Tangerine X Reader - Tumblr Posts
mk’s mad dash
All of August, one x reader fic a day.

A/n: School is coming up faster than I'd like, so I want to do a little mini end of summer writing extravaganza before September hits. I'll be posting one short fic a day, and by the end of the month I will have at least one fic written for EVERY character I write for! Happy reading!
8/1 - Johanna Mason- ‘A Moment For Yourself’
You show Johanna a kindness she hasn’t felt in
8/2- Tangerine- ‘Not a Lady’
Tangerine meets his match in cursing.
8/3- Natasha Romanoff- ‘A Way to Relax’
Natasha’s been stressed lately, so you come up
with a way to help her relax.
8/4- Remus Lupin- ‘Aftercare’
Aftercare with Remus.
8/5- Lucy Gray Baird- ‘Wrapped Up In a Bow’
You buy Lucy Gray a present.
8/6- Mary MacDonald- ‘Distraction’
You don’t want to watch a movie with Mary.
8/7- Fred Weasley- ‘Sixth Love Language’
You prank Fred for the first time.
8/8- Coriolanus Snow- ‘Maybe’
The death and birth of hope.
8/9- Peeta Mellark- ‘I Made You A Pie’
You and Peeta get into your first fight.
8/10- Hermione Granger- ‘Whatever You Say, Dear’
You hate airports. Thank God for your girlfriend.
8/11- George Weasley- ‘Serenity’
A peaceful summer afternoon at the Burrow.
8/12- Regulus Black- ‘Trou Noir’
Mourning your husband, Regulus Black.
8/13- Katniss Everdeen- ‘A Tiny Favor’
You ask Katniss to braid your hair.
8/14- Dorcas Meadowes- ‘The Barista’
The most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen is a
barista at your local coffee shop.
8/15- Haymitch Abernathy- ‘Wish You Were Sober’
We don’t always get what we want.
8/16- Finnick Odair- ‘Five More Minutes’
“Five more minutes.” A phrase you’ve said many
times but only now really mean.
8/17- Ron Weasley- ‘I Love You First’
Ron’s used to being second.
8/18- Sirius Black- ‘The Infamous Wings’
You catch Sirius trying on your eyeliner.
8/19- Ginny Weasley- ‘What The Flying Fuck’
Your girlfriend tries to teach you how to fly.
8/20- Tigris Snow- ‘Don’t Call Me Baby’
Tigris has been taught to assume the worst.
8/21- Harry Potter- ‘Pretty Boy’
You love to make your boyfriend blush.
8/22- Marlene McKinnon- ‘Oblivious’
You never notice when boys flirt with you.
8/23- Poly!Marauders- ‘This Is Fucking Stupid’
In which you all try and share a bed for the first
8/24- James Potter- ‘Rumor Has It’
There’s a rumor going around that you and
costar!James are dating.
8/25- Lily Evans- ‘Rounds’
You are assigned Prefect rounds with your rival.
8/26- Peter Parker- ‘Its Not A Costume’
You mess around in Peter’s suit.
8/27- Wanda Maximoff- ‘Are They Gone?’
You and Wanda on a mission together.
8/28- Tony Stark- ‘Never Ever’
CEO!Tony Stark doesn’t take people out to lunch.
8/29- Sejanus Plinth- ‘I Know’
Your boyfriend is a walking, bleeding heart.
8/30- Peter Pettigrew- ‘Say It’
Peter is nervous to ask you out.
8/31- Yelena Belova- ‘This Thing Called A Date’
You take Yelena on her first ever date.
(❀❛ ֊ ❛„) bullet train masterlist
last updated: 5th august, 2023 newest: coincidence(lemon x gn!reader)
rules for requesting: ✮ disclaimer: i do not do smut, i can do dark themes such as stalking, etc. requests are open.

tangerine - none yet. lemon coincidence genre: lemon x gn!reader, established relationship, sorta fluffy, i had no idea how to end this warnings: mentions of blood, injury, lots of swearing cause its tangerine and lemon synopsis: lemon and reader are on the exact same train in japan, what a coincidence! yuichi kimura - none yet.

