teesy738 - Teesy's Obsession Dump
Teesy's Obsession Dump

Just a place to dump stuff for my current hyperfixation.You can check out my comics atwww.tumblr.com/blog/autiebiographical

431 posts

Until The Storm Breaks

Until the Storm Breaks

Relationships: Crosshair & Echo & Hunter & Tech & Wrecker

Content Warnings: Blood and Injury, Hallucinations, Cauterization, Graphic Description of Infection


With Wrecker badly injured and hallucinating due to poison, the Bad Batch are forced to take cover in a cave during a storm. A rough night for everyone involved follows.

Written for @summer-of-bad-batch Week 2: Injured and @augustofwhump Day 3: Poison and day 4: Filth, Screams and Open Wounds

I really wanted to fill this prompt for Summer of Bad Batch and August of whump finally gave me the inspiration to do so in a way I liked :)

Word count: 3,121

Read on Ao3

Wrecker's screams echo through the damp cave, making Tech's ears hurt. Tech's attempt to clean the large gash on Wrecker's side is disturbed by the large clones squirming.

“Hold him still.” Tech reminds his brothers.

“We're trying!” Crosshair hisses, struggling to stay atop his brother's legs as Wrecker kicks them. Hunter's holding onto Wrecker's one arm, whilst Tech has to kneel on top of his other one. Far from the ideal position to do first aid from, but Echo's already occupied trying to keep Wrecker from slamming his head back into the floor in his confusion.

“You're certain the poison isn't just killing him?” Echo says. Wrecker's head in a firm grip, he can see their brother's twisted, tear-stained expression, spit running from his mouth and down his neck. Tech has to admit he understands where Echo's concern is coming from. Wrecker by no means looks well.

But Tech's knowledge of the harmful substance in Wrecker's blood is sufficient. “I am certain. It is a hallucinogenic. What gives it its deadly reputation is the following confusion leading to the victims demise.”

“Can't we sedate him?” Hunter grunts as he wrestles Wrecker's arm back to the floor. Their demolitions expert is going to be covered in bruises by the end of this, but that will be a small price to pay for his survival.

“None of us carry sedative on us.” Tech pours disinfectant over the gash, hopping to flush some of the grit and mud out of it. The wound spans from well over Wrecker's stomach, across his side and onto his back. He's losing a worrying amount of blood. Closing the wound up in any way necessary is Tech's priority, but the amount of dirt caked in it forces him to spend some time trying to clean it best as possible. “I wouldn't advise any of you to wander out into the storm to get some from the Marauder.”

Wrecker knees Crosshair in the chest, making him groan. They're all lucky the poison weakened Wrecker. Treating him in his current state at full strength would be impossible.

“I hate this planet.” Crosshair huffs.

Tech nods. The mission has been a nightmare from the beginning. The hostile, damp terrain and native vegetation made traversal unnecessarily difficult. Their mission was set in an are known for its carnivorous plants.

The objective, destroying a separatist outpost, was completed with ease. If only they'd payed better attention to their surroundings afterwards. Hunter especially must be kicking himself for not noticing the plant waiting patiently for its next meal. It had grabbed Tech first. Tech almost wishes he'd been the one to get poisoned.

Not only is he less strong than Wrecker, more maneuverable, but then Tech would also not have to deal with the uncomfortable emotions that come with Wrecker acting as a meat shield for them again.

Of course, their bad luck hadn't ended there. Whilst they'd started moving a now delirious and bleeding Wrecker in direction of the ship, a storm broke out. The ground beneath them became knee-deep mud in moments and with lightning striking close and frequently, they were forced to take cover in a cave.

Wrecker yells, his desperate writhing almost knocking Tech over. Echo puts a firm hand on his chest to get him to quiet down, whilst Hunter hisses his name warningly. Tech opts not to remind Hunter that Wrecker likely can't understand anything going on again, that would only waste time. And they can't afford to do that.

The pool of blood accumulating under their brother on the cold stone floor has reached the limit of how big Tech would let it get. The wound is far from clean, but it's got to be sealed or Wrecker won't make it. Tech bites the inside of his cheek. They'll deal with any infection later, Tech just hopes the storm clears before the contaminated wound kills their vod.

