This is a prequel Story that takes place during the years 2017 - 2020. This will take place before my Fangan Danganronpa: Lost rage.
here is the link if you wanna read it.

Anyway this Prequel will Explain this AU more and add worldbuilding and stuff.
There will be two half’s in the series.
HOPE:SIDE where the episodes will take place in the Canon Danganronpa universe (Danganronpa Thh,Goodbye despair Ect.)
and DESPAIR:SIDE which takes place in the V3 universe with The V3 students after the V3 Killing game.
And that’s all I’ve got until the First book of the trilogy comes out.
Also I hope everyone has a good day 👍👍👍
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very good points *Nodded while smiling*

Dot and Bubble turned out to be much more than what the trailer offered, yet still I will post my list of words next to dots.
First up, in spite of it all, the episode is not escaping the "social media bad" allegations. More on that later
The core concept of the Doctor having to remotely guide someone out of a situation is excellent. Very Blink, but in real-time
The idea of being surrounded by a danger you're unaware of until someone reveals it is also pretty rad. And slightly terrifying
Like the scene where Lindy de-bubbles outside and loads of people are being eaten is messed up
Sadly I think it goes a little too far in having Lindy being unable to walk in a straight line without the bubble. I'm pretty sure that's not even how walking works
You could force the re-bubbling just by making it so she doesn't know the way out of the building. Then in the Plaza 55 scene just have her freak out and freeze because she's surrounded by scary monsters
The problem is that suddenly Lindy is capable of basic motor skills after a few minutes anyway so what was even the point
Also the Dots wanting to kill everyone felt kind of stupid to me for complex meta reasons. Social media might not have your best interests in mind, but the way it which it does so is not homicidal. It in fact needs you alive
The first big twist was pretty brutal. Surprise! The perky idiot was in fact evil!
This actually also clashes with Lindy previously being incapable of all thought since her plan requires fairly decent critical thinking skills to combine several pieces of information and to predict how revealing Ricky September's previous name might save her
This theoretically serves as the final hint of the other twist unless you already worked it out: The Finetimers are all racist. So much so that they walk off into the wilderness to die horribly
wow Ncuti Gatwa puts his all into that Doctor Speech
but there's a but
While it is good that the topic was not avoided, flattening all racist down into a vauge "wow look at those stupid racists" is not an amazing way to handle it?
There are smart bigots of all kinds and they are often the most dangerous ones
It also sort of glosses over how exactly Finetime is benefitting from whatever inequitable society they have
The audience reaction here is also not particularly inspiring here even on the things that aren't Fridge Horror
Some people are saying "woah the Finetimers didn't deserve to be saved" which is essentially not just missing the text of this episode but the entirety of Doctor Who. The Doctor's ethos is that everyone deserves to be saved. If the Daleks get mercy so does everyone else
Also what's going in this episode is genocide
And it gets worse. The episode shows us a very specific slice of the Finetimer's culture. They are directly stated to be the children of the rich upperclass.
The concept of a rich privileged elite only makes sense if the is an underclass from which the elite are distinct
Lindy is reflexively dismissive of the Doctor, and acts as if he should be obligated to help her, but she isn't surpised to see him. So whatever group Lindy thinks the Doctor is part of still existed when she moved to Finetime.
Therefore, I think it's incredibly likely that in addition to the rich racists, the Dots also murdered the entirety of Homeworld's underclass, for the "crime" of being that underclass.
So did the Dots turn against their creators for principled reasons, or did they simply absorb the values of the culture that created them, with the only difference being that they put themselves at the top of the hierarchy?
anyhow I think it would have been more messed up if Lindy realised "yeah we aren't going to make it" and abandoned the other Finetimers, while still being exactly as evil, bigoted and self-centered as she was before. Hell have her lie to the others that she's going to wait for more survivors then turn around and say "so what are we waiting for lets gooooo" in her airhead voice

This is my first Doctor who Fanfiction.
This is also a Susan story with her as the Protagonist and the main POV of this Fanfiction.
The Bad guys of this story are retooled Danganrompa Ocs but they would fit well in both Fandoms stories (Or at least in my own opinion.)
By the time I’m writing this post the story’s 3rd chapter will still be being written.
Also! Feedback is a Huge welcome because I want to be a better writer/Author in the future and Writing Fanfiction will help me practice it!
So yeah! Lots of Feedback and extra thoughts will help me out ALOT!!!
And here is the link to the story…

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