subiysu-chan - Sanson's Fangirl
Sanson's Fangirl

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Jean-Baptiste Was Used To Having Apprentices With Odd Speach Patterns, Sometimes Because The Only French

Jean-Baptiste was used to having apprentices with odd speach patterns, sometimes because the only French they knew was a thick gallow slang nobody outside of their cast properly understood, the other was speech defaults created by exessive inbreeding.

Something told him that there was no way Pinoko had been a normal human being for eighteen years. Having to baby sit her...Was fustrating.

On some level, it would have been nice to just sent her playing with his own kids...But, Charles-Martin was dissection obsessed, for the sake of household discipline it would be better if she didn't befriend little Nicolas-Gabriel II, and Louis-Cyr Charlemagne, although he was at her developmental age. Sending his eldest daughter to the catacombs for an "immunity enforcing expedition" would do good, if the magistrature didn't insist on purging the catacombs, or rather accuse any living girl or woman within the vacinity of a decomposing corpse of being a prostitute, and then send her to the Hôpital Général for it, where they would soon join the corpses of the mass graves.

"Sorry, Pinoko, but you surely do not act like you are grown up."

Jean-Baptiste dragged himself with his cane a little bit closer.


The puny, tiny cancer turned intelligent (and somewhat delusional human being) was asking him why she should improve her speech. "So you can learn to speak like a grown up and people can better understand and respect you." as his awnser. Jean-Baptiste was somewhat perplexed by the presence of this child inside his house. He wasn't that experienced with children who weren't his or those of his colleagues. Instead of being easily frightened by those who weren't family, she was boldly imprudent. He himself was not the most reassuring presence, and he somewhat knew how to comfort smaller kids, although it was odd to meet one who wasn't afraid of him. Children outside his cast were somewhat of a mistery to him, as they all, without fail, have a lacking self-preservation instinct, even at an age were they should be aware of their mortality. No matter how much their peers outmatched them, or even towards adults, they weren't expecting rejection or mob action. No, not being mobbed as a child seemed to have a detremental effect on the outsiders, since many of them grew to be neglectful of their own progeniture, and seem to consider them litteral garbadge. As children, they were completely unafraid of crowds, which was just asking for trouble. Black Jack wasn't like that...but Pinoko.

When she and Black Jack first stepped into the Sanson mansion, Pinoko was, well. . . . . . . anxious coming across the Sansons, especially Jean-Baptiste and his mother, the scary-looking witch Anne-Marthe. However, Pinoko quickly adapted to French doctor's presence and she was now speaking to him face-to-face with her usual boldness. She stole glances of the other children of the house, but never really thought about meeting the rest of them, except the eldest son, Charles-Henri Sanson, out of curiosity. The other boys were too young, the eldest daughter too reserved, and the only other girl that looked around Pinoko's "age" - physically speaking - was Marie Joseph Sanson, but Pinoko doubt the kid would be interested in a young lady regaling her and Doc's medical adventures. . .

Pinoko crossed her arms and huffed, though if it was meant to be intimidating, it failed. Her response came out more like a complaint than anything.


"Pinoko's awready a gwown up, ya know! If people can't undershtand Pinoko, then that'sh their pwobwem, not mine."

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More Posts from Subiysu-chan

9 months ago

Fantasy verse Subyss, as undead...Most likely vampire. Yeah, vampire. Somewhat like the kinds in Magic the Gathering.

Also, I just imagine modern AU Subyss to be in like the very worst kind of prostitution, and would probably torture and be tortured on his side-job in prostitution, either from clients demanding weird stuff be done to them, or some film studios demanding he films himself torturing the girls, sometimes boys, live on camera for their pleasure. The reason he drinks in canon is because he's addicted to hurting people. When he's torturing people, he's usually sober. I think he'd have trouble keeping employment, both because he drinks to cope with the demands of his sketchy clients, and quite a lot, and secondly, his exessive sadism would make it impossible that even slaughter houses would refuse him as an employee, and his ex-colleagues would probably describe him as creepy.

I think he'd probably do rock on the side also, but tattoo artist, yeah, definitly. He's an artist at the soul, so I think an artistic line of work might keep him from ending too deeply into addictions.

Do you think Subyss would be like in a fantasy or modern AU ?


Some type of undead creature. Maybe a vampire or zombie or ghoul - whatever. The point is that those creatures usually somehow consume humans, and that's exactly what he'd do. A nice metaphor for how he leeches off other people. Probably in a similar line of work since fantasy settings are often somewhat medieval-adjacent. I can definitely see him stumbling while walking because his joints don't really work, or maybe you can just hear loud cracking when he walks. He stinks like a corpse (which he is). Probably functions better after eating flesh. I believe undead creatures like him would be kind of pariahs so yeah he definitely still does dirty work.


