Chiffany - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Chibi Glen And Glenda

Chibi Glen and Glenda 🦇

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2 years ago
Something Familiar

Something familiar

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2 years ago

The comfort character trio

Dream Blunt Rotation

dream blunt rotation

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2 years ago

Yes plz get back together in season 3 yall are my comfort ship 😭

Please Get Back Together

Please get back together

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1 year ago


The " you would like it if one of them was a man" take completely misses the point.

No, i wouldn't like it either if Tiffany's hostage would have been Andy.

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1 year ago

Thanks for the tears/j

Thanks For The Tears/j


The redheaded doll scurried across the floor, free from the deranged doctors grasp. He could hear the loud commotion and the clamoring of frantic footsteps right behind him. He needed to get the hell out of that chapel. It felt odd since he was the one running, away from people that wanted to kill him this time around. He had no one. Just himself, he had no relation to his children he would barely recognize them. He never even had a full conversation with Glen, and Glenda? What was there to say? The kid hates him, with every ounce of their being. He was truthful in the regard that he didn't to bail on the family...that...things could have turned out differently...but was all her fault...she fucking did this....she did it all to him...she's the one who got him killed, she's the one who stabbed him in the back literally and metaphorically. She wanted to become human all those years ago...but then had a sudden "change of heart" wanting the two of them to be together in death while those snobby teens Jeese and Jade got to live on....then Glen....Glen roped them together again...only for her to constantly dismiss him and his compulsive addiction and giving him hell for then he slipped up only for her to hypocritically do the same...and to hide it...hide it from him, while he attempted to comfort her in his own twisted way by revealing his little slips.

Then the axe to his heart...she left him....she left him and took their kid all for false fame...That's all he was worth to her.....However he wasn't one to argue he had done his fair share of cruelty to their relationship...yes the flame was extinguished long ago and ashes only remained...but...his heart was coal...and she was spark....there was always a chance a flame could be reignited.


Speaking of the devil...he couldn't look at wasn't even was a mask of some else's skin....Jennifer Tilly's. His Tiffany was dead...he needed to remember that...but instead of running he only paused...every instinct inside in was fuming, wanting him to run, to shoot her that air filled head of hers. But he didn't he was cemented to the ground.

"What do you want, come to finish me off? Where ya gonna shoot me in the head? Or in the heart Tiffany"

The blonde knew he was upset since he used a distinct name change...the pet name Tiff was dropped and exchanged for Tiffany.

"Let me tell already broke mine that'd you put it? "I'm leaving you Chucky and I'm taking the kid"...yeah that's how I remember it...what a response when someone pours their heat out to ya...only for it to be ripped out of your chest....honest I'm glad Glen stuck the axe in my chest...felt way better than what you did to it...tell me did I break your heart? Because I killed without ya? Because I didn't want to be a human again? Tell me...what did I do? OH Let me guess...because I didn't do what you asked?"

Tiffany didn't speak tears had been pouring from her sockets. She wondered how long he had held those words in for.

"I did what I wanted to do to be happy Chucky"

"HA, there you go again....making it all about you always do..."

"I--I'm sorry...I'm sorry"

"You're sorry?Well S=sorry doesn't bring my body back now does it? And it doesn't turn back the clock to when the twins were kids...all those fucking years...what'd ya tell em? Oh wait Glenda already told me that lie you fed them.... that I bailed...that I walked out on them...abandoned that fucking hurt coming from your own child...I don't think having my wife leave me for some petty delusions counts as me bailing...and speaking about delusions how's that acting career coming...hope it was fucking worth it"


"Oh now you're quiet....wish you we're quiet when you were feeding the twins all those lies about me...did you even tell them anything positive about me....wait let me you didn' probably told them I was a good for nothing drunk that knocked you up and left...sound about right?"


"Funny, from what I heard from Glenda you haven't left Tilly's mansion in a year and you drink every damn day...I should know...I was trapped in a fucking room the whole time...and honestly it was fucking disgusting on what you did to that was too fucking far...even for me..."


"But then again you probably don't know where to draw the line since you thought calling the fucking cops on me was justified because all I did was kill without ya...honestly how pathetic"


" should dye your hair...because you're making lose my taste for blondes..."



"I---I still love you..."

"Huh...oh really didn't look like it when you we're with Nica"

"I---I just want someone to love me..."

"Oh yeah? Well ya lost that ticket about 18 years ago..."

