Harry James Potter X Reader - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

mk’s mad dash

All of August, one x reader fic a day.

Mks Mad Dash

A/n: School is coming up faster than I'd like, so I want to do a little mini end of summer writing extravaganza before September hits. I'll be posting one short fic a day, and by the end of the month I will have at least one fic written for EVERY character I write for! Happy reading!

8/1 - Johanna Mason- ‘A Moment For Yourself’

You show Johanna a kindness she hasn’t felt in


8/2- Tangerine- ‘Not a Lady’

Tangerine meets his match in cursing.

8/3- Natasha Romanoff- ‘A Way to Relax’

Natasha’s been stressed lately, so you come up

with a way to help her relax.

8/4- Remus Lupin- ‘Aftercare’

Aftercare with Remus.

8/5- Lucy Gray Baird- ‘Wrapped Up In a Bow’

You buy Lucy Gray a present.

8/6- Mary MacDonald- ‘Distraction’

You don’t want to watch a movie with Mary.

8/7- Fred Weasley- ‘Sixth Love Language’

You prank Fred for the first time.

8/8- Coriolanus Snow- ‘Maybe’

The death and birth of hope.

8/9- Peeta Mellark- ‘I Made You A Pie’

You and Peeta get into your first fight.

8/10- Hermione Granger- ‘Whatever You Say, Dear’

You hate airports. Thank God for your girlfriend.

8/11- George Weasley- ‘Serenity’

A peaceful summer afternoon at the Burrow.

8/12- Regulus Black- ‘Trou Noir’

Mourning your husband, Regulus Black.

8/13- Katniss Everdeen- ‘A Tiny Favor’

You ask Katniss to braid your hair.

8/14- Dorcas Meadowes- ‘The Barista’

The most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen is a

barista at your local coffee shop.

8/15- Haymitch Abernathy- ‘Wish You Were Sober’

We don’t always get what we want.

8/16- Finnick Odair- ‘Five More Minutes’

“Five more minutes.” A phrase you’ve said many

times but only now really mean.

8/17- Ron Weasley- ‘I Love You First’

Ron’s used to being second.

8/18- Sirius Black- ‘The Infamous Wings’

You catch Sirius trying on your eyeliner.

8/19- Ginny Weasley- ‘What The Flying Fuck’

Your girlfriend tries to teach you how to fly.

8/20- Tigris Snow- ‘Don’t Call Me Baby’

Tigris has been taught to assume the worst.

8/21- Harry Potter- ‘Pretty Boy’

You love to make your boyfriend blush.

8/22- Marlene McKinnon- ‘Oblivious’

You never notice when boys flirt with you.

8/23- Poly!Marauders- ‘This Is Fucking Stupid’

In which you all try and share a bed for the first


8/24- James Potter- ‘Rumor Has It’

There’s a rumor going around that you and

costar!James are dating.

8/25- Lily Evans- ‘Rounds’

You are assigned Prefect rounds with your rival.

8/26- Peter Parker- ‘Its Not A Costume’

You mess around in Peter’s suit.

8/27- Wanda Maximoff- ‘Are They Gone?’

You and Wanda on a mission together.

8/28- Tony Stark- ‘Never Ever’

CEO!Tony Stark doesn’t take people out to lunch.

8/29- Sejanus Plinth- ‘I Know’

Your boyfriend is a walking, bleeding heart.

8/30- Peter Pettigrew- ‘Say It’

Peter is nervous to ask you out.

8/31- Yelena Belova- ‘This Thing Called A Date’

You take Yelena on her first ever date.

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4 years ago

Promises (Harry Potter x Reader)



Request: “can you do a harry potter x reader where thye’re together and it’s the battle of hogwarts and when harry returns to hogwarts she isn’t there and he doesn’t find her again until he finds her battling a death eater and he saves her and takes her to safety?”

It was awfully difficult for both Harry and Y/N to comprehend what was about to happen. She knew it would be happening soon; with all of the danger that had been circulating with the Dark Lord and Harry, it was obvious that he would soon have to leave to save his own life. It happened too soon for her, much earlier than she expected. Everybody, including herself, was under the impression that he would be able to finish his final year at Hogwarts, nobody anticipated that he would instead be on the run from everybody. The Dark Forces had taken over the ministry and was after Harry and his friends. Y/N had begged him to go with her, but he got angry with her and told her off, stating that it was too dangerous for her to be sighted with him and to remain at Hogwarts, the safest place in the wizarding community. She wanted to write, but he said that they would be staying in different locations and he would have no way of writing back.


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4 years ago

the first time {harry potter}

a/n; This imagine is a little different, but I really liked writing it. I hope you enjoyed it too! I’m so happy I’m getting this one out a day after the last one!

“Important encounters are planned by the souls

long before the bodies see each other.”

~Paul Coelho


The first time Harry saw her, she was rolling her eyes. Stood outside his carriage, with her bright h/c hair that was curled slightly at the ends, she appeared to be smirking at a girl with big bushy hair and a chubby boy. He watched her a bit more as she threw her head back and laughed at something the girl next to her had said. The h/c haired girl waved to her friend and linked arms with the boy while skipping away. Harry wondered if she was always that happy.

The first time she laid eyes on him, he was muttering something under his breath. Sitting on the stool facing all of Hogwarts, his famous name echoed through the hall. Y/N met eye contact with Draco when the name was announced, his Father and her Mother had warned her about him. The boy who lived and killed Lord Voldemort. Y/n looked away from Draco and hoped with all her might that she was in a completely different house than he was. She got lucky that time.

The first time they met eye contact was when Seamus Finnigan had blown up his feather in Charms. Y/N’s eyes twitched and she glanced over at the ash-covered boy with disgust. She felt eyes on her figure and looked at his partner. It was the famous boy, who got special treatment from all the teachers, except for Snape. Y/N felt herself smirk at the thought and kept up the eye-contact. Only did she turn away when Draco tapped her shoulder and asked her ‘What do you think Father will get me for Christmas?’

The first time they scowled at each other was when Draco’s mouth had gotten out of hand. He had said something to Potter and she knew she had to step in before word spread around the castle and drifted off to his Father. Y/N glared at the green-eyed boy in front of her, if she disliked him before then this would be nothing compared to now. Y/n’s eyes looked to her left to see the red-haired boy who had insulted her favorite bushy-haired friend, Hermione Granger. Y/N’s nose crinkled up in disgust and he asked her if she had a problem with Weasley. She said 'I do, as a matter a fact. If you hurt Hermione one more time I’ll nail you in the nose.’ Y/N glared at the redhead then at Harry. She scowled at him before grabbing Draco’s hand and stalking off, leaving Harry to growl at her back.

The first time they smiled at each other, they had just saved the four of them from an escaped troll. Y/N had gone off after Hermione to help conceal her from those 'pig-headed idiots’ when a troll walked into their lavatory. Y/N screamed louder than she’s ever done in her life and helped Hermione up into a random stall. She knew about no magic but stood firmly in front of her friend and prayed to Merlin for some miracle to happen. That was when her Golden Boy miracle came in. He jumped onto the troll and stuffed his wand up his nose. As the troll started to fall, Y/N started to giggle and looked to her left to see Harry smiling back at her. Who knew four first years could fight off a troll that was as deadly as Horned Dragon? 

The first time they had a conversation was when the rumor of Harry being the opener of the Chamber of Secrets went around the school and landed in Y/N’s ears. The Slytherin marched over to Harry and grabbed him by the arm, “Have you been really opening the Chamber of Secrets and setting them against muggle-borns?” Harry looked shocked at her abruptness but shook his head. Y/n studied him once more before nodding and stalking away with her head held high, glaring at anyone who shot her a weird look.

The first time they laughed together, Draco was dragging Y/N into this club about how to defend yourself. Y/N didn’t quite see the point of the club, she already knew how to defend herself the muggle way and could send a wicked stinging hex that would last for hours as the second year. Y/N sighed when she saw where Draco’s eyes were at Harry Potter and his troublesome goony. Y/N often wondered why Hermione hung out with the two of them, but then she would remind her why she was hanging out with Draco. That shut her up a lot of the time. 'Are we really here to spy on your crush like a first year?’ Draco looked at her weirdly, 'I don’t get crushes, L/N. Girls crush after me.“ Y/n snorted at that comment, 'I forgot you were such a ladies man. Now tell me why you won’t admit you are in love with Potter?’ 'Ya, Malfoy. Tell us why you are in love with me?’ Y/N turned around to see Harry smirking at her and Y/n fought the urge to giggle. Draco turned bright red and that’s when they both lost it. Their laughter caught the attraction of many others and smiled fondly at the two colleagues giggling together.

The first time they became acquaintances was when Hermione had gotten herself frozen. Y/n was walking as fast as she could to the Hospital Wing, she saw Harry and Ron also walking them and she shouted their names. Y/n was the one to find the note in Hermione’s hand, shockingly enough. As she looked into Harry’s eyes she knew she would have to put her past behind her to help keep her beloved Hogwarts open.

The first time hugged each other, Harry had just defeated Voldemort for the third time. Y/N felt relief as the image of Tom Riddle burned up, Ginny stirred next to her but all Y/N could look at was Harry. Her stomach was swirling as she stared at his arm, 'Harry no! You can’t die. We have to do something.’ Y/n looked weirdly at the bird, her mind was calling it over to the animal. 'Harry! It’s a phoenix! Its tears have healing powers!’ She called the bird over and looked over at a worried Ginny. Y/N quickly scooped the younger girl into her arms, her motherly instinct coming over. Harry’s face started to pale even after the tears of the magical animal, that’s when Y/N started to panic. She grabbed the hat and pressed the part of his arm just before his shoulder while praying to Merlin. 'Y/n, Y/N, I’m fine.’ A voice said Y/N opened her eyes that she didn’t even know she had closed. Her eyes raked over his form before sighing in relief and throwing herself at a very shocked Harry.

The first time they called each other friends was when Harry had just fainted from a Dementor. Y/N’s hand felt the ice on the window with bewilderment and shock. 'Do any of you know what’s going on?’ A loud scream left her mouth as she stared at the creature in horror. Y/N’s mind immediately went to her thoughts about her dead Father and her Mother who had almost killed her last Summer. She tried hard to think about her amazing friends and how Draco had saved her from her crazy Mother. Y/N felt the temperature heighten and she peeked her eyes open to see the man known as Remus J. Lupin had scared the creature away somehow. 'Why is Harry on the floor?’ Y/N’s eyes switched from analyzing the man in front of her to a very pale looking Harry. Y/N kneeled next to him and placed his head on her legs for a better pillow, 'Why is it that it’s always him who’s in danger?’ Ron laughed, 'Believe me I ask that all the time. I was thinking that maybe we got very coincidental these past few years. But now this happened and I’m starting to regret becoming friends with Hermione.’ 'What do I have to with any of this?’ 'Harry and I were fine before you came along.’ Y/N rolled her eyes at the bickering pair and turned to Harry who was staring at her. Y/N looked surprised to see him awake and quickly helped him up and onto the benches, "Are you alright?’ 'I’m um fine. Did you by chance hear a woman screaming?’ Y/N looked confused and raised her hand to his forehead as if to check for a fever, "No one heard a woman screaming Harry. Maybe you dreamed when you fainted?’ Harry nodded but looked concerned, 'Don’t worry about it, Harry. I don’t think he we have to enroll you in a mental hospital yet.’ Harry cracked a smile making Y/N feel a little bit of relief for her friend. She looked next to her to see the chocolate the man had given her before he left, "Here, Harry. This will make you feel better.’ 'Thanks, Y/N.’ 'Of course, what are friends for?’