Sharing a look with Hunter seems enough to convey that he's moving to the next step as Hunter nods in agreement. Tech fishes his electric soldering iron from his hip bag. Echo gives him a weird look.

“What are you doing with that?” He asks.

Tech had almost forgotten that Echo's only been a part of their team for a couple months. He wouldn't know that, whilst the crackling electricity at the tools end was usually used to solder wires and small technical parts, it's rather good at cauterizing wounds as well.

“Sealing the wound.” Tech answers.

“Wait a moment.” Echo says, putting a hand on Tech's to keep him from doing his job. “Cauterization is not advisable, it ups the risk of infection as well as the healing time.”

“Got a better idea?” Crosshair huffs. Echo's eyebrows knit together.


“The infection risk is already beyond high.” Tech begins pinching the edge of the gash together. “You will have to hold Wrecker down more firmly. He won't like this.”

Electricity crackles loudly and brightly as Tech powers the tool up, pressing it to Wrecker's skin. Predictably, Wrecker responds badly to the pain, fighting against his brothers with as much strength as he can muster. Tech lifts the soldering iron, checking that the edges of skin are fused well enough. When the skin, small blisters forming on the newly damaged area, holds, Tech moves on.

Thin wisps of smoke rise as Tech keeps fusing the edges of Wrecker's skin, making him glad he kept his helmet on. Even with the filter, he can smell the sharp scent of flesh burning. Hunter's senses are likely making the situation a lot worse for him. Maybe that's why he lost his grip on Wreckers arm.

In a surprisingly swift and coordinated motion, Wrecker brings his fist up to connect with the side of Tech's helmet. Tech falls to the side from the force. As he struggles to get his vision to refocus, he can hear the rest of the squad struggle to get Wrecker under control again.

Whilst his head throbs, Tech isn't going to let that make him put his brother's life in danger. He pushes past the dull pain, returning to his work. He'll probably get a bruise from this, even through the helmet.

Wrecker doesn't seem calmer after the outburst, if anything, he seems more distressed. He does however fight back a lot weaker. The futile attempt to break out of his brothers grips likely claimed most of what was left of Wrecker's energy.

As Wrecker flails weakly, his screams die down, replaced by sobbed pleading and apologies. Tech hates this so much more. What ever the plant's toxin is making Wrecker see can't be good and Tech isn't sure he wants to know more.

Echo, not having to hold on to Wrecker's head all too much anymore, has moved his hand to Wrecker's shoulder. He speaks quiet, comforting words. Tech doubts Wrecker hears, let alone understands them, but doesn't have the heart to say so out loud. There's no harm in trying.

Once Tech is done cauterizing the section of the wound he can reach, they maneuver Wrecker onto his front. He barely struggles anymore, an amalgamation of the poison, blood loss and futile resistance having worn him down.

Bandaging the wound almost seems pointless, an infection likely either way. But when Wrecker is no longer held down, he begins weakly scratching at the freshly sealed wound, so covering it is for the better. Tech would rather not have to repeat the process.

“We have to rest, but someone's got to keep an eye on him at all times.” Hunter says. He's right, there's no saying when the hallucinogenic will wear off. They don't need Wrecker doing something to harm himself.

Tech volunteers to keep an eye on Wrecker first, though that turns out to be a pointless discussion. None of them sleep immediately, kept awake by worry and the storm raging just outside their cover. They all sit close to their injured vod.

Wrecker tries to mess with the bandages a couple times, Tech having to pry his hands away from the material. Eventually, Tech opts to just hold his brother's hands.

At the start, Wrecker continues his confused mumbling ans sobbing, but as the poison wears off, so does that. He's still delirious, but shows some awareness of his surroundings.

Wrecker bumps his head into Tech's side. “Hurts...” He hisses between clenched teeth. Tech regrets not being able to give him anything for the pain, but they just don't know enough of how pain killers could react together with the toxin.

“You will be fine, vod'ika.” Tech says, trying to force a smile.

The storm goes on for hours, showing no signs of letting up. That spurs Tech to insist his vode sleep. He manages to convince Crosshair and Hunter, though they both lay close to Wrecker, Crosshair almost on top of him.

