successionmanga - Succession Manga
Succession Manga

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Chapter 31

Chapter 31

King Reitz the First, racist backstabber extraordinaire, is looking around a room before finding a book with Rovisco's handwriting in it. It's a notebook that Rovisco wrote about his travels...which Reitz makes fun of him for, calling him "sentimental". He goes out, ready to present himself as a god to his townspeople...but we skip forward years later, where Reitz is significantly less ballin and more bawling, revealing to his group he intends to confess to what actually happened in the records. His inner circle disagreed...via stabbing him to death. Forced into maytrdom, Reitz remembers the time Rovisco saved him from falling overboard after Reitz himself saved the ship. In the medical room with a painful wound in his leg, Rovisco gives him a star in lieu of the anesthesia they don't have, telling him it's a Stella Mallis, a star that protects the voyage. Reitz grumbles that he's not a sailor but Rovisco laughs it off. Reitz dies wondering if he should have died at sea.

Chapter 31

So Kiliko is telling Orcelito all this along with all the history we already know. The important thing we learn is Lagen's family are relatives with Rovisco's descendants. Rovisco's child, Marco (apparently the correct pronunciation of Mukuro) left the Hokulea village and struggled in Caluone region. He settled down eventually next to and showed his grandchildren to the neighboring princes to be engaged. When enough trust was built, the doctor was allowed to marry his daughter and be entrusted with his domain. Even after they became noble class, the descendants of Marco ran away from their family name but Kiliko and a bunch of scholars found out about them by rooting through a bunch of old archives. The scholars got in contact with the descendants and over time, the duke gain ownership of the Caluone region, which led to a lot of infighting among the duke's sons. Other sons were adopted and the older dukes handed over their titles and the Caluone region. This is how the Lagen ascended to power. Kiliko tells Orcelito that he was ordered to protect his bloodline and to extend it no matter the cost. So that's that.

So The Plague is still a thing and Orcelito and Kiliko are still mad about that. Oh and Orcelito got a letter from Belca. It says that he and the boys have saved half the population of a kingdom and he wants to meet up. Kiliko points out that this is similar to what happened last time. Orcelito is convinced Belca is being used in Kamino, refusing to believe that medicine can cure The Plague. Kiliko is a little bit more reasonable about the situation but Orcelito doubles down by saying the Spirit of Favrille's Divine Protection saved the people. The main point he doesn't believe the medicine can help them and if word of a "cure" reaches other regions...Orcelito just hopes the whole thing will blow over.

In the Regia Solaris guest room, Linna is getting dressed. And Musca scares him from inside the fireplace. They chat for a bit before Linna sends Musca off, Kiliko entering the room shortly after. They wanna talk about Belca...

Musca runs off but ends up bumping into the High Priest, who almost recognizes her but she covers by saying she's her own substitute.

Seamrog is off to Kamino and the chapter ends with Kiliko telling Orcelito that he needs to stop Musca's "game" already, with Orcelito agreeing. He says he'll arrange things so that she can't leave the castle.

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1 year ago

Chapter 41

We open on Captain Rovisco about to set sail despite his bosses' misgivings, his lover coming with him. Turns out there's a mysterious disease going around on his home island that affects the genomes and reduced the life expectancy by 60%. The birth rates have also declined due to the genes responsible for reproduction going with the corpses. People have been developing artificial limbs and organs to increase their life expectancy, though something called the acceleration furnace cannot be invented because...reasons. The reasons being it was caught in a literal goddamn tornado and disappeared. A conversation between Rovisco and Reitz reveals that Rovisco is shocked that Reitz is completely flesh and blood, no machines needed to keep him alive. When they get to the Hokulea's place, they feel like they've found the Promised Land.

Then Reitz kills him. End of (incredibly short) chapter.

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1 year ago

Chapter 26

So Eco is falling...

Chapter 26

And Belca catches him, cursing him out for following along when he's not prepared for it. Eco's huffing is interrupted by Tenrou pointing out snow leopards are following them (in a European setting) so they need to camp for the night. In their camping cave, Tenrou calls Belca over to see about Eco...because he's worried that Shingetsu might want to marry him.

