Excerpt From Sarah's Diary - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Your generosity can never be your enemy. It takes strength to be tender in the wild.

I'm proud of everyone who's brave enough to be empathetic towards one another irrespective of the condition of his heart.

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11 months ago

You knew I had a sweet-tooth, so you kept feeding me lies.

And I devoured them like my favourite cake's last slice.

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10 months ago

Sadness can be addictive

We often spend too much time dwelling upon our sorrows,

Forgetting the good things of morrow(tomorrow).

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10 months ago

And at the end,

I was only left to stare at the girl with tear-stained cheeks,

Every night, who silently weeps.

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10 months ago

Since almost everyone here is obsessing over moon pics, i couldn't hold back >_<

Here's a thing,

The Moon goes through different beautiful phases yet it is admired by everyone. And just like that we also go through various phases in our lives. The moon may appear as half or in a quarter but that's its appearance on the naked eye. However, In reality, the Moon knows that it's complete and beautiful irrespective of how we see it.

Since Almost Everyone Here Is Obsessing Over Moon Pics, I Couldn't Hold Back >_

Darling, the Moon goes through

phases of emptiness to be full again,

And we love the Moon,

regardless of its phases and scars,

Then why don't we love ourselves,

But become so harsh?


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10 months ago

"To love, and lose and still be Kind."

I quote these beautiful words of Warsan Shire to myself, every time I feel displeased.

This was something i once read and felt like it was engraved in my mind. Flowing through my veins was a passion, to never let go of this and to always live by this.

In the era we are living in, Kindness, compassion, tenderness, empathy, affection, all these artistic sensibilities are becoming extinct like they are some variety of flora and fauna, disappearing because of climatic conditions except it's because of the changing tendency of human beings.

You don't have to think, you don't ever think that i did this, i did that and this is how im paid. You give and give because life and love is about giving and giving as much as you have got. Because someone is always watching, and that reflects upon them. We often fail to notice but the kindness we show towards someone, it reflects upon people around you too, not only on you and person you have been kind to. I have felt this urge to become cold, to never be nice to anyone but that's not who I am. The world is cruel, therefore, I won't be.

Your generosity can never be your enemy. It takes strength to be tender in the wild. And I'm proud of everyone who's brave enough to smile and be empathetic towards the other, regardless of the situation of his heart. Respecting others' feeling is as important as respecting yours. But it doesn't mean that you can't put yourself first. It's okay to let go of toxic friends and partners. It's okay to let go if it's hurts too much in holding on. But when you do it, do it on good terms, forgive them and never speak to them. End it, for once & all. Don't carry that within you so that it can hinder your future bonds.

On my way through life, i have let go of people and some have let me go. Each time i learnt a new lesson. I have never regretted the love that i gave away, instead i thought, "If i could love the wrong person with such intensity then what do i have in store for the right person?"

This is why, you give and give because one day, all this love will come back to you in the way you never imagined. Someone would be kind to you, or your family or your friends and you'll realize that, you also had a lil contribution in that because you always held on to that thread.

Your Compassion, your affection and your generosity is your strength. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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10 months ago

Yeah sure stargazing, long walks together, dates and all sounds good but, can we go cycling together, amidst tea gardens, under grey skies?!

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10 months ago

Is it really so easy to just let go of everything, to just say that, I can't take all this anymore, I'm leaving! bye, take care ??!

It's been a long time since i felt insecure about my own self but i guess life has put me back to that place again because i hadn't learnt my lesson and went on with my vibe. So jokes on me!

I would have lost faith in love and generosity a long time ago if it wasn't for myself. I believe in love and will continue to stick to it because of the generosity i offer!! Nobody can take that away from me. But yeah, I'm learning to create boundaries now, healthy boundaries, I deserve people who would believe me, not just for my words, but for how i care, how I'm actually there when they need me. Now, nobody gets to mess with my mental peace. I'm not going to let anyone walk over me like that again.

May Allah SWT help you through the thick and thin and bless you with tons of happiness and prosperity! πŸ’—

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9 months ago

Literature lets you stare at people. I started to see the little details of a person's physical features when they go through various emotions. It's exceptionally beautiful to see someone talk about their passion, it looks like they are in some different realm, the way their eyes twinkle and the smile that reaches their eyes. It makes me realise how little these things seem but matter so much.

I just realised how when we talk about something or someone we love our voice shifts from that echoing sound to more warmth one. How corner of eyes soften . How our eyes smile . And how we just find our surroundings more beautiful. I mean if it isn't the most miraculous thing in ur world i don't know what else will be.

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8 months ago

I don't want these noises anymore,

Let me drown in the depths of a sea, where the peace awaits me.

I wish to delight in the serenity and calmness of the sea, away from the world, away from the people.

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8 months ago

We complain and cry about things to people, but we forget the fact that only things that can truly comfort a bleeding heart are Prayers and Duas.

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8 months ago

You're alone, but in the company of millenia of thinking.

Everything seems to be at peace at night when you are in the company of your own thoughts.

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8 months ago

I belong to you

roses, dead yet beautiful
my dashboard
Letters, diary and notebook

In my solitude, it's just me and these intricate things. I won't call this feeling home, yet I feel this is where I belong. In this space, where I lie amidst these scattered notebooks on my bed, in the light of my antique lamp, trying to word out my feelings, this is where I belong.

Little do I know that, being alone feels good, but it never feels right, not to me at least. I might not feel the same tomorrow when I wake up. Maybe I would end up feeling like a loner but, right now, I feel complete and I think that's enough, for now.

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8 months ago

Last night, I was reading our old conversations and everything seemed so normal. We were laughing and smiling, we were happy. For the moment, I let myself dream of the possibility where we are still together but then I woke up and reality hit me with full force.

It's actually scary how someone walks into your life, makes you feel all types of ways and then, one morning, nothing is the same anymore. And all you're left with is a heart, full of memories, and empty of emotions.

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