tarotofpotato - Yup, that's me.
Yup, that's me.

Tau 🌿 | Any pronouns | I use Tumblr recreationally (lie)

59 posts

Tarotofpotato - Yup, That's Me. - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

extremely harrowing to realise that i feel better and get more done if i wake up early in the morning.

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6 months ago

It's honestly such a shame that we've made such a huge thing out of swimming and swimsuits and looking good in swimsuits and fat people not looking good in swimsuits. Swimming is actually the perfect exercise for fat people because it puts zero pressure on the joints, which is a much bigger concern for us than it is for skinny people, and lets you exercise basically every muscle group without straining too much and risking injury. Yet somehow this is one of the least accessible exercises to fat people due to nothing more than a culture of body shaming. The work to unlearn all the shame to be comfortable in a bathing suit in front of strangers is huge even for conventionally attractive people, but I could probably count on one hand the number of fat people I've met who were confident enough to get in a bathing suit and go swimming in public.

And what is the exercise that somehow everyone thinks they should do instead? Jogging. It's more accessible, sure, it's easy and costs nothing to go outside and run. But I need you to understand telling a fat person to go running is basically telling them to go destroy their knees. Not to mention it's probably one of the most physically uncomfortable exercises to do when you have a body that jiggles even with compression garments.

Imagine a world where everyone had the ability and equal access to whatever exercise fit them best and helped them be happy and healthiest. Imagine a world where fat people go swimming.

6 months ago

My peace sign isn't crooked, I am actually forming a snail shadow puppet with my hand, the eye stalks curiously stretched into the unending vastness of the universe

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6 months ago

Glad to see that the Magnus fandom still has the same spot on banger of a music taste

A three-panel comic illustrating the Magnus Protocol's OIAR office.
Panel 1; A white PC monitor displaying the front of a building on fire. Text reads "Why did fire-erupted lands arrive?"
Panel 2; A dark green PC monitor displaying static, a falling red canary, dice, needles, tree roots, and a bloody violin. Text reads "Why did murderous animals survive?"
Panel 3; a larger view of the room, with two desks housing the PCs and a large corkboard on the wall. Sam is slumped sleeping at his desk on the left, and Alice is watching a video on her phone on the right, her feet propped on the desk. The monitors are the only light source, glowing white. The billboard is covered in various small, lettered papers with a long red string zigzagging across them. A large paper with a green eye is hung in the center. The letters on the board spell "Why did we deserve to be revived?"
Faint fog clouds and green eyes hover around the left and right desks, respectively.

"Why was any and everything alive?"

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6 months ago

anybody else in here feel like they're constantly and involuntarily calculating their every thought and action. and doing it wrong

6 months ago

“Okay here’s the list of chores I want to get done today” I tell myself before having sudden full body fatigue from seemingly nothing

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6 months ago

I've seen it said in places that Jon and Martin's relationship (specifically Jon realizing he has feelings for Martin) feels rushed and out of nowhere, and there's a perspective here that I want to share.

I think some people see them as explicitly a gay couple and expect them both to react a certain way to each other, but I have some thoughts as to why Jon is different and their relationship might not look like a traditional MLM story.

I feel that Jon's affections for Martin are absolutely there and growing over time, but with him being acespec, possibly autistic (the "I feel...sad" moment screams alexithymia to me. He doesn't fully understand his internal feelings until they're too big to ignore), and trying very hard to not get murdered for several seasons, I think it's perfectly reasonable his feelings for Martin would take time to develop.

We do see him softening to Martin over time. We see him thinking about Martin unprompted when he's alone. We see him going from "this man is going to ruin this delicate facade I've put up to seem professional, and I want him gone immediately." to "Oh, you're actually capable. So capable you might be trying to kill me." To "I don't want him to get involved or he might get hurt. I need to keep my distance so he's safe." To "I'm going to make myself tea out of nowhere because the guy who usually made it for me all the time isn't here and now it's part of my routine and I want to keep that part of him around while I'm hiding out for murder."

But once he identifies his own feelings, he overcorrects right into hopeless romantic. He's pining hard all S4, because he finally realized himself that he's in love and it's at the worst possible time. It is abrupt. Dude only just figured it out and he's throwing his whole ass into this.

I think even without the autistic headcanon, the acespec nature of how he views relationships and his whole "I feel...sad" moment indicates clearly that he was just oblivious to his own feelings for a very long time.

I know it feels sudden, but some of us are oblivious, okay? I was friends with a girl for 2 years before my brain flipped the switch and Jon's reaction felt so familiar, and I love it. I just hardly ever get to see "me" in media, and it's a bummer when people say it feels unrealistic. It's not, it's just not the norm.

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6 months ago
tarotofpotato - Yup, that's me.
tarotofpotato - Yup, that's me.
6 months ago
Coming Home From Work On A Very Hot Day, I Witnessed A Pitiful Scene

coming home from work on a very hot day, I witnessed a pitiful scene

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6 months ago

I love how everyone is appalled by the sight of Toads rampage, except Peach. Who is weirdly, drunkenly into it

Someone showed me that cover of "chandelier" by Melancholiaaah! singing like Toad. It was stuck into my head. I had to animate it.

7 months ago
Reminder That Capitalism Is The Death Of Art

Reminder that capitalism is the death of art

7 months ago

For the love of everything sacred and fucking holy, vote for Biden. Cause on the track it is going, Trump is going to win, and while I do not support either candidates actions in regards to the Gaza genocide, I would much rather have the president that won't limit my rights to protest about it.

Voting for Biden is not a vote to support Israel. It is a vote to protect your own rights. Biden is the lesser of two evils and I would much rather consistently deal with a tolerable devil than one who supported a fucking insurrection.

You are privileged if the Gaza situation is the only thing that matters to you. As unfortunate as it is, this decision needs to be a you before another country. Getting Biden in office is the best way to support Gaza because it won't limit our rights.

7 months ago

donald trump has been shot in the ear at a rally it's so over folks

8 months ago

There's a point where 'modernity has benefits but it means a lot of us have never seen a seed grow into a tree and we're missing out on a lot of beauty because of it' (a true, be it somewhat simplistic statement).

warps into 'modernity has made us spoiled and weak and our lives would be more meaningful if we needed to do rough work with our hands to survive' (bullshit and a building block of fascism)

and left wing post-apocalyptic thought has a tendency to go back and forth between the two without really noticing where they're at.

Comfort and stable access to food are good actually. We may lose these things in the future (and some have never had them) and it is good to prepare for the future, but let's be clear that losing this stable basis of survival would be a tragedy and would not make us happier or more virtuous.

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8 months ago
9 months ago
Sixfanarts 2/6 - Ryuk (and Light

sixfanarts 2/6 - ryuk (and light <3)

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9 months ago

squint for me real quick

Squint For Me Real Quick

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10 months ago
tarotofpotato - Yup, that's me.
1 year ago

My depression is a communist.

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1 year ago

Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, it is up to I, the only fucking cishet on tumblr, to drag this out to a wider audience.

Right, Considering The Current State Of Corporate Politics On This Site, And That It Seems That Only


We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.

1 year ago
tarotofpotato - Yup, that's me.
1 year ago


tarotofpotato - Yup, that's me.

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