Some Girls Do Review (No Spoilers)
Some Girls Do Review (No Spoilers)
I brought this alongside Cemetery Boys, I purchased it without hearing about it first which is uncommon for me. I normally look for recommendations first but the cover was absolutely gorgeous.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 Favourite Character: Ruby and Morgan (I can't choose!) Favourite Quote: "My whole life might be a never-ending series of question marks right now, but this I'm sure of. This I want."
The discussion of pride, activism and discrimination is great, sometimes it felt like it was reaching a bit. Either way, it certainly was very enjoyable and something I wish was discussed more. Especially how it's different to be out than to be prideful of your identity.
As mentioned in the Cemetery Boys review, I'm not a big fan of changing perspectives but this book at least tells you who it is and has a consistent pattern which I really enjoyed. I found it VERY exciting waiting to read the other perspective.
It would have been a five-star book but comparing it to Cemetery Boys certainly makes things tough. It was an amazing change of pace from my usual book and I loved reading something set in the real world for once. However, I feel like Morgan needed to communicate better and actually listen to Ruby. She did realise that but it was frustrating to read.
I highly recommend this book if you're into contemporary romance, it's not normally my style but I loved this.
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I deleted my old pinned a while ago cause it was cringe but I need a new one temporarily @sugarghostss is my main blog @ghostsreblogs is my spam/reblog blog (basically the only one I use anymore) @ghostsfandoms is my dead fandom blog
I swear once a month I realise something new about my queer identity. Surely one day it'll stop but for now I will hoard all my labels like a dragon. There are a lot of labels that fit me so I'll just take them all. Mine. I get ALL the gender fuck you.
Cemetery Boys Review (No Spoilers)
I absolutely adore Cemetery Boys, it so quickly became my favourite book and I'm so glad I actually purchased it. I almost didn't as I only went in expecting to leave with one book, yet, I left with two and don't regret it at all.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Favourite Character: Julian Diaz Favourite Quote: "He was about to snap it shut when he noticed. Beneath his photo, his deadname had been scribbled out with black marker. Under, written in lopsided letters, it read, Yadriel."
The representation throughout the book is wonderfully done, I loved reading from the perspective of a trans protagonist. Not to mention how compelling the rest of the main characters are! The amount of queer representation was amazing.
I have to say I really appreciated reading a book with only one perspective! Changing points of view can often leave me confused, so I was thrilled this book didn't include that.
The book wasn't perfect, the pacing was off and certainly could have been handled better in some areas but it didn't take away from the reading experience at all for me personally!
I had managed to figure out what was going on but the ending still left me pleasantly surprised. I hadn't expected it to end the way it did; I was honestly expecting something more bittersweet. Yet this left me with happy tears.
If you're looking for a queer book to read, THIS IS IT. Just saying.
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What the F even is Show not tell?
Show not tell is a very popular writing advice… But what does it mean?
The amount of advice about showing instead of telling that you’ll find out there can be very conflicting, and most of it focuses on the wrong things.
Really, you can apply the “show not tell” aspect to most elements in your writing.
You can apply it to:
Imagery: The wind was blowing. (Tell) → The branches knocked stubbornly against the window. (Show)
Narration: She was brave for as long as I knew her. (Tell) → Even when we were children, she’d stand up to the teachers who raised their voices at her. (Show)
Emotion: This caused him to feel sad and he didn’t know what to say. (Tell) → This caused his shoulders to sag, and his mouth emptied of any viable words that could fill the silence. (Show)
But you can (and should!) also think about applying the advice on a larger scale. Your chapters, for example. They shouldn’t just tell your reader what happens, but immerse them fully, and show them the moment you’re describing. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that your chapters should be designed as a whole to SHOW a certain point your story is trying to make, through the subtext of its scenes.
Your book as a whole, should also be one big Show not tell!
This means you should have an underlying message of what your story is truly about, and your whole book serves to show us that message → therefore no chapter and no scene is there for the sake of being there, but has a purpose.