sweetbonniebel - Bonnie

“Her heart was made of million sunsets” v.w

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1 year ago



Chapter 2

Aemond/ Aegon/ Jacaerys x fem! Targaryen! Martell! reader

Synopsis: The Martell family left Kings Landing, leaving (y/n) alone in the capital. But to her advantage the heir to the throne princess Rhaenyra took interest in her.

Chapter one Chapter three

Kings Landing 122 ac

“Your highnesses.” The Martell Lady bowed gently before the five royal children, there was an empty chair between princess Halaena and prince Jacaerys. She took the hint and gracefully took her place and bowed gently to the royals once more.

“It is so wonderful to meet you lady (y/n).” The princess Haelaena said warmly, putting her gentle hand on hers. The Martell nodded in return. “What magnificent eyes you have… they will match the beast that lives in your dreams.” She murmured silently, her hand gripped tighter those of (Y/N)’s.

“Do not pay her any mind, she is an lunatic.” The prince Aegon said, he held onto the wine goblet as if his life depended on it. His younger brother kicked him under the table.

“I do not mind my prince, I’m sure the princess is wonderful company.” The Martell smiled warmly at the older girl, she returned the kind gesture. (Y/N) was not sure how to act in the presence of the royal family. She was used to her family and other bannermen of her house, along with different courtiers of her mother, however she was always chaperoned by her septa. She nervously picked at the roasted lamb on her plate, she could feel the intense gaze of Aegon on her figure.

“Have you ever seen a dragon, my lady?” Aegon asked cheekily, (Y/N) raised her gaze from her plate. Curiously she shook her head in a no and put her fork down. Before Aegon could respond to the silent response his younger brother kicked him under the table once again. She raised her brows at that short interaction between the brothers.

“Would you like to see my dragon, (Y/N)?” Halaena interrupted both of her brothers, turning to the Dornish girl she beemed happily.

“I would love to my princess.” She nodded

“Let us go, at once!” Helaena said happily, standing up quickly and grabbing the hand of the younger girl.

Helaena as a royal princess was granted her leave without question, two guards and a septa were to escort the two ladies. Halaena and (Y/N) walked hand in hand towards the dragon pit.

“What is life like in Dorne, I have never visited the south.” Helaena asked suddenly, (Y/N) smiled warmly at the mention of her home. She openly told the princess of her fond memories. “You must be saddened by the fact that you will stay behind.” She murmured, the Martell nodded silently.

The walk to the dragon pit passed by quickly, the conversation keeping the both girls occupied. When they finally arrived (Y/N) could hear the roar of the flame breathing beast, she was fascinated by the mystical being, before only reading about them in books.

Dreamfyre was a slender she-dragon with scales of blue and silver, her rider princess Helaena excitedly walked towards her mount, the dragon roared quietly happy to see the Targaryen. Helaena motioned the Martell to come closer, the girl slightly nervous shuffled to the princess.

“She is beautiful, your highness.” (Y/N) sighed dreamily, looking at the dragon.

After the brief encounter with the blue beast the two princesses were escorted back into the keep. The celebration was as lively as ever, even in the hour of the eel, her younger siblings were surely asleep by now. Her family was to leave after the celebration was over, she saddened at the thought. But nonetheless she was escorted to her chambers for the night, the maids undoing her gown and braids, she was bathed and dressed into a white linen nightgown, her hair set free.

The maids left after their lady got into bed, the unfamiliar sheets made falling asleep hard for the princess. She tossed and turned, but sleep was not on her mind. What occupied the young Targaryen’s thoughts was the blue she-dragon, she felt at home next to the beast her new thoughts somehow lulled her into sleep.

The beast’s scales shined in the moonlight, the black and purple wings were spread looming a huge shadow on the ground below. It’s eyes cold and mysterious searched for prey to devour whole, it’s teeth the size of a human man could rip apart even stone. The beast let out a ear shattering roar and breathed magnitude of golden flames, burning alive the small herd of deer, it snatched the animals in his claws and flew away.

The Martell princess awoke with a gasp, cold sweat covered her thin body. She looked around to see her handmaiden opening the curtains in her chamber.

“Your family is departing soon, my lady.” She bowed gently and rushed back to her chores. (Y/N) nodded slowly, her mind was plagued by the images of the black and purple beast. Pushing those thoughts aside, she rose from the bed and took a deep breath, she will have to say goodbye to her family, for the gods know how long.

The maid tied the red dress on her petite body, and brushed her long silver locks putting them into a braided bun. She dismissed the maid as she heard a knock on the door.

“Lady (Y/N), I am here to escort you to your family.” A guard’s voice said, muffled by the thick door. The young girl nodded silently and moved to open the door.

“Lead the way ser.” She spoke quietly, her hands clasped in front of her as she nodded at the large man. He nodded silently and led the way, his armor clicked with every step as he held tightly onto his sword.