Chapter 26

Apparently, this is the first she's spoken about bringing a man with them on their travels. Clearly, this whole thing is a test of eligibility. Tenrou accuses his sister of wanting someone who's her opposite and that while Eco is fun, he cannot have him for an older brother. So there's only one logical solution...Belca has to marry Shingetsu so that he and Tenrou will be brothers! Shingetsu hits Tenrou and apologizes for her brother's jackassery. She does drag Belca off to talk about Eco though...

Back at the royal palace, Lord Dien's carriage is ready, him wanting to get the fuck out of Dodge before The Plague hits. He would go to Orcelito for help but the latter's more concerned about Belca. But Belca should be dead anyway, right? Another lord tells them to watch their mouths since Orcelito, until they got Belca's dead body, is not the last remaining blood heir for the throne. Hell, their using poison to expedite the process is a show of them rushing to promote their own rank. Lord Lagen walks in, saying he can't believe "The Knights Of The Round Table" are talking like this. They're knights, they don't need underhanded Kiliko's ass. Luckily, the very present Kiliko takes it as a compliment.

Outside, Lord Lagen points out to Kiliko that as soon as a cure for The Plague, he is to return to the kingdom immediately. Belca needs to come back alive because no one's sure if Orcelito wants to have heirs to the throne (assigned gay by the kingdom). Kiliko agrees but expresses his surprise that Lagen is not making a fuss about the royal bloodline. That's when Lagen figures it's time to tell him something...the Lagen's secret.

Meanwhile, Musca sneaks into the inner palace where she finds a small house. Still in denial over her maid's death, she ventures over to find her only to have to hide from a passing noble. She walks in, discovering her maid is not there...but in good news, Linna is recuperating in bed!

Chapter 26

Musca recognizes him and hides under his bed when Kiliko comes in to drug him. Why drug a wounded man? He needs to interrogate him. Kiliko tells Linna that Belca is outside the castle gates and that they don't want him to stop Orcelito from ascending to the throne. Kiliko doesn't want to kill him so he asks Linna to get him to come back. If Belca does come back, they will ensure his needs are met in the palace. If he doesn't want to stay in the castle, they can arrange for him to live outside of the walls. Linna tries to talk back but the extent of his injuries and the drugs fucking him off causes him to writhe in agony instead, forcing the interrogation to be cut short. Kiliko tells him he'll come back later and says Linna is the only one who can save Belca. Linna becomes lucid as soon as Kiliko leaves, Musca crawling out from under his bed. He knows what they're planning him and grabs a nearby set of scissors to pierce his throat so that they can't use him against Belca. Musca stops him and he mistakes her for one of the healers. He tells her he knows they'll use the drugs to control him but Musca says who cares? She wants to be together with her maid, not get a new one. She leaves to go tell Seamrog, telling him not to try to kill himself again.

Finally back at the mountain, Belca reveals to Shingetsu that Eco saved his life and that he doesn't think he's a bad person. Shingetsu says even if that's the case, he has used underhanded methods like manipulation and poisoning in order to help him out. Is he helping him out of the goodness of his heart or for revenge or even glory in helping the prince? Belca tells her that Eco wants to write a song about him and she says she can't understand that reasoning, adding that while she tolerates trickery because she engages in it herself, if he points that weird shit towards the sacred lands or the Hokulea, she will personally kill him. Belca says that Eco would never do anything like that...then thinks "...Would he?". He's a weird dude and he knows a lot even for a scholar. Eco knows him but Belca doesn't know anything about Eco, like what he really wants. When they reach the sacred lands, can he trust him?

The next day, the group moves through a blizzard only to hit a dead end at a cliff...

Meanwhile, south of Main Street, the chapter ends with The Plague hitting the town, the mayor fretting about the roads being closed off if word reaches the castle.

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1 year ago

Chapter 39

A few days ago in Vieze Kamino, Tenko straight up jumped Linna.

Chapter 39

Meanwhile, everyone is listening to Eco play the medieval equivalent of "WAP" at the banquet. Belca wonders if it's alright to take the Hokulea back with him to the Stone Capital; sure, they're accepted in Kamino but they're called Amontel back home. The Hokulea are the only ones who can administer the cure properly; if it was a matter of following a treatment plan, this wouldn't be a problem. He tries to ask Tenko for advice...but Tenko isn't there. Discovering Linna isn't there either, he runs out to find them.

