Boston - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Master In BostonIdeas For Remodeling A Medium-sized Modern Master Bedroom With A Medium-tone Wood Floor

Master in Boston Ideas for remodeling a medium-sized modern master bedroom with a medium-tone wood floor but no fireplace

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2 years ago
Outdoors, Brattle Book Shop, Boston, Massachusetts

Outdoors, Brattle Book Shop, Boston, Massachusetts

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5 years ago

Ellis Paul

 After having yet another listen to the most recent Ellis Paul album (The Storyteller’s Suitcase) I thought it’d be fun to have a quick look on Tumblr for any posts relating to him. I’m quite shocked that there is so little! After having some of his songs featured in films like Me Myself and Irene, Hall Pass and Shallow Hal I’d expected more people to have checked out his work and become big fans. 


I’m sure like a lot of people, my first exposure to his music was the song The World Isn’t Slowing Down which is featured prominently throughout Me, Myself and Irene. As a young 16 year old when I first heard this song, it was my first exposure to a song where I actually appreciated the story being told in the lyrics and was instantly hooked on the beautiful sound of his style of American folk music. 

Growing up and quite often still to this day for most music, my brain seems to focus in more on the instrumental side of songs and finds it reasonably hard to a) understand the actual lyrics being sung without serious concentration and b) decipher what they’re actually about. I find with Ellis Paul songs, his lyrics paint a beautiful picture which tells a story so clearly that for once I can actually appreciate both the instrumental and vocals at the same time. 


If anyone is interested in checking him out, I’d say his most accessible albums are -:

The Day After Everything Changed (2010) - The first six songs are absolute belters and would easily all be in my top 15 songs of his. I would say generally this album has a less folksy sound than his other albums but as an introduction to new fans I think this is the most accessible as a gateway to the rest of his music.

A Summer Night In Georgia (2008)- There’s only two live shows I wish I’d been at in person 1) when this album was recorded (ok technically over two nights I believe for this album) and 2) AC/DC at River Plate. Beautiful live renditions of some of his most beloved songs including the absolutely amazing performance of Alice’s Champagne Palace which I’ve listened to an embarrassing amount of times. 

Say Something - His third studio album from 1993, a good early album to sink your teeth into and has a more minimal production on most of his songs compared to some later albums. 

The Storyteller’s Suitcase - His most recent album (2019) and his most reflective in my opinion. Covering childhood, parenthood, life on the road, new relationships and love, politics and even death. This album also seems a little more “stripped back” in regards to the instrumentals compared to previous albums, its mainly just Ellis, his guitar and piano. 

If you do check out and enjoy his music, please please buy some of his albums to show your appreciation :) 


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5 years ago

Who should worry most about climate change? 

a) Poor people. They’re the most vulnerable to the harmful effects of climate change, including natural disasters and disease. Some people benefit from practices that exacerbate climate change - if those people were at risk, they’d be actively fighting those practices. My teacher drew a diagram on the board; poor people live in one area and rich people live in the other. If the rich people want to build a big yucky factory, they’ll build it where the poor people live, because they don’t have any money for lawyers. This is the way it’s been all over the world. 

b) People who live by the sea. Rising sea levels, flooding, and storms won’t treat those places will. A lot of property will be damaged, people displaced, and coastal cities could be underwater before the century is out. Boston is my home. I don’t want my people or my family to be uprooted by water. I don’t want the history, art, and architecture of my city to go underwater - it’s too beautiful for that.

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1 year ago
Exterior BrickAn Illustration Of A Medium-sized, Traditional, Beige, Two-story Brick Exterior House With

Exterior Brick An illustration of a medium-sized, traditional, beige, two-story brick exterior house with a shingle roof

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10 years ago
You Guys, Im Not Sure If Youve Heard Of This Modern Marvel Called PLANES, But, Theyre Kinda A Big Deal.
You Guys, Im Not Sure If Youve Heard Of This Modern Marvel Called PLANES, But, Theyre Kinda A Big Deal.
You Guys, Im Not Sure If Youve Heard Of This Modern Marvel Called PLANES, But, Theyre Kinda A Big Deal.
You Guys, Im Not Sure If Youve Heard Of This Modern Marvel Called PLANES, But, Theyre Kinda A Big Deal.
You Guys, Im Not Sure If Youve Heard Of This Modern Marvel Called PLANES, But, Theyre Kinda A Big Deal.

You guys, I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this modern marvel called PLANES, but, they’re kinda’ a big deal. I’m not ENTIRELY certain, but, I’m pretty certain they’re the future of travel…

The drive to the airport, and my inaugural first flight, went very well!

I told my lovely best friend ( goodbye, JUST in case of a monster-on-the-wing scenario.

I was all giddy and nerding out, and everyone else was cool as Freddy Fungus.


We’re laid-over in Los Angeles, departing for Boston soon!

I’ll keep all of you lovelies updated.

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10 years ago
I Arrived In Boston Alive! However, As You Can Probably Tell In The Last Photo, The Mixture Of Turbulence
I Arrived In Boston Alive! However, As You Can Probably Tell In The Last Photo, The Mixture Of Turbulence
I Arrived In Boston Alive! However, As You Can Probably Tell In The Last Photo, The Mixture Of Turbulence
I Arrived In Boston Alive! However, As You Can Probably Tell In The Last Photo, The Mixture Of Turbulence
I Arrived In Boston Alive! However, As You Can Probably Tell In The Last Photo, The Mixture Of Turbulence

I arrived in Boston alive! However, as you can probably tell in the last photo, the mixture of turbulence and lack of sleep and food, near the end, caused literally all of the blood to drain from my face. Haha.

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10 years ago
Sun Sets On Our Arrival To Boston!
Sun Sets On Our Arrival To Boston!
Sun Sets On Our Arrival To Boston!
Sun Sets On Our Arrival To Boston!

Sun sets on our arrival to Boston!

We checked out a bar/restaurant called Lord Hobo; I had possibly the best Macaroni and Cheese ever.

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