stinkysstuff - glen ray irl (they\them)
glen ray irl (they\them)

hai im Theo, im fixated on chucky! PROSHITTERS DNI age: 19 :]

342 posts

This Was An Amazing Fic!! Would U Do A Part 2 Of It Cuz I Really Loved It!!

This was an amazing fic!! Would u do a part 2 of it cuz i really loved it!!



All over the walls, the floors, even specks of it upon the ceiling. Thanks to her lovely husband.

Tiffany watched as the stitched doll brought the hammer down onto the man's head a seventh time, her plastic lips wide with a smile. She loved it when he chose the more violent kills. It always gave her the chills.

Chucky looked up from his work towards her, his own face splattered with blood from the corpse below him. "He's out. What about yours?"

Tiffany casually lifted a steak knife, the serated kind to saw through tough meat. It was coated with its own form of fresh blood, as was the head that she'd used the knife to separate from its body.

The bridal doll felt a twinge of pride as her husband gave her a little smirk of admiration, which she returned with one of her own, before walking over towards him and planting a passionate kiss on his soft plastic lips.

"I fucking love date night."


The two returned to their home, a house that looked abandoned on the outside but within it was a quaint little alternative place. Stolen furniture and tools, painted walls, enough rooms for everyone, it was perfect.

The doors had multiple locks on them to protect the family, and right now they'd been used to protect two in particular.

24 year olds and dolls Glen and Glenda lay sound asleep on the couch, a phone placed right beside them to constantly check in. Upon the flat screened TV was the Lion King, the annoying words of 'Hakuna Matata' being heard by both parents.

Tiffany turned the TV off with the click of a remote before turning to her children who slept like the dead beneath a large comforter that Tiffany and Chucky recognized from Glenda's bedroom.

The two had waited for a little bit before falling asleep, and the realization gave Tiffany a smile. Her sweethearts.

They were grown but they were still their babies.

Chucky seemed to agree because he himself smiled a little bit. "You wanna wake 'em up and move 'em to their rooms? That can't be fucking comfortable."

Tiffany shook her head. "They look pretty comfy to me. And I've had my fair share of couch sleep."

The doll bride was right. Glenda was face down into their pillow, arm hanging off the couch as the peacefully snoozed. Glen snuggled Billy the bear as they slept, their long hair almost covering their sleepy face.

Her children were peacefully asleep, and they were fine.

Chucky watched the children for a second before nodding, wrapping an arm around his wife's waist. He seemed to have something on his mind, but he didn't say it.

Tiffany admired her children once again before she noticed her husband's face, and her own formed confusion.

"Chucky what's wrong? Are you tired or-"

His face- she hardly ever saw it like this. It looked like a mixture of the most depressed and the most furious face ever seen.

Chucky didn't answer her, but his eyes flicked over to her, and she didn't know how but his expression got worse. His eyes bore into the soul of the doll she stood in.

"No. I'm just thinking." Tiffany hesitated for a couple seconds, her stomach feeling almost sick. Something was wrong. Something was so wrong right now.

Her mouth felt dry as she finally moved her mouth to form words. "About... What?" That glare... It was almost inhuman.

"You really chose being a movie star over this, didn't you?"

And as Chucky suddenly yanked her close, yanking out his red knife that she'd gotten him and slicing her throat, Tiffany woke up with a scream.

She was awake now, back in her room- Jennifer's room.

She was alone, tears rushing down her face, her breathing labored by fear and little broken sobs.

It had been so real... She had been so happy.

But the original Chucky was gone, Nica hardly reacted to anything, her children- her now seventeen year old children were at school, and her doll was now possessed by the woman whose life she took over.

And as Tiffany Valentine-Ray sat in the designer bed, staring up at herself at the ceiling mirror, she realized how much she truly hated it.

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More Posts from Stinkysstuff

1 year ago

I love these sm

Especially the charles and sophie one 😭😭💜

I Forgot To Post These But Here Are Some Comms I've Done So Far!!
I Forgot To Post These But Here Are Some Comms I've Done So Far!!
I Forgot To Post These But Here Are Some Comms I've Done So Far!!

I forgot to post these but here are some comms I've done so far!!

1 year ago
Thank You @losersclubisms And Everyone Who Got Me To 50 Reblogs!

Thank you @losersclubisms and everyone who got me to 50 reblogs!