Tech watches Echo try to do the same, only to give up and resume staring out of the cave's opening and into the storm. That doesn't surprise Tech, their newest member struggling with both sleep in general and the cold. All their armor and blacks are some degree of damp and muddy, so the temperature is certainly bothering the ARC trooper.

Echo sighs, removing his helmet to rub at his nose bridge.

“You really have a thing for getting into near death situations.” Echo laughs. He pulls his knees closer to his chest, releasing a shaky breath. Tech wonders if the silence combined with the cold is bringing up bad memories. Luckily, Tech is very good at filling silence.

“As you've said many times before.” Tech smiles, removing his own helmet. Wrecker squirms about when Tech pulls one of his hands out of his grip, looking up at his brother. His eyes and pupils are blown wide. Tech wonders if Wrecker even recognizes him right now.

“I'm not called Echo for nothing.” Echo's said that many times before too, but Tech sees no point in highlighting that as well. Echo hisses when he see's Tech's face. “He got you pretty good.” Echo gestures at the right side of his own face.

Tech can't see the bruising himself, but guesses his right cheek bone has gained a new splash of color.

“I'm surprised he hit me at all.” Tech's deadpan response makes Echo laugh.

After a beat of silence, Echo gestures at Tech's hip. “You use that thing on injuries often?”

“That depends both on the mission and if we've had our medical supplies restocked recently.” Echo's commented before on how fast Clone Force 99 burns through supplies. Tech has spent time calculating the amount they'd really need, factoring in the downsides of their mutations and enhancements, but never bothered bringing it up. It's not like they'll be given what they need.

Echo sighs. “We need a medic.”

“We've always survived without one. It wouldn't be deemed necessary.”

“Kix would have a heart attack working with you.” Echo laughs. Tech remembers working with Kix briefly during the mission that lead to discovering Echo's location. From what Tech can recall about the medic, Echo's statement is likely accurate.

Echo runs his fingers along the joints of his prosthetic knees, sighing as they come away covered in mud.

“I will have a look at them for you once we're on the Marauder.” Tech offers. He's become quite familiar with Echo's prosthetic limbs and implants by now and has helped him improve or fix them many times.

“That would be greatly appreciated, vod'ika.” Echo rotates his scomp as he speaks. The dirt trapped between joints crunches, making Echo cringe. “I agree with Crosshair: I hate this planet.”

“We've certainly visited better.”

Echo leans forward. “How's Wrecker doing?”

Tech studies his younger brother. Wrecker switches between staring into nothing and squeezing his eyes shut, curled up tightly next to Tech. He's trembling.

“He'll live.” Tech is certain of that, has to be certain of that. But he's also certain that Wrecker isn't doing well at the moment.

They keep holding quiet conversation as the night goes on, but Tech must have dozed off at some point, as suddenly, Echo is shaking him.

“The storm's calming down.” He says when Tech's eyes fling open. “We should prepare to leave.”

After waking the others and getting Wrecker's chest plate back on him, they're out of the cave at the first hint of clear skies. Wrecker is semi-conscious, but too weak to walk. Tech and Crosshair each have one of Wrecker's arms slung across their shoulders.

The mud is just as bad now, slowing their pace to little faster than crawling, especially with Wrecker unable to muster the strength to drag his legs forwards by himself.

“Where we goin'?” Wrecker slurs, helmet clanking against his shoulder bell as his head lolls to the side.

“We're getting off this planet.” Crosshair grumbles, struggling to pull his foot from the mud as he speaks.

Hunter walks ahead of the group, seeming almost nervous. Tech assumes he's trying not to miss any further danger they might face.

Gradually, the ground becomes firmer as they approach the rocky terrain Tech landed their ship on. They still manage to track masses of mud into the Marauder. Tech groans at the thought of having to clean it all up later.

None of them take the time to shower now, but Tech's still grateful to be wearing dry clothes. They can worry about getting fully clean once Wrecker is taken care of by medics.

They help Wrecker change blacks, keeping his upper body free of clothes. After Tech returns from flying the Marauder into hyperspace, Echo and Crosshair are switching Wrecker's bandages. All three of them pulling disgusted faces prompts Tech to investigate further.

The wound hasn't started bleeding again, which is just about the only good news about Wrecker's condition. The blistered skin at the gash's edge is swollen and caked is drying discharge. Part of the wound has split open, but beside a small trickle of blood, the only thing spilling from it is pus.