The walk was quiet, most of the court was still asleep or healing their morning fog. (Y/N) tried to hold back tears at the thought of being alone in Kings Landing.

“My little dragon” Morion Martell exclaimed at the sight of his daughter. The girl ran to her father, he easily caught her in his arms, holding her close to him.

“I will miss you so much father” She sobbed into his shoulder, the tears fell freely as her father shushed her while caressing her hair.

“I will write you every week, my sweetling” he assured his eldest child. She nodded at his words and let her father go, she walked to her step mother and hugged her silently. Her younger brother Quentyn, tugged on his sisters skirt, she turned and lowered herself to his level, she hugged her little brother tightly.

“Your carriage is ready, my prince.” A guard interrupted the Martells, motioning towards the carriage that was to take them to the port of black water bay.

Morion glanced at his daughter, then back to the carriage. He knelt, lowering himself to his daughters eye level, the dornish prince placed his hand on his daughters silver locks.

“My daughter you are the of the blood of Dorne and fire made flesh. Remember our words, unbent, unbowed, unbroken, people in the capitol are treacherous, do not trust anyone.” He spoke sternly looking her daughter deeply in her mismatched eyes. The girl nodded, her eyelashes wet with tears her father caressed her rosy cheeks, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“I love you, my little dragon.” He spoke gently, this was it. Her family is to leave for Sunspear and she will stay here. She waved gently at her little siblings and mother that sat in the carriage. As the horses trotted to the gate, (Y/N) was left in the courtyard.

(Y/N) was escorted back into her chambers, she noticed that even her handmaiden went back to Dorne. They were replaced by new ones, an elder woman named Lysa and a girl a few moons older than the Dornish princess, her name was Talana. As her father warned her, she did not trust the new maids.

A knock interrupted the thoughts of the young girl, she raised her brows curiously.

“My lady, ser Harwin Strong.” Her maid announced, she nodded to open the doors.

“Lady (Y/N), princess Rhaenyra has requested your presence to break fast with her family.” A well build knight with dark curly hair exclaimed.

The girl nodded slightly and followed after the tall knight. Princess Rhaenyra the heir to the iron throne, a woman first in it’s history. The young Martell princess admired strong women throughout history, and now that included the princess Rhaenyra. As Dorne was a more tolerant kingdom than others, women were not barred from the line of succession and believed to be equal to their male counterparts. However that was not the case in most of Westeros, especially king’s landing.

The burly knight of the city watched opened heavy double sided doors that lead to the royal dining room, the noise from opening the doors put attention on the Martell princess.

“Ah lady (y/n), please come sit.” The heir motioned to the empty seat next to her eldest son, Jacaerys the eight year old Velaryon boy, with wavy brown hair and eyes, and a pug nose. The lack of similarity between his father and himself was quite obvious, perhaps the Baratheon blood was strong.

“I am sorry to hear that you have been separated from your family, but please feel welcome here. We are family, are we not?” The princess humored the obviously glum young girl.

“Thank you, your highness. It’s an honor to join you.” She said nicely, Rhaenyra nodded and looked at her husband, the lord Laenor Valeryon.

“Jace perhaps you can show lady Martell around the keep, I’m sure ser Harwin will keep you company.” Rhaenyra proposed and her eldest son looked unsure at the girl next to him. He cleared his throat and turned slightly towards (y/n), he fumbled with the sleeve of his top.

“Lady (y/n) would you like to do so?” He asked

“It would be my pleasure, my lord.” She sounded her opinion.

“Please call me by my name, we are family and almost the same age.” Jace chuckled happily and the Dornish lady smiled at that.

“Then please, feel free to address me by my name as well.” She responded a small smile crept up onto her lips.

The royal couple looked at each other knowingly, they exchanged silent words about the two children.

Jace proved to be an outgoing, adventurous and bold young man. He moved quickly and explained in great detail everything he knew about the red keep, because of his lack of knowledge the explanation were rather short but nonetheless interesting. The magnificent structure was a piece of history build by the conqueror and perfected by the cruel. The tall knight followed slowly after the two kids, he gazed lovingly at the interactions between them.

“Jace could we explore outside?” The girl asked, Jace’s eyes shone with excitement. He jumped to (y/n) and took her by her shoulders.

“That is an magnificent idea! We should go see my dragon! His name is Vermax, he is still small but so ferocious!” He rambled excitedly about his mount and (y/n) smiled at the happy moment.

As Lady (y/n) and prince Jacaerys were escorted to the dragon pit by horse. The prince rode a beautiful grey and white spotted horse while the lady Martell rode a large brown stallion.

The ride to the home of the dragons was quiet, the soft latter of hooves and whistles of the wind created a calm atmosphere. That however was suddenly Interrupted by a ferocious roar that came from the sky.