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1 year ago

Thanks for the tears/j

Thanks For The Tears/j


The redheaded doll scurried across the floor, free from the deranged doctors grasp. He could hear the loud commotion and the clamoring of frantic footsteps right behind him. He needed to get the hell out of that chapel. It felt odd since he was the one running, away from people that wanted to kill him this time around. He had no one. Just himself, he had no relation to his children he would barely recognize them. He never even had a full conversation with Glen, and Glenda? What was there to say? The kid hates him, with every ounce of their being. He was truthful in the regard that he didn't to bail on the family...that...things could have turned out differently...but was all her fault...she fucking did this....she did it all to him...she's the one who got him killed, she's the one who stabbed him in the back literally and metaphorically. She wanted to become human all those years ago...but then had a sudden "change of heart" wanting the two of them to be together in death while those snobby teens Jeese and Jade got to live on....then Glen....Glen roped them together again...only for her to constantly dismiss him and his compulsive addiction and giving him hell for then he slipped up only for her to hypocritically do the same...and to hide it...hide it from him, while he attempted to comfort her in his own twisted way by revealing his little slips.

Then the axe to his heart...she left him....she left him and took their kid all for false fame...That's all he was worth to her.....However he wasn't one to argue he had done his fair share of cruelty to their relationship...yes the flame was extinguished long ago and ashes only remained...but...his heart was coal...and she was spark....there was always a chance a flame could be reignited.


Speaking of the devil...he couldn't look at wasn't even was a mask of some else's skin....Jennifer Tilly's. His Tiffany was dead...he needed to remember that...but instead of running he only paused...every instinct inside in was fuming, wanting him to run, to shoot her that air filled head of hers. But he didn't he was cemented to the ground.

"What do you want, come to finish me off? Where ya gonna shoot me in the head? Or in the heart Tiffany"

The blonde knew he was upset since he used a distinct name change...the pet name Tiff was dropped and exchanged for Tiffany.

"Let me tell already broke mine that'd you put it? "I'm leaving you Chucky and I'm taking the kid"...yeah that's how I remember it...what a response when someone pours their heat out to ya...only for it to be ripped out of your chest....honest I'm glad Glen stuck the axe in my chest...felt way better than what you did to it...tell me did I break your heart? Because I killed without ya? Because I didn't want to be a human again? Tell me...what did I do? OH Let me guess...because I didn't do what you asked?"

Tiffany didn't speak tears had been pouring from her sockets. She wondered how long he had held those words in for.

"I did what I wanted to do to be happy Chucky"

"HA, there you go again....making it all about you always do..."

"I--I'm sorry...I'm sorry"

"You're sorry?Well S=sorry doesn't bring my body back now does it? And it doesn't turn back the clock to when the twins were kids...all those fucking years...what'd ya tell em? Oh wait Glenda already told me that lie you fed them.... that I bailed...that I walked out on them...abandoned that fucking hurt coming from your own child...I don't think having my wife leave me for some petty delusions counts as me bailing...and speaking about delusions how's that acting career coming...hope it was fucking worth it"


"Oh now you're quiet....wish you we're quiet when you were feeding the twins all those lies about me...did you even tell them anything positive about me....wait let me you didn' probably told them I was a good for nothing drunk that knocked you up and left...sound about right?"


"Funny, from what I heard from Glenda you haven't left Tilly's mansion in a year and you drink every damn day...I should know...I was trapped in a fucking room the whole time...and honestly it was fucking disgusting on what you did to that was too fucking far...even for me..."


"But then again you probably don't know where to draw the line since you thought calling the fucking cops on me was justified because all I did was kill without ya...honestly how pathetic"


" should dye your hair...because you're making lose my taste for blondes..."



"I---I still love you..."

"Huh...oh really didn't look like it when you we're with Nica"

"I---I just want someone to love me..."

"Oh yeah? Well ya lost that ticket about 18 years ago..."

"...sweetface...don't go"

"And you wanna know what's the worst fucking part about all this Tiffany..."


"I can't fucking hate you...and....I still care....about you..."

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1 year ago

Me but with the chucky series. Like it could have been so good but it was executed horribly

a piece of media that is bad: mundane. effectless

a piece of media that is bad but had the potential to be so so good: unbearable. agonizing. soul crushing even

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