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Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Here's the sitch (since I am not typing this all out):
Anyway, Musca is mad because she was left behind. She wants to fuck up Eco for it but Seamrog tells her that right now, the only two people who can tell if the Orcelito in the castle is the real him or not is her and Belca so if the both of them get killed at the same time, there would be no one left to tell if he's an imposter. Belca has back-up in Eco and Linna but for the time being, Seamrog and Musca have to wait for further orders. The Investiture Ceremony is a week from now so if they aren't heard from them, that means Belca and them are dead and Seamrog has to get Musca the fuck out of Dodge. Musca doesn't want that to happen because the commoner's son...is her big brother.
Meanwhile, Linna is in the carriage bemoaning the fact that Belca is one of the only two people who can identify Prince Orcelito so he basically has to go directly into the line of fire. Then Belca makes them stop the carriage: there's a food stall.
When Linna goes "bro, what the fuck", he argues that he won't get the chance to eat warm food inside the castle and scurries off. Eco says he's gonna make him a glutton in the song but Belca says that's a good idea; after all, isn't a fun song better than a sad song?
Belca, now far enough away, reveals that he was lying: he was using the food excuse to enter the castle by himself, not wanting to endanger anymore lives on his account. However, Eco catches his ass on the bridge. He asks if Prince Orcelito is locked up, how does he plan on rescuing him? And how does he plan on telling Musca about it? Belca stammers that he was going to wing it so Eco follows up with if Belca really wants to rescue Orcelito, why is he irresponsibly trying to do everything himself? Linna, who was following behind, tells Eco he's being too harsh before Belca acknowledges that Eco has a point but he doesn't want anyone to get involved with him any further. Eco's point is that he can't do anything just by himself, saying he's putting on the whole martyr act just to get sympathy. Eco says he's doing this because he wants to so Belca has no right to try to stop him. Belca gets pissed and orders Eco to take the carriage and take Linna back to Sana...only for Linna to casually reveal he already sent his resignation to Sana. He doesn't have a place to go back to. So he asks to stay with Belca.
Eco then says it's better to stick to the original plan because if the elders see that Belca can get back to the castle on his own, they won't let their guards down. Everybody shakes hands and Belca makes them promise not to die on him, even if it means letting go of something.
At the Neue Favrille castle, at the outer gates, the guys get let in but only Belca (as Mirabelle) and Linna are allowed into the upper stories. Eco stays behind and whispers a last message to Belca: if he wants to stay behind and be a prince, that's fine too (they talk for so long the guards wonder if the "coachman" and the "maid" are dating). Before they separate, Belca admits the real reason Hector died: he fell in love with an Amontel and wanted to make her the crown princess. When Belca (finally) leaves, Eco tells him he'll wait for him till the last second.
Inside, a random lord Ruebelli is griping about Prince Orcelito's weird behavior a week before the Investiture Ceremony before Orcelito walks up, telling him to take care of himself even with the bad weather.
Anyway, at the fifth level of the castle, the Regia Mare Palace, Kiliko is ready to see Linna so it's go time. Using the opportunity, Belca stops crossdressing and switches to full Prince Regalia. He tells off an approaching guard for thinking that he was locked up and that he's ready to talk to Kiliko. The guard darts off and Linna asks Belca why he has the name "usurper". Belca tells him that in the palace, he was a troublemaker and that the noble's children around the place made fun of him for being the son of the king and a lady dancer. Linna then tells Belca not to talk about himself like that and he's here to defend him with his life. Belca says he knows he has his back.
The guard tattles to Kiliko that some guy claiming to be Belca is in the building and he, along with Linna, would like to speak to him in private. Kiliko tells the guard to not let anyone outside of his subordinates near the building. Kiliko walks off with a grin, saying that Dietrich is proving himself more useful than Orbus. Kiliko goes over to meet Belca...and bows, welcoming the Prince back to the castle.
Belca isn't fooled, recognizing Kiliko from the night at the cliff and demanding to know what he did to Orcelito. The chapter ends with Kiliko happily saying that Orcelito is meeting them now, with Orcelito walking in through the doors...
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Chapter 10
So Ossan's on his way off and is about to sell some stuff so he can eat before he leaves...then he finds himself a Musca in his bag.
