Mumbo Jumbo - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

u know who I am. Mr jumbolio. For the requests. That is all.

U Know Who I Am. Mr Jumbolio. For The Requests. That Is All.


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4 years ago
Actual Grian: Family Friendly, Doesnt Curse, Chaotic Good Boy

actual grian: family friendly, doesnt curse, chaotic good boy

fandom grian: absolute bastard. has a switchblade in his back pocket. can and will shred your houseplants

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4 years ago
Tips For Flying: Make Sure Your Path Is Clear Or You May Just Tangle Up With Your Local Neighborhood

Tips for flying: Make sure your path is clear or you may just tangle up with your local neighborhood hooligan!

Twitter/Instagram - diamogeddon

[Okay to tag as ship, brotp, kin, ect as long as its in association with the minesona]

Use with credit

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2 years ago
Archival Assistant Mumbo, And This Fun Lil Art Series Is Done!!From The Archives AU By: @chrisrin And

Archival assistant Mumbo, and this fun lil art series is done!! From the Archives AU by: @chrisrin and @sixteenth-days

Rest of the Boatem Crew down below: (Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)

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2 years ago
Thank You So Much For The Opportunity To Infodump @artblock-insomniac (clears Throat)

Thank you so much for the opportunity to infodump @artblock-insomniac (clears throat)

White Vault AU is based off of the paranormal found footage horror podcast 'the White Vault' by Fool and Scholar Productions! It's about where 5 people are sent to an outpost (Outpost Fristed) in Svalbard to solve an issue with the outpost, and is trapped there when an unnatural storm rolls in. I recommend you listen to the podcast, I'm not very good at summaries lmao

The idea for the AU so far under the cut (Spoilers for White Vault! S1+S2+S3):

The 5 people put into the Fristed repair team are: -Impulse (Medic and maybe the most important member of the team) -Scar (Hunter+knows the environment and terrain well, but still a bit of a clutz in the beginning) -Mumbo (Repairman and resident tech expert) -Pearl (Geologist and studies terrain data sent by the rovers) -Grian (Cook and is there to observe and supervise the team, is a bit anxious to get back to the UK to take care of his cats) The five of them are sent out into the arctic wastelands of Svalbard to fix an issue on Outpost Fristed. Supposedly, the issue is large and will take several days to repair. However, once arrival, Mumbo almost immediately fixes the issue, and a storm rolls in and strands the team in the arctic.

At first, all of them are treating this like a large sleepover, and remains bored, until Scar discovers a secret hatch in the storage room that leads down into an icy tunnel.

Thank You So Much For The Opportunity To Infodump @artblock-insomniac (clears Throat)

They leave Mumbo in the Outpost to try and get in contact with the base, and Grian, Pearl, Impulse, and Scar venture into the ice tunnels.

The four realizes the tunnel leads to a giant underground ancient city, a massive archaeological find, and decides to go back up to get Mumbo to explore the city together. They don't know the second Mumbo leaves they DO receive a signal-just not with the base

Thank You So Much For The Opportunity To Infodump @artblock-insomniac (clears Throat)

They walk around and explore the underground civilization together, but Pearl suddenly takes a large fall from exploring an oddly-placed ledge, and goes unconscious. The group quickly retreat back into the Outpost, and Impulse nurses Pearl back into wakefulness.

Pearl suddenly is very terrified and wants to leave the outpost right away, and claims that she didn't fall; She had jumped to get away from the large dark humanoid creature that had lunged towards her.

Obviously no one believes her, but Grian has a bad feeling...

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3 years ago
I've Been Trying To Avoid Drawing Mumbo For A While Since I Thought It Was Hard, But I Did It Today!
I've Been Trying To Avoid Drawing Mumbo For A While Since I Thought It Was Hard, But I Did It Today!

I've been trying to avoid drawing mumbo for a while since i thought it was hard, but i did it today! there he is!

also feel free to request any mcyts related stuff for me to draw :D

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6 months ago

okay so small concept i had in mind; hermitsonas. kinda like empiressonas, people who live in the small towns that are built.

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1 year ago

I need the mounders to hold a funeral for Mumbo at the beginning of next sesssion <\3

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5 years ago
A Messy Mumbo, Taking A Step Back To See If His Redstone Project Hes Been Working On For Hours Is Finally

A messy Mumbo, taking a step back to see if his redstone project he’s been working on for hours is finally working. It’s redstone all over him, I promise!

I imagine working with all that dust and machinery can really get someone all dirty and working up a sweat. Especially with all the heat those machines give off.

On another note, the tie was supposed to be a mix of orange and pink to create a deeper pink but I underestimated how overbearing the orange would be. Pretty foolish of me in hind sight.

P.s: mumbo doesn’t wear shoes and this is as good as canon in my opinion, considering his skin doesnt have any. If you have suggestions for hermits who you’d like to see in bright highlighter colors, let me know. I might just take your suggestion ;)

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4 years ago

Brief Anarchy Hermitcraft introduction:

Before I start introducing some headcannons I have for the hermits I’d like to give a brief introduction to the server they play on in this au.

First of all, and I’ll state this in my posts of headcannons for the hermits as well, but this is going to be 100% fiction. Everything in this au is based off of characterizations of the hermits, meaning this in no way reflects how the hermits actually are irl or even in hermitcraft itself. In fact, I’ve specifically taken each hermit and the general personality they display in game and twisted it into something a bit darker and chaotic, as to fit with the whole spirit of an anarchy server.

