Strict Parents - Tumblr Posts

Omg all of this is so.....just so true. My dad and stepmom never trusted my brother and I, they'd give us hell just for the stupidest things like "Oh you didn't go outside? You're grounded for a week, not electronics, no door for your room. In fact your punishment shall be doing squats in a corner while reading a children's book about lying" and other things like that and it'd always be for the stupidest shit ever. I hated it and eventually left cause it was causing so much hurt. They'd say they were doing this cause they loved us and wanted better for us but it sure as hell didn't feel like it.

stressandemotionaltrauma - Stress and Emotional Trauma

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2 years ago

idk if this is an adhd thing but I never truly rebelled against my parents because it turns out that everything I wanted to do was exactly what my parents wanted me to do, i.e. staying at home and reading in my room, and they still somehow found like a crapload of reasons just to shout at me anyway

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1 year ago

being neurodivergent in a strict family is so funny because why do I feel guilty asking my own parents to do the things they do anyway

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5 months ago

If you want to hide something small like your phone or snacks take an item of clothing that you don’t really wear a lot and fold/wrap the thing you want to hide in it and put it neatly in the back of the drawer

Don’t hide things under your bed or in a shoe, it’s too obvious and chances are your parents will probably find what you are trying to hide

You can hide stuff like a diary/journal in between your mattress and bed frame

If you are not allowed on YouTube like me, try hiding somewhere you are able to lock the door like a bathroom, download the Google app then when you are done watching delete the app

these are just some that I really like but if you know that they won’t work, like if your parents have a thing where they can see the apps you download, don’t use them but good luck and you can do this😁👍💙

i’m very eepy but i have some tips and tricks for ppl with strict parents

to turn off find my iphone, put on airplane mode, it fucks up the like signal i think idk but it works ‼️

incognito mode on google still shows up on the internet bill if they seriously look there

fake sleeping looks more natural if you kinda like mess your bed up a bit, sleep in a weird position, and you try and breathe slower

you can get apps your parents use without their permission by clicking the middle tab on app store, your profile, and then previously downloaded by other family

airplane mode can kinda make phone trackers stop working if they’re an app, and you can try playing it off as signal issues, lil risky tho

thats all i got for now, if u want u can reblog with ur tips :]

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7 years ago


Trying to force someone to go to church will not make them suddenly religious or believe what you want them to. It will only make them resent you and the religion in general.

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I don't want to study but at the same time I don't want my parents to disown me.

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1 year ago

I was raised Christian apolitical/anarchist so it's a bit different, but fairly similar. I started dressing different in middle school and it was a BATTLE, let me tell you. People believe what they believe and most of the time they won't change their views unless they come to a different conclusion themselves. In your arguments I would express (and have expressed to my own parents in the past) how God made us all different. There's three parts of us: our soul, our flesh (sinful nature) and the Holy Spirit (if you're saved). So if you have a desire or inclination towards something and it's not sinful, where did it come from? God made you so he must have put that desire there Himself! Individuality and Christianity are not enemies. They go hand in hand. If God wanted us to all be the same person and look the same, he would have made us that way!

Express your reasons for wanting to dress this way as well. A lot of conservative minded people think alt ppl like us are just attention seekers so that may be their mindset. Let them know it's not and let them know why you feel connection to alt culture/fashion.

And if all else fails and they're unreasonable, stop trying to convince them and show them. Be a good kid, don't do drugs, don't do bad things and slowly introduce the things you want: a choker here, a pair of black skinnies there, a darker than usual blouse. Show them it's not gonna corrupt or change you and you're still the same person, just in a darker shade. Hope it works out for you 🖤

genuinely need advice and help

my parents are neurotypical and conservative Christians and are really strict, and I need help figuring out how to talk to them that will actually get through to them

how does one go to their parents and explain that they'd like the ability to have bodily autonomy and have the choice to choose how they dress/accessorise/look because it's their right and they're not a kid anymore and they'd like the freedom to be able to express themself more openly through their preferred style (punk/emo/goth/alt style stuff) RESPECTFULLY???

because the only things I can come up with currently are reasonable, straightforward, and logical, but ive tried that way before and what seems perfectly reasonable to me, they seem to always believe the opposite, so thats not gonna get me anywhere and it will more likely than not start a fight match because "im being disrespectful and rude" and "why cant i just be happy with the freedom that i have? my parents are trying, but this is hard for them :("

I'm really trying to avoid fighting with them, but I'm so tired and fed up with their BS

if anyone has any suggestions, please help

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4 years ago

My dad's logic:

Dad: Hey, come about 2PM to start preparing dinner

Me: ok

"walking to the kitchen and see everything ready to eat"

Dad : Can you make garlic sauce?