Ossan asks where's his armor; Musca says it was in the way so she took it out. Anyway, at a dining establishment, Musca says she needs to get back to the palace to help Orcelito. Ossan cheerfully tells her that no, he is not taking her there and getting his fucking head chopped off; after they finish eating, he's taking her back to the inn. Musca takes some medicine with her food (she stole it from her wet nurse) and Ossan wonders when she got sick all of a sudden. Then he sees her "pills"...
But back to Belca who's still reeling from his dressing down by Tenrou. He mentally concedes that yeah, the Amontel have been treated badly but...they're different! It's not other people's fault for treating them like shit when they're clearly so...not like others. The Captain comes over to ask him if he's able to sleep...and Belca freaks out, pointing out that he's been up the whole time and he needs to rest if he wants to heal. Belca then says that he feels guilty for the Captain getting hurt on his account but The Captain counters that it's an honor to sacrifice his body for the sake of someone baring the spirit of the Hero King. Belca tries to argue that he should be saying that stuff to Orcelito and not him but Tenrou interrupts them, saying the jury's still out on what to do with them. He says they still get to live for now so it's feeding time. Belca accuses him of poisoning the food and Tenrou fires back with "You a weak bitch; you die fast..."...before he says that Hector used to talk about him. Belca flips out (surprise surprise) and demands Tenrou tell him about his connection with his brother, wanting to know why he wanted to help the Amontel. Tenrou responds he doesn't have to tell him shit and Belca continues to holler and shout at him...before remembering that he's doing the same thing as yesterday. And he's heading to the same ending. He politely asks for Tenrou to stop and talk...
And we're back to Ossan and Musca, the former having snatched the latter's medicine. Ossan tells her to stop taking it, saying there's poison mixed in with the sugar. Musca says that he's lying but Ossan says the reason she's sick is probably because of the pills. Musca begins to cry, wondering if the maid hates her enough to kill her...and, to make a bad situation worse, the guys in the restaurant start talking about how Prince Hector was killed by Lord Orbus, right within earshot of the two. Ossan tries to take her out so she won't hear but then he overhears that Prince Belca was taken out for learning about it only for another guy to argue that he was just seen in Sana. Ossan remembers the information from the pigeon and thinks that maybe that rumor was true after all...he was right to get out of there while he was able to because that shit is way above his paygrade and none of his damn business. Then Musca stops him, saying she knows Hector was killed by Lord Orbus and that she thought Belca was killed too and that's why he's not at the castle anymore. She wonders if she's next but she's only worried about what will happen to her big brother Orcelito.
She asks if Ossan is a knight of the royal family and, if he is, to please take her to the palace to help Orcelito. Ossan apologizes, saying he doesn't work for the royal family anymore and he's not a knight, he's an Astelion mercenary who works for jewels and money. She offers to pay him with a hyper-fancy jewel, saying that from now on, he's her personal knight.
Back at the cave, the Amontels are arguing over whether or not they can actually use Belca. He's royalty but the castle doesn't want him. He's Prince Hector's brother but he's "Stone Capital made" so he's a whiny cunt. Tenrou brings Belca in to show him how well things are going and Tenrou says there's no use in talking to a trashy brat who constantly looks at you like he's about to bite you. Tenrou keeps roasting Belca as Belca holds the Ku Klux feelings at bay, battling against his preconceived notions for the greater good. Tenrou is pleasantly surprised that Belca can finally keep his mouth shut and points his blade at his throat, daring him to open dialogue again. Belca asks for a favor, namely that the Amontel help him save Eco from Dietrich's clutches. Tenrou ain't buying it, demanding to know why they would imprison a guy who saved the Prince's life and, if he's a Prince, why doesn't he have enough pull with a rich guy to do it himself? Belca says he has no value as a prince so he'll be their hostage, their scapegoat or spy in order to save Eco with any means he has. Also, the Captain is not his servant; when they're done, let him go. The Amontels tell Tenrou not to trust Belca, saying he's just trying to lead them into a trap and Tenrou smugly shares their feelings with the Prince he now has by the collar. Belca then asks what he must do to gain their trust. Shingetsu joins the conversation by saying they'll take his life in exchange for their trust. The Amontels tell him to chill, saying they still need him as a hostage but Shingetsu everything he can do alive he can do as a corpse. Shingetsu asks Belca if that's okay with him and Belca shakily agrees, saying he talked the talk so he'll walk the walk. Shingetsu draws her (she's a woman, apparently; I've always been bad at this) blade, saying on her word she will rescue Eco and release the Captain. She then lifts the blade above his head...and bursts out laughing.
