zai. she/her. '00. nctzen, army. brown af. welcome to my little world of writing!
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Could I Get A 6 + Lee Jinwoo? With The Reader Being A Few Months Younger Then Him :)
could i get a 6 + lee jinwoo? with the reader being a few months younger then him :)
hello, thank you for the request! this was so fun to write, I had to think of a way to incorporate the “younger than him” part and so I did! I really hope you enjoy it!!
6. “I sing that verse better than you.”
[10:30 a.m.] walking out of the classroom, you just handed in your last final exam. you were officially finished with your first year of high school. things couldn’t be better for you: you were a good student throughout the year, you managed to keep your grades up and you got involved with one or two clubs. all while keeping your friendships intact. because you and all your friends had signed up for the same classes, you had each class with at least one of them. so for the class, you just took the final for, some of your friends were in there. you guys made plans to go to the bowling alley after the exam, then to the karaoke rooms. you guys were going to live it up- according to the law, at least- because hell, you all deserved it. one by one, your friends were coming out of their final exam rooms: first, it was dohyun, then you, then chaeyeon, then yoojin and wonyoung, and finally, jinwoo. “we’re done!” chaeyeon exclaims and all of you make some congratulatory sounds, whether it’s a scream or a small “whoop”. “now what? where are we going?” dohyun asks, backpack hanging loosely on one of his shoulders. you all leave the school building together, looking around for a bus. luckily, one is coming around the corner so you all run to get to the bus stop. “you guys wanna go get tteokbokki?” wonyoung suggests, and you give her a thumbs up. “sounds good to me. what about everyone else?” once you hear collective agreements from the group, you guys get onto the bus and head to your favorite tteokbokki place. once you reach there, you guys grab a table and check out the menu. “so, who’s paying?”
yoojin smiles smugly, and says, “the oldest pays. I was born in december so it’s not me.” you also back off since you’re also born in december. “dohyun’s in november and I’m in october.” wonyoung says. chaeyeon pouts as she says, “I’m in august.” hearing this, jinwoo breathes out a sigh of relief, “I’m in september.” and that’s how chaeyeon ended up paying for you guys’ tteokbokki meal (but you all chipped in on her karaoke and bowling fees to make up for it). everyone is talking about their exams once the waiter leaves with your order. some are saying how it went well, some… not so well. your eyes catch jinwoo as he’s laughing about something yoojin says. your heart starts hammering in your chest and you’re not sure why. “so, what are your plans for the summer, y/n?” wonyoung asks, and there’s a slight glint of mischief in her eyes but you don’t pay too much attention to it. “mom’s making me prep for the next school year so I have a tutor, but besides that I don’t have any major plans.” “hmmm, what about your love life?” this seems to catch everyone’s attention and you feel the heat rising to your cheeks. “no, I probably won’t even have time for that.” wonyoung’s grin intensifies, “but there must be someone you’re interested in. maybe that someone is a lot closer than you think.” you’re a flustered mess and from the corner of your eye, you can see jinwoo looking at you, and before you reply to anything, he flatly says, “knock if off, wonyoung. she’s already stressing out over other things, don’t bug her about this too.” you give a jinwoo a grateful smile and wonyoung huffs, “okay, sorry y/n.” when the steaming pot of tteokbokki arrives, you all dig in. laughing, gossiping and having fun is what the meal consists of. when you all finish eating, you chaeyeon pays, and then you guys head over to the bowling alley. you’re not as excited for bowling as you are for singing, though because jinwoo has an incredible voice. he sings the best out of your group, and more than once you’ve told him that he’s got a gift. his response was always the same: a blush on his cheeks with a toothy smile, and a quiet “thank you”. it was the cutest thing ever, and you never got tired of it.