Now, the server itself I see as resembling 2b2t quite a bit, save for certain details. The rules for a server like this and most anarchy servers is that there are little to no rules. Griefing is allowed. Hacking is allowed to certain extents. (So long as it doesn’t slow the server too much or provide game breaking advantages. This usually includes duping, entity speed, etc.) and no one can be banned. Sounds interesting, right? So what does it create?

Anarchy. Chaos. The area surrounding spawn is a waste land, blown to bits all the way to bedrock. Look up “2b2t spawn” in google images to see examples. Escaping it without dying is nearly impossible, as food and resources are extremely hard to get. The older players hunt newbies for sport, and each other as well. Groups form when players with common goals get together, often building giant mega bases together in the name of their cause. Groups also break just as easily, and war is always raging. Precious resources, materials, and commodities must be hidden carefully as other players are always on the hunt looking to steal and destroy. This means people settle hundreds of thousands of blocks away from spawn in all directions in an attempt to hide their base. Still, no structure lasts long before they’re discovered by griefers...

2b2t also has an unmodded chat, making the community extremely toxic, but on the anarchy hermitcraft server, I imagine the chat being much tamer. Kept clean as a sort of unspoken rule of respect for other players. Also, the server has tons of other players besides the hermits on it, but the hermits are veterans so to speak and hold varying levels of notoriety. This is just a short blurb of how I imagine the server. If you want a better idea of what I’m invisioning, I reccomend watching some videos on YouTube about 2b2t by FitMC. He’s a veteran on 2b2t and he talks a lot about history on the server and the general culture of it. Really interesting stuff, highly reccomend checking it out.

Anyways, I’ll start posting headcannons I have for the hermits soon. Think I’ll do them one at a time, but I already have a bunch written down. Please, if you have anything to add to this au or you have any questions about it, feel free to ask or add on! I’d love to see more!

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4 months ago

Hermittober Day 6: Horizon

Hermittober Day 6: Horizon

"Mumbo, is the moon big?"

some thoughts under the cut vvvvvvv

Hermittober prompt list made by @collierose1

a bit of a smaller one today, but I like it nonetheless. the only challenge really was making the moon look minecraft-ey, but I think I managed to do that well enough

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Remembering How Creator Mumbo And Mumbo Jumbo Are Two Different Entities

remembering how creator mumbo and mumbo jumbo are two different entities

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10 months ago
cheesethepurbldragon - What in the world!

who let him in???

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1 year ago

Hermitcraft lost au

There's the lost, the maker and the found, alongside with the damaged and fixed. The lost are the ones who thinks they know where they are and which year it is. They don't. hence the Lost. they can be the damaged or fixed. The maker are the ones who make the games, tasks, severs and so fourth. they can only be Fixed. The Found are the ones who found the truth. from them they can become the Maker. they too are either damaged or fixed.

The damaged are the ones who don't have a 'perfect' code. they have any disability ranging from loss of limbs to mental. The fixed are the perfect ones. they have nothing wrong. Most of them never have been Lost only been found.

the lost : Xisuma?, Grian?, Doc, Mumbo, Scar, K3r1l4is??, False, EX, Gem, Ethos, Tango, Impuls, Zed, biffa, 

the found: Ren, Iskall, Pearl, Cleo, Stress, Bdubs, Wels, Hels, Beef,

the Maker: W47ch3rs, Stress, Bdubs, Beef,

the damaged: Grian, Joe, Iskall, Doc, Tango, False, EX, Xisuma?, Cleo, Ethos, Wels, Hels, 

The fixed: Mumbo, Cub, k3r1l4is??, Stress, Pearl, Gem, Impuls, Zed, biffa, 

might add others (non-Hermit)

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1 year ago

Pirates! (1)

instant sadness

A man cleaning the deck of his ship alongside with his crew, a helpful bunch. When one of them saw something.

"Captain! Fallen sailors!" Said his second mate.

"What!? Bring them 'board! " The captain ordered.

Three men and one woman were saved from the dangerous sea. The helmsman noticed a mark on the girl's collar bone and told his captain to be careful.

" Hmm. Thank you Bdubs. Joe go tell the others we have passengers for the time being. Doc, go get Stress," he ordered.

The three of them nodded and left to their jobs. The captain stayed with the almost dead crew from the flying Jelly.

"HmMm- bastard- wha?" One of them woke up, " where?"

"You're on the Hermitcrew ship. I'm the captain Xisumavoid," he told the other, " this is Stress,our medic."

"Immpulse. I'm ImpulsSV. That's Mumbo Jumbo our helmsman, Grian first mate and Pearl 2.nd mate. I'm land spotter." Impulse introduced.

"What happened to your crew?" The captain asked, while Stress took care of Impuls, then went on to Pearl.

"We got attacked by others and our ship sank to the bottom, while our captain fled." The conscious man replied.

The medic checked on Grian. A pulse, very weak. She waited for the next one. It didn't came.

"Xisuma. Get doc and get out of here." She said looking at the captain with no emotions.

X knew better that to disobey.

He shouted for Doc and got the four of them out giving the medics some space.

"Too much water-"

"No! -art beat!"

" -ump him!"

"Got a beat!"

"Will he be okay?" Impulse asked the taller.

"Hopefully yes. But we need to wait," he answered.


"Wounds are infected!"

"Grab the needles!"

"-in activity's low !"

"Get the mask and the solution!"

Pearl woke up.

"What's going on ?" She asked.

Joe came in with food for 5 and gave one to the ones awake.

"He's the captain of the ship Hermitcrew," her brother replied.

" Where's Gri-" she started.


X ran to grab the battery and rant into the room. Joe put the rest of the food on the surrounding barrels.

"Grian can't swim," Pearl muttered.

"What ?"

" Grian can't swim," she said it again.

Impulse realized it too.


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