strawberryisreading - Strawberry Is Reading
Strawberry Is Reading

Hello! Feel free to call me Berry, I go by she/they.

413 posts

Strawberryisreading - Strawberry Is Reading - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago
Not A Real Hc I Have Abt The Watchers Its Just That The Sentence "the Watchers Top Surgeried Grian" Is
Not A Real Hc I Have Abt The Watchers Its Just That The Sentence "the Watchers Top Surgeried Grian" Is
Not A Real Hc I Have Abt The Watchers Its Just That The Sentence "the Watchers Top Surgeried Grian" Is
Not A Real Hc I Have Abt The Watchers Its Just That The Sentence "the Watchers Top Surgeried Grian" Is
Not A Real Hc I Have Abt The Watchers Its Just That The Sentence "the Watchers Top Surgeried Grian" Is
Not A Real Hc I Have Abt The Watchers Its Just That The Sentence "the Watchers Top Surgeried Grian" Is

not a real hc i have abt the watchers its just that the sentence "the watchers top surgeried grian" is so so funny to me.

I was gonna apologize for the accidental horror but I did remember that this is the story where they beat each other to death so like

1 year ago

Bruce: This is tomorrow’s newspaper. On the front page, there’s a picture of me kissing Clark by the lake.

Damian: Father, why were you kissing him by the lake?

Bruce: I caught a fish, I was excited. I kissed the fish too, but of course they don’t show you that.

1 year ago
Please Do

Please do

Role reversal! The Watcher now has to listen while the Listener has to watch.

1 year ago

Role reversal! The Watcher now has to listen while the Listener has to watch.

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1 year ago

Imagining Grian being relieved that he’s going to be safe because the sessions about to be over. Then the Secret Keeper whispers in his ear “Yeah but is the dishwasher still running?”

Cue Grian frantically running to the base.

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1 year ago

”I can unintentionally make people hate me, but intentionally people are like, ‘yeah I agree with you, you’re right, you’re a great person’”

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1 year ago

Grian’s iconic maniacal laughter when the wither was summoned could really convince people that he did it of his own will rather than the task.

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1 year ago
1 year ago

Yooooo Jimmy!

I feel like I should throw a party or something.

Figures that the season with the most Watcher references is the one where the curse breaks.

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1 year ago



1 year ago

It’s strange. He doesn’t feel desperate.

He always has before, on red.

He feels bad about all the backstabbing and betrayal, sure. Of course he does.

But there’s something so addictive about being the one in control.

He’s never really had someone who has to listen to him, before, no matter how much he might have tried to believe that he did.

So when Big shows up, it’s… different.

He doesn’t mind it.

He talks to Skizz, on his own terms, in a place of his choosing, and he has power. Skizz doesn’t even seem to realize it, tries to sell him on the sales pitch he might give just anyone. But he doesn’t realize that Jimmy is different, now.

The sword in his hand is barely his own, so really, he can hardly be blamed, can he? Sure, he feels bad, but he’s only doing his task, same as everyone else. And since he is, well, why not enjoy it a little?

He tries to sow discord among the Heart Foundation. He almost succeeds, even. They close ranks, and it is three against one, and he has already stabbed two of them directly in the back in the past couple of hours, and he is in their home.

He laughs, and he threatens, and he gets away without a scratch.

He kills Lizzie without even thinking.

This one he does feel bad about—it feels a little unfair.

But he smooths it over, and he moves on.

He lights the TNT, and he tells Tango not to run. Tells him to stand there and take the blast.

And he does.

Jimmy stabs him a little bit anyway, just to be sure.

This must be how it feels, he realizes, to write these tasks.

You just have to tell them, and they do it themselves.

You don’t even have to give them a reason.

Jimmy burns bridges, and it is warm. The ground he is standing on feels more solid than it ever has.

He goes to push the button, and he tells Tango to start running.

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1 year ago

Mumbo sounds so petty and upset about losing the tower competition. It reminds me of children who finally admit they've lost after an hour or so of denial.

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1 year ago

Thinking about the angst you can make from the fact that none of them regen health this game. Like all the smaller and lingering pains you could put them in. A sprained ankle that won't heal until someone finishes their task. Lingering breathing issues from almost drowning that cant be helped until the next session. A stab wound that won't stop bleeding. Shit like that you know?

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1 year ago

So I made this post a while ago and guess what I found!

1 year ago
The Secret Keeper

The Secret Keeper

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1 year ago

You could make angst over how Grian felt sort of betrayed when he found out that Mumbo was playing into the bit because it was part of his secret.

But nooo, Mumbo had to be good at communicating and clarify that he would’ve joked with him regardless of the secret/j

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1 year ago

*Secret Keeper exists*

Me: Desperately trying to find Watcher Lore

*Secret Keeper Exists*

That’ll do it

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1 year ago

me when they never left the desert-- /shot

fun fact!! ive commissioned a music prod friend to make a proper backing for this, so a refined version will (ideally) be out soon :DD vocals mixed and all hehhehe

1 year ago

It has been 1 official day without ao3 and I’ve been doing great!

Was reading an original novel and wanted to see some fics for it only to be hit with the painful and cold reminder.

It Has Been 1 Official Day Without Ao3 And Ive Been Doing Great!

I miss you. Massive support to the people running AO3.

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1 year ago
I Love How AO3 Spread Outside Of Tumblr Onto The News.
I Love How AO3 Spread Outside Of Tumblr Onto The News.

I love how AO3 spread outside of Tumblr onto the news.

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1 year ago

I just finished my obsession rant and AO3 is STILL down?! At this point I’m either going to sleep or continue moping on tumblr.

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1 year ago

I don’t think any mumscarian shippers thought of using Buttercup as a pet name yet.

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1 year ago



Congrats to Solidarity for reaching 1 million!!!

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