I said it once I will say it again, a drug-addicted tattoo artist. Probably earns money on the side by prostituting himself tbh😭 He would be good at arts actually but he would also have trouble keeping himself sober enough to work. A raging homosexual, like he's the negative stereotype I'm afraid. Might sleep with women for money or because he's high, but doesn't really enjoy that? Sexuality is complicated when you never have healthy relationships and just use sex as coping. He's definitely pierced a lot, has some ink as well. The studio he works at is sketchy as hell but he does a good job!

What are your thoughts?

10 months ago

I'm sorry for interrupting, but as a diabetic. My unemployment claim has not been processed for 6 months, and I cannot afford insulin that costs $450. I would appreciate any assistance, whether that's sharing my pinned post or making a financial contribution.

This is a huge amount of money to ask a stranger !

9 months ago

The puny, tiny cancer turned intelligent (and somewhat delusional human being) was asking him why she should improve her speech.

"So you can learn to speak like a grown up and people can better understand and respect you." as his awnser.

Jean-Baptiste was somewhat perplexed by the presence of this child inside his house. He wasn't that experienced with children who weren't his or those of his colleagues. Instead of being easily frightened by those who weren't family, she was boldly imprudent. He himself was not the most reassuring presence, and he somewhat knew how to comfort smaller kids, although it was odd to meet one who wasn't afraid of him.

Children outside his cast were somewhat of a mistery to him, as they all, without fail, have a lacking self-preservation instinct, even at an age were they should be aware of their mortality.

No matter how much their peers outmatched them, or even towards adults, they weren't expecting rejection or mob action. No, not being mobbed as a child seemed to have a detremental effect on the outsiders, since many of them grew to be neglectful of their own progeniture, and seem to consider them litteral garbadge. As children, they were completely unafraid of crowds, which was just asking for trouble. Black Jack wasn't like that...but Pinoko.

"Well, Why Should Pinoko Impwove Her Speech? As Wong As Doc Understands Pinoko, Then There'sh No Need,

"Well, why should Pinoko impwove her speech? As wong as Doc understands Pinoko, then there'sh no need, wight?"

10 months ago

hey um jsyk japanese doesn't really do consonant clusters. "subiysu" isn't exactly a name that could possibly exist in that language. god bless ♡

I know it's not a real name.

10 months ago

So, a good idea for an Sanson story that is somewhat historically accurate and character-driven


Established situation:

So, Charles Sanson II died in 1726, leaving behind three children: a daughter and two sons. Anne-Renée is respectively 16 or 10 (unclear notes in the documents, lol, but given how many members of executioner families married young, and she married Chrétien Zelle in 1736, and had to be alive to recommand her nephew Shmidt, so 10 it is. Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson is seven at the time of his father's death, and was born the 19th of April 1719. Nicolas-Charles-Gabriel was 5 at the time of his father's death. Before his death, Charles Sanson II made sure his post was inherited by his eldest son, but Anne-Marthe needs to find a "regent". She finds first has George Hérisson who dies, who dies a year after his tenure in a cart accident. He has to be replaced, this time by François Prudhomme who's an old friend of Sanson II, and is the tutor/curator of Nicolas-Gabriel,so all is well. Since he's a questioner, one needs to find replacement for him, so Jules Tronson fits the bill for reasons of his own, as his friendship with an executioner family does make him less employable. Soon enough, with the several affairs, the number of executions is to big to handle, and thus another regent is necessary.

Here, the story would start proper in 1732, with the three Sanson sibblings being respectively 16, 12 (with his birthday in a few days) and 10 (with his birthday in about a month). The antagonist of the story is introduced: Jean-Baptiste Barré, also known as Johannes (because Alsacian). Now, his goal, for the purposes of the story, would be to be the next executioner of Paris, because of the money and power it would bring. Now, Anne-Marthe very much wants to conserve the name and prestige of her late husband's name, and simply wants to use Barré as a regent and then disgard him. And the principe of their union is: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Because Anne-Marthe is a master manipulator, she manages to turn the mariage deal very much to her adventage, but Barré doesn't cancel out his plans yet.

So, at first, Barré, he doesn't really want to harm his step-sons and he kind of feels responsable for them. It won't turn that well for the boys, as he's from a region that very much values frequent and harsh canings and birchings. But he also teaches them plenty of practical skills, as well as both Yeniche and Alsacian. Now, the two boys don't really trust him, but they eventually do kind of warm up to him, exept Jean-Baptiste, mostly because at some point, Barré gets delusional enough to try and make the kids call him "father", which they actively refuse to do. Subtly, however, Anne-Marthe does secretely tell Jean-Baptiste about the real reason why she married him.

Things go even further in the wrong direction for Barré when Jean-Baptiste falls for Madeleine Tronson, so he does everything in his power to split appart the "happy couple" so that Jean-Baptiste would be less interested in claiming his inheritence to be with her. So, in his campain, he finds unlikely allies in Henri Tronson, Madeleine's uncle, and the young Soubise, apprentice to Jules Tronson as questionnaire.

Now, time for the love triangle, and Madeleine, she, at age 14, her education ends with a disaster when her identity is discovered, as well as her frequentations.