bowling ended the way you expected it to: with yoojin and dohyun fighting for first place and then dohyun winning and running it in everyone’s face. but it’s all fun and games, because now you’re heading to the karaoke room. the dark room with the flashy lights greet you as you walk in and shut the door. “who’s going first?” your hand shoots up, along with jinwoo’s. yoojin hands the controller to you, and you scroll through the endless list of songs, and stop at “dream” by suzy and baekhyun. “let’s do this one.” your eyes find jinwoo, who nods and smiles, “let’s do it.” your friends cheer as the song starts off with jinwoo’s voice. once you start singing, jinwoo’s eyes look at you with an emotion you can’t really point out. you shift your attention back to the screen and continue to sing, and when both of you sing together, your eyes focus on your friends, who’ve now taken out their phones and have their flashlights on, waving them side to side. once the song is over, your friends erupt in applause and you see jinwoo coming closer to you, “you did good,” he smiles. you giggle, “you didn’t do too bad yourself, as always.” then you two take a seat as yoojin goes up and sings “chewing gum”. you both are sitting and singing along, and when it get to the chorus, you tell jinwoo, “I sing that verse better than you, ha!” you stick your tongue out playfully and continue to sing. jinwoo just smiles at you, his eyes displaying that unrecognizable emotion yet again. “you know,” he starts, “you’ve gotten a lot better at singing too. maybe we should test your skills one day, by coming back here sometime later.” you look at him and tilt your head, “oh yeah? how did you wanna test that?” the side of his mouth quirks up and he leans in and whispers, “I’ll choose your songs and you’ll have to sing them. deal?” he stuck out his hand and you shook it. then it clicks, and you stutter out, “wait, are you saying we’ll come here... like as in a date?” thankful he’s in a dark room so you can’t see the red tinge on his face, he nods, and says, “I like you, y/n, and I would really like to take you out soon. I hope you feel the same way.” you look down and grab his free hand, before intertwining your fingers and smiling up at him. “I would love to go out with you.” and needless to say, you can testify that things really could be better for you, now that you had things to look forward to in the summer.
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More Posts from Sweetdejun
you should make a series
that’s the plan, hopefully :))
I do have MULTIPLE drafts, so I will start uploading stuff, at random. right now, I am making a master list (yay~) where obviously, you can find all of my works. soon, I will start the series, but I do have a rough outline done for that, as well, so stay tuned!!!
coterie: two
gang!au x1 x fem!reader
synopsis: you’re an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life. but what happens when you catch the gang that is famous for keeping their deeds under the table, in action?
coterie’s masterlist can be found here
darkness is the first thing you see when you gain consciousness again. up, down, left, right, your eyes move to see nothing but pitch black. you try to reach your face to rub your eyes, but can’t because your hands are bound in ropes behind your back. you try to scream but you fail to accomplish that, too, because you feel the sensation of cloth against the bottom half of your face. you let out a strained sound then suddenly, a light flashes on just above your head. the sudden change of atmosphere causes you to shrink up a little and squint your eyes. from the darkness, a figure approaches close. “she’s awake, call the boss.” the voice resonates in the darkroom and the man approaches you closely. the light adjusts and you can see the area surrounding you much clearer now. your eyes focus on the man’s face in front of you and you remember, he was there the night you went out with jinhyuk. the man stood tall, clad in an all-black suit and the ends of his arm sleeves held the ends of a red silk shirt. the buttons of his coat were completely closed, but that didn’t conceal the collar bones and the top of his chest. your eyes then went to his face, and the first thing you notice is his icy gaze on you, his raven hair falling just above his eyebrows, but framing his forehead. a sound of a door opens and you both turn your attention towards it, the man’s earrings moving with the swift movement of his head. the door opens and another source of light floods into the room and a man taller by mere inches than the one in front of you walks in. he approaches closer and you notice that he’s dressed similarly to the other guy, but has a scarf tied around his neck. you see a trace of ink peeking out of his shirt on his collarbone, but you don’t have time to pay much attention to it because the man leans down in front of you. his navy locks cover up his eyes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t see the intense gaze peeking through. “hm.” he mutters then looks back at the other man. “yohan, leave me with her for a minute.” the man shifts his gaze between you and the other man before nodding compliantly and leaving.