She says that she's never seen someone so stupid before; at the mansion, he had ample opportunity to escape but stayed to protect the Captain and now he's offering his life for him. He's really stupid...but because he's stupid, he's too stupid to lie and therefore, they can trust him. Then an Amontel runs into the cave, yelling that they have company: Dietrich has followed the Amontel scent to the cave and, led by his slave boy, is ready to "rescue" Belca...
Meanwhile, Ossan has Musca dressed up like a commoner to sneak her around. She asks him what his name is ("Ossan" is Japanese slang for "old man"...not sure why they left that untranslated as his actual name or something) and he says he lost his original name a long time ago. Musca says he needs a real one, giving him the name "Seamrog" after the white clovers she gave him. She asks if he doesn't like it but Seamrog says it's the opposite, saying he didn't expect to be given such a beautiful name in his lifetime...
Chapter 15
According to the letter written by "Dietrich", he found Belca, nursed him back to health and secretly sent him back to the castle...and now Belca is looking at the kneeling frame of the man who killed his older brother.
Taking them into another room, Kiliko assures Belca and Linna that Dietrich will be rewarded for his actions. But...he points out how weird it is of him to act carelessly and let such valuable people travel by themselves. Linna defends him by saying that since such "groundless" rumors about Belca and Hector were spreading throughout the kingdom, he thought it would be cool to accompany Belca by himself. Kiliko chuckles at the phrase "groundless rumor"...before asking the standing, glowering Belca if he would like to take a seat. Belca, already pissed by the whole innocent act Kiliko is putting on, instead demands to meet with Orcelito at once. Belca refuses to believe that any method that Kiliko can use to make Orcelito obey him can work...only for Orcelito to walk in, all smiles.
Orcelito says he's glad that Belca is safe but he doesn't need to worry about anything anymore. They can live together in the palace again! Kiliko says that he can arrange things so that Belca can return officially by tomorrow...and Belca wonders how can he act like that after all he's done. Belca demands to know why Orcelito is with Kiliko and Orcelito tells him that Kiliko is assisting him in being the crown prince. He has the lineage and the experience for it, after all. Belca desperately tries to remind Orcelito that Kiliko is the reason their brother is dead but Orcelito cuts him off, saying it's sad that Hector passed away due to illness.
Furious, Belca manhandles Kiliko, demanding to know what he did to his brother. Linna has to pull him off as Kiliko says that, as Belca is clearly tired, for the highness to be taken to the rest chambers in Regia Mare. Orcelito waves goodbye to his wilding brother...only for Belca to collapse on the floor out of nowhere.
While he's knocked out, Linna tells Kiliko that, because of the extent of Belca's injuries, he was given a bunch of powerful drugs that are affecting his temperament. Kiliko buys this excuse even though he points out Dietrich left that out of his report...but he chalks it up to Dietrich's cautiousness. He leaves Belca in Linna's care, saying that the Arlons know more about drugs than the Lagens. Belca "wakes up", having pretended to be knocked out and congratulates Linna on telling such a believable lie. Linna says that the two should stick close together for a bit if they want to get through the next few days...
Later on, Eco wakes up in a room at the Outer Gates, complaining about the noise. He looks outside to see soldiers stepping into the castle walls, wearing Callione uniforms. Remembering that women are permitted among Callione ranks, Eco guesses that they're there to perform the Hand Dance of the Isle of Adine for the Investiture Ceremony. Eco is all randy to see it...only for his roommate to tell him they will not be attending the Investiture Ceremony. Eco falls over, depressed.
In the castle, Belca frets over his real mission: how is he supposed to figure out that Orcelito is the real one? Then a familiar intruder falls on him: Orcelito, from the upper balcony.
