20 they/them just here to divulge in my hyperfixations lol

76 posts

I Cant Sleep Again So Heres A Quick Spell If Youre Scared Of The Dark

I can’t sleep again so here’s a quick spell if you’re scared of the dark

I used to be scared of the dark up until a few years ago and I feel like not many people know spells that can help dispel the fear (even for a little bit).

I Cant Sleep Again So Heres A Quick Spell If Youre Scared Of The Dark

First things first, just take a deep breath and feel the air in your lungs and remember that you are the most powerful presence in the room or space where you are. There is nothing chasing or following you, there is nothing watching or trying to harm you, you are almost certainly completely safe.

Next, we should start with some basic energy warding to make you feel a little better. Imagine you are surrounded in a sort of bubble of white light and really draw the energy from your chest and stomach and arms until you can kind of feel the ‘bubble’ around you. This can take a little while to master but when you get the hang of it, it can be so comforting to know you have that protection around you. This can also be much much harder to do if you’re very sad or anxious or scared but don’t give up because you will get there in the end!

Now for a little chant which you can adapt to fit your needs; it should become a mantra of sorts to make you feel at least a little more relaxed: “I am the presence in the darkness, the light that guides me home. No longer am I anxious, I am strong when I’m alone.”

Wherever you are, whether it’s in bed worrying about the pile of clothes that looks like a person or walking late at night and mistaking your footsteps for someone else’s, just remember that there are so many good and beautiful spirits protecting you. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, you’re never helpless or all on your own- there’s always someone or something that can help.

Bonus tip!!

Try carrying protection stones/crystals and herbs on your person, either in a small box or just in your pockets.

Some stones/crystals could include:

Black Tourmaline (the best for general but very powerful protection- helps to boost confidence and repels bad vibes)

Amethyst (helps to get rid of anxieties and is especially useful if you’re travelling or just need comfort)

Smokey quartz (great for reducing fear and anxiety but also amazing for repelling bad vibes)

Pyrite (clears up your mind and acts as a buffer against negative energy)

Malachite (typically associated with protection during pregnancy but can come in major handy if it is gifted to you by a family member as it creates a protecting boundary between you and negative energy)

Some herbs could include:

Basil (generally used for purification but also used for protection especially against perceived bad vibes)

Clove (like malachite it is also used to protect babies and children but is a nice and easy herb to use and acquire for protection)

Ginger (helps boost your energy which in turn makes you more able to protect yourself)

Rosemary (probably the most widely used and best general protection herb- also great for healing!)

Cinnamon (technically a spice but shhh… it has an incredibly diverse set of uses and provides highly energetic protection)

Good luck and blessed be ⍟

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More Posts from Sunnieworms

5 years ago

Grimoire Challenge - Week 1



Monday: Preparing your grimoire

Include your name and the date

Create a dedication to put into your grimoire. Dedicate it to whatever or whomever you praise.

Write it out and put it into your grimoire. Make sure to ask for protection as well.

Create a color magick chart. Correspond ink colors with your intention when writing in your grimoire.

Draw sigils that bring protection to your grimoire and wards off unwanted eyes. 

Chart out or make a timeline of your witchcraft so far, make it easy to expand and add onto. Include any events that helped shape your path.

Tuesday: Start of the year journal prompts

Define your path.

When did you begin your path?

How has it changed over time (more specifically how has it changed since last year?)

What makes witchcraft YOUR path?

What does being a witch mean to you?

What do you hope to achieve and and learn through witchcraft?

How has time affected your beliefs?

How did you come across witchcraft?

What made you want to practise witchcraft?

What do you hope to achieve by doing the 2017 grimoire challenge?

Is there anything you fear while following this path?

What type of entities do you believe in?

Who are your patron Gods and Goddesses, if any?

In what ways do you hope to grow?

Wednesday: Goal Setting

Set a goal you want to complete by the end of the month.

Set five goals you want to complete by the end of the year.

What are your witchcraft related life goals?

Thursday: Chosen tools of your craft

What is the one tool you use immensely in your craft that you could not practice without? Why? What are its correspondences, properties, uses?

List the main tools used in your practice.

Do you work with crystals? Bones? Herbs? How do you use them? Why do you use them? What kind or role do they play in your craft? 

Friday: Types of Witches

Are you a solitary practitioner or do you practice with a coven? Why do you choose the solitary path or vice versa?

Do you use a label?

If so, what kind of witch do you label yourself as?

If not, what are your reasons for not using a label?

Do you agree with the use of labels? Are they used too freely, with not enough thought put into them?

Is there a certain witchcraft path that you may not agree with? What is it that you do not agree with?

Do some research on it, gather enough knowledge for you to understand their practise. Once you gather enough of an understanding do an entry on it. Make sure to include your opinions before and after you did your research.

Saturday: Full Moon

There is a full moon on Saturday, February 11th.

Do you have anything planned for the full moon?

What is your favorite activity to do during the full moon?

Do you perform rituals? Cleanse crystals? Cast spells?

Do you have any full moon traditions?

Create a correspondence between full moon and the months. Does a certain month influence the moon’s magick?

Create a list of 2017′s full moons.

Sunday: February Magick Calendar

Draw out the February calendar in your grimoire. Include any important magickal dates such as the full moons, sabbats, retrogrades, eclipses, and any other important magickal workings. Use this to organize when you want to practice magick or meet with your coven.

If you post your progress make sure to use the tag  #moonlight grimoire challenge so I can reblog it here. Good Luck!

Moonlight Grimoire Challenge

5 years ago


beezlebub has red wings

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5 years ago

Receive Good News This Week Spell

Positive Affirmation: “I will receive the good news is have been waiting for or I will get some type of good news this week”


Like to Charge, Reblog To Cast Spell…

5 years ago

sir. horny bog man, gimme new music about u being hades n stuff

also florence welch collab would aid in our satisfaction

thnx ly

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5 years ago

wearing a shirt under a jumper you dont take off is so weird man

i could be wearing a top that says 'i love pissing on my grandma' and no-one would know

the power i would have

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