No wonder Hunter's standing at the other end of the ship, trying not to gag. Pulling his Helmet back on, Hunter announces that he'll be in the cockpit.

Cleaning the wound goes a little better when they're not kneeling in mud, but unwilling to reopen the gash fully and risk further blood loss, Wrecker's body will just have to hold out against the infection until they can get proper medical help.

“We'd need three patches to cover that fully, but we've only got two left.” Echo sighs, handing them to Crosshair.

When the bacta patches are applied, Wrecker almost relaxes for a moment. But the pinched expression is back immediately. The part of the wound not covered by the patches they spread bacta gel on. Despite both of those measures, the fresh bandages they wrap around Wrecker's midriff are stained yellow and pink in moments.

Laying down, Wrecker gingerly prods the material covering the injury, hissing through his teeth.

“Don't worry, they'll throw you right in a bacta tank when we get you to a medical station.” Echo pats Wrecker's shoulder from his place next to their large brother. Tech's got one of the ARC's detached legs in his lap, occupied with cleaning out the joints.

Wrecker groans. “I hate bacta tanks. Always get dreams about being swallowed by some horrible monster.”

Crosshair and Echo laugh. Tech doesn't bring up that some of Wrecker's dislike of bacta tanks may come from the extended periods of time he'd spent in a isolation tanks as a cadet, not wanting to bring down the mood.

“How are you feeling?” Tech asks.

Wrecker sighs, leaning his head back onto Echo. “Bad.” He groans. “Everything hurts, my side is on fire and I feel a bit sick.”

“Well, please let us know before you throw up all over yourself.” Crosshair has a little grin plastered on his face.

“ Shabii’gar.“ Wrecker huffs, smacking the back of Crosshair's head weakly. He only succeeds in making Crosshair laugh.

“Not seeing things anymore?“ Crosshair continues.

“Not- Not anymore.” Wrecker shudders. “Vision's still blurry, and I feel... Weird, on edge.”

Tech hums in acknowledgment. That seems to track with what he knows of the poison.

Wrecker readjusts the way he lays, making what starts out as a whimper, but then quickly turns to a bitten back cry. He curls up a little more, both Crosshair and Echo moving closer at the noise.

“Can I have something 'gainst the pain?” Wrecker forces through grit teeth, sounding rather small.

Tech puts Echo's leg down in his lap, sighing. “No, you can't. I'm sorry.”

“What?” Wrecker inhales sharply. “One of the few times I want you to stab me with a needle and you won't?”

“It is not that I don't want to. It is simply not a risk I am willing to take. There is no data on how pain medication may react to the poison in your blood.”

“Aw, come on...” Wrecker pleads.

“No, Wrecker.” Tech rubs a hand over his face, straightening his goggles. “I will not be the one responsible when your heart explodes or organs liquefy.”

Wrecker huffs, pulling a displeased expression.

“Do you want more examples of what might happen to you?”

“No, I'm good.” Crossing his arms with a sigh, Wrecker turns onto his side.

“Is there something we can do to help?” Echo asks.

“Need me to hold you, Wreck'ika?” Crosshair adds with a mocking tone, unable to leave well enough alone.

Tech watches as Wrecker thinks, followed by a wide grin spreading on the large clone's face. “Actually, I do.”

Faster than he should, Wrecker sits up and starts pulling Crosshair onto the rack.

“Hey! It was a joke!” Crosshair fights against Wrecker's grip.

“Don't care.” Wrecker laughs. “You offered.

“Let go.” Crosshair hisses. “I'm retracting my offer.”

“Too late for that. Besides, I'm hurt. You're not going to be mean to me when I'm hurt, right?”

For some reason, Wrecker's silly comment makes Crosshair stop. “Fine.” He says as he does what Wrecker wants, ending up squished between the Marauder's wall and their large brother. For a man that just got pulled into a situation he definitively didn't want to be part of, Crosshair looks a little too comfortable.

Tech moves to the spot on the floor Crosshair had previously occupied, continuing his work on Echo's leg. Hunter joins them some time later, presumably once the smell of infection's cleared out somewhat.

