his hand where it laid idly on the kitchen table

Just under half an hour ago, he had returned home from the store, having left to get the very cream that was currently occupying his attention upon discovering that what little he had left had spoiled overnight.

He listened to the gentle pitter-patter outside, and breathed a content sigh, taking another sip of his morning coffee. He could feel the subtle warmth of the rising sun creeping up on his hand, having never left it's place on the table beside his favourite mug.

The man smiled to himself, - it was a resigned, barely-there quirk of the lips, just in the corners of his mouth, - as he took another sip of his now luke-warm coffee and ignored the steadily growing feeling of numbness stemming from his hand, now completely illuminated by the morning rays.

Pulling his eyes away from the coffee mug, he watched with fascination as the light gleamed like gold flakes in the scarlet that covered his, now limp, pale fingers.

His gaze shifted further up, settling just above his wrist, where the bite had begun to turn the surrounding skin a sickly greyish shade of what had been a lively peach just an hour ago.

The man sighed once more, and took yet another sip of his, now cold, morning coffee.

Soon, he would join the pitter-patter outside, all for a spot of cream in his coffee.

My prompts for this story were:

Virus, Sound, Mug, Result :]

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9 months ago

The apprentice: a short story

The apprentice slowly backed away from her work, putting her spatula down and eyeing the sculpture thoughtfully. She had been working on it for weeks on end, almost obsessive in her dedication to form the clay just right, to stay true to her reference material; down to the subtle bend of each little eyelash.

They were delicate enough to snap in half with the most minuscule application of force, and had drawn many curses from her lips during the tedious sculpting process.

She knew very well that she could have used a wire armature to spare herself the trouble, but she was nothing if not stubborn in her approach, and real eyelashes didn't have any armatures.

Shifting her gaze from the delicate things, her eyes settled on the area where the sculpture's nose meets it's mouth, admiring the elegant curve of the cupid's bow which had taken her countless attempts to get just right. Every prior attempt perfectly decent, yet still inferior to the next.

Nodding approvingly, her gaze shifted further yet, settling on the juncture where the sculpture's jaw meets it's neck. It was well executed, - anyone could see that, it was plain as day. It didn't take a master to point it out. -

Except for one thing,

The neck was too short.

The apprentice clenched her fists at the discovery, cursing herself as she reached for her previously abandoned spatula. With a calm, yet almost frenzied look in her eyes, she began to separate the sculpted head from the neck of it's static body, taking diligent care in avoiding any and all unnecessary damage.

She would of course have mended any such damage with the same level of precision that had been applied to every other step in this tedious journey, but it would have been a waste of precious effort to sculpt what had already been sculpted to perfection, so she focused back on the task at hand; to fix the mistake she had already - foolishly - made.

Setting the head down on a small table to her right, she picked up some clay and got to work.


Once satisfied with her performance, she carefully retrieved the head from her right, scored and coated both it and the top of the neck in slip, and painstakingly joined them together as if they never had been separated in the first place.

Once again, she set her spatula aside and examined her work, her scrutinizing gaze unforgiving of even the tiniest inaccuracy.

Finally content with her handicraft, she breathed an appeased sigh before turning her gaze to her left, where her master sat as model for her ambitious project. It had taken quite a bit of convincing on her part, but she had eventually gotten her way, just like she knew she would.

Smiling at her master, she approached him, a fond look on her face as she spoke, her left hand resting gently on his stoic face:

"You sat so patiently for me, master. I hope I've done you justice."

Her hand reluctantly left his face, it's gaze unmoving from it's spot on the sculpture that depicted it's likeness, as it had been for the last few weeks.

Even in death, his piercing gaze betrayed not even the shallowest of thoughts that hid behind those eyes.

My prompts for this short story were:

Perfect, Separate, Sculpture, and Learn ^-^

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9 months ago

Heyyy friends!

I haven't posted in a while, I've been in a bit of a slump recently so I haven't really been making a lot of art TTvTT

Here's a painting I made in the early stage of this little slump of mine, as well as a work in progress of a digital doodle I'm working on!

Heyyy Friends!
Heyyy Friends!

I was listening to 'Heaven's Light/Hellfire' on repeat while making the painting, hence the blue, brimstone-esque flames lmao. The blue is actually eyeshadow! There is a hint of purple in there as well, from the same palette :]

I can't say I've painted fire anytime before this, but it was a lot of fun!

As for the digital doodle, it started out as me just wanting to sketch someone that isn't necessarily conventionally attractive. I wanted to include features that aren't as often depicted in media/art, such as receding hairlines, permanent frowns, hunched posture, and aged faces. I think I've lost a little of his receding hairline around the temples during the rendering process, but I'll make sure to add that back in when I continue working on it :]

(key word: conventionally attractive. I actually think he's very beautiful, myself ^-^)

I'm thinking about naming this piece, which I can't say I've ever done before lmfao. I just can't pass up on the opportunity of naming it "Waking up after a really good nap", it's too perfect!

Artist slumps and wholesome works-in-progress aside, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

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10 months ago

Aw heck, man

*spontaneously combusts*

BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!❣️ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <3

Guess I'll die /j

10 months ago
/j /aff

/j /aff

BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!❣️ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but. It's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <3

Retaliation, fucker

BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once You Are Given This Award You're Supposed To Paste It In The Asks Of 8 People

/j /aff

10 months ago

Hiya, friends! ^-^

Here's two quick illustrations of our favourite feathered biped landing after a morning glide (with a twist!) :D

Or, well, two versions of the same illustration lmfao, sketched traditionally in graphite and completed digitally on my phone

Hiya, Friends! ^-^
Hiya, Friends! ^-^

This is clearly not Eshra's usual colour scheme, but instead inspired by the Palawan peacock-pheasant! (pictured below)

The first version still adheres to Eshra's already existing colour scheme to some extent, while the second one is made completely with the reference material in mind :]

I did take some creative liberty with the purple iridescence under his wings, as that's not something that exists in either Eshra's design or the pheasant. It felt necessary i order to better tie the brown in with the rest of the colour scheme

Hiya, Friends! ^-^
Hiya, Friends! ^-^

I had honestly forgotten completely about the existence of this bird until @so-called-yokai (also the creator of this lovely character, go check them out) brought up the idea of giving Eshra a pheasant-themed makeover, which I obviously couldn't resist ^-^

Not-quite-peafowls and feathered bipeds inspired by said not-quite-peafowls aside, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 🧡

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

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