The first time they fought with each other was when Draco and Y/N had started dating. Y/N fell onto the couch a huge smile on her face, 'What’s gotten you so happy?’ 'She went out on a date with Draco Malfoy.’ Y/N giggled, 'Ugh, he was so sweet and we went to Hogsmeade. Have you tried butterbeer? Salazar, I-’ 'You went out with the guy who called Hermione a… bad word for muggle-borns?’ Y/N looked at Harry to see him looking a bit disgruntled, 'I asked Hermione and she said it’s fine and I’ve talked him into not calling her a… that word.’ 'Oh wow, that’s really endearing.’ Y/N’s face scrunched up, 'What the hell is your problem Harry?’ 'My problem! You are going out with Malfoy!’ 'He’s been my best friend for years Harry and that never seemed to bother you!’ 'He’s just going to break your heart, Y/N!’ 'And how do you know that?’ 'Because he’s going to treat you like something special right now but once he finds out your not then he’s just going to dump you. I don’t want to be the one-’ Y/N smacked Harry on the face as hard as she could, 'Well, I’m glad I know your opinion of me, Harry.’ Y/N spat and wiped her cheeks from the tears.

The first time they comforted each other was when they had just found out that their parents had been sold out by Sirius Black. It had been a long month for everyone. Harry and Y/N spat out as many insults as they could whenever they saw each other. Their rivalry took the castle by storm, especially when Y/N beat Harry to the snitch during their last Quidditch game. Then, Draco had been sent to the hospital after getting injured by the Buckbeak. Y/N spent most of her time with the blonde haired boy, she talked to Hermione and Ron as much as she could but not enough in her opinion. Finally, Buckbeak was sentenced to death. Y/N had found out when Draco was bragging about how his Father was sentencing the 'bloody bird’ to death. The only thing Y/N was impressed about was how hard her left hook hit him and how much the breakup hurt. With the exhausting month coming to an end, Y/N was walking around Hogsmeade and doing a terrible job of ignoring Malfoy. 'Getaway, Malfoy! Nothing will change my decision.’ 'Not even if I tell my Father to cancel the extinction?’ Y/N never got her chance to reply as she was swallowed by the invisibility cloak. 'Harry?’ He did a silencing motion with his finger, she did what he said and followed him inside the Three Broomsticks. The second she got out of there, Harry dropped her off and headed somewhere. Y/N saw Ron and Hermione, she mentioned for them to follow her and look for Harry’s footsteps. Y/N was the first one to find him, she brought him into her embrace and held him as he balled into her shoulder murmuring about how he was going to kill his godfather.

The first time Y/N risked her life for Harry, they had been running from Remus Lupin. Y/N clamped Hermione’s mouth when she started to howl, 'You are going to get ourselves killed!’ 'I was saving the past us!’ 'And I’m saving the present us! Run!’ The trio ran as fast as they could form the werewolf. Y/N somehow got ahead of them and stopped for a bit to catch her breath. She was going to have to thank Flint for the extra training later. A loud growl startled her and she looked behind her to see Harry pushing Hermione behind him. Y/N quickly formed a plan in her head and howled behind a tree.

The first time Harry and Y/N held hands were when the Triwizard Tournament Competitors were announced. Harry’s name echoed through the hall, Y/N looked confused and met eye contact with the poor boy. Hermione pushed him up but Harry grabbed Y/N’s hands and dragged her with him to where the other three contestants were. Y/N didn’t even have to time to savor their laced hands before she stepped in front of Harry and stood up to a very angry Dumbledore and Minister.

The first time Harry asked Y/N out was when the Yule Ball was announced. Y/N was giggling with Hermione about how Ron had to dance with McGonagall when Harry crept up behind her asked for a word with her. She told Hermione she’d catch up with her in a second and followed Harry out of the crowd of people. Harry looked more nervous than usual and shoved his hands in his pockets, 'Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?’ A big smile made its way onto their faces when she said her answer.

The first time Y/N stayed the night, a day had passed from Cedric’s death and the end of the tournament. It was around midnight when Y/N snuck out of the girls’ dormitory. Y/N had borrowed his invisibility cloak to go see him. Surprisingly, Ron had understood when Y/N hadn’t wanted him to join her. 'Hey, Harry.’ Y/N whispered and ran a hand through his hair. 'Hey, Y/N. I don’t understand why Pomfrey didn’t let you stay in here also.’ Y/N laughed, 'I’m not the one who had an unforgivable curse set on them, Harry.’ 'You had a dream about me Y/N. You felt the same pain as I did.’ Y/N blushed, 'It’s rather weird isn’t it.’ Harry smiled and played with her fingers, 'I overheard Dumbledore and McGonagall talking about it. They said something about soulmates.’ Y/N rolled her eyes, 'Did you also hear how it could have been a complete coincidence.’ 'Be quiet and get in here… soulmate.’ Y/N laughed and cuddled into Harry, she traced his jawline where a cut was, 'Don’t do that again Harry. That scared me so much.’ Harry kissed the top of her head, 'I’ll try.’

The first time they kissed each other, Harry had initiated it, surprisingly. Harry had just gotten back from his trial and Y/N was waiting for him quite nervously. Her fingers drummed the edge of the counter as she listened to Sirius and Remus talk about how to break Harry out of Azkaban. 'HE GOT OFF! HE GOT OFF!’ The twins yelled and entered the kitchen, Y/N looked at them with disbelieving eyes before dashing over to Harry. 'Harry! Thank Salazar you go-’ Y/N swore she died and landed in Heaven because there was no way something here on Earth felt like this. There was just no way.

The first time Y/N stood up for Harry was when Umbridge had yelled at Harry saying he was a liar. Y/N’s heart was racing as she yelled at the woman before her. The toad had sent her to McGonagall’s’ only for the woman to congratulate her. She walked out of her office with a smirk on her face and no detentions, Y/N saw Harry and smiled. She quickly walked over to him and kissed him. Y/n could never get used to the feeling of his lips on hers. He broke it off too quickly, 'I can’t even handle how hot you look when you’re mad, L/N.’

The first time they fought with each other, Y/N had lied to Harry and brought him to the Hog’s Head for a date. Harry grinned down at Y/n, 'This is going to be nice to have some time alone. I love Hermione and Ron but-’ Y/N giggled at his awkwardness, 'I know what you mean Harry.’ 'That’s good because I really didn’t feel like explaining myself. Now, I’m paying for everything today so lead the way. I know you already had a plan.’ Y/N looked surprised, 'Who told you that?’ 'Hermione, was she wrong?’ Y/N laughed, 'Hermione’s never wrong Harry.’ Y/N felt guilty the whole walk to the Hogs’ Head as Harry peppered her with love and affection. She always knew Harry was dramatic but she never thought he would be this mad at her. The Slytherin was merely doing him a favor, pushing him to perform the first step of the DA. That’s why she didn’t understand why he ignored her and pushed her away when she kissed him on the cheek and told him how proud she was of him. The boy was about to walk out of the restaurant with Dean when she called out to him. If he was going to be mad then so was she. Personally, all Y/N wanted to do was hang out with her beloved but he was proving hard to do so. 'What?’ 'Don’t you 'what’ me, Potter. This is not my fault, if you hadn’t been so stubborn and just started it by yourself we wouldn’t be having this problem.’ 'Maybe you shouldn’t have lied to me, Y/N. I would’ve just came if you asked.’ 'Don’t talk out of your ass, Harry. Everyone knows how stubborn you are.’

The first gift Harry gave Y/N was the only thing he had left of his Mothers’. It was an emerald green necklace. The stone was the shape of pearl drop and matched Harry’s eyes, her favorite color. The chain was gold and dainty and fit around Y/n’s neck perfectly. The Slytherin had been ignoring Harry for a while now after he called her a liar, something she refused to be called. Harry had cornered her and stumbled out a speech Hermione had obviously helped him out with. However, the only reason why she forgave was that of how she touched she was about was the fact that Harry would give her something this precious and meaningful.

The first time they told each other they loved each other, Y/N was sitting with Harry against a wall of the school. Sirius had just died and Umbridge was finally gone and out of this godforsaken school. However, neither felt like they had won anything. Y/N’s hand was playing with Harry’s, his other arm was draped around her shoulder. 'I love you, Y/N.’ Y/N looked up from where she had buried her face into his chest, 'What?’ 'I love you.’ A smile made her way on her face as she kissed him tenderly, 'I love you too, Harry.’

The first time they broke up, they had been fighting about Draco. Y/N refused to believe that her ex-best friend was a death eater and Harry had gotten jealous. 'I can’t believe you are sick enough to believe that Harry! His Father was just thrown into Azkaban. Don’t you dare say that again.’ 'He’s a death eater Y/N! Hermione saw something on his arm!’ 'First of all, Hermione says she doesn’t know what she saw on his arm. Second, I know his Mother and trust me she would never let that happen. Third, this is Draco Malfoy we are talking about! He would never ever purposely hurt someone!’ Silence settled between them for a little bit, 'I don’t want you hanging around him anymore.’ 'And how do you have a say in who I hang out with Harry!’ 'I think I have a little leeway for the fact that I’m your boyfriend.’ A tear ran down Y/N’s face, 'Not anymore.’

The first time Harry felt his heartbreak, Y/N was holding hands with Roger Davies. {just pretend he’s in his seventh year} Y/N’s laughter rang down the hall as she whispered something into his ear. Roger was carrying her books with ease, as they talked into hushed tones to each other. Harry’s eyes were glued to the new couple as Ron and Hermione talked. 'Harry?’ Ron asked and looked at his best mate weirdly until he saw what he was looking at, 'oh.’ Harry risked a look over at Y/N again to see her making eye contact with Harry. She quickly looked away from Harry and kissed Rogers’ cheek. Harry felt lightheaded as his breaths got shorter and shorter. His eyes finally peeled themselves off the couple as he took a few seconds to regain his composure. Godric, he would do anything to get her back in his arms.

The first time Y/N felt her heartbreak, Harry had kissed Ginny Weasley. The Gryffindor shouts taunted her down the hall as she debated just going into the Slytherin Common Room and turning in for an early night. However, Hermione forced her to come along saying something about helping her get over Ron. Y/N’s boredom hit the second she walked into the Gryffindor Common Room. She sat down on the couch and twirled a bit of string that was coming out of the plush furniture. 'So when’s the next SPEW meeting…’ Y/N’s words died in her mouth as she watched Harry kiss Ginny Weasley. By the looks of it, she seemed to be enjoying herself also. Y/N gulped down the bile that fought its way up from her stomach, her face felt unusually hot. She closed her open lips and told herself the few things to keep herself centered when she saw about to break. This had been the one time she had to use the advice from other Purebloods.

