Wrecker Wednesday - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Wrecker Wednesday! He Might Be The Most Emotional Intelligent Character In The Whole Star Wars Universe

Wrecker Wednesday! He might be the most emotional intelligent character in the whole Star Wars universe and the only clone who is comfortable with hugs and doesn’t care if somebody is not – maybe because he knows, that they all need one desperately.

He often seems to be rough and simple, but look closer in the interpersonal scenes and sometimes he is quick-witted as fck! I think he‘s quite underestimated! 💣✨

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6 months ago

I think I have posted this before, but it’s a fun drabble.

Wrecker x fem! Reader

cw: none

Domestic Wrecker Helps you relax after a long day at work


It had been a long day at work and you were finally able to let your hair down. Literally. You kept your hair in twin braids since you were a mechanic at one of the many ports in Ord Mantell. You had shed your work clothes and washed your hands and face, ready to eat some dinner in your small apartment. Wrecker was waiting for you on the couch and patted the cushion next to him. “Tell me about your day, mesh’la,” he said as you turned your back to him.

“It was nothing really… just the usual repairs to be made. Hmm..” Your eyes dropped closed as Wrecker kneaded the knots in your shoulders down to your biceps. His strong fingers grasped the back of your neck, gently applying pressure to the strands of knotted tissue. “Any difficult customers?” he asked as he began to unbraid your hair at the ends.

“Not really. There was an older man who was having trouble with his speeder. It was an easy fix since he just needed some maintenance,” you said as you yawned and stretched.

Wrecker had begun to unravel a braid on one side, gently unwinding each section and running his fingers through it from the base of your scalp. You hummed with each gentle touch of pressure on your scalp, feeling the tingle of blood flow returning.

“How was your day? Any luck on finding new parts?” you asked.

Wrecker spoke softly, the deep rumble of his chest felt in your back as he spoke. “I did find the parts, but some of them were too damaged to use. But we had to try out each part before we could tell they were broken. It was frustrating.”

You let out another long sigh as he worked out the braid from the other side of your head, gently rubbing your scalp at the part and then down to your neck. You laid back against his warm and broad chest, letting him wrap his arms around you. Laying your hands across his forewarns you gave them a gentle squeeze as you laced your thin fingers between his large ones. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have him as a boyfriend. He was freakishly strong and could lift, smash, or beat anything he set his mind to. But when he was with you, his touches were gentle, affectionate, and almost reverent. He was fiercely loyal and loving to you, practically worshiping everything about you.

He laid small kisses along your cheek and said, “Dinner is getting cold. Let’s eat first and then we can snuggle.”

You made a pouty face and said, “fine… I guess we should eat since you made dinner tonight.”

“It’s just pizza, mesh’la,” he said with a chuckle.

“Yes, but you did run the oven without burning down the apartment,” you teased.

Wrecker feigned offense and said, “Hey! Only one fire unit showed up last time!” He chased you into the kitchen, his strong thick hands entrapping your waist, and wiggled his fingers, making you laugh even more.

“Ok, ok,” you gasped between laughs. “It wasn’t as bad as when Hunter made pizza last!”

Wrecker drew you to his chest and nuzzled the side of your neck, placing soft kisses on your skin. “I like pizza, but I like you more, Mesh’la,” he said into your skin.

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6 months ago

I’ve convinced myself that all I need is for Wrecker to pick me up like a baby and hug me and it would solve pretty much all of my problems.

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6 months ago
Comic "Kaboom" image with Wrecker Week  with the words Fics, Art, Headcanons, GIF sets, Playlists and Dates TBA around it.

Please pardon our dust and explosive residue as we construct this page!

This event was inspired by This Post and multiple weeks of Wrecker Wednesday. Our favorite explosives expert needs more love.

Current Event Mods (we are still looking for more to add to the team) Koshmareq - @squad-724 Sunshine- @sunshinesdaydream

Other Helpers

Special Thanks

line divider with a comic kaboom with wrecker week in the middle

We are in the info gathering stage! Please see the links below to give us your opinions!

Current Polls & Information posts Running from 9/18-9/24

Potential Dates


Prompt Suggestion Request

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6 months ago
Another 'Wrecker Feeling Cute' Piece Cause I Can't Get Enough Of Him

Another 'Wrecker feeling cute' piece cause I can't get enough of him 🥰

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6 months ago
teesy738 - Teesy's Obsession Dump

Atlantis x tbb: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

@techwrecker @lonewolflupe @ithillia @profettshonalfettfettishist

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6 months ago
I Think About This Scene Once A Day And Its So Beautiful.