Henry Winter
He was such an alluring man to me. He was a mysterious man who loved writing and reading books, particulary in latin and ancient greek. This detail really mesmerised me, I might even say that I fell in love with him thanks to this trait of his. And why so, you might ask yourself? Well, I'm a writer myself. I write and read in latin and I have a connection to that language. So, when I found out that he had studied latin too and adored it with the same profoundness that I did, I was demolished to the ground.
But, what really tormented me forever was that he was writing a diary in ancient greek with an intriguing motive to it : he loved that language. And, by using the verb "love" I don't allude to a superficial emotion that is easy to get rid of, but, I'm talking about the fondness that one feels for a certain thing that truly is at one's heart. He practically lived within the ancient greek world.
What was even more entertaining was that I didn't know anything about ancient greek. I mean as in the language itself.
Perhaps, that's what really amused me the most. Because, I finally had found a man who was smarter and better at something than me.
Do you, my dear reader, know what a relief it is to finally find that person you had been looking for everyday of your life?
I cried the first time that we met. I was so happy. My heart was beating so fast and I was in ecstasy, or better, euphoria. And, do you want to know how he reacted to that?
He wiped my overflowing eyes and smiled at me. It was as if he knew in what a bliss I was at that moment. No. He knew, for sure, that I had been vigorously waiting for him.
Now, where is he?
🌿 Arys’ writing masterlist 🌿

