Hey everyone, I'm Sunflower - welcome to my blog! 100% writing about lots of topics - queer rights, environmentalism, and other issues, thoughts, opinions, ect. Hope you enjoy!
68 posts
Small Steps #3: Tea Edition
Small Steps #3: Tea Edition
Here’s a few extra tips for your morning routine, if you’re a tea-drinking environmentalist like me:
Use a ceramic mug rather than a paper or styrofoam cup.
Rinse and reuse mugs, rather than sending them right to the dishwasher
Try to use tea bags that aren’t attached to string and paper. A little less material going into the trash.
Compost tea bags after use (not the string and paper - cut those off). Ripping the bag helps the decomposition process.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the smallest habits build a greater impact than we think. If we keep at them day after day, it adds up, the same way a short drive to the supermarket contributes to the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
Some people look down on the environmentally friendly actions we can take, especially when they appear too small to matter. “You just want to feel like you’re doing something” - but I am. We tend to discredit small acts of conservation, because they don’t seem to make a dent. But such an assumption is dangerously arrogant. Each of us can do something, and we must.
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Should 16 year olds be allowed to vote?
young ppl will have a voice earlier on
they’ll be empowered + encouraged to change their communities
the voices with the most knowledge about what people need will be elevated.
foster responsibility
teens are too young to understand impact of their actions.
aren’t knowledgable or aware of political issues
too much pressure put on young shoulders.
those who are too immature could misrepresent people’s needs.
I say yes! More 16-year-olds than you would think, myself included, are ready and willing to make a difference. Some kids might be too immature for the vote, but frankly, so are some adults. We’re smart; we can handle it. After all, we’ve only got a couple more years before adulthood comes along, so why not start preparing in the meantime? If we’re properly informed and coached by adults, we will make the right choices. Age doesn’t determine a person’s intelligence, maturity, or sense of responsibility.
I really, really want to do something, something more than join a few clubs or run a blog. I want to help my community. I want to have an impact on the legislation that determines my future, to make the adults sitting indoors deciding my fate hear me. Adults don’t realize how much power they have - if I could vote.… man, you have no idea the things I’d make happen.
I often forget that there ARE ace/aro celebs out there - that’s how isolated I feel most of the time. We stan Moses Sumney for calling out capitalism as making money on amatonormativity.
Being this way is rlly hard but this post is a blessing. Shout out to all my ace and/or aro peeps living their best lives. That’s the best and most original form of resistance
Since it’s aro awareness week and black history month this seems like a fitting time to shout out and express my appreciation to the black aros making history.

Moses Sumney
Moses Sumney is perhaps the most public and well known aro person out there. He create a whole album (yes! a whole album) titled Aromanticism that was released in 2017. Not only is the album stunningly gorgeous it features very aro lines such as “Am I vital/ If my heart is idle/ Am I doomed?“ and “If lovelessness is godlessness/ Will you cast me to the wayside?”
He has a deeply anti-opression and anti-capitalist perspective that informs and is informed by his aromanticism.
“I think that romance is very obviously a political tool, and a capitalist device. I’ve even thought recently, it’s quite good for the economy: the amount people spend on weddings and gifts. Also, [romance] just can’t be separated from a patriarchal structure — like the idea that in a homosexual couple, one person is the masculine, and the other is the feminine. Ultimately we keep going back to those two figures on the wedding cake as the archetype, even for alternative relationships.“ (https://www.thefader.com/2017/09/04/moses-sumney-aromanticism-interview)

Michaela Coel
Michaela Coel is a writer, actor, poet and director. She wrote and stars in Chewing Gum, acted in an episode of Black Mirror and plays the lead character in Black Earth Rising.
She came out as aro on twitter in 2017. She hasn’t talked about it much since then but it looks like she learned about aromanticism through Moses Sumney.
Here’s a quote of her talking about seeing his concert.
“He’s a beautiful artist and I’ve read some interviews of his about romanticism and capitalism, and it was really refreshing to see views that I share but are also very taboo. Just about what exactly is romance, aside from lust and love, what is this other thing and do I really have that? It’s nice that there’s this guy out there who makes those albums.“(https://www.wmagazine.com/story/michaela-coel-black-mirror-season-4-star-trek-space-episode-netflix)
There’s not much aro history out there, but these black aros are paving a path for the future.
Lioness: a poem
A lioness is cool, watchful for her cubs. She is responsible, open; she cares for the orphans and works with the others. She is a fighter for the ties that bind her pack together, the ties that keep them safe.
She holds the savannah in her clean paws - or, at least, paws that are clean only when she steps in a puddle. Smart, collected; she knows her high-up place as one who belongs. She belongs because her job is to control her own fate. She does it well.
The lioness is part of the power, demos, and one of the people, kratos. The lioness is fair, free, and roars as she pleases, because all are protected, all are loved, in her savannah home.
Or at least, that's what she strives for.
lgbt terms listed by date of first use in writing
according to merriam-webster:
-lesbian - 1732
-bisexual - 1793
-nonbinary - 1863
-homosexual - 1891
-intersex - 1908
-hypersexual - 1915 (not inherently lgbt ofc)
-pansexual - 1926
-hormone replacement therapy (HRT) - 1945
-gay - 1953
-transsexual - 1957
-omnisexual - 1960
-gender dysphoria - 1973
-transgender - 1974
-asexual - 1975
-gender identity disorder - 1978
-queer theory - 1988
-top surgery - 1992
-polyamory - 1992
-gender confirmation surgery - 1993
-trans man - 1996
-trans woman - 1996
-aromantic - 2004
-agender - 2006
there are probably more, but i couldn’t find them!