Rhaena Targaryen - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
In 116 AC, In The Free City Of Pentos, Lady Laena Gave Birth To Twin Daughters, Daemon Targaryens First
In 116 AC, In The Free City Of Pentos, Lady Laena Gave Birth To Twin Daughters, Daemon Targaryens First
In 116 AC, In The Free City Of Pentos, Lady Laena Gave Birth To Twin Daughters, Daemon Targaryens First
In 116 AC, In The Free City Of Pentos, Lady Laena Gave Birth To Twin Daughters, Daemon Targaryens First
In 116 AC, In The Free City Of Pentos, Lady Laena Gave Birth To Twin Daughters, Daemon Targaryens First
In 116 AC, In The Free City Of Pentos, Lady Laena Gave Birth To Twin Daughters, Daemon Targaryens First
In 116 AC, In The Free City Of Pentos, Lady Laena Gave Birth To Twin Daughters, Daemon Targaryens First

In 116 AC, in the Free City of Pentos, Lady Laena gave birth to twin daughters, Daemon Targaryen’s first trueborn children. The prince named the girls Baela (after his father) and Rhaena (after her mother).

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11 months ago
Rhaena And Baela Targaryen

Rhaena and Baela Targaryen

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5 months ago

Im not a full tumblr user i just like seeing people post their thoughts and reading the fan fiction and just wanted to say i love you guys minds when it comes to writing i also came to say i NEED more rhaena and aemond fan fiction idk what it has in it that has me addicted but i love it

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1 year ago
Rhaena Targaryen Outfit Aesthetic

Rhaena Targaryen Outfit Aesthetic

Princess Rhaena Targaryen would wear the most stunning blue silks, the House colors of her mother Laena, which only highlighted her beauty further

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1 year ago

I love how people in GOT were hyping up the Targaryens when they had dragons over a century ago and now that we get to see them in HOTD, they're just:

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

Chaotic Gay

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

Sad Alcoholic

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

People pleaser

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

Mad Hater

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

Loves bugs

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

Unhinged boi

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

Bad posture

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

Mama's boy

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

Contemplating murder

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

Peaceful sunshine

I Love How People In GOT Were Hyping Up The Targaryens When They Had Dragons Over A Century Ago And Now

Shady Granny

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1 year ago

Personal Colors Headcanon for my Fic "A Targaryen Type of Madness"

These are colors that are personal motifs for the characters (regardless of their factions)

Rhaenyra: Black

Alicent: Emerald green

Lenora: Cream

Dyanna: Mahogany

Aegon the Elder: Gold

Helaena: Pale blue

Aemond: Black

Daeron: Cobalt blue

Jacaerys: Gray

Lucerys: Navy blue

Joffrey: Chestnut brown

Aegon the Younger: Silver

Viserys: Dark purple

Visenya: Dusty pink

Baela: Garent red

Rhaena: Teal blue/Pink

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1 year ago

Rhaena Targaryen marrying a Hightower must have had Daemon screaming

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1 year ago

Dragon Headcanons for my fic Part 5.

Dragon Headcanons For My Fic Part 5.


Meleys is somewhat seen as an unlucky dragon as both her riders would've been Queens but in the end did not

Oddly enough, she rarely roars, somewhat mirroring her rider, Rhaenys' composed personailty

In the dragonpit, she prefers to be in an elevated level and rocks have been added for her to sit on top of

She is one of the fastest dragons alive at the time of the dance

She is extremly loyal to her rider and should she have to she would willingly die alongside Rhaenys

Dragon Headcanons For My Fic Part 5.


Due to her young age, Moondancer is not very experienced with flying in the air

Moondancer's mother is debated due but her sire is Caraxes

Her scales are light green and shimmer in the sunlight

She is very instinctive when it comes to fighting, and is fearless when attacking even larger opponents

Her rider, Baela, named her Moondancer because she hatched at night and squirmed around almost as if she was dancing

Dragon Headcanons For My Fic Part 5.


Interestingly enough, Morning is the opposite of her rider, Rhaena, and tends to aggressively snap at others

While she hatched later in Rhaena's life, Morning grew quite fast

She named Morning due to the time of her hatching and because Rhaena wanted to continue the tradition her sister Baela had of naming her dragon

Despite the fact that they came from a different clutch, Morning and Moondancer share a striking resemblance to each other

She prefers to fly over the ocean than by land

Dragon Headcanons For My Fic Part 5.


He is seen as an odd dragon both physically and personality-wise, while he likes other dragons, not all dragons like him for this reason

He is one of the least favorites of the dragonkeepers because he doesn't take orders from anyone except his rider and is unpredicatble

He will eat anything that is given to him

Caraxes is very strong-willed and has a habit of sometimes lightly push his rider or blocking their way, while he does follow their commands, he has no qualms with messing with them (many debate whether this is playful or an attempt at humor)

When he is itchy somewhere on his neck, Caraxes will extend his neck to his rider for them to scratch

Dragon Headcanons For My Fic Part 5.


Following, Laneor's death, Seasmoke became very depressed and refused to leave the Dragonpit

Seasmoke went through long periods of self-imposed starvation after Laenor died

Seasmpoke chose his rider, Addam, because he knew he was related to Laenor and wanted a piece of his old rider back

He is extremly protective over his new rider, Addam, and becomes defensive around human weapons

Due to his years in the Dragonpit, he looks older than he actually is

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1 year ago

I’m genuinely not looking forward to people turning on characters like Corlys, Addam, Nettles, and Rhaena for “betraying” the Blacks

(BTW this is not to hate on anyone but I predict it is what's going to happen)

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11 months ago

The vibe I’m trying to create for these two in my fic

Garmund Hightower: Lady Rhaena I brought you flowers from the garden

Rhaena: Wait, why are your arms red?