The first time Y/n told Harry she hated him, Harry had just cursed Draco to the brink of death. Y/N heard yells and shouts in the boys’ bathroom and went to check it out. She was a Slytherin Perfect after all. She thought of the few things she needed to say to get the two rowdy boys to stop dueling. 'Hey! I know you all need to get your testosterone out, but-’ Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at a terrified Draco. His already pale self-was whiter than normal, however, that wasn’t the thing scaring her. No, it was the pool of blood that was rapidly growing. Y/N stopped her panicked thoughts and pushed Harry out of the way, 'Asciendo.’ Y/N whispered with shaking hands, the healing spell worked and she thanked her younger self for picking OWL Alchemy. Y/N repeated the spells a few times, then worked on calming Draco down, 'hey, hey, hey. You’re alright. okay? No, no, no, shh.’ Y/n whispered and ran the hand that wasn’t holding his through his hair, 'Shh, don’t worry.’ Y/N moved her hand down his face and did what her Mother used to when she was little, she stroked his face with her small hands and kissed each spot after she was done. 'Go to sleep, Draco.’ Draco’s eyes flickered as he finally went to sleep. Y/N but her lip and fought down the tears, 'He’s lost a lot of blood. I’m going to do the Patronus charm and call for Madame Pomfrey.’ Y/N whispered. After she finished, she made sure Draco was okay before rounding on Harry. 'What the hell?’ Y/n spat quietly, she was about to crumble in a second from the shock, 'Y/N, I don’t even know what happened, I-.’ Harry stopped as he saw the strongest Woman he’s ever known in his life broke down right in front of his eyes. 'You are so lucky I came in here. He would’ve died, Harry. Salazar, what the hell were you thinking.’ Y/N burst into sobs and Harry reached to pull her into a hug, but she recoiled away, "No! No, I don’t want you to ever touch me again! I hate you so so much! You almost killed my best friend and you break my heart every day. You are to never look at me, breath near me, let alone try and speak to me, understand?’

The first time Harry saved Y/N’s life was when Harry pushed her out of the way of a Death Eater’s Unforgivable Curse. The Castle was in a frenzy when Death Eaters entered the Castle. Y/N had heard rumors about Dumbledore being dead but she didn’t believe them. She couldn’t believe them, not when she knew Harry had been with him. Y/N sent a Stunning Spell at a Death Eater, who crumbled when he hit the wall behind him. Y/N felt herself hitting the floor and cursed under her breath, a body was on top of her but she was too scared to open her eyes. However, after waiting a few seconds she saw Harry on top of her making her breath catch in her throat.

The first time Harry saw her since the sixth year, Harry had been making conversation with Ron when he saw her eyes. She looked radiant as ever and Harry swore he felt his heart jump out of his chest the second he saw the figure. Harry’s eyes seemed to be attracted to her during Bill and Fleur’s wedding ceremony making him wonder how she hadn’t seen him yet. Harry knew he wasn’t being discreet about it, hell, every Weasley had noticed his infatuation with the L/N, even if they were broken up. 'The Ministry has fallen. They are-’ The Patronus hadn’t even finished before the Death Eaters came. 'Harry come on!’ Hermione shouted at him, but his attention was nowhere near his two friends, his eyes were searching for Y/N. Ron grabbed onto his shoulder and they all apparated away. Harry never stopped worrying if she was alright or not.

The first time Y/n saw Harry since the sixth year, she had been healing the first year from one of the Professor’s curses. Y/N smiled at the shaking first year and helped him up, 'You are very brave and all the way healed. You are free to go as long as you make a pact with me, mister. No more getting hurt.’ The first year smiled and blushed, 'I’ll try, Ms.L/N.’ Y/N rolled her eyes, 'I am a Slytherin Seventh Year not some scary medical attendant.’ A whisper of Y/N’s name brought her attention to the crowd’s parting. A shocked gasp left her lips as she saw Harry standing there with a longing in his eyes that scared her. Y/N abandoned the poor first year and walked towards him, that turned into a run when she was close enough. She fell into his arms, as he sank down to the floor as he held her. Harry’s face was buried into Y/N’s neck as Y/N took in Harry’s scent. Pure, unusual silence strayed through the room as they watched the couple finally crumble under each other’s embraces. Everyone started to slowly talk to each other as more and more people collected into the room. Y/N and Harry didn’t budge, not even when all the Weasley’s told them they need to hear the plan. Harry merely mumbled something about Hermione and Ron doing it.

The last time Harry thought about Y/N before he died, Harry was walking through the woods with his loved ones. Lily was talking to Harry about something but his mind was elsewhere. He knew if he was in a different situation he would be using this time to his advantage but he couldn’t help his mind wandering to Y/N. He had passed her on his way here, she was tending to the wounded. He knew she was going to become an amazing Healer. But the scene couldn’t help but trigger a few thoughts in his brain. If he ran away now, he might have just enough time to grab Y/n, Hermione, and Ron. They could run away together. Get married. Have kids and Grandchildren. Harry smiled fondly at the thought of little Y/N’s and Harry’s running around. 'What are you smiling at Potter?’ Harry was brought to the present, his feet had taken him in front of Voldemort. His eyes took in the scene with a sense of calmness. Harry thought about the kisses him and Y/N had shared, the way she would comb through his hair as she read a book to him, and the way the would hold each other. Harry’s mind strayed away towards his most recent memory with her. They were holding each other for what seemed about five minutes but was probably about 10 or 15. He had taken in her scent as much as he could, she smelled of a mix of vanilla and gardenias, something Harry had recognized in his list of Ammortia smells. A green light splashed towards Harry, enveloping him completely, his last thought burning in his bran, the image of Y/N laughing at something he had said a long time ago.

The first time Y/N heard about Harry’s death, she was running out of the Great Hall to see what all the commotion was. Y/N caught up to Neville and was about to ask him what was going on when she heard her answer, 'Harry Potter is dead.’ The floor seemed to shake under Y/n, she lost balance and almost fell on the floor. There was no way Harry was dead. No, not her Harry. A loud scream erupted from her lips as she finally fell to her knees. Her heart was pounding, her mind was swirling, and she felt like an elephant was sitting on her chest. 'Well, it seems someone is upset. Who are you?’ Y/N growled and looked up at the disgusting man she’s known her whole life, "Ahh, Ms.L/N. Quite lovely to run into you again, I’ve been seeing plenty-’ 'Shut up shut up, you disgusting freak.’ 'Excuse me?’ 'You heard me. Just because you killed Harry does not mean it’s over. You are no Lord yet, Voldemort. You don’t understand. There’s a reason why the evil never wins. You always seem to forget that hope and light and love lives in everyone. Yes, you may rule for a little while. But there will always be someone brave enough to stand up and stop you from your destruction. Unfortunately for you, you have about one hundred of them behind me, and if you think you are going to kill every single one of us then you’re wrong. We will win and the best I can do for you is wish rot in hell.’

The first time they kissed each other since their breakup, Harry had defeated Voldemort once and for all. The golden light passed through Y/N’s eyes as she tried desperately to decipher what happened. Harry stood there next to a very much dead Voldemort. Shock and silence took over the occupants in the Great Hall for a while before it was broken by a delighted Y/n L/n. The Slytherin squirmed through the crowd as she made her way towards Harry. Harry started to run towards her and finally kissed her. The couple sighed, relief and happiness overtook them. It was nowhere near their best kiss, it was sloppy and salty from tears. Harry broke the kiss and nuzzled his nose against hers, but Y/N had different ideas. She captured his mouth in hers again. Y/N wrapped her arms around Harry’s neck and ran her fingers through the soft locks. A smile played on both of their lips as they knew they could finally feel this heavenly feeling whenever they wanted.

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3 years ago

thunder-bombs; h.p

pairing: harry james potter x fem!gryffindor!reader

synopsis: you love thunderstorms, until one night they bring bad memories back. who better than harry to make you feel better?

warnings: panick attack, thunderstorm (astraphobia), bombimg references, a little overdramatic maybe?, way too much fluff

word count: 3.4K words

a/n: so, this is my first fic! I'm nervous but excited? this is one of my confort scenarios so please beware; i wrote this at 1 am when i was sad. also, english is not my first language :) hope you enjoy!


You have always enjoyed storms.

The rain falling everywhere, hitting everything that couldn't find a shelter; the harsh wind fighting every direction it could assume; the smell that would linger once the storm had ended; the distant booming sound of thunder and flashes of lightning, giving a hint of the war happening within the clouds. 

Actually, scratch that. You have always loved storms. 

And tonight it was no different. 

You fell asleep quite peacefully. Your roommates, in particular your best friend, Hermoine Granger, thought you were crazy. As she said, it was clear that this wasn't some random and innocent storm. It seemed much bigger, much stronger. And she found it crazy that you seemed actually happy about it. Her best friend really was strange sometimes. 

It was long after you were asleep that the gryffindor tower (and the rest of the castle, for that matter) finally calmed and rested. 

Until 3:27 am, that is. 

It was like the sky had been ripped open, leaving an aching scar behind. Like a bomb has just gone off in the middle of the common room area. 

Students woke up screaming and crying, and not just in the red house. It could be heard all over the castle. It was chaos. 

You woke up like you were having a nightmare, and in a way, you were. You jolted up in your bed, eyes widened and breath quickened. 

And suddenly, you were a naive 6-year-old child playing with the TV remote again. It was bad luck, honestly. Clicking on just that button. The button of some news channel replaying a video of an explosion in a city far away, caused by some terrific bomb. 

The fire, the bodies lying around, the screams, and the sound. It was just like that thunder. And you were reliving those images again in your mind. 

It may seem dramatic or ridiculous to some, hence why you didn't tell anyone, not even your family. But it was traumatising to you, especially at such a young age. It gave you a reality check, a different perspective of life, even though you only realised that a few years after. 

For the few weeks after the accident, you would look through the news, hidden from your mom and dad, to see if your city would explode. You couldn't sleep, afraid that you would hear that sound again, but this time, near her house, and not just on the television. It marked your childhood. 

And that thunder, that explosion in the sky, has just been like the bomb, bringing your childhood nightmare back. 

"Y/N? Y/N, come on, it's okay. Everything's fine," Hermoine's voice made its way through your mind, and you finally snapped out of your trance. 

Looking at her, you saw Hermoine at the end of your bed, her hand was on one of your knees, and her eyes were filled with worry. 

"Oh my goodness- Y/N, sweetheart, you're shaking! Come here!" Lavender Brown approached, looking a little pale herself, and pulled you into a side hug. You couldn't quite think. your surroundings were slightly blurry, and there was this ringing in your ears that just wouldn't go away. You didn't like this. You wanted to run away from this night, you wanted to go back to sleep, you wanted to go back to your harmless dreams. Dreams with no booming sounds. You wanted to hide under your many blankets and cushions and stay there, where you would be safe. 

"Hey, guys-" Parvati Patil announced re-entering the dorm — you didn't even notice when she had left — a little out of breath. "- let's go to the common room. They are all there- seems like no one wants to go to sleep now," Just now did you notice the distant noise of a mixture of chatter, cries, some yells and distinct laughs. You immediately thought of Fred and George, and them having the time of their lives; being awake at this hour of the night, making fun of their scared friends, and probably trying to terrorise some 1st years. The idea made you smile internally. 

