tarotofpotato - Yup, that's me.
Yup, that's me.

Tau 🌿 | Any pronouns | I use Tumblr recreationally (lie)

59 posts

My Depression Is A Communist.

My depression is a communist.

More Posts from Tarotofpotato

6 months ago

I love how everyone is appalled by the sight of Toads rampage, except Peach. Who is weirdly, drunkenly into it

Someone showed me that cover of "chandelier" by Melancholiaaah! singing like Toad. It was stuck into my head. I had to animate it.

6 months ago

anybody else in here feel like they're constantly and involuntarily calculating their every thought and action. and doing it wrong

6 months ago

It's honestly such a shame that we've made such a huge thing out of swimming and swimsuits and looking good in swimsuits and fat people not looking good in swimsuits. Swimming is actually the perfect exercise for fat people because it puts zero pressure on the joints, which is a much bigger concern for us than it is for skinny people, and lets you exercise basically every muscle group without straining too much and risking injury. Yet somehow this is one of the least accessible exercises to fat people due to nothing more than a culture of body shaming. The work to unlearn all the shame to be comfortable in a bathing suit in front of strangers is huge even for conventionally attractive people, but I could probably count on one hand the number of fat people I've met who were confident enough to get in a bathing suit and go swimming in public.

And what is the exercise that somehow everyone thinks they should do instead? Jogging. It's more accessible, sure, it's easy and costs nothing to go outside and run. But I need you to understand telling a fat person to go running is basically telling them to go destroy their knees. Not to mention it's probably one of the most physically uncomfortable exercises to do when you have a body that jiggles even with compression garments.

Imagine a world where everyone had the ability and equal access to whatever exercise fit them best and helped them be happy and healthiest. Imagine a world where fat people go swimming.

7 months ago

For the love of everything sacred and fucking holy, vote for Biden. Cause on the track it is going, Trump is going to win, and while I do not support either candidates actions in regards to the Gaza genocide, I would much rather have the president that won't limit my rights to protest about it.

Voting for Biden is not a vote to support Israel. It is a vote to protect your own rights. Biden is the lesser of two evils and I would much rather consistently deal with a tolerable devil than one who supported a fucking insurrection.

You are privileged if the Gaza situation is the only thing that matters to you. As unfortunate as it is, this decision needs to be a you before another country. Getting Biden in office is the best way to support Gaza because it won't limit our rights.