Tw Slavery - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

dark content ahead ! you have been warned <3

Dark Content Ahead ! You Have Been Warned

warnings: slavery, amab reader!, power imbalance, oral (f), minor petplay, eula being your slave owner <3

being eula lawrence’s dutiful slave. born to serve her, her grace who saved you n enslaved you by contract to her forever. your purpose is to help her get vengeance and be her toy for pleasure. she frees you from the chains of the clan’s basement only to chain you to her bed, making you service her every night against your will. eula’s words become your very law. if she says you’re not cumming, you’re obediently going to get the cockcage yourself for her to place on your leaking length, you’re just so well trained as her property. if eula desires the world, you have to do everything in your will to give it to her. lucky for you, the usually icily elegant woman wanted, no ordered you to have your tongue inside her. it’s mocking how her dripping snatch is just out of reach, her lithe legs spread apart on her luxurious bed while you’re chained to the floor like a dog. her smirks and enticing arousal at your tormented crawling only elicit your body’s natural response, dick hanging heavy n balls trapped, craving the warmth of eula’s perfectly warm n velvety walls. “crawl faster puppy, your owner’s pussy is waiting. if you’re good, maybe i’ll let you cum tonight. inside, if you’re extra good. sounds good doesn’t it, breeding me, your owner.”

eula’s taunting tone fuels the futile resistance against your restraints until the woman positively giggles at your actions. “aw, need some help pet? you’re not doing so good, are you?” it’s humiliating how divine eula looks in her sheer white robe as she circles you, releasing the chain on your neck with gentle hands and guiding your mouth to her drenched core. eula’s plush thighs close in around your face, trembling in pleasure when you finally work your tongue in circles inside her waiting pussy. eula’s moans are pure bliss, a reward and blessing at the same time, nothing is better than serving your owner. delving your face in between her folds for more of her erotic sounds and giving eula’s clit heated kisses, keeping the pace till the woman finally cums messily all over your lips. “hahhh…. good job, puppy.”

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1 year ago
Au Where Morax Aimed For Xiaos Old Master Laaater On In The War Or Smth Idk
Au Where Morax Aimed For Xiaos Old Master Laaater On In The War Or Smth Idk

au where morax aimed for xiao’s old master laaater on in the war or smth idk

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4 months ago

things i learned at church today

-obey all authorities, bc god put them in that position (implying even if they slaved ppl, cuz moses ""obeyed"" the pharaoh) -everything bad is caused by bad spirits trust me -queer bad -give us money and proselytize youll def be successful -politicians should not be in churches, but our politics should align with the bible (dogwhistle) ???? -honor your parents even if they did sa -pastor (white european man) said he is DEFINITELY NOT RACIST -envangelical churches use very manipulative language -everything happens because god wanted, even bad things (so basically, god plays reality like its the sims) -this guy lowkey needs to die, white european pastor guy, if youre reading this, you know what youre doing, lean back into a chair, and pull the trigger -parents dragging ppl to church against their will should be heavily frowned upon (im 18)

guys idk i think envangelical churches are kinda evil what do you think

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5 months ago



A term for individuals whose mindsets resemble that of a succubus or are related to succubi.



A term for individuals whose mindsets resemble that of a loli or are related to lolis.



A term for individuals whose mindsets resemble that of a shota or are related to shotas.



A term for individuals whose mindsets resemble that of a rapist or are related to rapists.



A term for individuals whose mindsets resemble that of a sex slave or are related to sex slaves.


Anyone can use this (no DNI post), as long as it isn’t misused. Only repost with a link to this post as credit (only exclusions being archives).

Also, please tell us if someone has coined this before. We often don’t notice/know.

if someone has coined this before, take it as either a recoin or redesign.


[Sensus coining post for y’all]

Get mad, stay mad, die mad, bitch <333


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1 year ago

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

(Do NOT get the bad ending with him.)

Our boys are out and away from Sana. The sun is rising and they're on their way to Neue Favrille...but screw them, back to Shingetsu. He's being scolded for taking his bow and arrow on his travels, against the wishes of the elders and the shrine maidens, but he says he's just going to follow the whereabouts of his comrades. Of the Amontels who were captured in Sana, half of them are still alive and are being shipped out. The other Amontel with him points out that if they attack the stone capital, the place will respond in kind. If he attacks the kingdom, the Amontel risk being completely wiped out. Naturally, Shingetsu counters that if they remain quiet, do they think the kingdom will leave them alone? See, Shingetsu is not like the elders who are content to just sit in one place and slowly die.

Chapter 6

Anyway, at the castle, Musca gets a gift from Prince Orcelito. It's chocolates! She's making a wreath of white clovers for Belca (?!). She may be a brat but she's grateful for him saving her from the bonfire. She's a lady after all: she's obligated to thank someone who saved her life. However, when she's spent all day looking for him, she breaks down crying, demanding to know where he is. Ossan comes upon her and takes her wreath of clovers, saying she's pretty good. Her wet nurse steps in to defend her, saying she'll have him punished before Musca stops her, saying she'll forgive him and giving him the wreath of clovers, saying that since Belca isn't around, he might as well have it. However, he has to pay her back by letting her ride home on his shoulders. The wet nurse is horrified, saying that Ossan is filthy. Musca argues that if Ossan bathes and can put on his own clothes, he's clean enough. Ossan says that Musca caught him when he was on his way to submit his resignation. When she asks for him to explain what that is, he changes the subject, saying that for today, he's in the service of the princess. Then Musca notices a clover on the ground, wondering if it's for the wreath she made for Orcelito earlier. She then asks to be taken to the Government Archives' building, despite mercenaries (re: Ossan) not being allowed in that place. He says he can't take her any further than the entrance.

