Beezlebub - Tumblr Posts

Beel is my favorite brother, so when I saw he had a shower scene I had to get the card. And I'm unlocked spaces in the tree when their's a chat thing to unlock. I unlock it and THAT'S THE NAME?!?



Beel is my favorite brother, so when I saw he had a shower scene I had to get the card. And I'm unlocked spaces in the tree when their's a chat thing to unlock. I unlock it and THAT'S THE NAME?!?



Beel is my favorite brother, so when I saw he had a shower scene I had to get the card. And I'm unlocked spaces in the tree when their's a chat thing to unlock. I unlock it and THAT'S THE NAME?!?


No but like listen to me, the ENTIRE REASON that Gabriel could throw away everything he had for a happy ending with his demon love when Aziraphale couldn't is that Gabriel never actually cared. Abandoning heaven is easy if you don't believe in anything it stands for and were only ever in it for the power. But Aziraphale? Aziraphale is an idealist. Fundamentally, when he goes against the letter of heaven's law, it's because he believes that he's fulfilling a deeper obligation to heaven's true purpose.
Aziraphale's values and goals are good in the real sense of the word and not merely Good in the visible and performative way that most of heaven operates, but he still believes that heaven can and should epitomise that goodness. Conversely, Crowley (the one being Aziraphale has ever met who actually understands and shares Aziraphale's values) has given up on institutional salvation. He's seen both heaven and hell up close and knows they're functionally identical, except that heaven has nicer views. They want the same things, but they can't agree on how to get them.
Gabriel and Beelzebub don't have this conflict. Neither of them cared about anything enough to put it above their own self interest - it's just that their feelings for each other transformed that self interest into something softer, something that maybe grew into real empathy. This is why the path to their happy ending came easier for them, and Crowley and Aziraphale have to walk a more winding road.
Beats Antique is a trio that creates a unique experience. Their music combined with Zoe Jakes' dance is said to be wonderful. Unfortunately, I have never seen them live and I probably will not any time soon. Doesn't mean they don't have some interesting music videos though.
I first stumbled across this when I think I was on a Primus kick for a small bit. The music video did catch my attention but the music made me stay for what Beats Antique brought.
This song honestly got me thinking of how interesting it could be to have a sort of action-platformer starring someone named Beezlebub. I also had the funny idea of Beelzebub from the Shin Megami Tensei series just singing this for whatever reason. Or just randomly saying shit like he always eats his veggies. Or that his eyes reflect the flame.

Thank you!!!! 💕💕 This jerk doesn't deserve all this love! Thank you so much this is so sweet! 💖👏👌

