{Kylar/Nyx} Genderfluid Omnisexual Special intrests: Ghost, Ghostbusters, Wrestling {In love with men and women I can't have} 19, current obsession: drag queens and Dan stevens
70 posts
𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚎 - 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝙰𝚖𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚎

Warnings - injured reader
Word count - 760
Genre - Fluff, Angst?
Pairings - Fem!Reader x Boyfriend!Dean
Summary - After a harsh match, Dean gets rather worried over your "little bruises"
A/n - Yes i will be writing Dean and Jon as two seperate people, deal with it
Dean watched the screen anxiously. He sat backstage, watching your no D-Q match, having already done his screen time for that episode of smackdown. He cringed at the sight of you being repeatedly hit in the back with a chair. Although you weren't knocked out, yet it was clear you wouldn't be able to take much more from your opponent, Auska. You had always been quite the durable wrestler, which was a poistive, always lasting much longer than some of the other girls. Thankfully, you managed to roll out of the way of the last chair swign and grap a kendo stick. You grabbed the top rope to help steady yourself before jabbing Auska in the stomach with the taped end of the kendo stick.
She held her stomach but didn't go down, making you repeatedly beat down on her with the stick. You were finally getting the upper hand in the match until you weren't. Unfortunately for you, Auska happened to have her own little goon in the form of Kairi Sane, who you'd forgotten about. Right as you were about to climb to the top rope, Kairi came out of nowhere and kicked your legs out, sending you down to the matt in an awkward way. You landed on your arm and rolled over. You slowly brought yourself to your feet ,weakly grasping a cracked kendo stick. You saw Auska doing the same thing, yet no sight of Kairi. Fortunately, you didn't have to ponder on her whereabouts for long. Right as you raised your kendo stick, you felt a harsh blow to the back of the head with what you could only assume was a chair. You dropped straight to the matt and Auska got the pin.
Dean, by now, was on his feet, bolting it down to gorilla. By the time he got there, you were being helped up the ramp by the medics. As soon as you got to gorilla, your knees buckled, causing you to slump down in the arm sof the medics. Dean came down to your level and moved the hair out of your face. He immediately noticed a blue mark forming on your temple. "Hey, look at me, baby." Your eyes opened fully and met with his. "Dean, I'm ok, don't worry, It's just a couple of bruises." He gave a quick light chuckle. "Yeah, ok then, sweetheart." He hook your arm around his shoulders and held your waist before taking you to the medics room as quickly and carefully as he could. Once there, he helped you to lay down on the table and stood by your side ,grasping your hand nervously.
The medic examined your face and the back of your head. He found a fractured bone in your arm and some ligament tears in your thigh and back ,aswell as multiple bruises forming on the side of your face.After informing you that you'd be out of action for a few months,he left the room, leaving you and dean together. He rubbed the back of your hand. "Sorry, you're gonna be able to wrestle, baby." He held the side of your face, making you sigh and lean into his hand. You hated when you couldn't wrestle, and it was even worse when Dean could. "Not really much i can do about it now." You tried to hold back tears but failed. Dean looked at you sympathetically and gently lifted you into his arms. He sat on the bed and rubbed your back.
You cried quietly into dean's chest, curling your body up into a little ball and ignoring the burning pain that ran throughout your body. Dean ran his fingers through your hair and got you to look up at him. "Sweetheart, it's not forever ,we are gonna take care of you and get you back into that ring as soon as possible, ok?" You sniffled and nodded. Although you were completely and utterly devastated, you knew he was right. There was no point in giving up and just waiting the entire 8 months when you could do things to make your healing process quicker. "And you'll be with me the whole time, right?" Dean looked almost dumb founded. "Of course i will doll, why the hell would i not?" You smiled and hugged him tightly, well as tightly as you could without making your injuies flare up. "I love you lunatic." Dean smiled down at you and kissed your forehead. "I love you more sweetheart."
