Produce X 101 Jinwoo - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

could i get a 6 + lee jinwoo? with the reader being a few months younger then him :)

hello, thank you for the request! this was so fun to write, I had to think of a way to incorporate the “younger than him” part and so I did! I really hope you enjoy it!!

6. “I sing that verse better than you.”

[10:30 a.m.] walking out of the classroom, you just handed in your last final exam. you were officially finished with your first year of high school. things couldn’t be better for you: you were a good student throughout the year, you managed to keep your grades up and you got involved with one or two clubs. all while keeping your friendships intact. because you and all your friends had signed up for the same classes, you had each class with at least one of them. so for the class, you just took the final for, some of your friends were in there. you guys made plans to go to the bowling alley after the exam, then to the karaoke rooms. you guys were going to live it up- according to the law, at least- because hell, you all deserved it. one by one, your friends were coming out of their final exam rooms: first, it was dohyun, then you, then chaeyeon, then yoojin and wonyoung, and finally, jinwoo. “we’re done!” chaeyeon exclaims and all of you make some congratulatory sounds, whether it’s a scream or a small “whoop”. “now what? where are we going?” dohyun asks, backpack hanging loosely on one of his shoulders. you all leave the school building together, looking around for a bus. luckily, one is coming around the corner so you all run to get to the bus stop. “you guys wanna go get tteokbokki?” wonyoung suggests, and you give her a thumbs up. “sounds good to me. what about everyone else?” once you hear collective agreements from the group, you guys get onto the bus and head to your favorite tteokbokki place. once you reach there, you guys grab a table and check out the menu. “so, who’s paying?” 

yoojin smiles smugly, and says, “the oldest pays. I was born in december so it’s not me.” you also back off since you’re also born in december. “dohyun’s in november and I’m in october.” wonyoung says. chaeyeon pouts as she says, “I’m in august.” hearing this, jinwoo breathes out a sigh of relief, “I’m in september.” and that’s how chaeyeon ended up paying for you guys’ tteokbokki meal (but you all chipped in on her karaoke and bowling fees to make up for it). everyone is talking about their exams once the waiter leaves with your order. some are saying how it went well, some… not so well. your eyes catch jinwoo as he’s laughing about something yoojin says. your heart starts hammering in your chest and you’re not sure why. “so, what are your plans for the summer, y/n?” wonyoung asks, and there’s a slight glint of mischief in her eyes but you don’t pay too much attention to it. “mom’s making me prep for the next school year so I have a tutor, but besides that I don’t have any major plans.” “hmmm, what about your love life?” this seems to catch everyone’s attention and you feel the heat rising to your cheeks. “no, I probably won’t even have time for that.” wonyoung’s grin intensifies, “but there must be someone you’re interested in. maybe that someone is a lot closer than you think.” you’re a flustered mess and from the corner of your eye, you can see jinwoo looking at you, and before you reply to anything, he flatly says, “knock if off, wonyoung. she’s already stressing out over other things, don’t bug her about this too.” you give a jinwoo a grateful smile and wonyoung huffs, “okay, sorry y/n.” when the steaming pot of tteokbokki arrives, you all dig in. laughing, gossiping and having fun is what the meal consists of. when you all finish eating, you chaeyeon pays, and then you guys head over to the bowling alley. you’re not as excited for bowling as you are for singing, though because jinwoo has an incredible voice. he sings the best out of your group, and more than once you’ve told him that he’s got a gift. his response was always the same: a blush on his cheeks with a toothy smile, and a quiet “thank you”. it was the cutest thing ever, and you never got tired of it.

bowling ended the way you expected it to: with yoojin and dohyun fighting for first place and then dohyun winning and running it in everyone’s face. but it’s all fun and games, because now you’re heading to the karaoke room. the dark room with the flashy lights greet you as you walk in and shut the door. “who’s going first?” your hand shoots up, along with jinwoo’s. yoojin hands the controller to you, and you scroll through the endless list of songs, and stop at “dream” by suzy and baekhyun. “let’s do this one.” your eyes find jinwoo, who nods and smiles, “let’s do it.” your friends cheer as the song starts off with jinwoo’s voice. once you start singing, jinwoo’s eyes look at you with an emotion you can’t really point out. you shift your attention back to the screen and continue to sing, and when both of you sing together, your eyes focus on your friends, who’ve now taken out their phones and have their flashlights on, waving them side to side. once the song is over, your friends erupt in applause and you see jinwoo coming closer to you, “you did good,” he smiles. you giggle, “you didn’t do too bad yourself, as always.” then you two take a seat as yoojin goes up and sings “chewing gum”. you both are sitting and singing along, and when it get to the chorus, you tell jinwoo, “I sing that verse better than you, ha!” you stick your tongue out playfully and continue to sing. jinwoo just smiles at you, his eyes displaying that unrecognizable emotion yet again. “you know,” he starts, “you’ve gotten a lot better at singing too. maybe we should test your skills one day, by coming back here sometime later.” you look at him and tilt your head, “oh yeah? how did you wanna test that?” the side of his mouth quirks up and he leans in and whispers, “I’ll choose your songs and you’ll have to sing them. deal?” he stuck out his hand and you shook it. then it clicks, and you stutter out, “wait, are you saying we’ll come here... like as in a date?” thankful he’s in a dark room so you can’t see the red tinge on his face, he nods, and says, “I like you, y/n, and I would really like to take you out soon. I hope you feel the same way.” you look down and grab his free hand, before intertwining your fingers and smiling up at him. “I would love to go out with you.” and needless to say, you can testify that things really could be better for you, now that you had things to look forward to in the summer.

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