Poor Boyo Has To Rip Holes In His Sleeves To Make His Thorns Fit - Tumblr Posts

I felt like putting some clothes on the buggy dude! ^-^

I included a close-up of the second version, since tumblr loves to just *eat up* all the details TTvTT

I Felt Like Putting Some Clothes On The Buggy Dude! ^-^
I Felt Like Putting Some Clothes On The Buggy Dude! ^-^
I Felt Like Putting Some Clothes On The Buggy Dude! ^-^

It's heavily inspired by my own wardrobe/general sense of fashion lmao, I basically have those jeans, as well as that belt and that orange sweater, and I love to mix my metals :]

And he may not have any nails, but who says you can't wear nail polish just because of that? Bahahaha

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