"Okay, okay, we're coming! Maybe It would be good, Y/N, relax a little. This actually might be fun," Lavender added, getting up after giving you another pat on the shoulder and taking Parvati's hand in hers, both heading down. 

Hermoine tore her eyes from where the other two girls just were and looked at her best friend again with her eyebrows furrowed. 

"Your lips are still shaking. And hands. What's happening? I thought you loved storms and anything of that sort," Hermoine questioned. 

You tried to talk; tried to convince her that everything was fine, that you were fine, and that it was nothing. But your eyes started to fill with anxious tears and your mind was too confused to form proper words. 

Hermoine stood from her spot and pulled you into a tight hug. "Wait just a minute, I'll be right back, okay?" she said in a hushed tone, rushing out of the room moments later. 

You looked out of the window, still in a daze, as if expecting to see fire and corpses out there. But the only things she could see were the rain and the big storm that was trying to hide in the dark of the night. 

You felt so stupid. This is ridiculous, you're a Gryffindor, for Godric's sake! Where was your bravery now? You hadn't even had a single nightmare about this for years.

But even with the rational side of your mind yelling at you, you couldn't stop your body from shaking, all because of your absurd fear. You frustratedly ran your hands over your face, trying (and failing) to take deep breaths and get your shit together. But really, there was no use. 

"Y/N?" a familiar voice called you.

Your favourite voice. 

You pulled your hands back from your head and glanced up at your very best friend. Harry James Potter. 

As much as you wanted to hide and cover up your current state (which definitely wasn't your best), you couldn't. One look into his beautiful green eyes was all it took for your tears to fall, letting your walls tremble along with you. 

"Oh- Y/N!" Harry stuttered, hurrying to come close to you, his furred eyebrows contorted an adorable expression in his handsome face. 

Sitting in the middle of your bed, Harry pulled you onto his lap, which you gladly let him. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and breathed in his calming scent. 

"You're okay, Y/N, everything's alright now. You're safe, I promise. It's okay. I'm here." 

Harry kept whispering sweet things in your ear, giving you time and waiting patiently for you to stop crying. He was stroking your hair with one hand, effectively pressing your face into his neck and holding you in place. The other hand secured your body, his arm wrapping around you from under your legs, making your knees scrunched up to your chest. your hands grabbed his navy hoodie within its fists. It made you feel safe, warm and fuzzy, like you always were with Harry; even despite your current situation. 

Harry was worried, scared and confused. He never saw you, his brave, impatient, confident and happy best friend like this, and it absolutely terrified him. He just wanted to take all your fears and sadness into a tiny box and destroy it. Or keeping all those bad feelings just to him, saving you from it. 

Harry didn't like to see you cry. He didn’t like to see you scared out of your mind. And he definitely didn't like to see the desperate state you were in; sobbing and clinging onto him as if, otherwise, he would disappear forever. His heart was beating almost as quickly as yours. Harry closed his eyes tightly and tried to do his best in brushing your hair from your tear and sweat glistening face. Harry was a little shaken up from the thunder as well; he was sleeping so peacefully that it was quite the shock when he abruptly woke up. But he couldn't just figure out why it would do this to you. Sure, on his way to your's and Hermoine's dorm he saw several students crying, but a breakdown like this? 

A light kiss on his neck put Harry out of his mind. Several minutes had passed. He looked down at the girl in his arms the best he could. 

"Thank you, " you sighed in relief as a small smile was making its way onto your lips. 

He smiled, relieved too. You were finally starting to stop physically shaking. "No need for that. That's what I'm here for." 

You stayed in silence for a while. "Do you want to talk about it, Y/N? I know something's going on," Harry mumbled and re-started to stroke her hair. You focused on your breathing and closed your eyes even more tightly. Of course you wanted to tell someone, even more so if that someone happened to be Harry. After all, you had carried this burden with you, alone, for many years now. You just didn't want to show this cowardly side of yourself to Harry. It was such a stupid fear. 

"It's stupid. I-I don't even know why I am such, such a mess," you eventually mumbled, and you felt Harry holding you closer to his body. 

"If it's something that bothers you and you are scared of, it's not stupid, Y/N. Whatever it is, I am here for you, " Harry responded, pressing a kiss in the top of your head. 

A few moments passed. You took a deep breath and started to tell the memory that has haunted you for so long. "When I was little, like 6 years o-old, I was playing with, with the TV remote in my house," you paused as you tried to control her breath. 

Harry remained silent. He continued to stroke your skin and hair, just anything that his hands could reach really, not wanting to rush you. 

"The, the channel. It was a news channel. It was replaying a video of an explosion somewhere, I-I don't remember where," you continued after a few minutes, relishing the lovingly embrace Harry was giving you. 

"It showed everything, it was a video t-taken at the time. The fire, the buildings being ruined, the corpses of the people around, a-and the place where the bomb had gone off. And the sound. It was so loud and big and just terrifying. The sound, Harry. It- it traumatised me." 

Harry glanced down at you again, tearing his eyes from the random spot they were before and looked into your watering ones. 

"And that thunder was so similar to, to the noise the bomb made," you softly finished. 

It almost was as if you and Harry were in a staring contest. You were looking into his eyes to see if he thought you were being childish, ridiculous. If all of this was just some big nonsense. Harry, however, couldn’t help but comprehend. He had his fair share of childhood trauma in his life, and he absolutely understand your's. For a small child, it must really be something that would scare you, and some fears just can't be overcome. Despite it all, Harry knew that he would stay with you no matter what, and help you when that fear came to haunt her again. 

"You- you don't think it’s ridiculous or embarrassing, right?" you eventually broke the silence, growing anxious at every passing second. 

Harry snapped out of his head. "What? Of course not! How could you even think that?! Y/N, no one is perfect, you're allowed to have fears! And if you ask me, your's pretty plausible. Fuck, I would be terrified of any type of thunder or loud sounds, honestly." Harry said indignantly, hugging the girl tighter. 

You smiled up at him, now completely relaxed. Harry truly was special. 

A few minutes passed before Harry decided to open his mouth again. 

"Besides, even I almost passed out from my sleep with that thunder-bomb." 

You bursted out laughing. This boy was just too stupid sometimes. "Thunder-bombs? What the fuck is wrong with you?" 

"It's the most adequate name. Very unique if you asked me," Harry grinned, glad to see you starting to become your normal self again. 

You pressed your head in the crook of Harry's neck again, and he felt you  smile against it, along with another kiss. 

"You wanna go downstairs? Everybody’s there," Harry asked. You hummed but didn't move a single muscle. 

"Hermoine is quite worried, you know? She came downstairs yelling and slapping me. And then her worry worried Ron, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut, so now the twins are waiting for you, too. And don't even get me started on Dean, Merlin, that boy is too dramatic. Oh, and Neville cried. Ginny must be asleep again by now but I'm sure if was awake she would want to see you. Lavender-" 

"Harry, you're rambling again, shut up," Your voice came muffled. You moved your position so your chest were touching his. Then, you circled your legs around his waist, your face never leaving its place. Harry's strong arms adjusted to the new position by wrapping themselves around your waist. 

"You look like a koala, Y/N," Harry laughed, freeing one of his hands from your body to continue to play with your hair. He leaned his head on yours. 

"So, you wanna go? McGonagall must have let us stay there, for them to not come upstairs by now." 

"Hm, okay, let's go," you mumbled. You wrapped your arms and legs around him tighter, not wanting to let go. 

There was a pause then. 

"You want me to carry you?" Harry asked, but it sounded more like an affirmation. He knew how much you craved affection and cuddles when you are sad and tired. 

You nodded against him, placing another small kiss in his exposed skin as a 'please'. 

"Okay, let's go," he said, bringing the both of you off of your bed. 

And Harry just doesn’t know what to do when in silence.

Once he stood up, Harry stopped for a minute to adjust your position on him, making sure you were comfortable. Your legs were still tied to his waist, arms enveloped around his torso just below his shoulders line. Harry's hands secured you by your thighs, caressing them gently every now and then. And not once did you move her face, kissing his soft neck sometimes. 

Nobody commented on your and Harry’s 'situation', despite the many not-so-subtle glances. Everyone knew how close the two of you were, if your constantly shared affections were anything to go by. But, of course they were just best friends . The teachers even gave up on the whole 'girls and boys safety space' rule when it came to Y/N and Harry, finding it impossible to keep them apart. It was actually very endearing to the majority of them. 

Harry looked around, trying hard to ignore the many pairs of eyes looking straight at him (and the girl in his arms). 

"Where do you want to go? The group is on the big sofa by the window on the corner. But if you want we could go to the sofas near the fireplaces," Harry murmured into your ear. 

"Let's go meet the group. I can feel Fred's and Dean's nerves all the way from here. What the hell did Hermoine and the girls tell? That the thunder hit me or something ?" 

Harry laughed, and the sound made you smile. 

The classes for the next day have been cancelled. Practically everyone and everything around Hogwarts was wide awake by now, and it would take a long time to get settled down again. Besides, it was Friday. A longer weekend wouldn't hurt. 

Your eyes peeked from Harry's neck and shoulder just enough to see your surroundings. McGonagall was walking from one side to another, talking to several students and making sure everyone was fine. Some first-years trailed behind her everywhere she went. 

You were in a position similar to the one you were in your dorm, your bodies tangled with one another under the blankets that someone threw at you, probably Ron. 

The noise in the common room wasn't very loud, even though all Gryffindors were there. Many were cuddling and chatting quietly with their friends in any free place they could find, and some were sleeping. The atmosphere was surprisingly soft. The late (or early) hour and the sound of the rain outside provided sort of a sleepy happiness within the common room's walls. 

"Harry? What time is it?" you whispered. 

"A little past 4 am," Harry answered, looking down at you, his eyes and glasses shining. You continued to make your way towards your friends. 

It was funny, really. How something that was supposed to just bring bad feelings, such as sadness, fear and panic, could create these moments. Moments of pure adoration, bringing comfort beyond imagination. 

"Thank you for staying with me," your soft voice said,  your eyes full of love for the boy who was still holding you. 

Harry just smiled and leaned his forehead on yours. 

Once the two of you reached the corner, you were met with several reactions; worried glances quickly turned into knowing looks and smirks.

Thanks to Dean's and Fred's exaggerated cries for you, yelling happily that 'the thing is alive', and your grumbles for them to 'shut the hell up before I throw you two out of the window', the tension that was previously there disappeared. They were just glad that you were okay now and returning to your normal self. 

You and Harry had seated in the farthest place, right in the corner, with an incredible view from the window. 

You looked around again. And the sight before you made you temporarily breathless. 

It was still heavily raining outside, the wind strong, but the booming sound from thunder and the bolts of lightning were nowhere to be seen nor heard. The now relaxing sound outside brought you to your usual peace whenever the weather was like this. 

The light inside the common room was dim, just a few candles that McGonagall conjured were flying around and the fire from the fireplaces illuminated the place, and it was absolutely perfect. It helped to create the soft atmosphere that you felt the moment you and Harry came downstairs. Nothing was too bright, just enough to see. 

