Tiffany Ray - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Look At This Cool I Found Movie At Walmart. I Didn't Buy It, But My Man Chucky Of A Cool Looking Hairstyle

Look at this cool I found movie at Walmart. I didn't buy it, but my man chucky of a cool looking hairstyle ever.

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2 years ago

The comfort character trio

Dream Blunt Rotation

dream blunt rotation

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1 year ago

This was an amazing fic!! Would u do a part 2 of it cuz i really loved it!!



All over the walls, the floors, even specks of it upon the ceiling. Thanks to her lovely husband.

Tiffany watched as the stitched doll brought the hammer down onto the man's head a seventh time, her plastic lips wide with a smile. She loved it when he chose the more violent kills. It always gave her the chills.

Chucky looked up from his work towards her, his own face splattered with blood from the corpse below him. "He's out. What about yours?"

Tiffany casually lifted a steak knife, the serated kind to saw through tough meat. It was coated with its own form of fresh blood, as was the head that she'd used the knife to separate from its body.

The bridal doll felt a twinge of pride as her husband gave her a little smirk of admiration, which she returned with one of her own, before walking over towards him and planting a passionate kiss on his soft plastic lips.

"I fucking love date night."


The two returned to their home, a house that looked abandoned on the outside but within it was a quaint little alternative place. Stolen furniture and tools, painted walls, enough rooms for everyone, it was perfect.

The doors had multiple locks on them to protect the family, and right now they'd been used to protect two in particular.

24 year olds and dolls Glen and Glenda lay sound asleep on the couch, a phone placed right beside them to constantly check in. Upon the flat screened TV was the Lion King, the annoying words of 'Hakuna Matata' being heard by both parents.

Tiffany turned the TV off with the click of a remote before turning to her children who slept like the dead beneath a large comforter that Tiffany and Chucky recognized from Glenda's bedroom.

The two had waited for a little bit before falling asleep, and the realization gave Tiffany a smile. Her sweethearts.

They were grown but they were still their babies.

Chucky seemed to agree because he himself smiled a little bit. "You wanna wake 'em up and move 'em to their rooms? That can't be fucking comfortable."

Tiffany shook her head. "They look pretty comfy to me. And I've had my fair share of couch sleep."

The doll bride was right. Glenda was face down into their pillow, arm hanging off the couch as the peacefully snoozed. Glen snuggled Billy the bear as they slept, their long hair almost covering their sleepy face.

Her children were peacefully asleep, and they were fine.

Chucky watched the children for a second before nodding, wrapping an arm around his wife's waist. He seemed to have something on his mind, but he didn't say it.

Tiffany admired her children once again before she noticed her husband's face, and her own formed confusion.

"Chucky what's wrong? Are you tired or-"

His face- she hardly ever saw it like this. It looked like a mixture of the most depressed and the most furious face ever seen.

Chucky didn't answer her, but his eyes flicked over to her, and she didn't know how but his expression got worse. His eyes bore into the soul of the doll she stood in.

"No. I'm just thinking." Tiffany hesitated for a couple seconds, her stomach feeling almost sick. Something was wrong. Something was so wrong right now.

Her mouth felt dry as she finally moved her mouth to form words. "About... What?" That glare... It was almost inhuman.

"You really chose being a movie star over this, didn't you?"

And as Chucky suddenly yanked her close, yanking out his red knife that she'd gotten him and slicing her throat, Tiffany woke up with a scream.

She was awake now, back in her room- Jennifer's room.

She was alone, tears rushing down her face, her breathing labored by fear and little broken sobs.

It had been so real... She had been so happy.

But the original Chucky was gone, Nica hardly reacted to anything, her children- her now seventeen year old children were at school, and her doll was now possessed by the woman whose life she took over.

And as Tiffany Valentine-Ray sat in the designer bed, staring up at herself at the ceiling mirror, she realized how much she truly hated it.

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1 year ago

Y'know, i wonder what Tiffany is gonna do after she transfers her soul back into the doll (cuz lets be honest shes not ACTUALLY gonna die, shes too much of a fan favorite) does don have any idea for her character after it??? Or will she just be another problem for the trio+nica??

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1 year ago

True that could happen but again, what is she gonna do afterwards? Even if she somehow makes it out of prison still in Jennifer's body what is the point of having her around?? What is she gonna do?? Whats her plot?

Y'know, i wonder what Tiffany is gonna do after she transfers her soul back into the doll (cuz lets be honest shes not ACTUALLY gonna die, shes too much of a fan favorite) does don have any idea for her character after it??? Or will she just be another problem for the trio+nica??

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10 months ago

What about that ritual scene we saw in the trailer?? OR THE SCENE OF HER HOLDING A KNIFE GOING AFTER LEXY?? those 2 scenes im sssoo interested in honestly.

ARE U EXCITED FOR CAROLINE PART CUZ I AM. I hope she doesn't die cuz shes my fav :( btw what do u think will happen next ep?