Belca shouts at him (this is the second goddamn time he's fallen on him) and Orcelito apologizes, saying he really needed to talk to him. He asks if Linna is asleep and reveals he remembers what happened in Sana...before expressing relief that the boy he is speaking to is the real Belca.
Belca says that's his line and that he came back to make sure Orcelito was the real one. He then asks if Orcelito's deal with Kiliko is a long game or if the elders really did something to him. Orcelito hugs Belca, saying he can't tell him what's going on yet but he's glad he's okay.
Belca is back in his room, fuming that he still doesn't know if Orcelito is an imposter or a puppet. He's sane but is he really that crafty?
The answer is yes but in the worst way possible. Orcelito is completely under Kiliko's control and his reason for confirming Belca's legitimacy was for him and him alone. All they need is Musca and they can be a happy family again. The chapter ends with Orcelito calling Kiliko and himself "accomplices"...meaning that they are definitely working together but Orcelito is not brainwashed.
Chapter 9:
Just a reminder:
Because I am NOT typing it out again.
Anyway, Eco says that even if Dietrich put weird ideas in his head, he hopes his words would keep Belca safe for a while. He knows that Belca might be happier as Dietrich's puppet but...that'll be no fun for a little stinker like Eco. Then he hears a bunch of noise from outside...
But the Captain first! He can't relax in the mansion while the Amontel are attacking so he walks outside the room. Then he sees Belca confront the Amontels outside. When Belca is shot at, he manages to dash down and take the arrow for him, protecting his precious Mariebelle.
Then the captain sees his pendant, finally (actually) recognizing him. Tenrou thinks that, with Belca's fancy clothes, he's the young master of this place so he wants him to take him to where the slaves are. But Shingetsu tells him to wait, saying there's a signal from the bank of the lake and that means Dietrich's men already knows they're there. They do a Pincer attack on them, they're screwed. Tenrou says oh well, they got all the information they need from the maid. They can just take Belca as a hostage instead and get out of Dodge. The Captain tries to protect him but ends up with an arrow through his ankle, courtesy of Shingetsu. Belca tries to protect him but he's outmanned; they give him a choice: come with them or the captain and the maid dies. Despite that throwing a wrench in his "return to Orcelito" plans, Belca agrees, becoming a hostage.
Captain is thrown into the waters and the Amontels board a boat with their new hostage. They tell the maid to send a message: they're return with Belca later, offering his life for their comrades.
Later on, Dietrich gets word that Belca was kidnapped, the Amontels cleverly outmanuevering them by going someplace where they weren't expected to show up and thus taking advantage of the lack of guards there. Dietrich's attendant guy says that it's kind of a good thing that this happened before word was sent back that they have the prince in their custody. Dietrich says the prince must be rescued; he can't miss this chance to get a connection with Lord Lagen!
Shingetsu and Tenrou are greeted back at their meet-up spot by another Amontel, Belca in tow. Then the Captain walks up, having swam after them to save Belca. Then he passes out.
Back at the jail, a maid comes with Eco's blanket and heater (Oh, he was serious about that...). Eco recognizes her as Annette, a maid who's been working in the mansion for years. She's happy to be recognized and gives him his blanket...and his missing poem book, knowing how much he missed it. Eco is so happy...which is a feeling he'll want to hold onto as much as possible because Annette then tells him Belca was kidnapped.
Eco demands to be let out to rescue him but Annette says that's impossible. Dietrich has the keys and if she steals them, she won't just be flogged...she'll be subject to the experiments, just like the Amontel!
Wait, what?
Yeah, that's what Dietrich has been using the Amontels for, shooting them up with drugs and stuff like that. Eco asks if he's working with Lagen on that and Annette confirms it, asking how he knows about that. Instead of answering, he asks Annette to do him another favor...
Meanwhile, Hostage!Belca wakes up against a giant fox in a cave somewhere. Shingetsu greets him, currently dressing the Captain's wounds. Belca tries to push him away, thinking he's attacking him, only for Shingetsu to take out a knife and throw it at him...hitting the rat about to pounce on him. Apparently the rats in this setting are venomous...he then tells Belca that because he's their hostage, they're not gonna hurt him because they need him for the exchange. Until then, he should get some rest. His giant fox doesn't bite. Also, the captain's wound is (somehow) shallow and the shot was just meant to scare Belca. Some herbs have been applied on the wounds so he should be fine in 2 to 3 days. Belca is awed that these monsters are behaving in such a surprisingly rational manner. He still wants to leave...but the Captain has a fever so it's impossible to move him. He sighs and calls the Captain an idiot, asking why he had to pull such a dumb stunt for him...