My new husband !! @thatoneteenidle16

Obey Me! is released and currently out on Android and possibly IOS. Go check it out !
When I first come to know about Obey Me!, it was through NTT Solmare’s Youtube channel. I played the testing initially through Facebook. Even though it was limited to only Mammon ( not that I’m complaining ), it was entertaining and loads of fun. Now, that the game has been released, I can’t wait to tease Mammon more into spending all his money >:D muahahhaa
*UPDATE : Friends update! Add me at 2602521409
Let’s enjoy and have fun everyone, let’s invade Devildom together!
Download Obey Me! here :
Googleplay :
Note : This post is posted when it’s released initially. It can still be shut down and reopen at a later date.
Disclaimer : The image above is a screenshot taken directly from the official website which can be found here :
Official SNS for Obey Me! below :
Lucifer: this grumpy man here is Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony.
MC, internally: wow he looks mean. I bet he's a total ass.
Beel, after destroying the kitchen: I'm holding onto guilt for the death of my sister and the reclusivity of my brother. I just want my family to be happy but I can't find the words to say so. My hunger is for more than just food, I desire happiness for the people I love....and that might include you.
MC: b a b y b o y
Hi! Here’s what your favorite Helluva Boss character says about you. Once again, don’t take this to heart, it’s just a bit of fun:
Blitzø: You relate a little too hard to Bojack Horseman. You've done a lot of bad things in your life that you bitterly regret, and even though you're trying to be a better person now, you can't escape the feeling that you'll never be able to outrun your past. Regardless of what you did in the past, all you can do is try to be better now, even if you've burned several bridges to a crisp.
Stolas: Sinister gay, life-ruining mean gay. The kind of mean gay who does the most toxic shit to you and then plays the victim when called out.
Stella: Got room for the Jax fans in your little, 'my favorite character got ruined even though they were like that from the start' club? Because you should definitely start making room if you haven’t already. They need it.
Octavia: Your childhood was completely destroyed by your parents' unhappy marriage and subsequent divorce. You can't talk to either of your parents without one of them complaining about the other, and you wish more than anything that you weren't born into a loveless marriage so that you could've had a stable and happy childhood.
Loona: Furry. Need I say more? Because of all of the characters you could've picked, you went for the emo Hellhound. You have a kinky AO3 history and you dream about being stepped on by a goth dommy mommy.
Moxxie: You cling to your significant other because your relationship with them is the only healthy relationship you've ever had in your life. Your family are the worst, and you don't have many friends, on account of the fact that you keep befriending complete and utter jackasses.
Millie: Look, I get it, you love your significant other, and that’s great, but it is ok to have a life outside of them. Get a hobby, or something, IDK.
Fizzarolli: Hurt/comfort is your all-time favorite trope, and you live for romances with happy endings. You dream of finding a rich and powerful man who loves you with all his heart, not because you're a gold-digger, but because you want a classic happy Disney princess ending, and though you haven't found the right man yet, you're certain that you will someday.
Asmodeus: Your significant other thinks that you're way out of their league (And let's face it, you are), despite your repeated attempts to assure them that you love them as they are. Your sex life would make the most hardcore AO3 writer blush like a schoolgirl, and you'd be proud of it.
Beelzebub: Hello, Ke$ha fans! Your favorite music genre is 2010s EDM, and your favorite drink is whatever gets you drunk the fastest. Many people have tried to beat you in a drinking contest, but few have succeeded, and they consider it a great honor, because you have an iron liver, and getting you drunk is no easy task. It's a miracle that you haven't died from alcohol poisoning yet.
Mammon: I know that you've thought about putting $20,000 in a blender, drinking it, and then bragging to everyone that in a few hours, you're going to piss away 20 grand. And for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT DO IT.
Verosika Mayday: You’re still bitter over that one shitty ex of yours, but instead of letting it get you down, you use it as a driving force to become the most successful that you can possibly be. You’re fueled by spite, and you want nothing more than to rub your fame and fortune in the faces of everyone who’s ever wronged you.
Glitz and Glam: You’re a K-pop stan. Like, the most hardcore K-pop stan out there. The kind of K-pop stan that makes other K-pop stans uncomfortable and writes real-person fanfiction about your favorites.
Striker: You have a serious thing for cowboys. I’m talking, Brokeback Mountain is your favorite film, kind of serious. You’re into the brooding, lone ranger type of cowboy.
Andrealphus: You saw him, and you screamed, ‘Elsa birb’. Which, to be fair, that does seem to be what he is. If he gets any songs in the show, you hope that they’ll hit as hard as Let It Go did.

I took the images from Good Omens 2 on Prime and added the logo. Then I added the characters to the drink image to make a background for my laptop. (the logo on the bottom has a transparent background if anyone wanted to use it.)
Ok so everyone talks about how Crowley might have been Raphael before the fall.....But what if it was Beezlebub????
I mean it makes sense, why else would they be the LORD of Hell while Hastur and Ligur are Dukes???? Why is there a heirarchy in Hell (Just like in Heaven) and Beezlebub is at the top of it (just below Satan, obviously)??? And also, everyone ships Beez and Gabriel because let's be honest, it's hilarious. But in the series, in the ONE SCENE they are together, they don't fight or bicker. In fact, they work together and seem to hold no ill will even though Beezlebub is LITERALLY THE LORD OF HELL. It's almost like they knew each other before the Fall. And wouldn't it make sense for Beezlebub to be a fallen Archangel if they are in the highest possible position in Hell and is in charge of all of the demons? JUST like Gabriel, Michael, etc, are in charge of all of the angels and have arguably the highest position in Heaven.
It would also add to maybe why Beez fell. Maybe they were the ones who liked the humans (Unlike the angels, Beezlebub is NEVER shown talking bad about humans) and Crowley followed Beezlebub. Not Satan. In fact, Crowley fell for "asking questions" (why the humans aren't seen as more than rats in a maze?) and "hung around with the wrong people" (Beezlebub).
It also explains why Beezlebub, or rather "Hell" likes Crowley so much even though he doesnt really do anything evil, AND why Hastur and Ligur don't trust Crowley (because he, along with Beezlebub, fell AFTER the rebellion)
Ok ok ok... Rant finished
Edit: I refer to Beezlebub as "they" because the angels/demons are beings who dont have a specific gender and I dont think they ever specify in the book or series what gender Beez presents as
Just kicking my feet and giggling over fictional characters. They are either twice my age or would kill me. <3