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More Posts from That-one-gay-aew-enthusiast
𝙲𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 - 𝙼𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗

Warnings - None
Word count - 624
Genre - Fluff
Summary - Mountain goes to the kitchen to get a late night snack but finds something much more amusing Pairings - Sister of sin reader x Ghoul Mountain
A/n - Mounty is my favourite ghoul(our lanky boi is underrated af), and the idea for this came to me whilst dancing round the kitchen to ABBA :)
No matter how many times he tossed and turned, Mountain just couldn't find a comfortable position. This was the 5th night in a row where he was struggling to sleep, and he was getting sick of it. The worst thing was, he didn't even know the reason as to why he suddenly couldn't sleep. By this point, he'd given up trying to sleep.
Refusing to continue the battle of trying to sleep, Mountain put on a white shirt and black shorts before slipping out his room quietly. He tip toed down the hall, his tail swishing behind him softly. Unfortunately, he stepped on the one creaky floorboard right outside Sodo's room. He winced, gently stepping off the board in hopes the fiesty fire ghoul hadn't awoken. Mountain took a few gentle steps forward before hearing the door swing open behind him.
Slowly, he turned round, seeing a drowsy looking sodo glaring at him. "Sorry Sodo-" The fire ghoul cut him off. "Save it mount, not your fault this fucking ministry is older than Satan himself." With that, Sodo turned and went back into his room. Mountain sighed and carried on slowly making his way to the kitchen.
The closer he got, however, the more evident the light shining under the door became. Either someone else was up at this hour, or someone had just forgotten to turn the light off. Mountain leaned towards the latter since he had never seen or heard anyone else up in the early hours of the morning.
Once at the door, Mountain pressed his ear to the door, hearing a muffled noise on the other side. He listened curiously and smiled at the sound of your voice singing the song, "Take a chance on me." Slowly, he pushed the door open and held back laughter, seeing your small figure dancing and flaunting round the kitchen with a pair of headphones on. He then spotted some messy bowls on the counter with a handful of ingedients next to them. Clearly, you were baking something.
The thing Mountain found the most adorable about the whole situation was how oblivious you were. You were washing some batter off your hands at the sink, so you had your back to him. He quietly moved into the room and closed the door before slowly making way over to you. On the beat, he pulled your headphones off and sang the male line. "Gonna do my very best, and it aint no lie." You gasped and turned round, looking up at your ghoul partner before bursting out laughing. He chuckled and kissed your forehead before holding your hand and pulling you into the more open part of the kitchen.
The both of you then started to dance and sing to "Why did it have to be me," being just as dramatic as each other. At one point ,you accidently knocked into some pots and pans hung on the wall, causing a lot of clanging. You and Mountain looked at each other before bursting out laughing and continuing to dance about. Soon, the song died down, and the mountain stood in front of you, leaning down for a kiss.
However, right before your lips touched, the kitchen door flew open, revealing a very angry looking Papa ,accompanied by an even angrier looking sodo. Papa was the only one to speak. "Good choice of music, but for satans sake, would you two KEEP. IT. DOWN!" You and Mountain sheepishly nodded as Papa walked off, follwed by Sodomizer who just glared at you the entire time.Once the door was shut, you looked at each other before giggling quietly like cheeky school girls. You may have been told off and gotten caught twice, but it was definitely worth it.
Aew masterlist
Wwe masterlist Ghostbusters masterlist Ghost masterlist
Dan Stevens
𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚋𝚢 𝙰𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗 - 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚜

Warnings - None
Word count - 820
Genre - Angst, Fluff
Summary - Darby comes home to find you curled up in the corner.
A/n - my neurodivergent ass hates storms so I'm basing this off of what I would want.
Darby had been gone for a couple of weeks by now. It was understandable. It was Sting's last match, so the situation was understandable. Sure, you had been missing him, but you both still called every day and spent the early hours of the morning texting each other, so the pain of Darby's absence wasn't quite as harsh.
However, the night he was due to return home, which was supposed to be much more dream like, ended up being far more nightmarish. It was starting to get late, and Darby was still not home. He sent you a text saying that there was a traffic jam and he would only be about 20 minutes longer. On the surface, that didn't seem too bad. Until it wasn't.