Outside the cave, an Amontel named Izayoi comes in and is briefed on the situation. Then he finds the pendant the Amontel swiped from Belca, horrified that they KIDNAPPED THE FUCKING PRINCE.
Now, at the Royal Prefecture in Neue Favrille, Kiliko and Lagen's men are trying to locate pages from the Rovisco Documents as well as decipher them. Turns out Lagen's family are called the Guardians of History and this is their main duty. Then they find some controversial literature, including some text explicitly speaking out against the royal family. The missing pages were most likely taken out by someone who is against the crown which also means someone else knows about the secret backroom...
Tenrou stomps back into the cave when we cut back to Belca, demanding to know if the latter is actually the Prince. He then comments if he's Hector's brother, he's his exact opposite. That pisses Belca off and he charges him, screaming that it's the Amontel's fault that Hector is dead because he wanted to treat them as human beings and the elders killed him for it. The other Amontels are shocked to hear this...and so is the Captain who just woke up. Tenrou recovers quickly, glad that they can now do a hostage exchange with the Stone Capital's King. Belca laughs at him, saying there's no way that the kingdom will bargain for a troublemaker like him. Sure, the elders want him but that's only because he knows they killed Hector. The Captain tries to get Belca to stop talking but Belca goes on, saying they wasted their time and that the kingdom wouldn't want to negotiate with a bunch of evil disgusting creatures like them anyway.
The Amontel are about to fuck him up but Shingetsu stops them, wanting to ask Belca a question: did he see it? You know, when the Evil Deity that created the Amontel...did it? They were just minding their own business in the mountains and then the Stone Capital guys came in and started colonizing. Being hunted, treated as slaves, eaten like food...they keep calling the Amontel evil but the way the Amontel are treated is evil in of itself!
So...on the Western Trail at the Florel Town Outpost, Musca is being prepared for her stay. While there, she overhears rumors that Orcelito is indeed acting strangely and some think he has been replaced with someone else. Musca thinks to herself: her mom's dead, her dad's sick, Hector's "gone away" and Belca is missing...she's the only one who can save her older brother. But how is she going to get back to the palace?
Enter Ossan.
It's his last day in Florel and he's about to head to Lobnec Peninsula, having already submitted his resignation. The chapter ends with Musca seeing him...
Chapter 4
On the Northeast Border Kuklant Suburb Trail, an Amontel is being hunted by bandits. They're thinking of capturing him to sell before an Amontel in the trees shoots an arrow at them. Not knowing how many of the Amontel there are in the forest, the bandits retreat.
The archer Amontel helps up the other Amontel, Shingetsu, and asks him if he returned from the Holy Land. Shingetsu responds that everyone who went to the royal tomb are already dead. The archer cusses him out for this, saying that with Hector dead, the kingdom has no need to accept them now. Shingetsu was hoping that Hector's wish had reached the elders but the archer ain't having that shit. They say that the only choice now is to fight, cursing Hector for dying so soon...
In a spiffy new outfit, Belca makes it to Sana, the gateway between the palace villa and the town district. If he can get past this town, he can get to the entrance to the palace. And if he can make it in there, he can see Orcelito. But first! He has to make it past a large crowd...headed by the guards. The guards are not only collecting tolls but are also doing searches on every person to search for Belca. Things are not looking good for the prince...and then he overhears a man being manhandled and searched, just for not having any money to pay the toll. The guards try to drag him out but he breaks away, saying he has a daughter who needs him. The guards attack him, saying he's with the "rebel". Belca quietly points out that he's just an old man and they have him confused with someone else but a lady tells him it's no use, the soldiers have their eye on him. I mean, he did try to slip past the gate. If Belca has a problem, why doesn't he do something about it himself?
