Just Followed You Cause Everyone Says
Just followed you cause everyone says
Always follow sunshine you will reach somewhere 🙂✨
Haaye thanks pretty girlyy 🫶🏻🌸✨
I hope you'll reach somewhere beautiful 🎀🕊️
nerdyfuntheorist liked this · 10 months ago
manincaffeine liked this · 10 months ago
sunshiinnne liked this · 10 months ago
More Posts from Sunshiinnne
tumblr is literally about talking to yourself through text posts or tags and once in a while people get nosy
The guilt of reading books while your exams are near is unmatched!
(And I still won't put the book aside)
Thanks for tagging me @aahanna and @celesteablack 🌸🫶🏻✨
Another reblog game yay!
Flowers, plushy, aesthetic outfit, name..lessgo

I'm gonna tag my pretty mutuals, no force tags ofc, except for mon chéri @evilcherie frickin do it!!!🥰
@oldersiblingcurse @sauravisokkk @manincaffeine @thenotebookscribbler @sunlovemoon @suniah @embersariya @riyanasuri @main-agar-kahoon @impulsive-gurl @yahvii @gulabi-shaamein @sophianaseer @pj-009 @ruskandruskin @sheislosingsanity @shadowseductress @desigirldairies @desifleabag and any of my mutuals whom i forgot to tag 🙂↕️
tag game for my pookies; look up “flowers”, “plushy”, “aesthetic outfit” & “your own name” and pick the first one that comes up to get your vibe 🩷🎀

no pressure tags: @joelsgeetar, @littlemissclandestine, @konigceo, @honestlyhiswife, @konigsblog, @ehlle 🎀🩷
you can also play if you’re not a mutual as well :3

Qalam naaraz, kehta aagyi na yaad phir!
(swirls chocolate milk in a wine glass) Im just over it yknow!