It'll take them a few hours to get to the medical station. A long time, especially for Wrecker, who's feeling far from comfortable. But they'll keep him company and will try to distract him, hoping that that's enough to make the journey bearable.

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More Posts from Teesy738

7 months ago
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Another week, another poll. Please elaborate in the replies or reblogs! It's all about building headcanons for our big guy!

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7 months ago

You: Know why I called you in here?

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You: *Stop pouring two glasses of wine and inconspicuously reach for your sweater to cover up.* Accidentally?

You: Know Why I Called You In Here?

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7 months ago
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My favorite part of Episode 8: Wrecker getting snippy with Fennec Shand. 😂 Loved that he got more screen time and dialogue.

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7 months ago

Fractured Dreams

Relationships: Crosshair & Echo & Hunter & Tech & Wrecker

Content Warnings: Blood and Injury, Hallucinations, Cauterization, Mild Gore


Falling victim to poison, Wrecker experiences hallucinations that mess with his mind and his perception of reality. His brother's actions, all done in an effort to save Wrecker's life, are mistaken for the work of enemies.

Wrecker's POV of Until the Storm Breaks

Written for @augustofwhump Day 6: Confusion

Word count: 2,296

Read on Ao3

Wrecker's vision blurs, surrounding colours twisting and melting together. He's moving. Being moved? They're taking him somewhere. Everything hurts. Distantly, Wrecker is aware his leg catches on something and he is harshly pulled forwards. Blinding light flashes, then someone is yelling right next to Wrecker. Are they yelling at him? Wrecker's heart beats fast in his chest as he gains some understanding of his surroundings. They must be on Kamino, he must have done something wrong. Wrecker doesn't recognize the doctors dragging him, their faces a blur. He wishes he could get his legs to function right. The medical staff is never happy when they have to drag Wrecker about, his weight making their job unnecessarily difficult. They're already displeased with him, if the shouting is anything to go by. What ever Wrecker did this time must have been bad. He only wishes he knew what exactly he'd done wrong. They must be bringing him to an isolation tank. Wrecker tries to walk by himself again, only to have to give up when his legs feel heavy and stiff. The person on his right says something, blinding light of Kamino's halls reflecting off their white clothes. Wrecker can't make out the words fully, but he understands the sentiment. He's being berated, both for the mistake he can't remember making and being incompetent enough to not even walk himself to his punishment. Wrecker just hopes his brothers aren't suffering for the wrong he did. The room Wrecker's dragged into is unfamiliar, far too bright. Along the far wall, he spots Nala Se. Wrecker's heart drops. He's really in trouble if she's here. Wrecker must pass out for a second, because next he knows, he's laying on a cold hard surface. Something is very wrong. This isn't how they prep you for isolation. Wrecker tries to sit up, but is pushed back down, limbs slammed onto the table. Someone barks at him to hold still, and Wrecker really does try, but fear rises in his chest. This isn't how they put you in isolation. But if Wrecker isn't being isolated, what's going to happen to him? What if this is where they decommission clones? What if this time, Wrecker made one mistake too many?

Wrecker struggles against the cuffs holding him down. He can still be useful, he can prove his worth. The words don't leave Wrecker's mouth right. A strangled cry breaks past his lips as he thrashes.

He didn't even get to see his brothers one last time.

As the doctors move around Wrecker, his struggle makes him aware of the pain in his body and the way his vision sways and shifts. Did they drug him? Or is this how they kill useless clones, through poison?

With no warning, Nala Se approaches at a speed Wrecker's never seen her moving at. She observe Wrecker, before her face twists with anger.

“You deserve this.” She spits.

Wrecker flinches. Nala Se hasn't ever raised her voice at him before, Wrecker wasn't sure if she even could.

The cuffs dig painfully into Wrecker's limbs as he struggles. He doesn't want to die like this, isn't supposed to die like this. Something in Wrecker's chest burns, and he screams. They poisoned him, right? Then where is all the blood coming from?

He can see it when he looks down at himself, all across his chest and the table. Wrecker spots something on his chest, observing it as he struggles. He's almost sick as he recognizes it as bone.

They're cutting him open.

Wrecker slams his head backwards, hitting the table. Pain flares at the back of his skull and it's like something breaks. Not in Wrecker's head, but the world around him.