Belca has enough of this shit; Eco's words have gotten through to him and he approaches the guards, saying that the old man isn't a rebel and using his ring (with a real gemstone!) to pay for his toll. They get through, the crowd is astonished, good times for all...then the guard inspects the ring. The relief on it is of the Twin Lions...the emblem of the royal family.
The guards immediately shout at Belca to stop, saying that he's the royal tomb thief they're looking for. Belca, finally using his brain, turns and shouts at them for their impudence. He reveals his true identity: Prince Belca, 3rd Prince of the Noctircus Royal Family. He has returned to Sana to meet Orcelito. He then demands to be escorted to the Palace Villa. The guards are stunned...until one guard reminds the others that the thief is using Prince Belca's name. One of the guards counters that the ring is the proof of succession but the guard counters that with the information that he's a thief; he probably stole it. The guards advance on him, intending to capture him alive to interrogate him further. Belca's cornered, he has no weapons and his body's in bad shape. This could be it for him. Then, gold coins rain from the sky.
Some dude's cart was overturned and he is not happy about it. The crowd swarms over the guards to get it and Belca is dragged away by Eco, his savior. As Eco takes him to his hiding place, Belca recognizes him...as the bear guy.
(Sadly no.)
Meanwhile, Lord Lagen is scolding K-dog for letting Belca's body escape them. They just lost an important pawn because of that. Lagen tells him to let Orbus handle the situation in the Palace Villa. Meanwhile, Orbus' son has another opportunity to make up for his failure...
The guards are searching houses while looking for Belca, breaking into a random brothel, turning the p;ace inside out. One woman overhears who the guards are looking for and is shocked. A guard (in rather fresh way) questions her, but the other courtesans defend her by saying that she's Prince Orcelito's biggest fan and was upset that he went home. The guards eventually leave (with the creepy saying he'll come back as a paying customer)...and that woman is revealed to be Belca himself.
Eco and Belca live to be ambiguously homosexual for another day. Eco thanks the madam, Ricolise, for helping them out. Ricolise says it would suck if the girls couldn't hear Eco's song again. She offers them a room and the boys retire, the guards still looking for them outside. Eco asks Belca what he did and Belca says it's none of his business. Eco is huffy, saying he's saved his life twice (three times if you count saving Belca's life from Eco). But Belca doesn't want him to get any further involved; it could get him killed. Eco asks why and Belca says every person who has gotten close to him has been killed. Eco tells him to chill if he's worried about someone getting hurt on his account; Eco didn't save him out of the kindness of his heart. No, he has an ulterior motive for helping him. Belca nervously tells him he has no money but Eco has no need for that. No...he wants his song.
No, literally. He wants to sing a song about Belca and his story. If Belca gives him his song, he'll do anything for his sake. Eco offers and Belca says that he wants to see Orcelito one more time. Eco has joined Belca's party! Good thing too because Belca doesn't know jack shit about the outside world. That ring he gave away earlier? He estimates that it can pay the toll for ten people...Eco corrects him that it could have paid the toll for 10,000 people.
So unless Eco is around, he's a dead man.
Orcelito is stuck with Fagen's son as his attendant. and he's not happy about this turn of events. He tries to talk to his dad but the chapter ends with K-dog stopping him.
Chapter 16
Okay, we're trying something different. I will summarize the Omake...and do a quick summary of the chapter itself which apparently I have find on another site. Good? Okay.
Today, we learn about soldiers' uniforms. In the +C world, "soldier" refers a guard with light equipment. In peaceful times, they maintain town security, escort nobles and other stuff. When they're in Neue Favrille, they dress up in a manner suitable for skirmishes. The creator says it was designed as a one piece with puffed sleeves, making it more suitable on women as seen below:
(Why are there no women soldiers? The creator's excuse is because it's a Josei manga. Take it up with him.)
The design is the same across different territories though soldiers tend to put their own touches on it, like family crests and such. And that's it. Hector want Amazon soldiers but he is mocked for it.
In an Omake story, Hector is targeted by the God of Death. The God asks if he has any last words and he says...he wants to be popular with girls. Apparently he heard "last request" and "last words". He torments the God. The end.
Chapter Summary: Orcelito and Kiliko have entered into a deadly alliance to take on the elders of the kingdom and Eco gets to watch girls dance. Good for him.