I think about this scene once a day and it’s so beautiful.

Just imagine, Crosshair and Wrecker, in utter tears, while testing the new blaster technology of the Empire.

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6 months ago

okay but giving wrecker trailing kisses on all of his scars? starting behind his ear and making your way across his face? ending with the softest, sweetest kiss on his eyelid? or when you’re laying in bed, helping him fall asleep by gently tracing the scars that cover his big, strong arms and torso as you lay on top of him? you’re kinda like a weighted blanket for him with added bonus of lulling him to sleep with your light touch. wearing one of his shirts to bed because it’s basically a nightgown on you. i could go ON AND ON!!!

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6 months ago
Got Back Into Cross Stitching. Doing A Thing

Got back into cross stitching. Doing a thing

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6 months ago
Banner with image of Wrecker with his arms outstretched as if about to hug someone.  Font reads Wrecker Wednesday

Another week, another poll. Please elaborate in the replies! It's all about building headcanons for our big guy!

SInce we are well into the Halloween Season, or the socially acceptable Halloween Season (shout out to those who celebrate all year)

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6 months ago

Trooperhearts: Wrecker

Trooperhearts: Wrecker

Trooperhearts : The Bad Batch

Wrecker | Echo | Crosshair | Tech | Hunter

Find Other Trooperhearts HERE

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6 months ago

happy wrecker wednesday, like or reblog to give that bald head a Kiss

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6 months ago
Everytime I Draw Him His Scar's Different.

Everytime I draw him his scar's different.

Anyway he's neat. Great guy.

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6 months ago

Wrecker has a praise kink.

Sure, he likes hearing you compliment him. But more than that, he LOVES seeing you squirm when he calls you beautiful.

He looses his mind when you try to close your eyes, when you turn your head away, unable to think under the heat of his eyes. He can't get enough of watching every worry leave your face with each sweet, cooed word.

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6 months ago

My step-mom's like this! You go to her house you WILL be fed and WILL be leaving with several meals!

And I feel Wrecker would be 100% the same.

But seriously, I imagine Wrecker getting to be a bit like my grandma when it comes to hosting people. Someone goes to visit and he’s just like, “You hungry? You look like you’re not eating. Here, have some of these. Omega’s friends just brought them in from Ryloth. Here’s a drink. Nice talk in’ to you. Hey, you should give these a try. I made them yesterday. You want some soup? You sssuuuuurrrre? It’s good—healthy too! Take some sandwiches for the road. Sure! It’s fine!” And it’s impossible for anyone to leave without walking out with meals for the next week.

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6 months ago
Here Comes The Sun!! Remember We Were Talking About Wreckers Hugs? This One Is Clearly The Deadliest

Here comes the sun!! 💥 Remember we were talking about Wrecker‘s hugs? This one is clearly the deadliest – poor little cantina soup shinies 😂 You wanted it, so now get WRECKERED! 💣💥

I didn‘t plan this lighting! I just wanted to add some comic style lines for more dynamic and I thought, hm… this looks like Wrecker is shining… Okay, let him shine and decend upon these poor clones like the day of the last judgement 😂 Sorry not sorry for that, I had so much fun!

This is the first time I didn’t have a template for a face! Wreckers face is drawn completely free-handed and now I‘m a proud lil drawing padawan 🙈 Now roast me, what do you think about it 😂🙈

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6 months ago
Comic "Kaboom" image with Wrecker Week  with the words Fics, Art, Headcanons, GIF sets, Playlists and Dates TBA around it.

Some housekeeping/decision making to get the ball rolling on this.

This is for information gathering only, not a final decision.

Looking for contributions to start a list of prompts to be voted on. Please send an ask, reblog and comment, or reply on this post to suggest a prompt. AU prompts will be welcomed as well.

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6 months ago

Wrecker Having a Snack

Warning Spoilers from Bad Batch Season 2 Episode 4 - Faster

Wrecker Having A Snack
Wrecker Having A Snack
Wrecker Having A Snack

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6 months ago
teesy738 - Teesy's Obsession Dump

Happy I felt like drawing Wrecker cause it's bbg day!

Just sketchy stuff not finalized but I had fun working on it! that's why it's a little inconsistent mostly just going with the vibes. Y'all posting that hes on the chopping block are scaring me stop that. THERE ALL GONNA LIVE EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE FINE ( I am in denial)

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