Dirty gray bleeds into Kamino's pristine walls and the doctors blurry faces become washed out and faded, like a distant memory, reduced to the bare minimum needed to make them recognizably faces.

Wrecker fights against his bindings, wanting to get away from those things, even more than he wanted to get away from the doctors. He tries to at least look away from them but his head is stuck.

Wrecker's neck aches as he fights his inability to move, no, the thing holding his head in place. Wrecker tries yelling at them to let him go as he watches reality morph around him.

They're droids. The realization dawns on Wrecker suddenly, hitting him like a punch to the gut.

He got himself captured by separatists.

The one holding Wrecker's head leans over him, asking him something. They want intel, but Wrecker will never give it to them. He'd rather die.

He tells them as much, or at least tries to. From what Wrecker can tell, it came out more like a scream. Wrecker almost wrestles his arm away from one of the droids, but it slams his arm back into the ground.

Wrecker has to get free, should be able to do so with ease. They're just droids, yet some how, they're overpowering him. He needs to escape, before they start using his mind like Techno Union did with Echo's. Wrecker doesn't know battle strategies the regs use, but he knows his brother's well enough to have his memories lead to their downfall.

He won't let that happen, no matter what.

Pain erupts across Wrecker's chest, blinding in its intensity, as something is poured across his ribs.

It's acid, Wrecker knows it's acid. He can smell it, but the pain alone would be enough to tell what they've tipped onto his skin. Wrecker can see his skin blister and peel as the substance eats its way into his muscle.

Wrecker's knee connects with the droid holding his legs. The hope of escape leaves Wrecker almost instantly, as the droid hovering over him laughs as he rubs across the chemically burned spot on Wrecker's chest. The one holding his head removes a hand from that job to press it into Wrecker's shoulder.

The droid that poured the acid onto his chest draws a knife, showing it off before holding it to Wrecker's ribs. As it sinks in, the pain is somehow worse than the acid. But the droid holding his left arm makes a mistake. It loosens its grip.

Wrecker frees his arm, swinging his fist at the knife wielding droid. Knuckles connecting with its mechanical head, Wrecker is so close to freedom for a few wonderful seconds.

Then Hunter grabs Wrecker's arm and brings it forcefully to the floor, sending a wave of pain from Wrecker's wrist up to his shoulder. There's genuine anger in Hunter's eyes.

Wrecker can't remember when his brother's arrived, nor the last time Hunter's looked at him like that.

“Hunter?” Wrecker tries to say. Hunter doesn't even look at him.

Then pain erupts at Wrecker's side and his eyes focus on Tech jamming something against his skin. It's hot and it really hurts. A sob forces itself out of Wrecker's mouth as he asks Tech what he's doing.

“You know what I'm doing, and you know why.” Tech glares, making Wrecker want to curl up in a ball.

Sure, they fight, they do so all the time. But none of his brothers have ever done anything like this. The worst part is, Wrecker doesn't even know what he did wrong.

They're on the Marauder, Wrecker thinks, laying on its floor. Echo's sitting near Wrecker's head, tight grip on Wrecker's shoulder, holding him down. Disgust is etched into the ARC's expression, making Wrecker fear what he'd done even more.

Did he mess up a mission? Did he hurt one of his vode? What ever he did, his brother's think it deserves retribution in the form of physical pain.

“What did I do?” Wrecker sobs.

Echo sneers. “You know what you did.”

Tech must have hit a nerve, because Wrecker can't help the pained cry he makes. “I'm sorry.” He says, trying to push past the pain.

“Clearly not sorry enough.” Echo spits. The pain is near unbearable, to the point that Wrecker can't help the plea for mercy, or at least a break, that passes his lips.

“Shut up.” Tech counters. Wrecker wishes he could just do as told.

But he begs and apologizes in an endless stream of garbled words, prompting each of his brothers to tell him to be quiet over and over again. That's probably the reason Tech doesn't stop when he's burned a line across Wrecker's stomach, continuing it across his side and back.

Wrecker's suffered many kinds of pain, but this is one of the worst. Because his brother's are doing it to him, his brother's think he deserves it. He does, Wrecker's sure of that. Knowing that just makes it so much worse.