Your friends were all comfy under a million blankets, some cuddling as well. Hermoine was next to you and Harry, leaning back on some pillows, and from the moment that you got there, she took your hand in hers, not letting it go. Ron, however, was leaning on Hermoine, and the two wouldn’t stop their light bickering about the best type of weather. Ginny was dead asleep hugging a pillow beside Ron, her legs thrown over to Neville's lap. Across from them were George, Fred and Dean quietly joking around, making whoever was listening laugh. Seamus was sleeping as well, head on Dean's shoulder. Lavender and Parvati were a little far away from them, trying to find some peace and quiet. 

And then there was Harry. You looked up at him and took in the most beautiful person ever; his black hair was too messy, and his green eyes were sparkling even with the almost non-existent light. His cheeks and nose were flushed with light pink, glasses slightly crooked, and in his mouth was resting a little smile, observing the scene before the two of them too. 

Your eyes met and you decided that that was, indeed, the prettiest thing you had ever seen and experienced.

You couldn't help but press another kiss on Harry's neck (it was your thing after all), causing Harry to lean down and brush your noses together, making you two giggle. 

And in Harry's arms, with Hermoine's hand in yours, and surrounded by your amazing friends, you felt complete, like you could get through anything. 

Even thunder-bombs. 

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3 years ago

thursdays of dark grey skies; h.p.

pairing: harry james potter x ravenclaw!fem!reader

synopse: who would have thought that one study thursday of dark grey skies could change so much?

warnings: none, just fluff

word count: 5.8k words

a/n: i’m so soft, i genuinely loved writing this. enjoy!

Thursdays Of Dark Grey Skies; H.p.

The sky was grey.

And it wasn't your typical is-raining-soon-light-gray type of colour, it was a dark shade of grey that stained the sky. There was no rain, there was no wind, it was just- dark. Like the night was trying to break out sooner than planned, fighting the light out of the day. For an early october thursday afternoon, the grayish weather shouldn't feel this uncommon. This captivating. But it just gave (ironically) such light to everything within the dark air reach. It was strangely so beautiful. Harry was at the library with practically everyone he knows when he looked outside of one of the windows. And when he says 'practically everyone he knows' he really means the whole castle was in there. Thursdays afternoons are homework and study afternoons. You catch up with any subject you could be behind, you finish all the work that was due friday (which happened more often than not) and your weekend would be mostly free. It was the most practical plan for the academic life of most students, as Hermoine had once said. So, the Hogwarts library was the place for the fourth day of the week. The environment created there was, to put it simply, those that made you work harder. Everyone shared the same goal; all the students from all years, all the students from all houses. Almost every table was occupied, and some even had to be conjured in the middle and left side of the room, the places that had more students. Red, yellow, green and blue were mixed around and a friendly and calm atmosphere flew above them. Despite being packed, the noise wasn't too loud. Quiet chatter and laughs could be heard, but nothing too extreme. Madame Prince had long ago quitted shushing students everytime one made any type of sound. It just felt right to be in there. Even more so when the big windows that contorned one of the sides of the enormous room showed the magical view of the dark grey sky. And because the light outside was mostly dim, candles flew all over the room to give enough light to work with. And as Harry looked around he felt content. He was seated in one of the newly conjured tables, a little to the right from the middle, so he had a pretty good view of the room in general. Ron was now discreetly discussing with a Hufflepuff named Ernie MacMillan and Seamus about the excessive amount of work Snape gives them, their potions assignment long forgotten. Fred, George and several of their other friends sat in another table close by, trying to finish their transfiguration project without the twins and Lee destroying anything. Luna was drawing, humming quietly, with Ginny reading just beside her, and Hermoine was helping Dean on the essay of History of Magic along with Daphne Greengrass from Slytherin. Harry had already finished all of his homework for this week (a first in his whole life). He had his arms crossed and leaned back on his chair, now observing the intriguing dark sky. The lazy light coming from the candles complemented beautifully the colour of the clouds. Harry would laugh and talk quietly every now and then with those around him, now being completely relaxed with the new work-free feeling that would linger for a few days. He was just back to looking at the window again when something caught his eye. In the very far corner of the library, on the right side of the room, was someone writing calmly in a piece of parchment with some books laying around. And after a few seconds, Harry recognised the person; it was you. You hadn't talked much in your past school years. Truth to be told, it wasn’t that common for Gryffindor's and Ravenclaw's to have classes together, so it all depended on your social luck to befriend one another. But Harry did know who you were. You were in the same year as him, obviously sorted into Ravenclaw, and basically the most beautiful girl Harry has ever seen. Your hair seemed slightly darker because of the light, but your eyes were shining like the little fire of the candles floating around was being reflected within them, and your cute nose was scrunched up ever the slightest in concentration. He then noticed that your legs were crossed beneath you and your feet would sometimes wigle. Not wanting to seem like a creep, Harry teared his eyes from the adorable girl, looking down at his table with a small grin plastered on his features. "She is the cutest, isn't she? " Hermoine said, nudging Harry with a knowing smirk on her face. "What? " Harry snapped his head at his best friend's direction (almost breaking his neck I'm the process), eyes widening. "Y/N. I study with her sometimes. Love her, " now she was just shamelessly messing with him. "Who does Hermoine love? " questioned Ron from the other side of the table, his eyebrows raised as he looked around. "Ron no-" "Y/N. Harry was staring at her. Someone has a crush, " Dean responded with a sing-like voice and a huge grin. The mouth of the boy in question was hanging open by now. "Harry has a crush on who?! " Fred Weasley exclaimed a little too loudly, attracting the attention of almost everyone at their tables. "Shush! " hissed Madame Prince from afar. Harry sighed and banged his head on the table. He really should get new friends. "That Ravenclaw girl! Harry always gushes about her when we get out of DADA with Ravenclaw, " Seamus laughed. "That is so adorable! Ah, young love..." George squealed. Harry tried to go under the table and hide but Hermoine pulled him back almost immediately, making the bespectacled boy scowl. "Don't you guys have any other stuff to do that doesn't concern my love life?" Harry exclaimed indignantly, earning yet another reprimand from Madame Prince. "You're just salty because you know how many guys and girls have their eyes on Y/L/N, " muttered a smirking Ron. "Why won't you talk to her, Harry? " asked Neville rather innocently. Harry looked at you again. Why wouldn't he talk to her? Well, because first- he was awkward; second- what if you didn't want to talk to him?; and third- what would he even say? You continued to write calmly, almost lazily, over the piece of parchment. Harry noted that your hair continued slightly darker, your eyes still shiny, your nose still a little scrunched up, and your feet would still wigle sometimes. And just like that Harry had a small grin again, completely forgetting all about the pairs of eyes on him. "Completely whipped, " whispered Dean to Hermoine. Eventually, they all went back to their tasks, leaving Harry once again alone with his thoughts while looking out of the window. Harry wanted to meet you. He wanted to know your likes and dislikes, what you do when you're anxious or stressed, and find out if you always wiggle your feet when you're sitting. He wanted to know if you were just as attracted to this type of weather as Harry was, or if you preferred sunny days. So, with all of his Griffindor's courage he could gather, he stood up. Harry firstly took off his robes, which were starting to get uncomfortable for a while now, and rolled the sleeves of his white shirt up to his elbows. His clothes were a hot mess (quite literally); his vibrant red tie was loose on his neck and his shirt was ruffled, the top of it unbuttoned, as Harry always felt claustrophobic when clothes were too tight on him, and one of the sides of the shirt practically untucked from his black trousers. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to tidy it up a little, but the raven black locks stayed as messy as ever. He then adjusted his black rimmed new glasses, oblivious as ever from the intense stares of the boys and girls that were close enough to see the green eyed boy. Taking a deep breath, he started his way towards you. "Hi, " Harry said hesitantly, looking down at you. When you looked up, your heart race picked up significantly . The boy was none other than Harry James Potter. Harry, the cutest and the most adorable boy to ever exist (and one of the hottest, to be honest). You felt a strange tingling sensation in your belly as you took in the careless situation his white shirt was in, his loose tie, the rolled up sleeves, and his messy hair. You also noted that Harry had new glasses. His cheeks were a little flushed, and he was biting his lower lip. If possible, your heart started to beat even faster and you were sure your cheeks were no better than Harry's. Harry, unsurprisingly, didn't really notice that you were practically checking him out, thanks to his nerves, and took your silence the wrong way and panicked. "I'm sorry, It's just that I saw you here alone, and you're really pretty- I mean! The tables's pretty! Yes, very nice strong shiny wood, such a good table, really. " You blinked at him. "And the sofa. Must be so so comfortable this sofa. I see why you like it; it's big and warm and it seems like a really good place to take a nap, " Harry continued his ramble, apparently not being able to stop, and getting more nervous and flustered as he talked. He could just feel the group's hysterics from behind; Ron's uncontrollable laughter and Dean's wheeze, Neville's uncertain thumbs up and Seamus smirk. Harry was pretty sure that Hermoine was facepalming and he was terrified of all the teasing from the twins and Ginny he would have to endure once this nightmare was over. He didn’t even want to imagine what his friends and classmates from the other houses were thinking (probably that his awkwardness was too embarrassing and that they would have a good laugh when telling their own other friends, but it didn't matter). "I'm sorry, I'm just going to go– " Harry started to turn around when a hand stopped him. "No! No, I'm sorry, I was just surprised, " you interrupted, quickly standing up and grabbing Harry's arm, pushing him back. Your hand continued to gently grab his wrist, getting unconsciously closer to his hand at each passing second. Your noses were just a few inches apart as well as your bodies, aching to get just a little bit closer. Harry was sure that his heart had exploded by now and he was just a very alive magical breathing zombie, while you feared that your legs were losing its strength and energy. Harry's hand wanted to touch your waist, but it refrained from doing so, fearing that you wouldn't be comfortable with it. "Besides, I wouldn't want to destroy your dreams and not invite you to sit on this really good sofa. " Harry was stunned for a moment at your unexpected teasing and then laughed the most quietly he could, remembering that you were still at the library with hundreds of other students. And with the help of your shy smile and warmth, as well as the calm environment they were in, Harry started to relax, the bad nervous and insecure feeling slipping away. "I'm Harry, " he breathed. You were still close to him. Almost too close. "Y/N, " you answered just the same, glancing up at his handsome face with a, in Harry's most unbiased opinion, precious small grin. After a few seconds of staring at each other, you both pull slightly apart and sit down on the sofa. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Mr. Potter?" you joked, leaning back to the corner of the sofa, trying to keep your nerves in check. "Well, maybe the infernal teasing from my idiots of friends back there? And you seemed like good company, " Harry responded, leaning back too, turning his head so he could see you. "I'm flattered, but they seem so much fun," you wondered. "Hm, they are. For the majority of time at least. " You turned momentarily your eyes to the parchment over the table. You were writing next week's assignment for History of Magic (you convinced Professor Binn to tell you beforehand) but now you wanted to take a break. You wanted to enjoy Harry's company while it lasted. "How come you're not working or studying? It must be a first in study thursday, " you asked, looking at Harry again, just to see that his eyes were already on you. "For the first time in my life, I'm not behind anything, and already finished my potions assignment with Hermoine's help... So I was just there looking at the window and, well, you know the rest, " said Harry. The big window came all the way down to the far corner Harry and you were in. The new duo was tucked in the corner of the sofa, and had the most perfect view to the outside. You had her back almost turned completely to the window and the wall that met just behind the pillows laying around over the dark red velvet sofa. Harry now noticed that there was a huge red and black squared blanket folded between the cushions and your robes, which looked like they were thrown rather clumsily aside. "How come I've never seen this place? It's way bigger and comfier than the other sofas and tables in here, " Harry frowned. The naps he could have had in here, hiding from Hermoine when she went crazy. You laughed lightly. "Madame Prince is a family friend, so she arranged this place when I came here. Which is more often than not... " you trailed off, noticing Harry puppy's eyes directed at the cushions and her blanket. "Honestly, what is your problem with furniture? Do you fall in love with it every time you see it? " you asked, amusement lacing your voice. Harry snapped his head back at you. "What?! No! " he exclaimed, a little embarrassed. "But this sofa really is the best, truly. I think you'll have a hard time getting rid of me now, " Harry grinned, adjusting his glasses. You had to almost physically stop yourself from fawning over the bewitching boy. "Well, you are now welcome everytime. I could use some company, " you said, feeling giddy. You smiled at each other. "Even if you only come here because of the strong and shiny wood table and the really good sofa and pillows. " "Y/N!" . You and Harry spent the next hour and a half talking and laughing (mostly quietly) with one another. You were just so happy with one another that you didn't want the day to end, afraid that your bond would suddenly disappear. You eventually opened your blanket because it was starting to get too chilly in the library to ignore, even with the flaming fireplaces. The two of you were now tucked in in the blanket, leaning against the many cushions against the line where the window and the wall would meet. Your shoulders, legs and arms were brushing under it, but neither of you made a single move to change that. The room was still packed, seeing that it was still technically early, but not for much longer, as dinner time was slowly approaching. "I absolutely love this weather. It's even more magical than Hogwarts itself," Harry sighed. "Didn't know Potter boy had now become weather boy, " you giggled. "Oh, fuck off, " he laughed, nudging your shoulder with his. "But really, I just love it. I think this dark grayish colour is my new favourite. Just after the colour of your eyes, of course, " Harry grinned. "Oh my, someone save me from this corny weather boy, please!" you mumbled dramatically. "But, honestly, it's my favourite too. I'm really hoping for it to rain tonight."  "Yeah, me too. It's one of the best feelings ever, " Harry said foundly. You frowned. "It's just so pretty. I don’t understand how some people don't like it." "Well, not everyone can have good taste, Y/N. Imagine if everybody liked treacle tart? A total tragedy, " Harry sighed in content, imagining one piece of his favourite dessert. He then pouted. "Now I'm hungry. Thank you very much, Y/L/N. " You laughed. You sure seemed to do that a lot with Harry around, and the butterflies in your belly were still yet to fly away. "It's almost dinner time, anyway. So don't worry much, I'll save you one tart when we get there, " you rolled your eyes. Harry's face fell, and he looked at the rest of the library. There was more noise now, almost everyone was exiting the room or cleaning their things up, heading towards the Great Hall. His friends were still at his previous table, some getting up and stretching (Harry could almost swear he heard Dean's back crack all the way to where he was sitting with you) and others making sure everything was in place. "Already?" He asked in a small voice, making you freak out over how cute the boy looked at the moment. Harry's eyebrows were furred and his pout grew even bigger. His pupils were so dilated that you almost couldn't see his green irises. He was sad and disappointed that he had to leave you and your spot, and you couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought. "Harry, " you called with your eyebrows raised, a smirk plastered on your face, "As much as your lost little puppy face amuses me, we should get going. I too want treacle tart, so let's go, " you teased, starting to put everything in your navy blue bag. "But Y/NNN, " Harry whined, dragging your name. "I am so comfortable right now. Don't want to get up. " "Are you always this dramatic?" you asked, crossing your arms. Harry gave you a lopsided grin, "Did you know that they say that my dad and Padfoot were total drama queens? Must be the genes." You cackled. You weren't even really sure of what, or who he was talking about but it didn't make it less funny. You pushed him off the sofa, yanking the blanket from him and shoving it into your bag, ignoring his protests. You swung your bag over one shoulder and looked up at Harry. "Ready?" Harry mumbled, "Could've at least let me keep the blanket..." You started to walk away, shaking your head, and Harry quickly followed you. "Honestly, Potter, we don't have all night!" "Hey- wait f'me!" Harry exclaimed, hurring to get to you. You just giggled in response, and the two of you made your way to the Great Hall. . Both you and Harry had to endure much teasing and many questions from their respective friends. Harry had his face hidden in his hands, wanting to evaporate out of there. You would play with your rings and roll your eyes at any stupid question. You rolled your eyes quite often. After the initial shock, the whispers and glances had started, annoying you profusely. Can't people just mind their own business? you thought.