Honestly, I have a pretty good feeling that she's either going to be pretty much the only person that Chucky has by his side besides Tiffany but the death of his doll body is going to force Caroline to reunite with Lexy (despite her fucking hating it when she is around Lexy)

And by the time the end of the season finale comes around she either goes off with Tiffany, Chucky if he ever comes back into another doll, or just goes off on her own path similar to how GG's story ended back in Season 2

Also I have a good feeling that the next episode is going to be showing off Ghost!Chucky and all his past selves, going into bits and pieces of each one's biggest events in that time of his life (probably a way for Chucky to look back on his life after he's become a spirit to reflect and ponder on it)

I also just wanna see Teen Chucky have a major Hippie Phase and just be an optimistic goof despite most likely still having a murder streak on him at that time of his life!

Thank you soso very much for coming by the inbox my great amazing friend, it's so awesome seeing you here since I LOVE your art and Chucky content! I hope to see you here again and have a fantastic day my fantastic friend!!

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6 months ago

Chuck is it true your braces got stuck on Tiffany’s when you were kids?!

Chuck Is It True Your Braces Got Stuck On Tiffanys When You Were Kids?!

“Fucking hell….the fuck is wrong with you assholes…Ya don’t gotta remind me…”


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3 years ago
(W Or W/O Logo)
(W Or W/O Logo)

(W or W/O logo)

Welp I decided I wanted to make an AU where Tiffany is a pop star/idol in the form of a concept of a idol anime of Tiffany in order to grow a Child's Play fandom/audience in Japan

So here is the makeshift pseudo-anime poster of PopRock Star Idol Tiffany-Chan!

Enjoy my friends!! 🌈🌈

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3 years ago
Finally Finished My Ship Art For Chucky X Tiffany X Piper (Child's Play Self Insert/oc)
Finally Finished My Ship Art For Chucky X Tiffany X Piper (Child's Play Self Insert/oc)

Finally finished my ship art for Chucky x Tiffany x Piper (Child's Play self insert/oc)

God this one took a long while (me staying up until 5 am and then working on it all day) to get done, esp the background and shading hhhhhhh

Anyways, enjoy my friends!! 🌈🌈

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3 years ago
Got Done Some Doodles Of The Chaotic Doll Trio Chucky X Piper X Tiffany Since I Feel I Need To Doodle

Got done some doodles of the chaotic doll trio Chucky x Piper x Tiffany since I feel I need to doodle like this more often hehe!

Piper loves being squished in between Chucky and Tiff, her favorite place to be!

Please do enjoy!! 🌈🌈

(Close Ups under the cut!!)

Got Done Some Doodles Of The Chaotic Doll Trio Chucky X Piper X Tiffany Since I Feel I Need To Doodle
Got Done Some Doodles Of The Chaotic Doll Trio Chucky X Piper X Tiffany Since I Feel I Need To Doodle
Got Done Some Doodles Of The Chaotic Doll Trio Chucky X Piper X Tiffany Since I Feel I Need To Doodle

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3 years ago
Chucky's Mask Came With Two Other Ones For A Themed Group Costume! Piper's Came In A Little Cracked But

Chucky's mask came with two other ones for a themed group costume! Piper's came in a little cracked but thats OK!

The background was really fun to make this time around

I hope you all enjoy!!


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3 years ago


But yeh, this is pretty much my version of the Ray Family according to my AUs/Interpretations of the Child's Play canon

Oh, and in this AU/s, Jake and Junior have been adopted by Chucky and Tiffany and are considered their sons and both consider each other brothers

Oh and John (the panda) is the chill uncle that lives in their house's attic and Eddie (the cat) poses as the Rays' family pet

Please do enjoy friends, hope the wait was worth it!!


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2 years ago
My Valentine's Drawing That I've Made For The Occasion!

My Valentine's drawing that I've made for the occasion!

Once again I wanted to draw my Child's Play self insert Piper w her wife and husband Chucky and Tiff lol!

I also decided to experiment with the background (it's perspective really) and give Tiffany a heavier set body shape, hope it ends up being received well!

Hope y'all enjoy the drawing overall!!


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1 year ago
After All These Years Of Leaving These Designs In The Dust From My Teens, I Finally Drew Up My Ponified
After All These Years Of Leaving These Designs In The Dust From My Teens, I Finally Drew Up My Ponified
After All These Years Of Leaving These Designs In The Dust From My Teens, I Finally Drew Up My Ponified
After All These Years Of Leaving These Designs In The Dust From My Teens, I Finally Drew Up My Ponified

After all these years of leaving these designs in the dust from my teens, I finally drew up my ponified version of The Rays!!

FYI: Chucky and Tiffany are self made alicorns, meaning that Chucky was originally a pegasus and Tiffany was a unicorn before they transferred their souls into dolls (Chucky's doll was a unicorn while Tiffany's was a pegasus) and when they transferred their souls to the dolls, they have both become alicorns due to the magic they used

Meanwhile, Glen and Glenda were born alicorns naturally!

(Also these are the versions of The Rays that'll be used in my future Child's Play/MLP Crossover Fanfic: Blood Magic)

I really hope you guys enjoy them!!


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