sun-kissy - if i was empty space
if i was empty space

and you were a formless shape, we'd fit

218 posts

Mks Mad Dash

mk’s mad dash

All of August, one x reader fic a day.

Mks Mad Dash

A/n: School is coming up faster than I'd like, so I want to do a little mini end of summer writing extravaganza before September hits. I'll be posting one short fic a day, and by the end of the month I will have at least one fic written for EVERY character I write for! Happy reading!

8/1 - Johanna Mason- ‘A Moment For Yourself’

You show Johanna a kindness she hasn’t felt in


8/2- Tangerine- ‘Not a Lady’

Tangerine meets his match in cursing.

8/3- Natasha Romanoff- ‘A Way to Relax’

Natasha’s been stressed lately, so you come up

with a way to help her relax.

8/4- Remus Lupin- ‘Aftercare’

Aftercare with Remus.

8/5- Lucy Gray Baird- ‘Wrapped Up In a Bow’

You buy Lucy Gray a present.

8/6- Mary MacDonald- ‘Distraction’

You don’t want to watch a movie with Mary.

8/7- Fred Weasley- ‘Sixth Love Language’

You prank Fred for the first time.

8/8- Coriolanus Snow- ‘Maybe’

The death and birth of hope.

8/9- Peeta Mellark- ‘I Made You A Pie’

You and Peeta get into your first fight.

8/10- Hermione Granger- ‘Whatever You Say, Dear’

You hate airports. Thank God for your girlfriend.

8/11- George Weasley- ‘Serenity’

A peaceful summer afternoon at the Burrow.

8/12- Regulus Black- ‘Trou Noir’

Mourning your husband, Regulus Black.

8/13- Katniss Everdeen- ‘A Tiny Favor’

You ask Katniss to braid your hair.

8/14- Dorcas Meadowes- ‘The Barista’

The most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen is a

barista at your local coffee shop.

8/15- Haymitch Abernathy- ‘Wish You Were Sober’

We don’t always get what we want.

8/16- Finnick Odair- ‘Five More Minutes’

“Five more minutes.” A phrase you’ve said many

times but only now really mean.

8/17- Ron Weasley- ‘I Love You First’

Ron’s used to being second.

8/18- Sirius Black- ‘The Infamous Wings’

You catch Sirius trying on your eyeliner.

8/19- Ginny Weasley- ‘What The Flying Fuck’

Your girlfriend tries to teach you how to fly.

8/20- Tigris Snow- ‘Don’t Call Me Baby’

Tigris has been taught to assume the worst.

8/21- Harry Potter- ‘Pretty Boy’

You love to make your boyfriend blush.

8/22- Marlene McKinnon- ‘Oblivious’

You never notice when boys flirt with you.

8/23- Poly!Marauders- ‘This Is Fucking Stupid’

In which you all try and share a bed for the first


8/24- James Potter- ‘Rumor Has It’

There’s a rumor going around that you and

costar!James are dating.

8/25- Lily Evans- ‘Rounds’

You are assigned Prefect rounds with your rival.

8/26- Peter Parker- ‘Its Not A Costume’

You mess around in Peter’s suit.

8/27- Wanda Maximoff- ‘Are They Gone?’

You and Wanda on a mission together.

8/28- Tony Stark- ‘Never Ever’

CEO!Tony Stark doesn’t take people out to lunch.

8/29- Sejanus Plinth- ‘I Know’

Your boyfriend is a walking, bleeding heart.

8/30- Peter Pettigrew- ‘Say It’

Peter is nervous to ask you out.

8/31- Yelena Belova- ‘This Thing Called A Date’

You take Yelena on her first ever date.

