stressandemotionaltrauma - Stress and Emotional Trauma
Stress and Emotional Trauma

She/They - 24 - Just me posting things - I like spooky things, sharks, art, you can also just ask

156 posts


Dinosaur Madness

Hey so I know that this might not be important but during quarantine I have made a Discord rp group cause I was hella bored and thought others might be as well, but there’s only like two people minus myself in it which is kinda sad cause shit like this used to really take off back in like 2014-2015. Have I brought it to peoples attention using other media? Yes but there’s not a whole lot of people who seemed interested.

What Is It Called And What Is It About?

Well the rp is obviously about dinosaurs cause of the tittle of this text post but more specifically it follows a similar plot to Jurassic Park and Jurassic World although there really isn’t an actual “plot” to follow. The name of the group is Oasis, yeah I know it’s not all that special but I had to think of something on the fly.

Do I have to know anything about the movies to join?

No, you don’t have to know a single thing about the movies to join. All you need to know is that the park fails every time.

Well how would I make a character?

It’s simple! You can either follow along with what others have posted or make your own forum to go off of cause there is no set one. “Well what if I don’t wanna be a human?” That’s fine, I’m allowing people to be a human or a dino! Even a hybrid dino! Just no human/dino hybrids. You wanna do more than one character sure go right on ahead just make sure to ask/tell me first.

Could I rp as a character from the movie?

Absolutely not. While it’s similar to the movies in a way there will be no characters from the movies. I’m allowing people to make their own characters to run the show. Yes shipping between people’s characters is allowed as long as both parties agree.

Sounds fun! How do I join?

Just leave a comment saying you wanna join and I’ll send you an invite code!

  • stressandemotionaltrauma
    stressandemotionaltrauma reblogged this · 4 years ago
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    jessie-sam-and-ash liked this · 4 years ago
  • dicerspryt
    dicerspryt liked this · 4 years ago

More Posts from Stressandemotionaltrauma

Omg all of this is so.....just so true. My dad and stepmom never trusted my brother and I, they'd give us hell just for the stupidest things like "Oh you didn't go outside? You're grounded for a week, not electronics, no door for your room. In fact your punishment shall be doing squats in a corner while reading a children's book about lying" and other things like that and it'd always be for the stupidest shit ever. I hated it and eventually left cause it was causing so much hurt. They'd say they were doing this cause they loved us and wanted better for us but it sure as hell didn't feel like it.

stressandemotionaltrauma - Stress and Emotional Trauma

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me 5 minutes into any conversation

Me 5 Minutes Into Any Conversation
Stop the Deadly Use of Driftnets
Only One
Add your name to urge the U.S. Congress to stop the needless slaughter of dolphins, sea turtles, and other marine wildlife by driftnets off

So not that any of you would really sign this but it'd be really helpful if you did, anywho driftnets are a big no no they're illegal in California like state waters but people are finding loop holes in international waters. These nets are long and catch and kill anything in it's path like sharks (my personal favorite) but also whales, seals, dolphins, etc. So it'd be really helpful if you signed but it's your freewill to choose whether you want to or not

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