now it’s just you and the other man in the room. he stands up tall again and is still looking down at your slightly shaking figure. “don’t worry, we won’t kill you.” he says with a calm smile forming onto his face, contradicting the fear settling in your chest. he pulls out a gun and places it under your chin, and you freeze. tears well up in your eyes as he says, “under one condition. as you know, we never reveal our acts to anyone; and, well, occasionally, we have our moments. we have been caught in the past but it always ends with the same result: we find them and we kill them. but, we’re going to do something different this time. instead of killing you, I have a proposition to make. we will let you live as long as you work for us. we have an important mission that requires as many hands as we need, and we’ve kept our eye on you for some time now. you seem useful enough, so we are willing to use you for our mission. what are you going to do?” as he moved the gun away from you, a flash of emotions overwhelmed you. first, fear that you still can die right now. the gun is still there, albeit not against your chin. second, curiosity: why would they choose to leave you alive? you wanted to get to the bottom of it. third, and probably the most intense emotion you were feeling right now, was anger. how the hell did they expect you to just drop everything, give up on your career, and your future for something like this? he pulled down the cloth covering your mouth and you spoke up, clearing your throat. “I do have some, actually. how long do I have to decide this?” the man checks his watch. “it’s 8:00 right now. you have 15 minutes to decide what you need to decide.” “can I have my phone?” he scoffs at this and narrows his eyes. “why do you need it?” annoyance is evident in your tone as your deadpan, “my friends are worried. I’ve been out of the dorm for almost 12 hours, they deserve some explanation.” thinking long and hard, he hesitates but goes behind you to set your hands free. he gruffly mutters,“no playing around, or i’ll reconsider my decision of letting you live.” you notice the red indents the tight strands of nylon left in your skin, wincing as you move your wrists around. he reaches out into his back pocket and hands your phone to you. upon unlocking it, you find a plethora of missed calls and texts from your roommates, some friends from your classes and lastly, jinhyuk. you decide to text him since he will be the most understanding of your situation.

it seems as though seconds after you send the message, jinhyuk’s name is lighting up on your phone screen and you see the red and green circles in your peripherals as you look back up at the man, who is blankly staring at you. “can I have a few minutes?” his eyebrows furrow slightly, and you prompt further, “please, I only have a few minutes to give you my decision, I’m working against the clock here.” rolling his eyes, he heads to the door, and before closing it to the other side, he grumbles, “hurry up”. sighing, you pick up the phone and jinhyuk’s frantic “where are you?” is the first thing you hear. you explain the entire situation to him: about how you should’ve been more careful when you were on your way to the gym and how even though you were vigilant, you managed to get kidnapped by x1 and now, the condition they’ve given you. after some moments of silence, jinhyuk says, “look, I don’t think you want to do this, but you’ll stay alive if you do. I suppose you should stay with them. I’ll go to your dorm and explain everything to your roommates- hey don’t worry about it, okay- and I’ll get your things for you. I know one member very well, so I will give him your belongings, alright? as for school, well, I’ll try to talk to higher-ups but maybe you should have, uh, them talk to the school about it. they’ll have to work something out, okay? listen, I know you’re scared, but I need you to make the right decision. you’re smart so I trust you about that and know that no matter what, I’ll always be here for yo-” you don’t hear the rest of the sentence because the guy from earlier is back in the room, and he snatches the phone from your hand. “that’s your time,” the man hangs up the call, then looks at you. “so, what’re you choosing? us or the bullet?” he pulls out the gun and lets the light from the one bulb above you reflect across its body. you contemplate, again and again, then sigh. do you want to be working for the city’s, maybe even the country’s most dangerous criminals? your life is more important than your career at this point; in order for you to have a future, you have to be living, right? you look up at the man, who’s expectantly awaiting an answer. “well then? what’s it gonna be?” you bite your lip nervously and tell him, “I’m going to call my university and let them know that I’ll be putting a pause on my academics. and if they ask why, well, I’ll just tell them my life is on the line.”
7 + kang minhee? :)
hiii thanks for the request! I adore minhee, he’s such a fuzzball lol! I hope you enjoy the read
7. someone messed up and gave you something that belongs to him.