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More Posts from Sun-kissy

6 months ago

umm girl i was getting ready to shed some tears but then LUCKILY you swooped in with that ending🤭 and you nailed that feeling of pining and loving so perfectly rahhhhh!!

wonder what's in the cards for us?

james potter x ex!reader ✮ 1.7k

summary: you live in james’ mind, rent-free, even after all these years.

cw/tags: gn!reader (no use of y/n), lovers (mentioned) to exes to (???), muggle!au, modern!au, (sorta???) angst... w/ an ending (wink wonk), and as u can probably already tell, this is from james' pov :>

note: now i also didnt know what i was doing with this one even more than the other james fic i just wrote 😭 but thats fine, ive managed to churn it out at least! so to whoever comes across this, well.. i hope you give it a chance 🫶 bcoz james is a very lovesick puppy here despite the angsty vibe LOL and also, this is yet again based on another niki song called, "facebook friends" 😋 ENJOYY !

( ♡ )

Amidst a desk full of open textbooks filled with dog-eared pages, highlighted phrases, and color-coordinated tabs lies a laptop—also opened, the screen glaring brightly within the dark confines of James Potter’s dorm room, with multiple tabs open on a browser; they consist of articles, research domains, and the like.

In front of this laptop is James Potter himself, staring right at the screen with a sullen look on his face. He has his headphones on (most likely listening to a song matching his mood), his forearms are placed onto the desk, and his chin is resting on them. It was easy to say that James was currently not having the time of his life trying to study for finals.

But then again, he was also currently not studying for finals despite being surrounded by his textbooks, and the multiple tabs opened on his computer. No, he was staring right at an open Facebook tab, eyes darting over every single aspect of a specific profile as his fingers swiped up and down on the touchpad, scrolling through the profile.

He’s inherently aware that he should be studying, of course. Like many other college students think, the finals season was a force to be reckoned with, and it was absolutely critical that every spare time spent is for studying for the examinations. But as far as James was also aware of—he couldn’t sit still and be laser-focused on doing godforsaken tasks such as studying for his finals.

And so, here he was, scrolling mindlessly on your Facebook profile. Because, really, he tends to get into a sentimental mood whenever he studies. It’s either he’s looking at a photo album and reminiscing memories, grabbing random things displayed around his room and thinking about what they meant to him, or, you know, scrolling mindlessly on Facebook because that’s where his past connection with you is immortalized.

He doesn’t quite know how it all started—for one thing, he remembers being a highschool heartthrob, girls and boys alike falling at his feet. And if he was feeling particularly spunky, he’d entertain a few pretty birds or two. All the while, they had never meant anything to him other than an ego boost or just a mere distraction (which, he admittedly thinks now, made him a dick).

But amongst all of these flings, James remembers one differently than the others. He remembers you—you and your smile, your laugh, your ability to make him feel like he’s on top of the world, your ability to suddenly make everything good in the world only ten times better. He remembers absolutely everything about you. Both the good, and the bad.

He never tries to think of the bad, but even as he reminisces on the good times he’s had with you, it makes him feel just as sad as when he thinks of the bad times. So it’s a never-ending struggle against keeping you close in his memories whilst also being aware that it wasn’t right, it wasn’t healthy for him. Only fools have attachment issues with their highschool ex that they carry on to their college life.

Perhaps that was why it had all gone downhill for the both of you, he thought. As a young teenage boy capable of attracting attention from left and right, and regularly switching between person to person, he couldn’t handle ‘serious.’ He’d selfishly wanted you all to himself, but without the limits of commitment. Meanwhile, you wanted ‘serious.’ You wanted commitment. James was scared because he was unfamiliar with it all.

So naturally, you had drifted apart, never again boarding on the seesaw of your ‘relationship’ with each other. The one that bordered on the line between friends and lovers.

And in a petty attempt to ‘get back at you’ and forget about you wholly, James strived to disconnect you from across all his social media accounts, erasing any and every semblance of a connection between the two of you.

Well, all except Facebook.

It’s a guilty pleasure for him, checking on your Facebook profile every now and then. And each time, it comes to his surprise that he’s still even able to view your profile freely, as you hadn’t made the move to unfriend him like he expected you to. He feels lucky that he’s still able to keep up with your life despite not having to be in it anymore. But then again, you had always been kind back then; it’s one of the many other reasons why he still loves you, really.

