terrified-spider - Let's all scream at the sun :)
Let's all scream at the sun :)

Artist and Fantasy Nerd, Fanart and Original Stuff :) (He/Him) (Commissions: Open) (Requests: Closed) (Asks: Open) (:

467 posts

Terrified-spider - Let's All Scream At The Sun :) - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

IDGAF if the women in my fiction are empowering or aspirational, I'm an adult, I don't need role models, I want the women in my fiction to be interesting, and if that involves being pathetic, hypocritical, amoral, or trapped in a delightfully dysfunctional relationship so be it

6 months ago

My favourite trope has to be:

I sacrificed myself to save you. I didn't plan to survive. I burnt all the bridges. I intended to break your heart with my death, but that would be all right, because I wouldn't be around to see you. I pretended that you'll mourn me for a while and move on. I convinced myself I was going down in the blaze of glory. That my deed was appreciated. That everything was going to be all right afterwards, and I didn't need to be there to see it.

But I survived. And now I have to look you in the eye. I have to pick up the pieces of the life I shattered and figure out how to put it back together. If it can be done at all.

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6 months ago

I will never understand how people can dislike Cicadas, like they're singing their special bug song and you're privileged enough to hear it, what's not to love

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6 months ago
New Duke Of Dementia

New Duke of Dementia

I am constantly experimenting with the drawing pipeline :D

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6 months ago

Prompt: Strahd's reaction to Sergei and Tatyana going out on a nightly date, thanks to @terrified-spider. :)

Prompt: Strahd's Reaction To Sergei And Tatyana Going Out On A Nightly Date, Thanks To @terrified-spider.

[ An excerpt from one of many of Strahd's personal entries, stashed away in a hidden compartment he kept in his study: ]

.... The castle had been quiet with the two of them out and about, last night. No matter what I had said about bringing a bodyguard or two would dissuade them from the matter, my youngest brother's romantic fancy and the girl's purest love for him made it difficult for me to keep them here. "After all," he had said, "we are only going to the Tser Pool. What could go wrong?"

What could go wrong, indeed.

They were lucky I had sent one of my better scouts after them, to see that the love-struck fools wouldn't be beset by bandits or some unruly peasantry. I fooled myself into thinking it was for safety, but I knew the deepest, darkest parts of myself did not see it that way. Regardless, their secret escort did well-enough to keep them out of trouble. Oh, what I would have done if Tatyana had been harmed. That was a thought not too pleasant, even for myself. Such things are better left unsaid.

Disaster averted, the scout reported that little of interest happened that night. That, and it seemed to be rather uneventful on their part. While I am less than content with their continued... relationship, I am rather relieved that another Von Zarovich is not going to spawn from it.

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6 months ago
"Bugsex"acrylic On Canvas

"Bugsex" acrylic on canvas

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6 months ago
Memento Mori Volume 2 | Contributor Sign-Ups

Memento Mori Volume 2 | Contributor Sign-Ups

Memento Mori is an annual Curse of Strahd fanzine. We are an open-call fanzine, only requiring formal portfolios/application processes for our physical merch and cover artists. This year, we will also host an adult-oriented side zine! Contributor sign-ups will open on Halloween 2024! Please read our contributor guidelines document in full. If you have any questions, please send this blog an ask!

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6 months ago
More Bugs

More bugs

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6 months ago
6 months ago
"MY ARMY SETTLED IN THE VALLEYof Barovia And Took Power Over The People In The Name Of A Just God, But
"MY ARMY SETTLED IN THE VALLEYof Barovia And Took Power Over The People In The Name Of A Just God, But
"MY ARMY SETTLED IN THE VALLEYof Barovia And Took Power Over The People In The Name Of A Just God, But
"MY ARMY SETTLED IN THE VALLEYof Barovia And Took Power Over The People In The Name Of A Just God, But
"MY ARMY SETTLED IN THE VALLEYof Barovia And Took Power Over The People In The Name Of A Just God, But

"MY ARMY SETTLED IN THE VALLEY of Barovia and took power over the people in the name of a just god, but with none of a god's grace or justice." -- Tome of Strahd

"Raven's Inquisition" is a Curse of Strahd prequel campaign I am currently playing in where we get to explore setting elements and character relations that otherwise could not have been explored in the canon module. The DM @emp-roar (me) is constructing the campaign as an adaptation of the "I, Strahd" novel, where Barovia has yet been established, Strahd is still human, and the players are all inquisitors overtaking the Tsolenka Valley under the von Zarovich crest and the banner of the Morninglord.

Hi all! It has been a while since I've been on the internet, but I have since graduated and pursuing a career in animation! I was gifted the I,Strahd book during the middle of the pandemic and had been itching to run a prequel campaign based on an adapted take of I, Strahd, exploring character relations and setting elements that made Barovia and ultimately, Strahd, the way it became.

Hope you like the Ravenloft cast who the party had met. (Unironically this looks like a dating sim.)

Additionally the breakdown of Sergei's Vestments can be found in my player's @tateringss arsenal.

Impera Brigade insignia credit goes to ChiRHOKin I adored the shape of his alternative Barovia flag.

Strahd Portrait belongs to WOTC and the overall design and style was heavily inspired by Thronebreaker a Witcher's Tale!

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6 months ago
Strahd And His Beloved But Neglected Husband, Escher, Working On Strahd's New Outfit. Escher Loves The

Strahd and his beloved but neglected husband, Escher, working on Strahd's new outfit. Escher loves the excuse for the attention.

art by @kinothecleric

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6 months ago

sex is cool but can you stick around and not give up on me

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6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago

i love characters with prominent noses. the only reason i’ve ever given a character a small nose is to fulfill a diversity quota

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6 months ago
Drawing Of @terrified-spider 's Escher Van Richten For The Misthoppers Server Summer Art Trade!

drawing of @terrified-spider 's Escher Van Richten for the Misthoppers server summer art trade!

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6 months ago
A pinup-esc pose of Hiro, belonging to @/cosmic-cryptid on discord (:
Hiro is a drow man, with long white hair and pale purple skin. His eyes are bright yellow, and match his gold jewelery.

A piece for the Misthoppers Server's summer art trade!

Here's Hiro, for @cosmicxcryptid77! (:

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6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago


Strahd and Alek for @terrified-spider

Hero Forge models by him.

Posing, etc. by Me

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