top gun
jujutsu kaisen
bullet train
stars wars
Brotherly help

The new assassin on the block, you had been tasked to a quick mission with the infamous Lemon and Tangerine. Unbeknownst to you, you accidentally gain a crush on one of the brothers, so what else can you do other than enlist the help of the other one?
Pairing: tangerine x reader
Warnings and whatnots: Jealous!Tangerine
You had a dilemma. A dilemma that included being paired with a set of twins who were incredibly skilled, one of which you had the misfortune of crushing on.
You were a relatively new assassin, but you quickly made your way up in the ranks. That was why you were paired up with Tangerine and Lemon.
It felt odd, to work with them. They were nice, but you always had a sick feeling with them like your heart dropped to your stomach when you saw them. Especially when you saw him. You’ve only worked with them once, during the Bolivia job, but the feeling still remained. Eventually you deduced the problem.
You had a massive, giant crush, on Tangerine.
“Everything alright there?” Lemon asks you as you sat next to him, tapping your fingers on the table. The bullet train moved fast, making you nauseous. It didn’t help that you were sitting face to face with Tangerine. His leg was practically brushing yours and he didn’t even seem to care! He seemed fairly calm.
“Yeah I’m fine… Motion sickness ya’know?”
Tangerine raises an eyebrow at you, his eyes piercing into your soul like he knows you’re lying. You give him a tight lipped smile, before looking at the White Death’s son.
“Is he gonna be okay?” You ask, trying to change the topic.
“He should be awake in a few hours. Nothing to worry about, love.”
You hated it. Hated when he called you that. Hated when he called other girls that. Love. What a disgusting word.
“I need to go to the washroom.” You say, standing up curtly and making your way to the washroom, hoping that they thought you were going off to vomit your guts out; maybe you were.
You stood in the washroom, staring yourself in the mirror before splashing your face with water. You grip onto the sink, before looking up and promptly screaming at the man in the mirror.
“Goddamn it Lemon! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” You shout.
Lemon doesn’t say anything, only closing the door behind him and locking it. You tilt your head at him.
“Is everything alright? Why are you so off? You’ve been like this since the start of the job.”
You should’ve known he would’ve found out. You should’ve known from the day he called you an Edward. He was weirdly good at reading people, even more so with classifying them as Thomas The Tank Engine characters.
“I’m fine…”
“Don’t be a Diesel.”
“I’m not being a Diesel!” You scoff.
You stare at Lemon, who looks at you expectantly. You try to think through all the possible possibilities that could happen if you told Lemon you had a crush on his brother. Would he tease you? Be disgusted? Eh, who cares, you’ll still get your money, and what’s a bit of humiliation.
“I may or may not have a thing for… Tangerine.” You spill out.
Laughter fills the washroom and you can feel your cheeks heat up. “Shut up!”
“You have a crush on my brother? Oh my, it was so obvious. Please, is that what you’re all worked out about?” Lemon asks, regaining composure.
“Yes, now shut it. I don’t need to embarrass myself any more than I already have.”
“Well now wait a bit, I can help you with this situation. To be honest, I do think Tangerine has a slight thing for you, only he’s too ignorant to realise it… So let me help you.”
“Are you serious?”
“And how exactly are we gonna get Tangerine to realise he has feelings for me?” You ask, suspicious. Lemon gives you a smile.
“We make him jealous.”
This was an utterly stupid idea but it might just work. It was easy; laugh and smile at all of Lemon’s jokes and stories and just be unusually touchy with him. Still, you felt like an idiot doing this and Lemon could sense it. Lemon had asked if you were okay with it and you had agreed. So here you were, executing this dumb plan.
You walked back to the table where the Tangerine was sitting, your arm looping with Lemon’s and your other hand, caressing his shoulder. Lemon sat down first, and you squeezed in next to him. Tangerine looks at the both of you with a confused and suspicious expression. He turns his attention to you.
“Are you alright love? You spent a long time in the washroom.”
That pet name again. You try to hide how flustered it made you feel. You smile at him.
“Yeah, just some stomach problems. The train is going too fast. Thankfully, Lemon gave me some medicine to help me get through it.” You give a sickeningly sweet smile to Lemon, hoping your time learning to act will come in handy here.
“I see.” Tangerine says, glancing at Lemon and then you. His face was slightly unreadable, but you can see a hint of confusion behind his eyes.
“Well when you both were doing God knows what, the White Death here still hasn’t woken up. So, I think we have a long while until he’ll be up.”
“Well, what should we do then? To pass the time?” You ask, looking at Lemon.
“Ah well, there’s nothing much to do is there? We can’t exactly walk around since we don’t want the little old son over there to die.”
You giggle at his comment, and in the corner of your eye, you could see Tangerine’s hand flex. He doesn’t say anything, continuing to observe the both of you. You still sat unnecessarily close to Lemon and you could see it was taking affecting Tangerine.
“Oi, why are you lot sitting so closely together?” Tangerine finally asks. A part of you is happy that he finally asked. His voice sounded deep and his eyebrows furrow.
“Are we?” You say, moving a bit further away from Lemon but still sitting relatively close to Lemon. Lemon looks at you. “I mean, is there a problem with sitting this close with him?”
Tangerine bites the inside of him cheek. “No. I’m just asking why you both are all over each other.”
That was fast. Was he already jealous?
“We are not!” You scoff, leaning back and crossing your arms over your chest.
“You are!”
You glance at Lemon, who gives you a quick thumbs up from under the table.
“What the hell- What the hell is happening with you both? What are you doing?” Tangerine asks, glancing under the table.
Lemon gives you a look before excusing himself and leaving to the washroom. You look at Tangerine who stares at you.
“What? Are you not gonna follow him? Hm? Make out with him?” Tangerine asks, a hint of anger and jealousy in his voice.
“Even if I did, why do you care?” You ask, tilting your head at Tangerine. Was Lemon right? Did Tangerine actually like you? You thought Lemon was only joking.
Tangerine didn’t answer your question, looking away from you.
“Tangerine. Tell me. Why, why in the world do you care? Why do you care what I do?” You press, leaning over the table, staring into his eyes. You feel the embarrassment and nervousness rise through you but you were too close, you couldn’t just give up.
“Tangerine. Why would you care? Tell me.”
“Because I like you alright!” He finally admits, aloud. He looks back at you.
“Is that what you want to hear? I like you. Goddamn it, I think I’m in love with you and I can’t stand the fact that you seem to like my brother more than me so just shut it and piss off.”
Your eyes widen, as you lean back in your sit. Tangerine also leans back, realising what he had just said. You didn’t know what to said. He had just admitted it.
“&#!@ I shouldn’t have said that.” You hear him mutter under his breath. “Just shut it alright, if you like my brother I won’t get in your way but-“
“I like you too.”
His eyes widen when you say that, he looks at you, confused and bewildered.
“Guess the cat’s finally out of the bag hm?” Lemon says, appearing beside the both of you. Tangerine looks at Lemon before finally realising what had happened.
“You cheeky bastard.” He says to the both of you.
You give him a smile. “Oh well, it was the only to make you admit it, no?”
“Great, now that’s all dealt with, please hold your flirting until the end of the mission.” Lemon says to the both of you.
Tangerine smiles. “You know for a fact you can’t stop me.”

💨 brotherly help Summary: The new assassin on the block, you had been tasked to a quick mission with the infamous Lemon and Tangerine. Unbeknownst to you, you accidentally gain a crush on one of the brothers, so what else can you do other than enlist the help of the other one? Pairings: Tangerine x reader
Ooo hiya!! (I ranted a lot lol)🥰🍊💜
Can I please request a Tangerine x fem!civilian/innocent!reader where she was on the Bullet Train. She was walking to her seat, and when Kimura ran into the snack cart, he also ran into her, causing her to trip, falling onto Tangerine’s lap and him catching her (oh he would have a field day lol). Y/n being like 😳 as she realizes she’s been sitting on his lap for a good 10 seconds staring at him with wide eyes, her hands on his chest (once again, he’d have a field day lol, soo much flirting would ensue, he’d enjoy how flustered she’d get). Her stuttering, apologizing, and jumping up out of his arms and scurrying to her seat, which happens to be right across from Tan and Lemon’s.😂 He then spends the whole time on that train protecting (and flirting with) Y/n and when Lemon, Tangerine, and Y/n escape the train (Tan carrying a very scared Y/n), Y/n doesn’t want to leave Tan + they bring her to their safe house with them🥺
I love this.