Linna is fighting off Tenko to the best of his ability but he's quickly disarmed. Tenko says it's a shame he's not at full health or they might have had a better fight. Belca sees them and freaks out while Tenko asks Linna why he doesn't stay in Kamino to heal himself. He can't protect Belca like that. Linna says he swore he would always be by Belca's side but Tenko says in Linna's current state, he's a liability. Belca's gonna care about him even if he's not with him; he's soft like that. Tenko then makes Linna Belca's First Squire; not a fancy position but should give Linna what he wants. Tenko himself is content being a specter of Hector's will. He warns Linna not to become like him. Belca sneaks off after hearing all that.

At the Tein Dukedom Lobnec in the Eastern Highlands City Wilhem, the couriers are delivering medicine! At the Southwest, at the Lobnec Taine Villa, a lord says he hasn't given permission for that. At the Ruebelli Dukedom, territory of the Theon Government, the lady there is mad too. She explains how royalty works, from earls to dukes to viceroys (Cheat Sheet: Kings-Presidents, Viceroys-Senators, Earls-Mayors).

At the Orbus Dukedom Rondalea, in Duke Orbus' Villa, Orbus thinks that Kiliko is behind the medicine thing and he's panicking because he might lost control of Orcelito. Now Orbus definitely needs Belca on his side. Good news for him: his niece is coming over. Better news: a spy in the castle says that Orcelito and Kiliko (The Girls) are fighting...

Meanwhile, Musca is eating while worrying about her mercenary career. The head maid arrives to take her away and tell her that Musca will go to Shez Villa. Musca asks if Orcelito will go with her but the head maid tells her that he will be heading there for one day only the day before. Musca says she doesn't want to go and the head maid coldly tells her that it's already been decided. Musca throws a tantrum and the head maid reminds her that she promised she would behave if she taught her how to read. Musca ignores her and the head maid says if she keeps disobeying her, her promises will mean nothing. Musca tells her to fuck off and she'll do what she wants. The head maid snaps and says she's been getting in trouble for Musca screwing up and that she'll be executed if Musca keeps it up. Musca finally calms down, saying she doesn't like the maid but that doesn't mean she deserves to die on her account. She'll protest within a lady.

In Orcelito's room, Kiliko is gloating over his plan working and leaves telling Orcelito the books he's trying to research are being recovered and saved.

Musca and her lady-in-waiting (Head Maid) bribe another maid so that they can scheme. While out, the lady-in-waiting is confused when they bump into another maid who has jewelry...and can read...

Chapter 39

On horseback, Belca catches up to Eco and the old man, everybody riding to the Stone Capital to take on the army. They leave Rondelea to approach the border.

Lord Orbus is about to set sail on his boat only for him to stopped by one of his messengers. Duke Melfar has been caught in a landslide and is missing! End chapter!

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1 year ago

Chapter 43

Musca is mad because she didn't get an letter from her brother but instead a stupid invitation for stupid tea.

Chapter 43

It's the letter from Lady Rushtaru that was given to the lady-in-waiting the last chapter, inviting Musca for tea. The lady herself, Lizelotte, happily welcomes them to her tea room and Musca calms down. Lizelotte drones on about fairies and flowers...which freaks out the lady-in-waiting, who heard a similar story about a fairy that would warn the prince in a voice that no one else could hear. A servant comes by with dessert (apple pie) and spills soup on the lady-in-waiting. Lizelotte apologizes and has the lady-in-waiting sent back with Musca to change her dress to one from her own wardrobe. Musca says Lizelotte gives off a soldier's aura, even though she's a lady.

Back with Belca's group, the rain has stopped but they're still sloughing along like bitches. Tenko wants to stop and rest for the night but Shingetsu spots a knight from the Stone Capital in the distance. He rides up, recognizing Prince Belca and introduces himself as a member of the King's Army, specifically the Vixen group. He says Commander Edovald Vixen is camping up ahead and he himself was sent to get them. They can stay with them for the night. The Vixens will now be defending Belca on the way to the castle! All is well...aside from the fact that there is Hokulea in Belca's group, clearly making the King's Army uncomfortable.