But oh, how he wishes he was still in it.

James would never admit it aloud to anyone that even after all this time, he’s still not over you. Yet, at the same time, he doesn’t want to be over you. You were the next best thing to something he didn’t even know he was looking for at the time. He had underestimated how much of an impact your presence had made on him, regardless of how brief it was.

He misses you, so to speak.

It’s a pretty shitty feeling, to miss someone he can’t really see anymore, nor talk to or reach out to.

On some days, it’s easy to bear. College keeps him busy, his friends keep him entertained, and he’s been going out on a few dates, too - trying to find someone better than you so he can finally subdue the lingering feelings in his heart, and end this endless cycle of longing and waiting and loving.

And most nights, he’s able to sleep peacefully with dreams of a distant fantasy where he’s managed to finally find someone new, someone better. Someone else who could give him what you took back.

But on the other days and nights, James faces the harsh truths that there was simply no one better than you, and that a part of him will always long for you back in his life, right where you belonged.

And so, as he scrolls through your Facebook profile, and sees glimpses into your life nowadays, he can’t help but miss you more than he already does, unknowingly and unforgivably. Of course, he’s highly aware that shamelessly stalking you every now and then was incredibly creepy of him, yet, he can’t help it. He’s silently relieved by the fact that there appears to be no sign of you in a relationship at the moment, almost selfishly thinking, maybe I have a chance.

But as always, he was late to realize it. And at the same time, you were no longer there to wait for him to.

But he knows it’s a far stretch, knows that whatever the both of you had with each other was a thing of the past now, nothing but a fleeting memory. And now that he’s a little older and wiser than he was when he met you, James has made a silent acceptance of the fact that he may never be with you again in the way he wants to.

He’s not afraid of ‘serious’ anymore, nor is he afraid of commitment, and he no longer blames it on his unfamiliarity either. Now, he wants it too.

And so, as James continues to pine after you even after all this time, he’s foolishly hoping that the two of you would cross paths again; get to know each other again, get to know him again now that he’s managed to grow into a better version of himself. He wishes that you’d met this version of him first, because maybe then, you would have stayed together.

But of course, as the harsh reality of things would have it, James is more than happy to just stay friends with you on Facebook. He’ll keep you close in his memories while silently hoping for a chance to try again. To try it all with you again.

Suddenly, he feels the desk shake from beneath him, a vibrating sensation that pulls him out of his thoughts of you. It comes from his phone, which now shows a wacky selfie of Sirius, indicating a call from him.

James stares at it for a few seconds, debating on whether he should answer his friend’s call despite the likely reason that it’s just another one of Sirius’ jests or drunk calls, or maybe even a butt dial. But he decided to welcome the distraction eventually, placing his headphones around his neck as he moved to grab the phone, pressing it to his ear.



James nearly jolts out of his seat as he pulls the phone away from his ear by Sirius’ yelling. He has half a mind to yell back at him and explain that he was ‘in the middle of something,’ which led to his not noticing his friends’ knocking.

But he doesn’t find the energy to do it no matter how annoying Sirius was being. So, he sighs.

James hears the banging on his door now, and the yelling comes again from both outside his door, and the speakers on his phone. It forms an echo of Sirius’ voice demanding that he be let in, and it gives James a headache.

He calls out, “I’m coming!” in an annoyed voice, rushing to close the open tab of your Facebook profile on his laptop so he could finally open the door for his friend.

What James doesn’t notice though is that during the process of closing the tab, he’d managed to accidentally leave a like on one of your old posts. He never visits your profile again after letting Sirius come in and hang around his dorm for the remainder of the day. Thus, imagine his surprise the next day, as he opens the Facebook tab again, finding a message waiting for him, and from you.

hi james :) how are you doing?

And just like that, the inhibitions that had once held him back from indulging in his desires to try another chance with you are completely shed as James hastily typed out his response.

