Beethoven - Tumblr Posts
I was ready to Google this before I read your url
just remembered this blog exists
Beethoven was never deaf, in fact, his hearing was so good that his friends often made jokes about the fact that he could hear a pin drop from a mile away in the middle of the city.

Roll over Beethoven
happy birthday to both lovely jane austen and my darling beethoven! ♡

Well, technically the 14th since I got up at 2am. Pictured above are Cassiopeia, Perseus, probably part of Andromeda, Triangulum, and part of Auriga. Listened to Claire de Lune; Moonlight Sonata (1st Movement); Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: Scene (Moderato); Nocturne No. 2 in E-Flat Major; Near Light; Gymnopédie No. 1; and the episode entitled Capacity for Wonder in John Green’s The Anthropocene Reviewed. In the hour that I was out, I saw at least 42 meteors: a number obtained through a bit of selective counting. At one point I just stopped to take it all in.
“That, then, is loveliness, we said,/ Children in wonder watching the stars,/ Is the aim at the end.” —Dylan Thomas, Being But Men
History memes #54

It might seem crazy what I'm about to say....
Do you have any favourite ships? Any media you're interested in or just duo that you enjoy the dynamic of!!
Ok I barely join some popular media they're more like the quiet ones sooo
So uhh Napolington -
I usually stick to one ship in a fandom and call it a day,but in the end Love is love and as long as it's not really problematic I'm fine,Like when I first joined the Napoleonic fandom I stayed with my pairs till this day and those pairs were..(It may be in order)
And these pairs were pure gambles :D aka
I assumed relationships in FANART😨😨😨(Thank you Amino)
-Lannes&Ney:I feel like this Pair isn't talk ABT often😔😔😔My only history with them is that they're the first Marshals I found and paired
-Bessimu:Ill tell you a silly story of how I may have shipped them but I like their contradicting personalities!(they're literally the "inside you are two wolves" meme)
....uhhh ok after some thoughts this ship is sort of my guilty pleasure.Like it's literally corroding my brain
ok but genuinely I was relieved knowing they're relationship was pretty good (yk more support to the ship rather than just saying they both liked looting-)The letter from Massena also helped and I like imagining them interacting in my head which IM NOT TELLING YOU OR I WILL GET TAKEN TO THE PYSCHE WARD/but genuinely every knew irl or fannon interaction thats positive makes genuinely ecstatic and full of Dopamine(overall I like a tired grumpy man with a...tired...and old man idk)
-I have more actually it's just that I can't explain all since they did say"Media"so my generals but Classical music ig is next
{A ship I feel like my reasoning should just be kept since I'm on thin ice with this is Bethomoz,thank youu}
•Choliszt:Classic, literally unrequited love,I feel bad for Liszt ngl he seemed so genuinely sweet to Chopin (irl)and Chopin is just annoyed(from what I read)this is also the next ship you'll see in the fandom
Berlix- I heard somewhere Berlioz just casually calls Mendelssohn "Love" or something like that overall they seem quite nice for eachother that's all
Prokshos:I love them SM (Rns_williams drop another Prokshos fic and MY LIFE IS YOURS/SRS)I love the escalation from admiration to rivalry between them and even in the end Shosty still cared for Prokofiev:)
{Some rarepairs}
Vivaldi&Bach:They seem honestly so sweet for eachother.Bach's admiration for Vivaldi was so big he transcribed a handful of his concertos (And I think transcription is like a compliment since your spreading the work of an artist you think is great)Oh and look! They're blue and red what a twist
Paganini& Vivaldi: Literally those "AngelxDevil" gacha trope, They're also both Italians and from what I read Vivaldi was considered a Virtuoso before Paganini came in,Id like to see more stuff ABT them
Paganini &Mozart:Mostly a twist thing I genuinely don't hold that much love for it but I do find them funny and silly!
-Some other pairs(Pairs that I don't really think ABT but still pairs)
•Madohomu(Madoka Magica)
•Shin Skk(BSD)
Anyways thats maybe all I can cram:,)✧・゚:❀✧・゚✧・゚:❀✧・゚Thank you to whoever asked ABT this!Maybe we can even talk further if anyone who saw this happened to have something to say!!!🌸🍓🫶🫶
-yours truly
Oh once again I'm sorry for unorganised and probably worng wording so if you want clarification pls tell me😭😭😭😭I'm scared I got something misunderstood


J.S.バッハ:管弦楽組曲第2番ロ短調 BWV1067(Fl. エルヴィン・クランバウアー〈3枚目画像の左〉/ウィーン交響楽団ソロフルーティスト)
ベートーヴェン:ピアノ協奏曲 第3番ハ短調 Op.37(Pf.小菅優)
J.S.バッハ:オーボエとヴァイオリンのための協奏曲 ニ短調 BWV1060(Ob. ベルンハルト・ハインリヒス〈3枚目画像の右〉/チューリッヒ歌劇場管弦楽団ソロオーボイスト、Vl. フォルクハルト・シュトイデ〈3枚目画像の中央〉/ウィーンフィルコンサートマスター)
ベートーヴェン:交響曲第5番「運命」 Op.67
Moonlight Sonata
Originally uploaded to YouTube on November 29, 2009.
Ver "Liszt: 3 Etudes de Concert, S. 144 - No. 3 in D-Flat Major "Un sospiro""
Mozart looks so adorable here. It reminds me on how he acted in the 1984 movie, Amadeus.


Concert de l’OSR de Paris le 18 janvier 2014 : Beethoven, concerto n° 1 pour piano.
Haining LI, piano / Jean-François GONZALES-HAMILTON, direction.

Charles M. Schultz "The Peanuts"
Beethoven in Bold
This is a bold reading of the Beethoven 3rd Piano Concerto (my favorite of the lot). The piano player is Stefan Litwin, previously unknown to me. I love the tempo he and conductor Michael Gielen take.
Stefan Litwin – Piano Concerto No. 3 In C Minor, Op. 37: I. Allegro Con Brio