This was the last situation that tangerine had been worried about while on any mission.
You had been walking, and a nice lady with a snack cart was behind you. But suddenly, you didn’t hear or see a man behind you. He pushed you aside.
“Oi! Watch where you’re goin’.” Another man said. Except the voice was much closer. You didn’t even realize you were in his lap until you looked and opened your eyes.
“S- sorry.” The other man apologized and quickly walked away.
“You alright, love?” The man asked, he had a hand on your back and tried to help you get up. You stared at his eyes, trying to find words.
“I- uh- I- yeah! I’m fine. Thanks uh, for catching me. Sorry, for the…” You laughed nervously after a little and quickly stood up.you looked around and sat back down at your seat. Which was right across from him and some other guy.
He smiled. He noticed that you seemed flustered, and decided to use it to his advantage.
“It’s quite alright, no worries, darling. I would say it’s more lucky to have a pretty girl fall into your lap, wouldn’t you think?”
Pretty? You thought. And Lemon scoffed at him.
“I- well- uh- thanks. Your also pretty.” You mentally winced as the words came out your mouth.
“You seriously trying to pick up a girl while on a job?” Lemon asked him quietly, quiet enough that you didn’t hear. You looked out the window and had your headphones in.
“I’m not. They just happen to fall in my lap.” He glanced at you.
“Wow, that was surprisingly clever.” Lemon rolled his eyes, And tangerine just sent him a scowl.
“Just sayin’, mate.” He laughed at his anger.
“Whatever. Can we get back on task?”
“Sure, sure, sure.”
After some talking between you and tangerine, he learned your name and you learned his. Yoh even learned that the guy next to him was his brother, Lemon. You both said your stops were Kyoto station.
Some man pointed a gun at Lemon, and another man sat next the both of them. That man died, and you were left confused and scared.
You decided to sleep it off, and getting off at the next station. Maybe you were dreaming, and you would wake up when you went to sleep in the dream.
(Let’s just say in this that Lemon, Ladybug, and Tangerine left early like Ladybug suggested)
“Hey. Wake up.” Someone shook you, and you looked confused, until you saw tangerine.
“Tangerine?” You muttered.
“Yeah, uh, we should get off. Like right now.”
“We’re there already?”
“Uh… yeah. So, c’mon, hurry.” He grabbed your hand and tan quickly, and the doors started to close but you guys luckily beat it.
“That was a close one, mate.” Lemon said.
“Aren’t you the same guy that pulled a gun on him?” You mumbled, and pointed to ladybug.
“Oh. Yeah. But we’re all good now.”
“So now what the fuck do we do?” You asked.
“I have a safehouse nearby.” Ladybug said.
“I’m sorry, who are you again?” You asked.
“I’m.. ladybug.”
“What’s with all the weird names? Lemon, tangerine and ladybug?”
“We’re contract killers. They’re just nicknames.” Lemon said plainly.
“What..? Seriously?”
“Not me. I just usually do snatch and grabs, Y’Know, steal things, but I’m covering someone.” Ladybug said.
“Why’d you take me out the train early?” You asked Tangerine as all of you walked to the house.
“Cause the rest of the train is full of murderous bastards that are all about to die. You seemed like the only trustworthy person on there.”
“Nah, he just wants to take you on a date.” Lemon said, laughing as his brother hit him in the arm.
“That too, I guess.” Tangerine said.
“Okay, so let me get this straight, first I somehow run into you because some guy ran into me and I fell in your lap, Ladybug pointed a gun at your brother and it’s all good now, some guy was dead next to you, you all are contract killers, and the train was full of murderers?”
“Yeah. Basically.”
“And now you wanna take me on a date.”
“Weird.. but Sure, why not.” You shrugged.
Sure, maybe you were going out with somewhat of a stranger, but it was a cute stranger, and he just saved you. You were glad you fell into his lap.
(I don’t like this that much but hopefully it’s not terrible)
reading a good ass fanfic up until it said something that just makes you want to stop reading

reading a good ass fanfic up until it said something that just makes you want to stop reading