"...sweetface...don't go"

"And you wanna know what's the worst fucking part about all this Tiffany..."


"I can't fucking hate you...and....I still care....about you..."

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1 year ago

Another nica headcanon!!

She hates the color pink, she despises it actually, it reminds her of being trapped in that pink room when tiffany held her captive

It reminds her of when she had to wear those pink dresses

She really really hates the color pink

She likes green tho, and greys.

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1 year ago

Im glad don regrets the dismemberment decision. It was a bad idea to begin with lol

Imagine next season, nica kidnaps tiffany and cuts off her limbs, and does some weird voodoo shit and is able to use Tiffany arms and legs as new limbs. Hope that made sense lol

It would be so messed up if that happens but also, i want nica to get revenge.

Terrible Thought Based Off Something Christine Elise Joked About

terrible thought based off something Christine Elise joked about

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1 year ago

Me but with the chucky series. Like it could have been so good but it was executed horribly

a piece of media that is bad: mundane. effectless

a piece of media that is bad but had the potential to be so so good: unbearable. agonizing. soul crushing even

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1 year ago

Idk why some ppl hate this ship, but excuse niffany. Like what-

I think BarclyPierce is so cute, and wholesome. I love this MxF ship. Its adorable and niffany shippers can burn 👹

Being in the Chucky fandom as a BarclayPierce shipper sometimes feels like this:

Being In The Chucky Fandom As A BarclayPierce Shipper Sometimes Feels Like This:

( my apologies to those who are chill and don't mind about us, this is not about you)

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1 year ago

There are so many things i hate about the show, but the biggest ones i hate are what they did to chiffany and the twins

Chucky and tiff have NEVER been stable together, but they did love each other in some form. They were made for one another

Putting the twins back into the doll was a mistake. If u think about it realistically. How will they survive?? Their a doll now, they can't go out or do much at all really. And what's even worse is that they moved to London where they don't know anyone!! Its a bad situation for them both

Chucky fans, what is your least favorite thing they've done with the series?

For me its the split souls thing. Was literally an ass pull and felt like a way to give Chucky even more plot armor. 😭 Like the man is already borderline invincible come onnn.

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11 months ago
Drew These Yesterday Hope U All Like Them :3

Drew these yesterday hope u all like them :3

I added my hc that glennie n goenda don't really like wearing the others clothing. Glenda can't handle the heat and glen well..they don't like change.

And have some old human chiffany

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10 months ago

This whole thing is so chiffany.

divorced couple energy ship will always be immaculate to me. we hate each other. we've seen each other naked. I know how you take your morning coffee. I will never make you your morning coffee again. get it yourself. here you go, I gave it to you anyway. you disgust me. I will always be somewhat in love with you. I will be yours forever. you're not mine anymore. you will always be mine. fuck you. let's fuck, for old time's sake. did you steal my cd? no, no. keep it.

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10 months ago

THIS IS SO CUTE 😭😭 i think old ghost chucky and tiffy should do a little smooch at one point in the show.

Draw old ghost chucky so beautifully. Like srsly

Not To Revert To My Earliest Chiffany Roots But Does Anyone Remember How He Called Tiff His Beautiful
Not To Revert To My Earliest Chiffany Roots But Does Anyone Remember How He Called Tiff His Beautiful

not to revert to my earliest chiffany roots but does anyone remember how he called tiff his beautiful wife in seed

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10 months ago


i like tiffany is taller then chucky HA

Glenda: I'm gonna set someone on fire, mama!

Tiffany: Oh really?

Glen: dad, I'm scared

Chucky: then hold my hand.

Chucky: you're doin' great, Glennie!

Its midnight. Put your kids to bed for school tomorrow? Nah, let's go murder people.

My very first tablet drawing too!

Read alt text if dialog looks unreadable <3 :3

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9 months ago
Not To Mention SHE Made That Call That Got Him Killed In The First Place. I Love Chiffany, I Really Do

Not to mention SHE made that call that got him killed in the first place. I love chiffany, i really do BUT i think it was a mistake don writing chucky forgiving her THAT easily.

I Hate Her Too Like Omg. We Know She Wont Die But Like. Can We Have One Ep Without Her Please And Thank

I hate her too like omg. We know she wont die but like. Can we have one ep without her please and thank u

Syfy tiffany is unbearable and i think don knows he made her super unlikable so hes trying to make ppl feel bad for her with this whole execution thing. I just want her dead PLZ

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