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Fitted sheet
Just remembered the time my freshman year of college where I went to show my roommate how cleanly I had folded a fitted sheet (it was literally the best fold I've ever done. Completely even, perfectly square, no excess in any part of the fold) and she goes, "Everyone knows how to fold a fitted sheet" in a tone of utter contempt. I was too shocked to give her any kind of scathing comeback, for two reasons. One, folding a fitted sheet is (to the best of my understanding) most definitely NOT something that everyone knows how to do??? And even if it were, that wasn't the point!! The point was that I had folded a fitted sheet to where it looked like a top sheet, and I thought (and still do think) that's pretty cool!
christian conservatives can rage against sexual content in schools and what gets put on tv all they want. good job. keep going.
just be consistent.
shame any self-described "red-blooded conservative Christian man" who reads playboy. who uses onlyfans. who has a lingerie model calendar on the wall of their shop. who walks around in public with obscenely sexual text on their shirts. who takes their 15 year-old son to Hooters. who discuss women like they're sex props while bashing "trans women" for trying to turn womanhood into a costume. who in any way shows that they think that public sexual degeneracy is A OK so long as it isn't the PC lib kind.
eject them out of your groups. call a spade a spade and a pervert a pervert. don't downplay or, even worse, condone this kind of trash just because the people on the other side's stuff is a newer kind filth.
looking the other way, lowering our standards, and accepting these "lesser evils" primed society for the nightmare-clown state it's in right now. hold your people to a damn standard
I just think it would have been really funny for Dooku to have fallen into a coma right toward the end of the Clone Wars, and when the war ended abruptly, have had one of his assorted underlings hide his medical stasis pod somewhere so the new Empire can’t find him
and then be woken up decades later by this teacherless young Jedi, Luke Skywalker, who, due to the state of education in the Outer Rim (especially under the Empire), has no clue who Dooku was
Luke, who immediately clocks the cool lightsaber and Force use and thinks that he’s finally found a Jedi, and starts begging for Dooku to teach him
Dooku, of course, takes one look at the Empire that his Sith Master has built and the new apprentice who’s taken his place, and metaphorically shoves the bled crystal of his lightsaber into a closet and says oh of course, Jedi, that’s me, I’ll teach you
by this point, Obi-Wan’s trying to tear out his ghostly hair in indignation; Qui-Gon, on the other hand, thinks that this is the best entertainment he’s had since he died
no one left alive in the Rebellion knows that Dooku was anything other than a former Jedi who became a political leader for the Separatists, and as far as they’re concerned, having organized a resistance against Palpatine even before he declared himself Emperor is all the qualifications they need to accept him with open arms
of course, Luke immediately introduces his new teacher to Leia, one of his best friends and a fellow former politician
and now Dooku has to live with the knowledge that not only did Skywalker have a son, he ALSO has a daughter, now he has to figure out how to teach TWO of them at the same time
I do not need to be preached at about racial harmony by the people who stoke the fires of division for sport
Sith Obi Wan
Ok, so I've seen plenty of the Sith!ObiWan AUs floating around out there, and honestly they're super cool, but am I the only one who thinks they are all just OOC? Like, I genuinely think that there is no possible way to write an in-character Sith!Obi Wan, mainly because one of his defining characteristics throughout all of SW is that he actively chooses to stay in the light! It is literally the foundation of his character, and while I appreciate wanting to see that alternate universe, it never feels right to me, because Obi Wan has been faced time and time again with plenty of opportunities to give in to his fear, his anger, his hatred, his suffering, and he just HASN'T! He lost everything he held dear, and still retained his trust in the force, and his compassion for those around him, and I can't help but wonder, if losing everything and everyone you love to the hand of someone who you once considered a brother isn't enough to turn you to the dark side, what is?