Chapter 43

Belca says if they have a problem with that, he won't join up with them. The knight apologizes, saying that they heard what happened in Kamino and how the Hokulea were responsible for The Plague being treated. He says the reaction of the troops are due to everyone still mourning Hector's death. Apparently, everyone thinks that if the Hokulea hadn't helped, Hector would still be alive. Hearing that, Belca says the Hokulea are to be treated as guests which the knight agrees to. He then asks for water for the horses which the knight also agrees to. The knight then says Belca's group will be escorted by five elite knights and followed by the rest on foot.

At Regia Solaris, Kiliko confiscates the journal from the maid who turns out to be a renegade princess. He says not only will he decipher the code in her love letter, he'll also have Lamuzesu investigated. Orcelito, worried about the elders' underlings and The Plague, says it's too dangerous for Belca to come over. He tells Kiliko to make a residence in the district a base, have the King's Army protect it and have the district's medics learn the antidote...he can ask the Hokulea with Belca for help if he needs to. These are just precautions to take until this whole "Maid Lilia" case is done with. Kiliko accepts and says the preparations for the Imperial Villa Shez is finished and asks what should be done about Musca, who is worried about his health. Orcelito says he'll meet her by preparing a room with a curtain so he can talk to her like that. He wants to hear his little sister's voice before dies, of course.

Chapter 43

Musca is happy because she can finally see her big brother! She and her lady-in-waiting are on their way to see him before they overhear workers talking about the "rumor" that Orcelito has The Plague. The lady-in-waiting angrily has them arrested but it's too late: Musca has heard everything. She tries to deny it but Musca has seen her head maid's expression; it's the truth. Kiliko tells Musca and her lady-in-waiting (whose name is PAIGE. Finally!) to keep what they see and hear a secret when they see Orcelito. Musca goes over to Orcelito but he tells her to keep her distance from the curtain, bumming her the fuck out because she wants to see her brother's face. She begins to sob, the reality that her brother has the same disease that killed her mother finally sinking in. Orcelito assures her that Belca will come soon with the cure but she still needs to be careful: she's young so if she catches The Plague, she might not survive it. So he tells her to stay at the Shez where it's safe. So he can focus on getting better without worrying about her.

Musca leaves, having agreed to stay in the Shez. But NOT before telling Kiliko not to "bully her big brother". She'll be leaving tomorrow and there's more good news: the code has been deciphered! It was written Da Vinci style, upside-down, backward, in cursive while using a mirror. Lilia was snitching on Orcelito's condition. Orcelito asks if Lamuzesu will be arrested and Kiliko says he won't; they'll just guard the mail room more closely. Kiliko tells him to get his rest and asks about his ink, saying he has been writing more often; Orcelito says that he just keep making memos to himself because his memory is going...

Outside, Lamu asks Ingrid the maid about Lilia and Ingrid says she's sick. Lamu asks if she would give her some flowers he brought her and Ingrid...becomes a human carrier pigeon as a bunch of people give her messages, only for Kiliko to intercept them and demand for them to be deciphered.

Belca and his group have made it to Neue Favrille but it's quiet...too quiet. The chapter ends with them being greeted by, of all people, Lizelotte.

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1 year ago

Chapter 29

At Lord Ruebelli's territory named Seon, he receives news from a "comrade" who tells him that Lord Taine has joined up with the Lagens and that considering that he's already been interrogated, he should be more careful around Lord Lagen. And it's the fifth letter he's got. His nephew tells him not to be bothered by these rumors, reminding him he went to school with Lord Altol. Lord Rebelli says he has to go back to the castle...

