Guess The Slapping Was Foreshadowing - Tumblr Posts
Chapter 31
King Reitz the First, racist backstabber extraordinaire, is looking around a room before finding a book with Rovisco's handwriting in it. It's a notebook that Rovisco wrote about his travels...which Reitz makes fun of him for, calling him "sentimental". He goes out, ready to present himself as a god to his townspeople...but we skip forward years later, where Reitz is significantly less ballin and more bawling, revealing to his group he intends to confess to what actually happened in the records. His inner circle disagreed...via stabbing him to death. Forced into maytrdom, Reitz remembers the time Rovisco saved him from falling overboard after Reitz himself saved the ship. In the medical room with a painful wound in his leg, Rovisco gives him a star in lieu of the anesthesia they don't have, telling him it's a Stella Mallis, a star that protects the voyage. Reitz grumbles that he's not a sailor but Rovisco laughs it off. Reitz dies wondering if he should have died at sea.
So Kiliko is telling Orcelito all this along with all the history we already know. The important thing we learn is Lagen's family are relatives with Rovisco's descendants. Rovisco's child, Marco (apparently the correct pronunciation of Mukuro) left the Hokulea village and struggled in Caluone region. He settled down eventually next to and showed his grandchildren to the neighboring princes to be engaged. When enough trust was built, the doctor was allowed to marry his daughter and be entrusted with his domain. Even after they became noble class, the descendants of Marco ran away from their family name but Kiliko and a bunch of scholars found out about them by rooting through a bunch of old archives. The scholars got in contact with the descendants and over time, the duke gain ownership of the Caluone region, which led to a lot of infighting among the duke's sons. Other sons were adopted and the older dukes handed over their titles and the Caluone region. This is how the Lagen ascended to power. Kiliko tells Orcelito that he was ordered to protect his bloodline and to extend it no matter the cost. So that's that.
So The Plague is still a thing and Orcelito and Kiliko are still mad about that. Oh and Orcelito got a letter from Belca. It says that he and the boys have saved half the population of a kingdom and he wants to meet up. Kiliko points out that this is similar to what happened last time. Orcelito is convinced Belca is being used in Kamino, refusing to believe that medicine can cure The Plague. Kiliko is a little bit more reasonable about the situation but Orcelito doubles down by saying the Spirit of Favrille's Divine Protection saved the people. The main point he doesn't believe the medicine can help them and if word of a "cure" reaches other regions...Orcelito just hopes the whole thing will blow over.
In the Regia Solaris guest room, Linna is getting dressed. And Musca scares him from inside the fireplace. They chat for a bit before Linna sends Musca off, Kiliko entering the room shortly after. They wanna talk about Belca...
Musca runs off but ends up bumping into the High Priest, who almost recognizes her but she covers by saying she's her own substitute.
Seamrog is off to Kamino and the chapter ends with Kiliko telling Orcelito that he needs to stop Musca's "game" already, with Orcelito agreeing. He says he'll arrange things so that she can't leave the castle.