Beleg and Celegorm meet at the gates of Mandos, by Elena Kukanova
Reposted with permission from the artist

Every time.
Faster…cheaper…better in every metric there is.
Every time.
One day, I'll find a Star Wars video on YouTube entitled "The Jedi Were Good and Did Nothing Wrong. Fight Me."
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
You have to stand in the face of the torrential downpour and peer blindly at the heavens sometimes. For wellness
Annie Choi, Studio Ghibli
Disney book and movie fairies! ✨

Drew some of the main fairies recently from the Tinkerbell books and movies!
Characters in order: Silvermist, Rani, Iridessa, Fira, Prilla, Fawn, Vidia, Beck, Rosetta, Lily, Bess, Dulcie.
Brb, gotta go find this
What we really need is an adaptation of the original 1740 The Beauty and the Beast
So were you aware that the The Beauty and the Beast story we all know is a heavily abridged and rewritten version of a much longer novella by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve? And that a lot of the plot holes existing in the current versions exist because the 1756 rewrite cut out the second half of the novella, which consisted entirely of the elaborate backstory that explains all the weird shit that happened before? And that the elaborate backstory is presented in a way that’s kind of boring because the novel had only just been invented in 1740 and no one knew how they worked yet, but contains a bazillion awesome ideas that beg for a modern retelling? And that you are probably not aware that the modern world needs this story like air but the modern world absolutely needs this story like air? Allow me to explain:
The totally awesome elaborate backstory that explains Beauty and the Beast
Once upon a time there was a king, a queen, and their only son
But while the prince was still in his infancy, in a neat reversal of how these fairy tales usually go, the king tragically died, leaving his wife to act as Regent until their son reaches maturity
Unfortunately, the rulers of all the lands surrounding them go, “Hmm, the kingdom is ruled by a woman now, it must be weak, time for an invasion!”
And the Queen goes, “Well, if I let some general fight all these battles for me, he’ll totally amass enough fame and power to make a bid for the throne; if I want to protect my son’s crown, I have no choice but to take up arms and lead the troops myself!”
(Btw, I want to stress that this woman is not Eowyn or Boudica and nothing in the way her story is presented suggests that she had any interest martial exploits before or in any way came to enjoy them during these battles. This is a perfectly ordinary court lady who would much rather be embroidering altar covers for the royal chapel and playing with her child until necessity made her go, “Oh no, this sucks, I guess I have to become a Warrior Queen now” and she just happened to kick ass at it anyway.)
And the Queen totally kicked ass, but the whole “twice as good for half the credit” thing meant that no matter how many battles she won, potential enemies refused to take her and her army seriously until she had defeated them so no sooner would she fend off one invasion than another one would pop up on a different border.
So she spent the majority of her young son’s life away from the castle leading armies, but it was OK because she left him in the care of her two best friends, who just happen to be fairies! This was an awesome idea because a) fairies have magic, and therefore are like the best people to protect the prince from any threats and b) fairies consider themselves to be so above humanity that the lowest fairy outranks the highest mortal, so they’d have no interest in taking a human throne. Good thing they were both good fairies instead of one good and one evil one!
(Spoiler: they were not both good fairies.)
So the two fairies basically take turns raising the prince until he’s old enough to rule. And on the eve of his twenty-first birthday, the evil older one comes into the prince’s bedroom.
“So listen, kid. You’re about to become king, your mother’s on her way home from the war to see you crowned, and I have a third piece of good news for you! You see, I’ve actually been spending so much time here lately because Fairyland’s become a bit too hot to hold me for reasons totally not related to me being secretly evil. And if I have to hang in the human world, I might as well reside in the upper echelons of it, so even though as a powerful fairy I completely eclipse your puny human status in a staggeringly unimaginable way, since you’re about to be king and since my premonition that I should stick this whole guardianship thing out because you would be hot one day has totally proved accurate (go me), I will graciously lower myself to allowing you to marry me. Please feel free to grovel at my feet in gratitude. (Btw, we can totally start the wedding night now, we’ll tell your mother about it when she arrives tomorrow.)”
Keep reading

Jedi Leia gives me so much life✨
The crossover no one asked for
So, I was scrolling on reels post-shower. As one does. And I came across a video of what I'm pretty sure is a yellow lab grabbing a fish in its mouth that is nearly the length of its entire body. And then I thought, what if they did this with Clifford in Jaws??? I honestly think it could work. Does anyone else see my vision here?
Mozart was the pop artist of his day. Beethoven was the true musician.
most tragic bit cut from Anne the continuing story is the bit in the book where Katherine is like "you'll never understand you've had it so easy your whole life" and Anne is like "bitch I was an orphan????"
So where can you donate to help the flood victims? Like which organization is actually, legitimately helping them?