“Looks like the rouge visits Kings Landing once more” Ser Harwin mused looking up at the sky to see a large winged shadow.

“The rogue?” The Martell princess asked curiously glancing upwards. The roar of the beast seemed oddly familiar.

“He is a wild dragon, maybe the size of Vhagar! He looms over the capital from time to time, stealing large herds of sheep and other cattle.” Jace muttered glancing at the princess.

“Do you know what it looks like?” She asked another question but to her dismay.

“Unfortunately no, nobody has seen him only his shadow. My mother said that her great grandmother the Queen Alysanne has seen the beast, she spoke of him as a black and purple fury that breathed golden flames. But she was old and delirious so nobody can be sure.” The prince muttered and the Dornish princess widened her eyes

Black and Purple scales?

Golden flames?

Those colors were possessed by the beast from the Dornish princesses dreams.


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1 year ago



Chapter 1

Aemond/ Aegon/ Jacaerys x fem! Targaryen! Martell! reader

Synopsis: (y/n) Martell the daughter of Gael Targaryen and Morion Martell has been invited to join court in King’s landing, she was to stay with her Targaryen family away from Dorne.

Chapter two

Sunspear 112 ac

As the cries of the babe were heard, Gael sighed in relief as her handmaiden Maura patted at her sweaty forehead. But as the newborn was being swaddled by nurses, the Targaryen's princess breathing got slower.

"Your highness?!" Maura exclaimed noticing the poor state of the princess, her worried tone alerted the maester and septas. They quickly moved to Gael but before the grand maester could help the Targaryen princess her gentle heart fell silent.

"My wife! Where is my wife!?" The head of the house Morian Martell stormed into the chambers of his young wife.

„I’m sorry my prince… her highness passed away.” The maester spoke solemnly, his gaze lowered and hands stained with his wife’s blood.

“The child..?” He searched for good news among the septas and nurses. Maura stepped forward with the calm babe wrapped in golden bundles.

The prince of Dorne quickly moved away from the maester and quickly took his newborn child in his arms.

“It’s a girl, my prince.” Maura spoke quietly, Morian nodded his head and passed the babe to her wet nurse.

“Send word to kings landing, the funeral will take place here as quickly as possible. Now get out…all of you.” The prince said moving towards the cold body of his wife.

The young princess looked ethereal, even in death. Her silver locks spread on the silk sheets, plump rosy lips parted slightly, her large violet eyes closed and long lashes wet from tears. Morian took the dainty hand of Gael kissing it gently ,holding it dearly in his hands, he mourned the loss of his wife.

The bells rang loudly on Sunspear, alerting the people of the princess’s passing.

Sunspear 122 ac

The princess (y/n) Martell, ten years of age, watched her younger step siblings play with various toys. The prince of Dorne along his second wife watched their children in amusement. (y/n) however was more interested in the heavy book that laid in her lap, she sat in the shade of the large tree leaning on its strong roots. The sun rays lightly illuminated the princess curly silver locks, giving her an almost ethereal glow. The book the young Martell princess was reading told the story of the Lady Nymeria who conquered Dorne hundreds of years ago.

An envoy walked into the family gardens disturbing the domestic bliss of the Martells.

“My prince, you along with your family have been summoned to kings landing to attend the forty name day of his grace King Viserys!” He spoke loudly and (y/n) pulled her nose out of her book, intrigued by the news. She had heard of the Targaryen King many times from her father and other courtiers. The tragic death of his late wife queen Aemma, the succession crisis, the wedding of Viserys and his bride Alicent Hightower and the birth of their son Aegon.

Prince Morian stepped towards the envoy’s taking the letter from his hands, and examining it himself. The princess quickly shuffled towards her father leaving the book in the grass, picking up her youngest brother Myrcel. He babbled at his elder sister, taking her silver curly locks into his chubby hands and putting it in his mouth. Lady Elara the second wife of Morion Martell, picked up the youngest son from her stepdaughter.

“Do not put your sister hair into you mouth Myrcel.” She cooed at her baby, and the princess smiled at her mother figure.

“Leave us” The prince spoke sternly and moved back to his family, examining the details of the invite. He placed his large hand on the top of his daughter’s head, petting it gently.

“Will we be going to Kings landing?” She asked, leaning into her father’s touch. He nodded solemnly, something was bothering the prince of Dorne.

“Yes my little dragon, you will have a chance to meet your mother’s family.” He nodded and smiled at his wife warmly. “The maids shall pack our belongings immediately and we shall set sail.”

Kings Landing 122 ac

“Lord Morios Martell and Lady Elara Allyrion we welcome you to King’s Landing, we thank you for your presence.” The master of whispers Larys Strong welcomed the Dornish family. “Princess (y/n) Martell the queen Alicent has requested to meet you in her solar.” The limping man announced. You looked at your father unsure, he nodded and pushed you slightly towards lord Strong.