( ♡ )

surprise! it's an open ending ;) thanks for reading the whole thing <333 and as always, likes, replies, and reblogs are very much appreciated :] lmk what u thought abt this!!! <3

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6 months ago

omg hi new mootie 🩷🩷🩷

hi babe <33

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6 months ago

thank you for the follow 💜🌸 btw I love your stories, your writing style is chef kiss 🌟💓

p.s.: good luck for your finals! sending lots of positivity 🌟🌸🫂💓🩷☀️

aww omg you're so sweet!! your writing is so beautiful too <3

and thank you so much, im sending you so much luck and positivity back!! 🫶🩷

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6 months ago

umm you’re gorgeous??

kiss and make-up | j.p. 💋

Kiss And Make-up | J.p.
Kiss And Make-up | J.p.
Kiss And Make-up | J.p.

a/n: i know i said i was gonna take a break but… i just HAD to get this out of my system 🤭

summary: fluff!! james helps you do your makeup

James’ hand comes up to cup your cheek and you bristle, giggling as his fingertip tickles your nose.

“Babe, seriously. I can’t work if you don’t keep still,” he murmurs, bemusement lacing his words as he repositions your face.

You apologize and bite down on your lower lip to stop the smile from spreading across your cheeks. You decide that he deserves some credit for his efforts to doll you up; so you try your best to stay put.

The tip of the eyeliner feels tingly against your skin as James traces it onto your eyelid. You sneak a glance at him, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and tongue jutting out of his rosy lips. You’d give him a big fat kiss if it wouldn’t ruin the make-up he’s been diligently working on for the past hour.

“How’s it look?”

“Shush,” he mutters, tilting his head slightly as he adjusts the wing on your other eye, squinting in an attempt to do some detailing.

Marlene’s band was doing a gig at the biggest pub in town, so you were going down with Lily and Mary to watch her play. The boys were invited too; but were more interested, according to Sirius, in going actual clubbing than listening to some emo rock band.

But your boyfriend had really wanted to spend the night with you, and he claimed that it was not just because you looked really hot in your little dress. So he decided to make it up to you by doing your make-up.

James lets go of your face to lean back and admire his work, and that’s when you notice a dark smudge on his cheek. This time you can’t stop the laughter from bubbling out of you.

“What?” he asks, horrified when you clutch your stomach. His expression only worsens your giggling, an amused smile slowly creeping its way onto his face.

You shake your head, pressing one hand to your mouth to muffle your laughter as you tug him towards you with the other.

Grabbing a wet wipe from beside you, you gently thumb at the eyeliner on his cheek. “You’ve got it on your face, idiot.”

“Oh,” James mumbles, and your grin only widens when his cheeks redden. It’s your turn to grab his face, trying your best to rub the stubborn smudge away. His glasses slide down his nose unceremoniously. You suppress a smile as you push them back up.

You feel his eyes on you when you turn him this way and that, nails poking into his cheekbones. Then, slowly, a small smile makes its way onto his cheeks.

A soft sigh escapes his lips and you halt, locking eyes with him bemusedly. “What?”

“Nothing, you —“ he sighs again. gazing at you with a soppy smile on his face. “You look gorgeous, you know?” he mutters. “Like, you’re always pretty, but right now you’re extra pretty. I wish I could kiss you.”

Your heart stutters at his slushy mess of words, and you feel the overwhelming urge to leave your lipstick stains on him, every part of him you can reach.

A huff of laughter finds its way out of you, cheeks heating up embarrassingly. “I wanna kiss you too, hon. But this lipstick’s too cute.”

James pouts. “Cuter than me?”

“Oh, definitely,” you drawl, but you let him press his lips to yours anyway. He leaves the house later on with one black stain and six lip-shaped ones peppered all over his cheeks.

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6 months ago

oh thank you so much babe 😭😭 and im glad it shows. thank you for reading!! 🫶

still here | r.l.