𝓓𝓪𝔂 17 - The Train Ride || Tangerine x fem!reader

Summary: Everyone knows how boring it can be to travel by train. Nevertheless, having Tangerine himself as a plus-one can make things more exciting.
Warnings: smut without plot (fingerfucking)
Word count: 842 Author: Rouge
A/N: the prompt for today is: Fingering

You placed your hand on his knee and snuck it up onto his lap shortly after. "It's been half a night since we started traveling. I know you have some strange dude on your fucking list again, but you ag"You're almost as horny as I am, Tangerine."
When he opened his eyes, he saw you sitting beside him with your legs crossed and your dress short enough to reveal some of your thighs as your shoulders were fondled against your chest. “What?” His eyes were still blurred from sleep as he asked.
reed to take me with you, and I have my own fucking needs." Your eyebrow cocked slowly as you observed a mischievous grin forming at the corners of his mouth as you said, "I'm horny and I wanna fuck," you whispered quietly.
"Let's go in here," Tangerine pointed to the bathroom with his head, and you nodded enthusiastically.
An older couple seated nearby gave you an annoyed glance as you entered a unisex bathroom together.
The two of you grabbed each other and locked lips; your tongues twirled and explored each other's mouths. It was only necessary to break the kiss to breathe.
"I have only this dress on," you told him, popping your breasts out of the top of your dress after making sure the door was locked.
After noticing the hint, Tangerine kissed you from neck to chest.
Slipping both of your hands into his neatly brushed hair, you demanded, "Suck 'em."
First, he kissed you through your cleavage; he also sucked hungrily into one of your nipples.
"Just like that,” you praised, rolling your head back a bit.
Tangerine groped your other breast and rolled your nipple between his fingertips, then switched and sucked the nipple he had teased.
You shivered slightly. With a little gasp, you told him, "You have a lovely mouth, baby."
Tangerine switched back and forth a couple more times before deciding you needed something different. With his free hand, Tangerine ran a finger along your slit, discovering with amusement that you were already quite damp. After teasing your clit for a moment, he slipped one finger and then another into your pussy.
You moaned and quivered.
Within you, Tangerine began to scissor his fingers, massaging your core.
You started biting your lip, trying not to scream out as Tangerine got you close.
Tangerine brushed your clitoris with his thumb as he fingered you and occasionally sucked your breast. As he began to pump his fingers deeper and harder into your tight pussy, he whispered, "Look at you, Y/N, so greedy."
You clung to his shoulder, clad in his plain, blue shirt, trying to stabilize yourself from falling.
While Tangerine pulled his fingers from you, he offered them to you for licking; you happily accepted, tasting your juices on his digits, making almost pornographic sounds as you licked his fingers clean.
Next, he pushed you further onto the sink, picked up one of your legs, spat on his hand, and brought it straight to your slit, massaging it gently in little circles. His index and middle fingers soon found their way back to your welcoming wetness.
As you moaned louder, his unoccupied hand covered your lips. “Shush, we don't want to make a scene on the fucking train, do we?” He asked, leaning forward to kiss your cheek; his mustache scratched your earlobe sending a shiver up your spine.
While nodding, you closed your eyes and tried to regain your composure; it didn't help much, so Tangerine did not move his palm away from your lips as he still fingered your pussy.
Once Tangerine sensed you were loosening up a bit, he added his third finger, filling you all the way to the brim, earning a tear rolling down your cheek for the pleasure got unbearable for you. To get better access to your already dripping cunt, he yanked your thigh over his forearm.
Suddenly, someone started knocking on the door, asking something in Japanese.
“Yeah, yeah, I know but I’m absolutely swamped right now, yeah?” Tangerine replied sharply. As the voice outside the door rose, Tangerine snapped, “Bugger off, will ya?!"
You'd probably laugh at his reaction, if not for his hand over your mouth; on the other hand, there was something else to focus on.
As much as possible, you rolled your hips for him, slowly but steadily, to meet all of his thrusts.
Tangerine turned his head toward you and focused on you once again. Trying to reach your g-spot, he scissored his fingers deep inside your pussy, massaging your slick, inner walls. "Come on and cum for me, dollface, we don't have an entire day," he whispered into your ear.As you gushed through an orgasm, your moans were muffled by his hand. As soon as you recovered, you tugged your dress down, pushed your boobs back into the material and checked your hair in the mirror to make sure it wasn't a mess. “That was something, Tangerine. It would be great if I could tag along more often."

I crawled out of my hole to tell everyone "I'm going to write platonic yanderes Lemon and Tangerine." You are ready? :D (Maybe later I'll write a romantic yandere Tan. If I have enough ideas.) Your suggestions are welcome!