Back at the sacred land, Belca looks over the wounded Eco, ruefully noting he couldn't do anything. Then he hears a voice that sounds like Hector from outside and rushes out to the doorway...only to be met by Hector's former attendant, Yan Yashuka Koal. In these lands, he's known as Tenko. Acting according to Prince Hector's final wish, he did not attend his funeral and instead went directly to the Hokulea to protect them. He thought the whole situation was fishy but he couldn't disobey his orders. Thankfully, things have been going good since Lord Taine is the only acting officer for defense and his power cannot reach the sacred lands. Belca thanks him, for honoring his brother and protecting the Hokulea. Tenko notes that Belca sure has changed since he last saw him and that he's sorry for what happened in the spire, having already entrusted that territory to a trustworthy person. He himself came here to protect the High Priestess. He also apologizes for what happened to Eco but Belca stops him, saying that it happened because he wasn't stronger. Tenko tries to assure him that there was nothing he could do but Belca says he still has a bunch of questions for him so he needs to talk to him for a while. Tenko agrees.

Once upon a time, when the heavenly spire was built, there was said to be five High Priestesses but it's just Master Renju (The Gatekeeper) and Master Subaru (The Shaman). Master Subaru serves as the eyes and ears of Master Renju, still being in training but possessing immense power as well as the ability to sing. The latter point is important because there are no history books recording the history of the Hokulea. Their history is kept through oral tradition in the form of singing and folk songs. If that's the case, should there be a song about the incidents regarding Reitz the First? Wondering that out loud is how Tenko finds out he read "that book" (hidden in that porn). Turns out singing the song of history is a difficult task, so difficult that Renjou's body is too weak to sing it and Tenko has never heard it before. When Eco recovers, both priestesses might sing it for both him and Belca. Tenko asks if he can listen to it with them. Belca says it's fine...then he hears shouting from the underground prison.

Chapter 29

Shingetsu is seriously about to fuck up Izayoi, saying he betrayed them for the people of the Stone Capitol. Izayoi says that there are people like Prince Hector, Prince Belca and even Prince Orcelito promised that a law would be passed to keep the Hokulea from being hunted. He believes that they can fully put their differences behind them one day. That's why he can't work with Shingetsu because she only thinks about fighting. War begets more war...everyone's just gonna end up being killed just like Taihaku and his group. Shingetsu says that she might not be right but what he did was stupid, Belca rushing down to stop her before Renjou beats him to it. Izayoi begs Belca to tell Shingetsu that Prince Orcelito has already agreed to help the Hokulea and Belca...doesn't? He just recognizes him.

Renjou, walking off with Shingetsu, says Izayoi isn't alone in his feelings; everyone's tired of this. Of course, there are still those who want to go to war. Renjou then mentions that they were saved by a virus, causing Belca to ask Tenko what became of the soldiers. Tenko says they fear it's The Plague.

Going to visit them as they're being treated (the Hokulea are more resistant to The Plague than the Azelprade people), Tenko explains The Plague is the result of the squirrel mouse contracting the disease and spreading it to humans. The climb through the mountains probably lowered the guards' strength to combat the disease. Belca asks if they're going to die. Tenko says he doesn't know.

Meanwhile, Orcelito is lying in bed, angsting. He thinks he's no different than the elders now, having strayed from his path. Kiliko comes in with tea and tells him not to feel bad about Kamino, given it's forbidden to wander around during The Plague. Orcelito says he keeps acting really familiar with him considering he killed his brother and Kiliko basically responds, "Old news.". Orcelito says he was just feeling nostalgic so Kiliko moves in on him, saying it's time for a little chat...

Chapter 29

So on the roads on the West Raka Street, Lord Ruebelli arrives at a VIP hotel. He wants the special room but it's already been taken by a guest. He demands to know who...and of course, it's Lord Lagen. Lord Ruebelli goes in to confront him and asks if it's because of The Plague that everyone in his territories have left to go to the kingdom. Lagen coldly excuses himself and Ruebelli notes that he always acts like he's so much better than him...he goes to his room, drinks and burns it down with him inside it. Meanwhile, Kiliko tells Orcelito his family's secret close enough that the private guards don't hear...

Chapter 29

So Belca tells Eco about the priestesses' situation and he then says he has no choice to press forward, using everything from others to his own body as chess pieces to achieve his goals. Belca says he chooses to believe him.

The two go to see the siblings and it's time for the performance. They'll be using the flow of music a.k.a. the words passed down from different generations and weaving them into the music, making the lyrics sing of prophecy and time. The chapter ends with everyone waiting...

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