[12:23 p.m.] when people asked you what your favorite season was, your answer had always been the same for as long as you can remember: it’s autumn. something about the leaves falling and the smell of cinnamon sugar and pumpkin in the air brought its own weirdly comforting warmth. you loved that the sun would be out and the temperature would be in the high 60s. you loved that you could wear sweaters and cardigans literally all day. you loved that you could come home after a long day and fix yourself a mug of hot cocoa, and your feet could be swaddled in fuzzy socks. you just love autumn, okay? one great thing that came with the season of autumn is the endless cravings you have for pumpkin spice mochas. that’s why you usually found yourself in line at your favorite cafe almost every three or four days, lining up to get one of these beverages in your hands. it’s been your fifth or sixth time here, so when the baristas see you, they wave and ask you about your day. you’ve become friends with them, and it hasn’t even been a month of coming here. you reach the front of the line and see a new face behind the register. he looks a little younger, maybe by two or three years. your eyes go to his name tag, where the name “jinwoo” is neatly visible. “hi, what can I get for you today?” you smile at the contrasting voice coming from him. “hi, can I get a small pumpkin spice mocha, please?” he rings it up and asks for your payment. you give him the exact change and he grins, “it’ll be ready shortly.”
and so you make your way to the other end of the counter and one of your barista friends, joy pops in from the back to say hi. “yeah, we’re needing more help, so we decided to open up our application to college freshmen, too. the kid was so sweet in his interview, that’s what the manager said, too.” you pout at her words. “he’s so tiny, I wanna protect him,” and joy laughs at your words. you hear, “y/n!” and joy passes your drink over to you before saying, “I’ve gotta head back over and help there, I’ll see you later.” you wave goodbye to her and take a seat. the steam is piping out from the opening on the lid, and you take a sip. something tastes…different. it’s not the usual taste of pumpkin you’re getting. it’s a little more… like you just brushed your teeth. take a sip again, and when you figure out what it is, you pucker your lips a little. it’s peppermint: of course, it is, it’s overpowering and minty. you’ve just received a peppermint mocha. you check on the cup at lo and behold, your name is written on the cup. “huh.” you get up and head back towards the counter. joy is just ringing up a customer’s order when she sees you approach the counter, she’s a little concerned. normally, you take your coffee, sit down and finish it before bidding your farewells and leaving the cafe. she comes up to you and you tell her, “I didn’t order this.” joy’s eyebrows shoot up and she asks, “who took your order?” she asks, examining the cup and the hurried “peppermint mocha” scribbled down on the side of the cup. “I think the new boy, but don’t scold him or anything.” joy seems hesitant at your advice, but sighs and nods. “jinwoo, can you come here please?” and in the time jinwoo takes to come over, someone else has approached the counter. he wore a black hat that covered tufts of his blonde hair. he was slender and tall and a small pout settled on his thin lips. “I think you gave me the wrong drink.” his gentle voice rings as he tells joy. her gaze shifts between your cup and his, and you can see the gears shifting in her head. jinwoo comes along, and joy asks him if he mixed yours and the boy’s drinks up.
you see the poor boy’s face redden and he stutters out, “I’m so s-sorry, I must’ve rushed and written the wrong names on the cups. please forgive me!” you shake your head, “it’s okay, it happens, I understand. I’ll buy another one,” but joy cuts you off, “are you joking, y/n? we won’t let you pay for another one, we’ll remake it for you,” then she looks at the boy standing next to you, “and you too, minhee-ssi. it’s free of charge for you, also, so sit tight. we’ll whip up your drinks in a few minutes.” the boy (minhee, you note) smiles wide and thanks joy profusely. “thank you guys for letting us know, and I’m so sorry again. I will definitely work harder to make sure I’m not doing things in a hurry.” jinwoo apologizes once more and minhee says, “it’s no big deal, dude. really, don’t worry too much about it.” joy and jinwoo head to the back to make your drinks and you and minhee are waiting awkwardly by the counter. “so,” you start, “peppermint mocha, huh? I guess it’s an acquired taste.” minhee looks at you, and a fond smile makes its way onto his mouth. “yeah, the same definitely goes for pumpkin.” you fold your arms, and snort, “pumpkin spice is the flavor of the season. peppermint is for winter, buddy.” minhee scoffs and pulls off his hat momentarily to run a hand through his