Garmund: There was some poison ivy next to them but it’s doesn’t matter since I got your favorite color, pink.

Rhaena (internally): I swear to the Old Gods and the New when this war ends I will drag down a septon from Oldtown and marry this man

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10 months ago

Posts HOTD Characters would make on the Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App

Alicent (the only person who uses it normally):

Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App


Posts HOTD Characters Would Make On The Whisper App

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8 months ago

The HOTD characters in my fic if they were in a horror movie:

Rhaenyra: dies after being killed by the twist villain

Alicent: survives by proxy of not being at the spooky house/cabin

Lenora: dies after sacrificing herself to slow down the bad guy

Dyanna: dies but not before managing to get at least a stab in on the bad guy

Aegon: dies because he was busy getting high or drunk

Helaena: survives because she hates social outings and never went to the spooky house/cabin

Aemond: dies after being revealed to be the twist villain

Jace: survives and goes on to be in the squeals as a legacy character

Daeron: dies after being jump-scared

Luke: dies in the first act making him the first victim

Joffrey: survives because he had a curfew and left early

Baela: survives because she was gone half the movie and only showed up in the final act with a gun

Rhaena: survives and becomes the final girl after having drastic character development making her a more ruthless person by the end

Addam: dies after trying to save his brother

Alyn: dies trying to get revenge for Addam’s death

Hugh: dies because he was a frat boy

Ulf: dies because he was the main bad guy

Gaemon: survives because he left the spooky house/cabin as soon as things started getting weird

Viserys: died before the movie even takes place

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8 months ago

Reasons why I changed Addam and Alyn’s parentage in my fic

Spoilers for my fic “The Madness of Dragons” if I haven't read it

So in my fic, I changed Addam and Alyn to be Laenor's sons rather than Corlys which is heavily implied in Fire &Blood and made canon in the show. Still, I changed this because:

Claiming Seasmoke is more emotional. Addam always wanted to know about his father and maybe meet him one day. When he claimed Seasmoke he had no idea it was his father's former dragon. Unbeknownst to Addam, when Seasmoke first saw him, he knew the teenager had Laenor's blood and this made him happy to have a piece of his old rider back. This is partially why he bonded with Addam. Then when Addam learns that Laenor is his father, he is devastated to have lost him but grateful that he has Seasmoke as his dragon.

Addam and Alyn’s relationship with Rhaenyra is more complex. In my fic, Rhaenyra and Laenor didn’t have the best relationship (to put it mildly). They argued during the war in the Stepstones and some words were said that couldn’t be taken back. Rhaenyra and Laenor’s final interaction was not a positive one, so when she finds out that Laenor had two sons no one knew about, she feels a certain type of way about it. While the two teenagers know nothing about this history, Rhaenyra is put in a position where she struggles to put aside her anger with Laenor and see the boys as their own individuals separate from their father.

Making Addam and Alyn Laenor's sons places the two of them on equal footing as Baela and Rhaena. If the two were Corlys' they'd be the twins' uncles and have a much more clear line of inheritance. But by having them be the twins' cousins, there isn't exactly an air of superiority and the four are on the same level as Corlys and Rhaenys' grandchildren.

The inheritance is slightly more complex. Given that Laenor was the heir of Driftmark any children he had would be passed his title. With Addam and Alyn being legitimatized, they have a real claim to Driftmark. However, prior to them being legitimatized, it was assumed that Baela would inherit Driftmark. The appearance of Laneor's sons, complicates things because Addam will inherit Driftmark as he has Laenor's blood, the name Velaryon, and a dragon. But despite having all the qualities of a "true Velaryon", those in Hightide may be upset that he was raised by a common woman and was bastard-born initially. This trickles down into Baela's claim as she is the eldest grandchild of the eldest Velaryon child yet her position is being threatened by a newcomer.

Lastly, it comes down to Laenor's legacy. Early in the story when Laenor is spending time with Lenora, he admits to her that he believed he couldn't have children but that he wishes that he could because he thinks he would have liked fatherhood. A running theme when it comes to Laenor's character is legacy. He thinks he won't be able to pass one on and this is reminded to him often such with Rhaenyra's insult to him about his infertility. He accepts this reality and dies never knowing that he did in fact have children, making the later revelation that much more tragic.

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8 months ago
Rhaena Targaryen Did NOT Lose Her Tragic Lesbian Situationship With Elissa Farman For Y'all To Be Pretending

Rhaena Targaryen did NOT lose her tragic lesbian situationship with Elissa Farman for y'all to be pretending like these are Daenerys' dragons

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4 years ago
Baelor Went Further By Placing Deana With Her Younger Sisters Rhaena And Elaena Into Their OwnCourt Of

“Baelor went further by placing Deana with her younger sisters Rhaena and Elaena into their own ‘Court of Beauty’ within the Red Keep, in what came to be called the the Maiden Vault. The king announced that he wished to preserve their innocence from the wickedness of the world an the lusts of impious men,”-The world of Ice and Fire

Listen I’m telling the truth when I say I have a lot of pics of Targaryen's, I’ve just had massive art block and I’m starting to upload them, ever so slowly, so here ya go a pic of Daena, Rhaena, and youngest girl Elaena in the middle.

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8 months ago

“That castle is more crippled than I am”

“Perhaps you might place a feather pillow over his head and speed along your inheritance”

“Are you afraid?” “Worse. I’m rational”


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