It almost feels weird, not being held down any more after such a long time. When Wrecker tries to inspect the blistered skin, his hands are forcefully yanked away time and time again. Wrecker must not be as conscious as he thought he was, because after his brothers drag him a little to the side, the next time he tries to look at the wound it's wrapped.

It's a relief knowing what he did wasn't bad enough to make his brothers stop caring about him entirely. He doesn't get anything against the pain, but Wrecker knows better than to expect being afforded pain relief. If his wrongdoing was enough to drive his brothers to, no doubt justifiably, punish him in such a manner, they'll obviously want him to feel the consequences of his actions for quite a while.

Wrecker's allowed to curl up now, laying on the floor next to Tech. He tries putting pressure on the wound in a effort to calm the throbbing pain somewhat, but Tech doesn't like him doing that either, eventually just grabbing Wrecker's hands.

His side burns with not even the slightest comfort being permitted, but Wrecker doesn't mind all that much, Tech holding his hands being the gentlest touch he's experienced in ages. The best thing about it is that it proves that Tech doesn't entirely hate him.

Just for good measure, Wrecker apologizes a few times more. This time, he isn't told to shut up. A small improvement, but an improvement nonetheless.

At some point, Tech must have put his helmet back on, as Wrecker makes eye contact with a visor. Testing the water, Wrecker leans his head against Tech's side carefully.

“Hurts...” Wrecker forces out. It's pathetic, almost manipulatively so. Wrecker shouldn't be begging for sympathy.

“You're fine.” Tech says. It's harder to understand his voice now, Wrecker can barely make out what he's saying.

Wrecker tries to sleep, though rest doesn't come easy. He feels on edge, keeps seeing and hearing things and what dreams he has are bizarre and unnerving.

He wakes to Echo leaning over him, speaking softly as he urges Wrecker to open his eyes. When Wrecker does, he's hit by the sudden, bone deep fear of Echo hurting him.

Then moments later he's hit by how weird of a thought that is. Echo wouldn't hurt him.

As Wrecker wakes as fully as he's capable of, the world around him seems perceivable for the first time in a long while. As his brothers help him walk, Wrecker pieces together what happened.

The memory of the fight with the plant, the injury he sustained, the beginning of a storm, all those pieces slot well into the reality of Wrecker waking up in a cave, hurting all over. They were forced to take cover and emergency first aid was done on Wrecker.

But then there's the other memories, fragmented and confused. Wrecker recalls them in bits and pieces, laced with fear and panic. As they walk, wave after wave of disturbing imagery and emotional hurt hit Wrecker. He still feels fuzzy, like someone dug about in his head, but he can connect those horrible memories with what Tech told them about the toxin he'd been exposed to before its effects took hold.

Wrecker speaks with Crosshair briefly on the way to the Marauder, but he doesn't bring up what the poison made him see. On the ship, his brothers help Wrecker with his injury. Infection's set in, making changing the bandages that bit more uncomfortable. Wrecker's side feels hot, like it's being burned, or rather cauterized, all over again. It's not the first time Tech's had to burn one of Wrecker's injuries closed.

He's denied pain relief, but Wrecker's conscious enough to know it's not because he's being punished, even if it does feel a bit like he is.

After Crosshair annoys Wrecker for a while, he agrees to laying in hugging range to Wrecker. It's a very good distraction.

A while after Hunter rejoins them, he taps Wrecker's leg to draw his attention.

“What did you see back then, when the poison was affecting you?” He asks.

Wrecker knows he saw doctors and droids, knows that he feared for his life and saw gruesome injuries inflicted on himself, but what he remembers best is that he saw his brothers. Saw them hurting him, wanting to hurt him. And Wrecker really believed they could be driven to that. Even under the influence of poison, Wrecker should have know better. The guilt almost matches his pain in its intensity.

He should never have believed them capable of such cruelty, should never have thought them capable of resorting to torture, especially against their own vod. Wrecker hates that he remembers that bit the best, that the words he imagined his brothers saying are etched into his mind.

But what he hates most is that he almost feels like his brothers might actually be mad at him, that they might actually want to hurt Wrecker for the mistakes he makes.

Wrecker inhales deeply. “I don't remember.”

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7 months ago
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