Harry wanted to hide under the table, and he had now decided that he should really really really get new friends. Fortunately, the curious stares (at least the obvious ones) eventually stopped. Harry caught your eyes a few times and he made a silly face everytime that happened. You replied every time with another one, enjoying your new 'game'. When the desserts started to appear on the tables, you immediately took two pieces of one of the treacle tarts and lifted your plate excitedly as soon as you and Harry made eye contact again. Harry smirked, and lifted his own plate, showing you three pieces there.

One for you and two for me! he mouthed. You bursted out laughing, shaking your head and shoved a bit of the sweet into your mouth. As for Harry, treacle tarts never tasted better. But this didn't go unnoticed. Especially not the teachers table. Professor Flitwick started a whole bank of bets about his new pair; he and Fred and George Weasley would associate soon enough. "I just know they will be together by January,"  he whispered to himself. "Oh, don't be ridiculous, Filius. Christmas is their time, believe me," answered Professor McGonagall, having heard him clearly even over the room's noise. "February, " piped in Dumbledoor dreamily. "Or never, " grumbled Snape. Professor Sprout threw her water at him. Not long after dinner time had ended, the students went to their respective common room. You and Harry met at the bottom of one of the moving stairs, trying to get ready to go your own way. Ron, Hermoine and a few others waited for him a little far away, not wanting to wait for the teasing to continue. Awkward and flustered Harry was one of their favourites. "Well... I guess I'll see you around," you said, adjusting your bag while looking up at the fidgeting boy. "Yeah..." Harry trailed off, glancing around. He was hitting himself internally for being so lame. "Harry. " you called, lifting your hand to Harry's face so he would face her, thanking everything you knew for your newfound confidence. "Thank you for going to see me at the library. I am really glad you did," you smiled softly. "I am glad, too, " he whispered. Harry then grasped your hand, which was still in his face, and stroked the back of it for a bit. "Good night, Y/N." He eventually said, grinning at your red face. You huffed and pulled your hand away just to push him slightly back. "Don't get all mushy now, you wanker!" "Ah, you wished, Y/L/N, " Harry retorted, starting to walk back to his friends. He then looked at you again. "See you around!" "See you, " you waved and went back to your own friends. . It had been almost three months since that thursday evening, and you Harry really did see each other round. The duo became almost inseparable, if someone saw you, you would see Harry Potter not far away, and where you saw Harry you would see you close by. You had become very close with the rest of the Griffindor's. Harry eagerly introduced you to them a few days after you officially met, and you were welcome with open arms. As for Harry, he was quite nervous when meeting the other Ravenclaw's, but with your help, he soon made new friends with them too. The two of you, despite all of the circumstances, would always make time for one eachother everyday. Be it just relaxing by the black lake, studying at your spot in the library, or messing around the corridors. You had built a beautiful friendship in a very short period of time, and that both scared and amazed you. It was all just so natural. It was all just like it should be. Most said you were secretly dating. After all, you were always touching each other. Arms around the other shoulder or waist, sometimes holding hands, the occasional kisses in cheeks, forehead, head, and the frequent hugs. It all started when you noticed how touch starved Harry was. So, you first started to do small things when you two were alone; grab his hand, lean your head on his shoulder, linger a little longer in your before short awkward hugs. So, when you asked Harry if and how comfortable he was with your affections, and then if you could display them in public, you received a very excited nod from Harry and a very tight hug, as well as a kiss on your head.  

After that, neither of you stopped your affections. Feelings soon developed after your friendship blossomed, but neither you nor Harry acted on it. You liked how things were, you liked your intimate uncomplicated friendship. And besides, you thought that the others' feelings were purely platonic, afraid of rejection. Hermoine and Ron had yelled at the both of you because of it more often than not. It was almost Christmas time, and you couldn't wait for it. You would be seeing your family for the first time in a while, and then you would finally meet the rest of Weasleys, as Ron had invited you to spend the rest of the holiday at his house. When you knew that both Harry and Hermoine were going too, you couldn't help but say yes. Just a few more days. It was thursday again, and because of your now finished tests and exams, you and Harry decided to ditch the study day to spend the afternoon at the black lake. It was nostalgic. The afternoon was just the same as the day you had met, except this time the sky seemed even darker. There was still no wind, and there was still no rain, only the dark sky and the winter cold air. Harry had his back against one of the trees close by, and you were snuggled up to him, trying to block out the cold, even though the you two were under your warm red and black squared blanket. Harry's strong arms were wrapped around your figure perfectly, making you relish the fuzzy feeling that went through your bodies, as you both tried to get comfortable.