Still Here | R.l.
Still Here | R.l.
Still Here | R.l.

summary: it's your birthday :(

a/n: this is the first time i’ve ever really cried when writing something, it’s got a home in my heart now and i hope you like it!! 🫶 (also listen to our lovely girl billie while reading for added heartbreak)

tw: past suicide attempt

You lean back on the couch from where you’re bending over the table. Remus wastes no time in wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. He gently presses his lips to your forehead. “Happy birthday, lovely girl.”

“Thank you,” you mumble half-heartedly, grateful but too overwhelmed to show it. 

There’s a cut-up chocolate cake in front of you, which Remus had insisted upon baking. He’d honoured your wishes not to throw a big bash, and of not wanting an actual present. He didn’t exactly understand why — but he loved you too much to not do what you wanted him to; birthday or not.

Guilt weighs heavily on your heart; Remus has been kinder than you deserve. You decide to help him understand.

“You know,” you start softly, tilting your head to lay it on his shoulder. He hums in acknowledgement, fingertips grazing your sleeve as he starts to rub your arm. “I didn’t think I would last this long.”

The shakiness in your voice surprises even you. You feel Remus’ hand still on your arm. 

“What?” he murmurs. You can’t decipher if the slight lilt to his voice is because of sadness or confusion.

“I didn’t think I would last this long,” you repeat quietly, just to be safe, and you feel his hand coasting across your back as he gently grabs your shoulders. He turns you towards him, and you don’t wait for him to ask before you start to explain. “When I was 13, I couldn’t imagine ever making it this far. I tried to kill myself.”

Remus’ eyes widen the slightest bit as he takes in your sudden admission. His grip on your shoulders doesn’t falter; and it’s like you both know he’s the only thing holding you upright. 

When he doesn’t respond, your gaze immediately drops to the couch, shame clouding your eyes.

“I… I didn’t know that.”

The crack in his voice makes you look back up, meeting his gaze. His features are softer, sadder; somehow. There’s the slightest bit of grief in the way he’s regarding you. “Are you glad you made it this far?”

You rub your lips together, taking a shaky breath to make sure your voice comes out evenly. “Yeah,” you exhale softly. “Yeah, I am. I got to meet you.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“No,” you reply honestly. “I love my work. My friends, I really like hanging out with them. And I’d say our apartment is pretty sweet.”

The concern in Remus’ expression is still evident, his brows pinched together almost painfully. His hands bunch up the fabric on your shoulders, tugging you towards him. You’re certain the action is subconscious – he looks lost in thought, like he’s deliberating wrapping you up in his arms and never letting you go.

“Would you like more reasons?” you ask quietly, feeling your vision start to blur. You shouldn’t be surprised that he cares this much, but you are.

When he nods, your heart melts – the magma seems to be pooling in your stomach, and you feel the kind of warmth you’ve only ever been able to feel since you met him.

“Okay,” you decide to indulge him. “I like coffee when I wake up, especially when you make it. Feeding the stray dogs on the side of the road every morning. And my guitar, I like to make music on it. I think music is nice.”

You feel your throat start to clog up, the image of Remus distorting into a blurry swirl in your eyes. “It’s lovely when it rains, especially when we’re both at home, cuddling. And –”

Your voice comes out wobbly, the tears coming hard and fast now. You want to stop, but push on for his sake.

“And I really like our apartment. Did I mention that? Also, your hugs – I love the way you hug. It’s like you really love me, and —”

“I do love you,” Remus interrupts in a shaky exhale, words barely audible from the way his voice is trembling. “I love you, okay? I love you a whole lot. And I’m so glad you’re still with me.”

He doesn’t give you a chance to respond, gently pulling you even closer towards him. You meet him in the middle, arms instinctively wrapping around his waist as he brings his hands up to encircle your shoulders.

Remus squeezes you like it’s his job to hold you together, and you hear a soft sniffle as he buries his face in your hair. 

“I’m so glad you’re still here,” he says again. Your heart clenches in your chest, in all the best ways.

“I love you,” you respond, because you both know it’s synonymous with Thank you for giving me a reason to be here.

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