Me: "just rolling eyes bc I don't think it's necessary"


I want to die right know ;-;

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5 months ago

My mom paid my younger sister 50 dollars to spill some of my dirt, like dude, aren't you happy enough looking through my massages?

(Even looking at a guy is considered death penalty for me, lol)

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3 years ago

So for the past year I have taken to drawing on myself with sharpies, pens, ect.

TW. for sh

I found it very therapeutic to do as it helped eith my self h* arming.

My therapist like that I was doing this and found it cool

My parent not so much. I would consistently get in trouble or even yelled at for drawing on my forearm and hand, as they seemed to think this was horrible, and that I shouldn't draw on myself cuz it was imature/inappropriate(idk).

Essentially, I would get yelled at for using a coping mechanism when it was in my benefit for my mental health.

Now everytime I draw even the smallest thing on me, I get scolded saying I must wash it of and I need to stop, almost in a disgusted tone.

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3 years ago

Just random thought

Does anyone else struggle with their relationship with food because they grew up HAVING to finish all your food at dinner, which translated to you over eating at restaurants because if you didnt you felt horribly guilty, and now you have to un teach yourself that 'no, it is okay if you are at someones house and dont finish what you were eating'

Oh and add in a body image problem so you dont wanna eat a lot but you must eat everything

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2 years ago

I'm so tired of adults (i.e. my parents) not understanding how much I hate my executive dysfunction and my horrible procrastination problem. Like I'm constantly told by my father, 'dont put off what you can do today' like no shit I wish I could do that but sometimes I just shut down and lay on my floor for 2 hrs listening to my comfort movie theme music cuz everything feel wrong when I try to work of be productive. Like my dad has a set schedule and if u dont stick to it he gets mad so yeah. Bet yall cant guess what inspired this post

Soo anyone else or am I just being dramatic

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I actually had a nightmare about this once. It was TERRIFYING. Everyone was yelling but most especially me to my mom bc I just felt so angry and scared at that point omg

is anybody else’s biggest fear their parents finding their tumblr account?

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I want to stop existing, but I also want to see my internet friends, my first apartment to myself, and the stuff I'd be able to do when I'm free.

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6 years ago

I’m 20 and my parents are still overprotective with me. I never went to play outside with my friends when I was a child, I wasn’t allowed to go to my friends house alone until I was 15, my mom still wants to go everywhere with me, she is still afraid to leave me alone in the house, I’M 20! Thanks to this I have poor social skills, and I am always afraid that something bad will happen to me when I have to go somewhere alone, because my parents always told me that something bad could happen. I’m from South America, I’m latina, this is not only for “white people” it’s not something racial, there are many kids that go trough this and many adults that have problems because they were overprotected as children.

“Overprotection is as damaging to a child as neglecting them”

There’s something intensely unhealthy going on when parents discourage age-appropriate independence. A 13 year old should probably be allowed to go see a film with their friends most of the time. A 16 year old should probably be allowed to drive/ride a bus/bike to a friend’s house most of the time. An 18 year old should probably be allowed to travel overnight with their friends most of the time. A 20+ year old should be allowed to come and go as they please, with some common-sense “Let’s talk this ‘move to Finland’ plan of your over before you follow through on it” exceptions.

Parents should want their children to enjoy going out and doing things on their own and with their friends. They should be delighted that their child wants to have a life of their own. A rich, fulfilling life outside the home and distinct from parents and family is important, and parents should want their child to have that.

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2 years ago

Have you ever wonder why parents are just so strict? What makes them like this?