hair (you wonder what it feels like to run your fingers through it subconsciously and the tips of your ears go pink) before readjusting his hat. “you’ve got a point there. but, pumpkin mocha, peppermint mocha, we know one thing: we both wanted mochas, that’s probably how he confused the orders,” your eyes go to jinwoo who’s making the hot drinks, adding the milk to the cups. “he’s a sweet kid. I’ve seen him here many times.” you hear minhee say and your attention is once again brought back to him. “I’ve been coming here for coffee since I moved here, and I don’t know what it is, but I keep coming back.” your eyebrows shoot up at this and you beam, “I know right? it’s like I don’t see any other cafe beside this one, coffee is all I spend my money on nowadays, too and that’s insane to me.” then you guys talk about what you do, what your hobbies are and minhee seems genuinely interested in what you’re saying. his nose also crinkles up when he smiles and you notice the small freckles that are scattered across the span of his cheeks. “y/n? your coffee’s ready,” joy’s voice brings you back and you thank her before taking a sip and sighing with your eyes closed. “so, y/n, since you come by here often, do you think you’ll maybe come by here tomorrow?” a light dust of pink forms on both of your cheeks, and joy sees the exchange and smiles, before passing minhee his coffee and shuffling to the back once again. “I want to get to know you a little more, so why not over some coffee?” bashfully, you look away from minhee’s careful gaze and nod, biting your bottom lip. and just before you leave, you grab a napkin and a pen (courtesy of jinwoo) before writing down your phone number and a little “see you tomorrow :)” on the napkin and hand it to minhee. “wah, and to think my mistake led to a blooming romance.” jinwoo mumbles and he earns a small smack on the arm from joy, before taking the next customer’s order.
17 + Junho? ♥︎♥︎
hello, thanks so much for the request! I kept this one shorter than the usual amount of what I write, just because I didn’t want to have to ramble on with this one, so regardless of the length, I really hope you like it!
17. he does something sweet for you.
[7:43 a.m.] you woke up to the sound of your alarm clock blaring. you stretched your arms and legs and began getting out of bed when you noticed the space next to you, which was filled the night before, is empty right now. junho must’ve gone to the bathroom, you think, and get up and out of bed. five minutes pass and junho doesn’t come out of the bathroom. you go up to the door and knock on it, for safe measures. after hearing no response, you slowly twist the knob and the door opens to reveal…absolutely nobody. “huh,” you shrug and head over to the sink to brush your teeth and wash your face. once you finish those things, you head down your hallway and into your kitchen, to find junho at the dining table, with a box of donuts and two coffees. he turns once he hears your footsteps and smiles. “good morning! how’d you sleep?” you drag your feet over to him and hug his waist, kissing his cheek. “good morning. what are you doing awake, you don’t have practice until the afternoon, I thought?” “yeah, but I know you have an interview later on this morning, so I just wanted to do something for you, for good luck. so I went out and got you those donuts from across the street that you love so much, and some coffee.”
your attention diverges to the aqua-colored box, which held your favorite peanut butter donuts and junho’s favorite pistachio donuts. you beam and look back at him, before squishing his face between your hands and kissing him. “thank you, baby.” he kisses you again, with much more fervor and passion, pulling you close to him and keeping the distance between you two very small. you rarely see this side of junho because even though your relationship has been strong for two years, so far, junho still shies away from showing you intense affection. when he does, though, you always welcome it, so your hands go to his hair, tangling your fingers in his chocolate locks. once you both feel the burn in your lungs, you pull away, heavily breathing. “thank you so much for the breakfast, junho, you really shouldn’t have ruined your sleep for it.” he smoothes down your hair and says, “it’s really no problem, y/n. I wish you good luck on your interview today, you’ll kill it and you’ll secure the job, just watch.” your heart swelled at the sincere smile that formed on his mouth and the loving gaze he set upon you.
and a few days later, you got a phone call from the company letting you know that they wanted to hire you and when they did, you squealed so loud that junho came rushing in asking if you were hurt and all you could do was leap into his arms and you whispered against his ear, “I got it, junho. I got the job.”
the last one with yunseong, mayhaps i squealed aH
eeek I squealed while writing this bro sksksk