Your hair was pulled into a careless bun to keep it out of your face. A fluffy scarf was wrapped around your neck, and you had previously discarded your robe into a shorter and warmer dark blue cape. Your nose and cheeks were flushed with the cold temperature, but you could've sworn you had never felt so warm before. In your gloved hands was a securely held book, and you tried to get lost in its world. Which was very very difficult when Harry was just behind you, holding you, being the adorable boy he was. He had a black beanie in his head and some of his messy raven locks escaped underneath it. His nose and cheeks were pink as well, making his green eyes stand out. Harry wore a dark blue (almost black) hoodie which was a little big on him, but you almost died of how cute it looked on him. For the past half an hour, not much was spoken between you two. You wanted to just finish that chapter, and Harry was trying his best to not disturb you (although it was quite difficult for him to stay still). He first stared a little at you, as you were too beautiful to not to. Then, he read the book with you for a while, but quickly got distracted by the weather. It entranced him, just like in that day at the library. If he could, he would look at it for hours. Harry didn't notice when you closed your book, adjusted the blanket around you more tightly and looked up at him. Only when you lifted your hand to cup one of his flushed cheeks did Harry snap out of his trance. Harry leaned into your touch. "Hello there," he gave you a boyish smile. "Hi, weather boy," you grinned. You stroked his cheek slowly while your other hand reached for his crooked glasses. "I thought we agreed to not talking about that again," Harry frowned. But he wasn't really upset by it, if the amusement in his eyes were anything to go by. You shrugged. "You were making heart eyes at it again." "Well, it's just like the day we met! Remember?" Harry asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Of course I do. Such a special day. The day I found out that the Harry James Potter fell in love with couches and tables." you said, trying to keep a straight face. But when Harry gave you the most done look you had ever seen, you bursted out laughing. "You will never let that go, will you?" Harry huffed, turning his face to the opposite side from you. "Never," you said. However, when you saw his pout, you couldn't resist and leaned to kiss his jaw. "But, honestly? It was one of the most important days of my life." Harry turned to you. "Why?" he asked curiously. "Because I got to meet the one who would become my favourite person," you smiled softly. Harry's heart was practically bursting out of his chest and he was very worried that you could hear it. He could only stare into your eyes, and the need to taste you was becoming too unbearable for him. A minute passed. Then two. And Harry finally opened his mouth. "I really want to kiss you right now, " he breathed. Your mind went almost completely blank, a very rare occurrence. All you knew was- one, if you were standing right now your legs would have probably given you up; two, the strange feeling in your belly was starting to become a little too intense; and three, you really wanted to kiss him too. It didn't take much for you to answer. "So why don't you?" You met half ways, neither was sure of who moved first. Your mouths were just pressing each other softly, relishing on the new mind-blowing feeling. Harry's lips were slightly chapped because of the cold and they moulded perfectly against your soft ones. It was a soft, innocent peck that lingered for some time. Harry pulled apart after a few seconds, opening his eyes and looking into yours. Harry's breathing was uneven matching your breathy one. And in one quick and craving move, you kissed again. Your hands were on Harry's chest, moving them in an up-and-down motion. Harry grabbed you by the torso and pulled you onto his lap, trying to get you as close as possible. This time, the kiss was passionate, almost desperate, as your mouths moved against each other. Neither cared about the air necessity; you didn't want to pull away, and Harry didn't really care if the oxygen in his lungs ended. Harry brushed his tongue against your bottom lip, making youpart them. Your tongues involved with one another, fighting for dominance. Your teeth would sometimes clash but not in a painful way, it was in a hungry one. You eventually gave up and let Harry explore your mouth. You focused now on the feeling of his body pressed on you; his well built (thank Merlin for quidditch) yet slim body. You travelled your hands up to his neck and your fingers played with the hairs that escaped the beanie on the nape of it. You then threw the beanie to where your book was lying, and ran your hands through his locks, no doubt making them even more messy. When your lungs were finally burning too much, you pulled away just enough for you to trail hot-mouthed kisses from the corner of Harry's mouth, to his jaw and his neck. Harry leaned his head slightly back so you could continue to leave kisses on his exposed skin. He was breathing hard, and he gripped his arms around your waist and torso for stability. His mouth was slightly agape, and he definitely wasn't much cold anymore. Harry didn’t even notice until now that the navy blanket fell just around your waists, keeping the lower part of your bellies and legs warm. You trailed her kisses back to his lips, leaving one chaste kiss there before pressing your forehead against Harry’s. Your breaths were ragged and neither of you had the energy just yet to open their eyes. A few minutes later, your eyes fluttered open and you saw Harry already staring at you with a small smile on his face. You didn’t really know what to say. Should you say thank you? Or confess your feelings for the boy. But wasn't it obvious? Well, Harry really could be very oblivious sometimes. Maybe you should just run and move out of the castle. You have always wondered what Beauxbatons looked like, maybe you could go there. But your thoughts were interrupted when Harry sighed. "You're so pretty," he whispered, as if talking would be too loud and ruin your moment. You chuckled. "I am going to be honest, this was the most unexpected thing I could have thought of when I woke up this morning, and I don't really know what to think, " you said, brushing your nose with Harry’s. "Oh, hm, was-was it bad? I-I'm sorry, didn’t mean to-" Harry started to ramble, and tried to pull away. "No! No, Merlin Harry, I'm sorry, didn’t mean to make you feel bad!" you rushed to say, and hugged him closer. "It was really perfect, I just don't know what this means for us now, you know? It's a little scary, that's all." Harry leaned in and brushed your lips together. He gave you a light kiss before pulling back with the most gorgeous smile you had ever seen. "Well, it would be a little awkward if now you said you didn’t like me back, but I'm pretty sure your mouth was saying something really different not even five minutes ago, so-" "You're a complete idiot, did you know that Harry Potter?" you exclaimed in disbelief. "Your idiot now." You looked like a little kid on Christmas. "My idiot." You snuggled against Harry's chest, being now turned sideways on his lap, and leaned your forehead into the junction of his neck and shoulder. Harry's arms were still closely wrapped around you. You then pulled the blanket up again, making sure it covered all of your bodies, trying to keep the warmth that didn't escape. Harry looked up at the clouds. The dark grey colour still stained them, and little drops of rain met the ground timidly. He didn’t notice when it had started raining thanks to the tree you and Harry were currently leaned on. The smiles on your faces didn't seem to want to leave. It seemed the same. Just like that thursday at the library, as if nothing had changed. But things really did change, and in the most unique and pure way possible. Harry returned his attention to the girl in his arms and hugged you tighter. A content sigh left his lips as he closed his eyes. Here he was, in his favourite place, his home; in Hogwarts, with this magic sky above him, almost protecting him from all his nightmares just because of it's magic aura, with you in his arms. How he got so lucky? He wasn't quite sure. But he finally was happy. Thank Merlin for thursdays, especially the ones with dark grey skies.

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3 years ago

howlers; h.p.

pairing: harry james potter x fem!reader

synopse: everytime harry fucks anything up and gets in trouble, there is a bet: which howler will he be receiving?

warnings: everything’s fine au, howlers, james and sirius being an iconic duo, just fluff

word count: 1.4k

a/n: this idea is from a pin i saw (can’t link it here), so credits to its owner! hope you enjoy it :)


Harry James Potter's life was no easy task, but in the best way possible.

Voldemort had been defeated on the fateful 31st October of 1981, within the dark sky of halloween night. No one knew exactly what happened; just that he went to the Potter's to kill the youngest of them, and the curse, apparently, backfired. There was also a rumor about a stag and a black dog, but we will not get into detail. All that mattered was that Voldemort was gone. For good.

Most of his followers went to Azkaban, including Peter Pettigrew, for his betrayal and hidden devoted passion to the dark side. There were some rebellions in the following years, but nothing too big, as their leader had fallen. And because there were such good aurors taking care of everything.

So, having James Potter as his father, Sirius Black as his godfather, and Remus Lupin as his, basically, second father and godfather, growing up was eventful, to say the least.

Don't get him wrong; he absolutely loved them with all of his might. He just wished that they made it easier for him sometimes. Like now, for example.

It was a typical wednesday morning. Everyone was in the Great Hall, as breakfast time was still going and there would be no classes for another half an hour.

You were currently almost completely in your boyfriend's lap, eating your cereals and talking happily to Ginny and Hermoine.

Harry, however, was not very happy; in fact, he was dreading every minute of this breakfast.

He had his arms wrapped around your waist, and his head was buried in your shoulder, eyes closed. He was trying his best to ignore his friends' teasing, the glances from people around and, mainly, the big windows.

Why? Because Hedwig would enter the Hall any minute now. Why was he dreading it? Howlers, of course.

He had pranked Snape along with the Weasley twins the previous day. It was pretty good, if you asked Harry. All of the cauldrons had exploded, and confetti was thrown at Snape, as it was his birthday. They just had to do it. One week of detention and McGonagalls lectures were more than worth it. But there was a little detail that Harry always seemed to forget; the howler he would get the day after.

There were just three options:

1, James and Sirius congratulating him and wishing they were there;

2, Lily wanting to beat his arse;

Or 3, everything mixed together and the complete chaos.

So, here he was; trying to hide in you, hoping you would save him. "Harry, love, I swear to Merlin, I loved your prank-"

"Hey!--" Fred and George yelled from somewhere.

"- but what were you expecting? They do this all the time. You better be hoping that my mom won't be in that howler, then it would be embarrassing," you grinned at him. In all honesty, you usually were involved in the mess (growing up with Harry would do that to you) and your mom was a troublemaker along with the Marauders in their years- the only voice of sense being Lily (even though we all know that Lily secretly loved it all). So, this didn't really faze you; it was actually amusing.

You weren't part of this prank because Harry wanted it to be a surprise. And one hell of a surprise it was.

You too got a week worth of detention because you couldn't stop laughing. Ron and Dean got 3 days. The rest of the students got all one night just because.

"Why can't they just be normal people?" Harry's muffled voice asked.

You rolled your eyes, still smiling. "We are talking about our families here, Harry. Nothing less should be expected."

A few moments passed. Everyone was talking with their friends, and the High Table was still full with all of the professor's and staff. The noise in the Great Hall was full of life, and it was strangely comforting.

Suddenly all the chatter died down, and everyone was looking at the windows. Harry immediately seated upright and snapped his head to the windows direction.

The motion almost made you fall, and that made Harry wrap his arms tighter around you, and pull your body flushed against his well-built chest.

A snowy owl majestically flew around the room with two letters in its beak. One of them was bright red.

Harry loudly groaned which got several chuckles from around. He could swear that Hedwig did this every time for attention. Sirius probably bribed her to do it; fly in the most attention-bringer moment. Fucking Padfoot.

The letters fell into your lap, as you were still on Harry. You cackled loudly as you picked the howler up and wiggled it right in front of Harry's face.

Harry pouted and took the letter, sighing. Looking around, he saw every single pair of eyes on them, the silence defining.

Harry closed his eyes tightly in exasperation, taking one last deep breath, and opened the howler.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER, WHAT THE HELL--" Lily's voice bellowed.


"James Fleamont,"



"PADS, THE PRANK ON SNIVELLUS, BRILLIANT! He learned it from me--"

"Actually, if he learned it from someone it was from me. Remember that time, Remus and Sirius were--" your mother's voice echoed through the letter.

"NO! Out of here!" Remus' voice yelled in the background.

"And he got what? One week worth of detention? AMAZING!" Sirius laughed.

"Minnie's getting soft, honestly--"

"Harry, please behave; I love you- James you get back here right this second or I swear to Godric."

"Lily-flower, darling, hey--!" James yelped after a big metallic bang!.

"Goodbye, Harry, " Remus chuckled.

"Don't forget to write to us! And you too Y/N!" your mother excitedly said.


And the howler ended.

For ten solid seconds, no one said anything.

And then, the chaos started.

Yells and money was being passed around. At this point, it was regular free entertainment for everyone. Harry wanted to at least pretend that he was embarrassed, but really, he couldn't.

You yelled out a 'yes!' before jumping from Harry’s lap and running to the High Table.

Once you reached it, you slammed your two hands right in front of Dumbledoor and McGonagall. "Well, professor, it seems like you have a small debt to pay, isn't it?" you smirked.

Dumbledoor sighed. "Very well. Ms. Y/L/N," he gave you a small bag full of galleons. "Minerva," he gave McGonagall another one.

"Yes, Albus, Ms. Y/L/N is quite right, I reckon. And I believe you also owe me something, no?" Minerva raised her eyebrows with a small proudful smile.

You high-fived McGonagall, who rolled her eyes, and put your galleons in a hidden pocket of your robe. "Nice doing business with you. Headmaster, Minnie," you started to walk run back to her table.

When you got there, everything was still the same. Yells, laughs, bickering, the usual. You took place in your boyfriend's lap again, this time facing him and grinned as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Hello there, my love!"

Harry bit his lip, trying to contain his amusement. "How much did you get this time?"