Okay to start off I’m a 18 year old female and I graduated and about to leave for college. And I’m wondering now how are my parents gonna function? I have been cleaning since I was young and that’s not a problem. Kids need some kind of life lessons and I’m fine with it. But as I progressively got older, I realized I went from cleaning as a family and me cleaning just my room and bathroom to cleaning the whole house by myself. Which I don’t care anymore, I’m leaving and I feel like I’ll be happy. Another thing is schooling, to my dad it’s a big deal that I get good grades. Preferably straight A’s but close to it around 3.8 or so. Which is fine but my step mom makes jokes on why I didn’t get the awards like my other friends or the other students in my class. I just laughed it off but inside I was hurt. I’m not the one to cry in front of others. And I don’t like feeling vulnerable. It’s easier to bottle up my feelings and explode by Myself til I feel better. But the thing is I was trying so hard during this last year as a senior. My grades were totally fucked junior year. I was depressed and unmotivated to do anything. On top of that, teachers thought they can gives us hella work because we have all the time in the world. My dad didn’t understand why I was doing so bad. I couldn’t tell him that his constant nagging wasn’t helping either. And when he said I couldn’t go to my moms so I can go to hybrid school. I broke down and I told him I do better in person. I retain everything better. He said “I don’t care.” He doesn’t understand I didn’t like online nor like doing it. I obviously tried my best but teachers don’t answer questions and ignore me. I broke down and he doesn’t understand why. My school had their students do a physical examination by their doctors. Which I went with my Step mom and I filled out the survey which I got to the depression part. “ have you been sad?” “Having suicidal thoughts?” And the sad part is I have but my parents were worried but thought I would get over it. Because quarantine is the reason I’m depressed. But it’s not the reason. It’s my mom, she left me when I was young and refuses to be a mother and I didn’t even see her at graduation. I probably knew I was depressed since I was young but didn’t say anything to hurt my dad. I wish parents can understand how teens or people younger, older or anyone in general to see how strictness doesn’t give us any benefits. We have to hide, lie, and stay quiet because of their behavior. My dad said he knows what I’m going threw and I’m thinking he should understands. But my dad is the type to suck it up. Sometimes I want to get away from here and live my life the way I want. I put some much pressure on myself and stress that my parents don’t see how much blood and sweat I put into pleasing them. I please them so much I lost myself. I don’t know if I gain her back and it hurts knowing she might never come back. Hopefully she follows the trail back to me because at this moment in my life I need her. To answer the question at the top: Have you ever wonder why parents are just so strict? They think they have the best interests at heart. Probably their parents did the same and thought that was the new norm and todays standards that’s the opposite of how a parent should be. My dad used to watch my cousins which you would call brats and he said “one slap and they would never do it again”. He doesn’t understand but putting fear into your children they don’t want to talk to you nor You aren’t building healthy relationships and they realize this as they get older, how much they fucked up. One day, they are gonna get older and can’t take care of themselves and they ask their children to help. No one is gonna help them because of their selfish deeds. To be honest, Parents can be controlling because they are caught up with their own feelings and insecurities and project onto their kids. I think what’s makes them like this is their parents or they mentally need help. I kinda ranted and ran out of words sorry 😭😭

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gotta say its heartbreaking this is actually useful

hey so protip if you have abusive parents and need to get around the house as quietly as possible, stay close to furniture and other heavy stuff because the floor is settled there and it’s less likely to creak

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6 years ago

Life Tip #40

an actual life tip!! kiddos if you guys have abusive or restrictive parents and own an iphone that you like to use at night, pls keep yourselves safe by changing to black wallpapers so that the light of your screen is darker and won't get you caught as easily! also, instead of dimming your phone beyond what you can do normally using zoom bc that wastes a lot of battery, put your phone on the normal dimmest setting and turn your phone to graycale by going to settings -> general -> accessibility -> grayscale

this makes your phone black and white so bright colors won't hurt your eyes or give you away! pls stay safe out there kiddos

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5 months ago

i love watching trailers for echoes of wisdom knowing damn well Im not getting it

like i dont even own a console and im over here clapping my hands and squealing when watching trailers like

I Love Watching Trailers For Echoes Of Wisdom Knowing Damn Well Im Not Getting It

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6 months ago

My parents lost my Apple Pencil…I have resorted to using my finger…IT FRIGGEN SUCKS!

My Parents Lost My Apple PencilI Have Resorted To Using My FingerIT FRIGGEN SUCKS!

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