He drops her off and skedaddles, allowing Musca to run off and meet Orcelito who looks a bit...out of it.

Chapter 6

She asks if he's okay but K-Dog says he's tired because of all the preparations for the coronation ceremony he has to undertake soon. He says whatever she wants to talk about has to wait. She gets upset, telling him to move aside and introduces himself as the far lamer name-bearer of Kiliko, Musca runs over to Orcelito and clings to him, saying she's worried about him. Kiliko offers to lend her his subordinates in order to look for whoever she was looking for earlier but she tells him to fuck off with his subordinates and his hard to remember name. Musca says to Orcelito that she can only get help from him, saying that Belca can't help because he's the son of a whore. Orcelito's eyes widen and Musca expects to be hit again...but he just walks past her, leaving with Kiliko who tells her to go back to her room.

Chapter 6

Later at the mercenaries' den:

Chapter 6

A guy gets a note from his informer bird, the others getting mad at him for it and saying that if the palace found out, he's getting fired. He counters that mercenaries can't do anything if they don't know the situation and reads the note. Apparently, there's a rumor that Prince Belca has appeared in Sana and that Orbus had Prince Hector assassinated. What a rip! A total waste of 10 silvers. Besides, Prince Belca is in his room, right? But Ossan isn't so sure of that...also, they had most of the palace guards replaced so something is definitely going on.

Later on in her room, Musca asks her wet nurse if she though Prince Orcelito was being strange. The wet nurse agrees...after all, it's what the princess said so it's what she must think. Though she accepts Kiliko's explanation that he was just tired from preparing for the ceremony. She then suggests that Musca give him a wreath of herbs to relieve his stress tomorrow. Musca nods and goes to sleep...except she doesn't, still bothered with how Orcelito was acting towards her. She sneaks out...

Meanwhile, Kiliko asks about the progress on Operation: Take Over The Fucking Kingdom. It's going smoothly: Orcelito is being poisoned perfectly, with normal speech eventually set to become off-limits to him. Kiliko may be surrounded by newbies but this mission is important so he doesn't mind. Then a guard catches Musca outside. Kiliko reacts appropriately.

Chapter 6

He tells them to take her back to her room. The guard comes out to escort her, amid her protests, and she looks back to see Orcelito looking down at her:

Chapter 6

Musca is shaken.

Kiliko goes into Orcelito's room, undressing him while saying Musca is so much like what he was: a person of action. He closes the door from the inside, asking Orcelito for his opinion on it...

Chapter 6

Meanwhile, in Kras Ahbo, Eco and Belca were able to sell their sword and dresses for a nice price. And they went shopping! A perfect normal day for a valley girl. But Eco has a cold from being pushed into the sea in by a solider. What the fuck are they talking about? We won't know soon because they spot a slave dealer in the middle of town square. He's selling an Amontel...Eco suggests getting one as an attendant (even though that will significantly cut into the food budget) but Belca coldly replies that he doesn't need such a monster, much to Eco's worry.

Later at the campfire, Eco asks Belca if he hates the Amontel that much. Belca burns his tongue on his roasted meat and asks Eco to repeat him. Eco changes his question to comment on how naturally Belca takes to camping outdoors even though he's a royal. Belca comments that he's very much not okay with it. It's dark, it's cold and there are animals for whatever reason...but he does like the forest for one thing: the people out there don't care about your blood lineage. And he likes the food!

No time to unravel the hypocrisy of that statement because when Eco gets too kiss the homies goodnight with Belca, the latter finds out the former has a fever. Before they can deal with that, Belca notices something watching them. Belca goes over to investigate it even though Eco says it's a bad idea and the two spot an Amontel. Eco suggests just talking to him but Belca draws his sword, advancing on the Amontel, accusing him of hiding with the intent to ambush and kill them. Eco points out the Amontel, who looks rather young, is injured and can barely move so chill the fuck out for just a damn second. Belca shouts back at Eco for defending him, saying he's an Amontel ergo he's the reason his brother is dead.

Even Belca seemed surprised to say that out loud only for the tense moment to be broken up by the sounds of hoofs approaching them, a nobleman arriving to provide them with assistance.

Chapter 6

Also, that Amontel? It escaped from his residence. He'll like it back please.

End of chapter.

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3 years ago

Also like, as a black person, it makes me so so so mad when radfems say that sex work is buying someone's body.

My ancestors were kidnapped! And stuffed into boats where for MONTHS they ate little food and dirty water and had to literally shit and piss where they stood against others. They had no idea what was happening or where they were going. They saw people choose to throw themselves into the sea instead of be on those ships.

And when they were finally off that ship, their bodies were sold. Because they were considered "bodies" not "people."

For generations my ancestors had their children beaten and raped. For generations my ancestors had their loved ones, their children, ripped away from them and sold, never to be seen again. For generations my ancestors had their bodies owned, and could not decide where to go, when to bathe, when to eat.

How dare radfems compare THAT to someone choosing to have sex in exchange for money? It just makes me so fucking angry.

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4 years ago
My Computer Crashed N Corrupted The File So I Gotta Restart This Update. Have A Silverwing Concept Img

My computer crashed n corrupted the file so I gotta restart this update. Have a Silverwing concept img <3

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