You eyed him suspiciously. However, you quickly gave in when Harry raised an eyebrow. "...20 galleons," you answered proudly.

Harry grinned. "Why do they keep betting with you?"

"Maybe they still haven't memorised the sore taste of loss?" you sighed dramatically.

"Merlin, I love you so much," Harry laughed and brought your face closer.

"Of course you do, doesn't everybody?" you teased.

Harry deadpanned.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding, I've been spending way too much time with Padfoot, haven't I?" you tried again. No response from Harry. You then beamed. "I love you."

Harry brushed your lips together, a soft smile adorning his face. And when you were sure he would kiss you, he suddenly smirked. "Doesn't everybody?"

"Harry James Potter!"

Yes, his life really was not easy, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

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3 years ago

i love this THANK YOU SM 😭😭 <3

(harry Potter X Reader)

(harry potter x reader)

(harry Potter X Reader)

your laughs echoed through the walls and you were sure you’d have multiple noise complaints from your dorm neighbours trying to sleep by the morning, but right now, you really couldn’t care less.

you and harry were having one of your sleepovers, they happened even more frequent now that you were together, and not ‘just friends’. he’d come to your dorm most of the time, you’d pick a film, raid the kitchen and use all the blankets you could find in your room to cuddle into together.

he’d only moved his hand across your waist slightly, it wasn’t even intentional, but you jolted anyway, and it sure caught your boyfriends attention.

“are you alright love?” he asked you, angling his head downward a little to see you better.

“m’fine, sorry i dunno what happened..” you answered him, tilting your head up a bit.

but once again, his hand which was resting across your waist, moved, just a little bit, as he was readjusting his position, and you flinched, a noise close to a squeak barley leaving your mouth.

he stopped, but then although you couldn’t see it, a smirk made its way onto his face.

suppressing a laugh he nonchalantly started playing with the hem of your sweater, your eyes still on the screen watching the movie, he moved his hand up so it was resting on your waist underneath the sweater, lightly massaging the area, relaxing you, until-

a loud laugh left your lips and your wriggled around, you looked like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide and shocked looking up at harry.

he had a wide smile, “y’alright there honey?” he chuckled.

“don’t you dare harold- i mean it, y’know i hate tickles” he does know that, you’ve told him multiple times before when he’s done the same thing, does he care? no.

he just starts tickling that one spot on your stomach that makes you shriek and keeps on going.

harry was grinning like a madman, laughs escaping his lips almost as much as yours, you were jerking all over the place, giggle shouts filled with pleas to escape the torture of his tickles.

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1 year ago
Summary: Harry Potters Bimbo Girlfriend Secretly Knits Him A Sweater.

summary: harry potters bimbo girlfriend secretly knits him a sweater.

warnings: hufflepuff!reader. bimbo!reader. female!reader. set in mordern times. reader and harry are super close (she tells him when she’s pooping) a little short

notes: my request are open soooo pls send me harry potter request <333 request rules are in my pinned post !! i’m like kinda (totally) falling back into my harry potter phase >:> the ending is a little rushed and i apologize for that ! comments, reblogs and likes are all greatly appreciated :) finished while watching: good girls episode 2

harry potter masterlist

Summary: Harry Potters Bimbo Girlfriend Secretly Knits Him A Sweater.

you were hiding something from harry. he doesn’t know what. but he knew it was something. you were not by any means a secretive person, especially not with harry.

he first noticed when he had walked in on you in his common room, hunched over the couch angrily muttering to yourself. “what’s wrong love?” he walked over to you with concern.

you yelled up in surprise, looking up at him with wide eyes and quickly placing whatever was in your hand under your butt. “hi harry!” you blinked up at him with wide eyes, voice still bubbly.

both of you were now in your third year in hogwarts, and while you were a pureplood hufflepuff with rich parents, you didn’t act like the stereotypical  “rich snob” and your parents absolutely loved harry. so much that when he had run away, they welcomed him into their mansion with welcoming arms.

you spent most of your time in the gryffindor  common room, saying it “fits my aesthetic more than the yellow hufflepuff common room.”

“what’s that?” he trailed his eyes down to your bum. “hm?” you tilted your head up at him. “oh nothing….” you looked around the room with a pout, not being able to look your boyfriend in the eyes.

but after a few seconds, you blinked up at him, as if you wanted him to read your mind. but for some odd reason, he knew exactly what you were asking.

“do you want me to close my eyes, so you can hide what’s under your bum?” he sighed. “i’m not hiding anything harry,” you shook your head side to side widely, a fat pout on your lips, “but yes please…” you whispered.

with a sigh, harry lifted his hands up to his eyes and firmly placed them there. he didn’t try to peak, knowing if you caught him, you would lose trust in him. and harry rather die then let that happen.

it’s not like he genuinely thought you were doing something bad. you told harry everything. from drama in the hufflepuff house, to when you were texting and pooping.

the last time you kept something from harry was when you had bought him a nimbus 2000. it was awesome.

he had heard you quickly stand up and run away, once he had heard you leaving the common room, he removed his hands from his face and leaned back into the sofa with a lovesick smile. how he loved you.

it was later that week when harry had walked into great hall, he had instantly spotted you on the gryffindor  table, talking your mouth off too both ron and hermione.

with a smile he had started making his way towards you. he hadn’t talked to you all morning, and that automatically made his day horrible.

you peaked up from your soup, only to make eye contact with harry. you instantly began to panic, your gift wasn’t ready yet, and if harry sat down, you were sure you would spill all the beans.

so as soon as you made eye contact, you let out a small squeal before hopping over the bench and gracefully running away, ignoring harry’s calls behind you.

harry looked towards the doors you had just walked out of with disappointment as he sat down in front of hermione and ron.

“what’s wrong harry?” ron questioned, noticing the sad look on harry’s face.

but before harry could even open his mouth, hermione beat him to it, “harry’s sad y/n won’t give him attention,”

ron turned to harry, looking for confirmation, but all harry did was drop his head into his hands and mumble a small, “she’s right.”

it was later that night, harry was having a dream about you, you were standing above him, poking him widely? and then he woke up, and realized, it was in fact, not a dream.

you were standing above his bed, looking down at him with a smile, it made a small one appear on his face, “what are you doing here?” he mused standing up straight and pulling you to sit next to him.

“i brought you your present!” you whispered shouted. in your hands was the cutest blue knitted sweater he had ever seen. he instantly took it from your hands. “you made this for me?..”

you proudly nodded, placing your legs under harry’s covers, “you can compliment me tomorrow, i’m sleepy now!” and with that, you laid down on harry’s bed without a care in the world.

harry placed the sweater carefully on his bedside table, before slowly and carefully laying down next to you, “thank you…” he whispered to you.

“‘course harry, anything for you.”

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8 months ago

Request from an anon: ravenclaw reader x Harry where she meets James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, etc for the first time when coming over for a holiday dinner or something?

A/N — hello Nonnie! This actually cuts off right before they meet so if you want a part two with them actually meeting just request and I’ll be happy to write it for you <33

Request Drabble here.

Request From An Anon: Ravenclaw Reader X Harry Where She Meets James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Etc For The

“You’re sure the house apparel is okay?”

The words tumble out your mouth as you smooth out your blue sweater for the fifth time over the ten minute walk back to Harry’s Parent’s house. You thought meeting his family after your date instead of before would ease some of your nerves, but the opposite had occurred. Dinner had giving you more time to ponder over all the things that could go wrong.

While you don’t doubt that his family is just as amazing as he is, meeting them is working you up a little. For some reason, meeting them just feels so official. Not that you aren’t sure about Harry. You plan to cling to his side until he’ll no longer have you. (Which you hope is a day that’ll never come.) It just sends a kaleidoscope of fast-fluttering butterflies to your stomach to know things were getting serious. That he was serious about you.

“I’ve told you, it’s fine.” He squeezes your hand And kisses the side of it. The affection is almost enough to make you drop the anxiousness completely. “They won’t pay much attention to your sweater. And even if they do, you look great. Better than that. You look perfect.” His words bring a warm flush to your cheeks as you nibble on your lip, now with something akin to bashfulness.

“I just want this to go—“

“—perfectly, I know.”

His smile is calm and kind, like you’re being completely reasonable and not freaking out over nothing. “If I’m honest, I don’t see how it could go any other way. You’re perfect, so everything you do is just as. By extension.” A sheepish giggle bubbles from your throat as you squeeze his hand. “Science?” You tease as your shoulders start to relax “Hardly. Everything you do is magic,” he stops walking to give you a little smirk. “Literally.” You reward him with another, louder and more boisterous, laugh. (Next time he wants to go for full belly.)

As you approach his house, you look at him one more time for reassurence. He presses his lips to your cheek. “They’ll love you. Seriously, what’s not to like?” He kisses your other cheek. “And even if they don’t—which won’t happen—they’ll have to warm up to you because I really, really like you. More than that. I love you.” Your eyes widen like saucers, but he chooses is to ignore it for now. “So this’ll be fine, yeah?” He doesn’t wait for your answer as he pushes the door open, dragging you and your saucer eyes through the door.

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2 years ago

Dance Lessons | Harry James Potter

Pairing: Harry Potter x fem!Gryffindor!Reader

Wordcount: 12200 words (Yes, really. Do you ever just start to write a little oneshot and then it turns out as a fic with over 10000 words?)

Warnings: swearing, mentions of underage drinking, sexual tension but no smut, fluff, slight angst, slow burn i guess

Summary: Harry asks you to teach him how to dance for the upcoming Spring Ball.

a/n: Set in Harry’s sixth year. English is not my native language, so there might be spelling/grammar mistakes. (The beginning is inspired by this oneshot)


Not many could say that they had faced Voldemort more than once and had survived, but Harry Potter was one of the few lucky ones that had gotten away every time. And if that wasn’t enough, Harry had defeated horrifying creatures, had broken into the Ministry and had saved the wizarding world several times – more or less accidentally, but hey. He had dealt with Umbridge and fought Death Eaters.

To the world, he was a hero, he was the Boy Who Lived.

So yes, his record of fighting the evil was quite impressive for a sixteen-year-old. But there was one thing he knew he would never impress anyone with and that were his dance skills.

Because Harry Potter couldn’t dance for shit.

Keep reading

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9 months ago


Hey guys this is my first post and its angsty ig, this can be either Harry Potter x Ravenclaw! Reader or James Potter x Ravenclaw! Reader, whoever you’re here for!

Warnings - Angst, Jealousy, Reader has any hair color except red (i’m so sorry if u have red hair it just made the story flow better), and comparing yourself that's all I think if there is anything else please tell me

Pairings - Harry Potter x Ravenclaw! Reader or James Potter x Ravenclaw!  Reader


(h/c) = hair color

Red, Red was his favorite color, so you didn’t know why it was a surprise that he picked her over you. She had red hair that cascaded down her shoulders elegantly, she wore her red and gold house colors with pride. In contrast, you had (h/c) hair and wore your blue and black house colors with similar pride. Everyone liked her better, there wasn’t a single person who didn’t want to be friends with her, but you didn’t have the same luck, you made a few enemies in your time in Hogwarts. In the end, he will always love her like you love him.

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