You followed meekly after the limping man, his cane clicked with every step making an echo. The halls of the red keep were empty, the ceiling high and banners of the seven hung from the walls. You looked around the massive architectural masterpiece build by Aegon the conqueror, guards standing at every corner.

Lord Larys Strong stopped at the massive door, he nodded at the guards that were posted on each side. They nodded and opened the heavy doors, the princess walked in, the master of whisperers stayed behind. The queen was standing in front of the mirror a handmaid fixing her dark green gown with golden threads, her chestnut hair masterfully braided embedded with beautiful pearls.

“Ah lady (y/n)!” The queen exclaimed cheerfully, she dismissed her handmaiden and walked over, her hands wrapped in front of her. The young Martell bowed gracefully.

“It is an honor to meet you, your grace.” She said kindly, queen Alicent nodded and placed her slender palm on the girls cheek. She stared deeply into her eyes, one green one violet.

“What a unique beauty you have my dear.” The doors suddenly opened the queen looked over and took a deep breath. “My love.” She began but was ignored by his grace himself. The Martel princess bowed deeply again, her gaze settled on her shoes.

“Please rise lady (y/n).” He wheezed tiredly, she did as was told. The king plopped down on the chair in the middle of his wives solar. “Please do come here. As she shuffled closer to the king he let out a strained chuckle, he placed his bony hand on the girls cheek. “Those eyes, they are just like my mothers.” He muttered and caressed the princesses hair. “Your mother was the favorite sister of my father, he spoke oh so fondly of her. He was heartbroken when king Jahearys offered her to Dorne.”

“Thank you, your grace. I haven’t had the pleasure to meet my mother, she died minutes after my birth. However my father spoke fondly of her.” She said, the young girl felt a sense of belonging next to the king.

“I’m sorry to hear that, my father and mother were heartbroken at the news of Gaels passing.” He sighed deeply and leaned into his chair, the queen sat down next to her husband.

“(y/n) my dear, the king himself has requested your presence at the royal table during the celebration.” Alicent said warmly “You will be seated next to prince Aegon and Aemond and princess Haelena along with princes Jacearys and Lucerys” The Martell princess nodded at her graces words. “You can return to your chambers to prepare for the celebration, ser Criston Cole will escort you.”

(y/n) Martell was visited by her father in her chambers. The maid was finishing tying up the exquisite yellow dress, the colors of her house, the other maid was braiding her silver hair, putting jasper crystals in her hair. Her father stood behind her, the princess could see the unhappy expression in the mirror.

“My sweet daughter… you look beautiful. I’m sure the princes will be breath-taken with you.” He smiled sadly, and took a deep breath. He nodded at the handmaidens to leave they bowed and left silently, leaving father and daughter alone. The princess turned around walking up to her father, her eyebrows slightly raised at the visible displeasure of the dornish prince.

“What seems to be troubling you father?” She asked taking her hands in his, Morion pressed his daughters palms against his forehead.

“Your step mother wanted to tell you this earlier but I couldn’t bring myself to… the queen and king have invited you to join their court, here in kings landing.”

The Martell lady widened her eyes, she knew what that meat. She was to stay permanently in kings landing, leaving her home behind, her father, her siblings, her step mother.

“Her grace insisted you join her daughter’s entourage, It is an great honor my little dragon.” The princess felt as if Lord Martell was not telling the whole truth, however the girl took it with dignity and nodded your head.

As a high born lady, (y/n) had duties she needed to fulfill, she had to do whatever was best for her house. She was raised by the best governesses, septa’s and educated in history, arithmetic’s, sciences, music, dancing, painting; every skill that was suitable for a lady of her status.

The feast was a rowdy celebration, the Martell family was announced by ser Harrold, his booming tone put all attention of lords and ladies on them. Lord Morion and lady Elara walked along the great hall, they stopped before the table of the king and queen, and bowed silently.

“Thank you for the invite your grace.” Lady Elara smiled warmly glancing at her husband, he nodded agreeing with his wives words.

The royal couple nodded, and motioned the Martells to sit in their designated spot. As the feast carried on, the doors opened again by ser Criston Cole.

“Lady (y/n) Martell of the blood of the dragon!” Ser Harrold boomed, all the guests turned curiously at the mention of the young Targaryen princess. Her silver locks were skillfully braided, the jasper crystals flickered from the light of candles, what everyone seemed to focus on were the eyes of the young girl.

Her yellow dress flowed gracefully with every movement. She glanced at her family on the right, her father and step mother nodded and motioned for her to continue to his grace.

“Your graces, I am humbled by your decision and I am graceful for the opportunity.” The Martell princess bowed elegantly.

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1 year ago
sweetbonniebel - Bonnie

considering ending it

1 year ago


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