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Commission for @rahadaddy fun fact I LOOOVE her

guys she finds toes for a living
him <3

I am so excited to share art of my rogue, Percy Brightstar, as done by @spicyspell! I've meant to share this sooner, but life has gotten so hectic.
Percy Brightstar is a swashbuckler rogue, ostensibly from the city-state of Daggerford. More accurately, he's from a lot of places. He grew up in a nomadic elven community, which has traveled all over the Sword Coast and beyond. For many years, the Caravan Elves worked as bandits and highwaymen along major trade routes. The push of industrialization drove many elves out of big cities and in some cases, industry seemed to be directly tied to the death of elves and their communities, as nature was mowed down in favor of factories and their pollution. Still, Percy found as much happiness as he could while living on the run. He fell in love and would eventually have a daughter, Daphne. But before she was born, Percy became the leader of the Caravan Elves and realized that there was no escaping human influence on the world. If you can't beat 'em...
He orchestrated a takeover of the Daggerford criminal underground with the help of the Duchess of Daggerford and his band of trusted rogues and ne'er do wells. They installed themselves as the thieves guild in Daggerford. However, around this time, Percy's wife, Talia, disappeared, leaving him with a young daughter to raise alone in a strange society that saw him as the Duchess' court jester some days and inhuman on others. He realized that Daphne would need a human governess to teach her how to exist in society, especially once he was given the honorary title of baronet by the Duchess. He's been raising Daphne with the help of his governess (and longtime crush), Keres, who is our party's cleric.
Percy is the kind of guy who is extremely kind, but savvy enough to know when a lie or a little bit of trickery or thieving is needed. He is the man with the plan in the party and he's gotten all of Vallaki fooled into thinking that he is the Duke of Daggerford, traveling with his lady wife and their friends. He has befriended Van Richten, tried to mentor Victor Vallakovich just a little (and also tortured him just a bit), and has been a thorn in Strahd's side since day one. He's personable, chatty, and a little bit dangerous. He's a devoted father, who just wants to get home, and occasionally, he's a bit of a scoundrel if it means furthering that goal. I love him so much!
Fun Fact: While the other characters are shown wearing Victorian fashions, I asked Spicy to draw Percy in fashion from the late 18th century/early 19th century, when Percy came of age and took control of the Caravan Elves. He's a very stylish man, don't get me wrong, but I wanted art that captured the flamboyance I picture in his manner of dress and self-carriage. So, speaking of...

This was a bonus piece of art Spicy did of him and I absolutely adore it. My girlfriend, who plays Keres, and I have joked that this is how she must see him, that this is Percy in full anime love interest form, and that this is definitely how he dresses on the regular. That last bit is less of a joke than a deep appreciation for how well Spicy captured my guy! <3 <3 <3 They do impeccable work and I highly recommend them as an artist if you're looking to commission anything!

Rip to a 5’7 king 💔 Bless down he’s awful
(Characters belong to @zenithzyl. In order: Aavara in the center, Vaastus being held and Desadora on the right.)

Woah! A swarm of recent commissions!
Here's Ludmilla for @knightinkosherarmour but I have a few more under the cut!

just girls being girls? debate.
I can finally share him with the world…..

My piece for the @mementomoristrahdzine !!! Please go check out the zine, there are a bunch of amazing artists who contributed, I’m honestly honored to have my name anywhere near them!
Hi guys! Little reminder to find my commission info here! Here’s what I’ve been up to lately:

Curse of Strahd

Inspired on the Salem's lot (Stephen King) and Opus Eponymous (Ghost) covers.

A bunch of recent out of context doodles

Two of em’

Thank you @theundeadgospel for the commission!! These two were a lot of fun to draw+ it was the perfect reason to bring back fem Strahd!!

Ismark…. The man u are…
( @zenithzyl ‘s version of the man :3)

THE CoS MERCH CONTINUES this time I'm aiming to do a 3D charm with my take on his canon portrait!
I've always really, really, reaaaaally adored that portrait--mainly for the mirror bg, such a good attention to detail and silent story telling--and I thought it could be fun to capture it with a layered effect. (Also still don't have a fully defined idea on my take for his canon outfit, but I'm still messing around with ideas via merch as you can see)

Miran for @crowholtz
Thank you for the commission, working on this lad was a gas :)
My commissions will be open until the end of August. I might reopen in the fall but that’s still up in the air for now. Info here!

Some recent art!
Commissions here or you can dm me!

Hour of Ascension
Finished an old art from last year. It was partly inspired by Amorphis - Sampo

Hey our husband saw you across the mists and we hate your vibe. We're going to kill you.
Strahd's lovely consorts
Okay, so my Call of Cthulhu group (originally my CoS group) have shifted from our CoC game to a Ravenloft campaign, with much more episodic sessions that will be easier for me to prep and run weekly. We're setting it after the events of the CoS campaign, with Ezmerelda returning to van Richten's home in Mordent, using it as a base of operations as she recruits individuals from across the Domains of Dread for adventuring work.
Thanks to it being set within the same universe, NPCs from the pervious game will likely make an appearance, and I get to make some updated designs for them (:
The current list of NPCs carrying over includes:
Ezmerelda, gaunt and tired from a lack of human blood, with some new scars obtained during the CoS campaign but never included in the art I made. She technically made it to the end of the CoS campaign, but not without becoming a vampire and having her skull crushed in. She got better, sort of. Now, her and Erasmus get to hang out in Mordent while she stuggles to find ethically sourced blood.
Escher, who's living his best unlife after leaving Barovia and returning to adventuring, now with Gertruda at his side. I'm going to have to fight like hell to make sure I don't make him look like Astarion, because from what I know of BG3 so far, the two have similar character concepts now, and each look good in purple. Unlike Ez, he's going to be quite well fed, no longer limited to only Strahd for blood.
Gertruda, originally 30 in CoS, now in her 40s, with more life experience having traveled with Escher for a decade. The two get along like a house on fire, and make a (un)living thieving their way across the domains. Escher typically serves as the distraction and Gertruda does the actual pickpocketing or breaking and entering.

Join the Misthoppers Server! We have Viktra Mordenheim telling Alek that Strahd should get a feeding tube, explaining to a Tatyana PC what a pacemaker is, then shooting Strahd with a gun!
(The Misthoppers server belongs to @crowholtz (: )

When I was a man, I thought it ended, When I knew love's perfect ache But my peace has always depended On all the ashes in my wake
Arsonist's Lullaby, Hozier