About 25 minutes after Darby had sent the message, he finally stepped through the front door and into the warm house. His facepaint was almost completely gone , and the remains of it smudged and running down his neck as a result of the pouring rain and storm outside. He called your name out as he put his stuff down by the door, yet no reponse. All the lighst were turned off, but that was most likely due to the storm cutting the power. Darby started looking throughout the house, calling you name, becoming increasingly worried when he couldn't find you.
Eventually darby made it to the main bedroom. He slowly pushed the door open hearing a faint frightened whimper coming from the corner of the room. He slowly walked over to the corner where there was something covered by a blanket. Slowly and carefully he lifted the blanket to see your little face. You had tears streaming down your face, you entire body shivering and your breathing shaky and unsteady. Your arms clutched a black cat toy to your chest. Worst of all, you had your eyes squeezed shut and you didn't seem to notice Darby, too frightened to pay attention to your surrondings.
Darby put his hand on your shoulder, giving you a gentle shake. You gave a pettrified yelp before looking up and hugging him tightly. "Shhhhh, I've got you, princess. What's got you so upset, hmm?" Before you could mumble out an answer, a loud crash of thunder outside made you jump ,yelp, and hide your face in his chest. Darby stroked your hair, realising your cause of fear. He was used to this, having a little sister that hated storms as well.
He sighed and rubbed your back before picking you up and carrying you downstairs. Without saying a word, he set you down on the counter ,grabbed some headphones, and placed them on you. Darby connected his phone to the headphones and passed it to you ,not wanting to startle you with the music. You wrapped yourself around him again as Darby carried you back upstairs. The whole time, he rubbed your back soothingly.
Soon enough, you were both laid in the warmth of your bed. You had curled up in Darby's arms, trying your best to stay awake. Soon enough, you fell asleep, your cat toy falling into Darby's lap. He smiled and tucked it under your arm. Darby was gonna fight off that fear of storms. He was gonna protect you from them. He'd protect you from anything, in fact, just like he'd promised when you started dating.
The next morning, Darby got out of the bed ,cautious not to disturb you. He glanced out the window and saw the storm had caused the fences to rip apart ,as well as a small tree being ripped out the ground, now laying sidways. He glanced back at you and sighed. "No wonder you got that worked up." You soon started to stir from your sleep, glancing up at Darby, who now had you in his lap, stroking your hair gently. "Morning beautiful, you feel better after last night?" You nodded before mumbling an embarrassed apology. Darby looked at you confused. "Well, aren't adults supposed to ot be afraid of storms?" Darby narrowed his eyes and shook his head slowly, still puzzled by the outrageous statement. You soon realised that what you were saying was infanct nonsense.
After that day, you always had a pair of headphones within reach when the wether took a turn, and of course, if he was there, Darby would help you take your mind off of it. Giving you reassuring words and rubbing your back. He always stuck to his word.
'𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚖𝚊𝚗' 𝙰𝚍𝚊𝚖 𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 - 𝚁𝚎𝚏𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

Warnings - smut, punishment, use of vibrator, oral {fem recieving}, bondage, brat taming, degradtion overstimualtion, forced oragasm, multiple fem orgasm, vaginal sex, cowgirl, unprotected sex , dumbification, spit play, rough sex , cockwarming
Word count - 1.4k
Genre - Smut
Pairings - Fem!Reader x Husband!Hangman
Summary - Your glasses reveal a little bit too much to your husband
You and Adam had been for about a month, yet he had only fucked you a few times. You thought it was rather odd for him but didn't mention it to him. However the absense of sex began to build up a little bit too much, so there was no surpirse when one night you decided to push your luck and see what kind of things you could away with round adam.
A few days before adam was due to fly off again, you were both sitting on the couch silently. Adam was watching some old cowboy film, and you were just sitting at the other end of the couch facing him ,meaning he couldn't see what was on the screen of your phone. Not that he paid any attention to what you were currently doing anyway, but he just assumed you were looking at new clothes or scrolling through social media. Little did he know, for the past half an hour you had been reading fanfictions about him. Every dirty detail you read sent a pulse to your heat ,eventually making you clench your thighs slightly. This did not go unoticed by adam, however, and he glanced at your face and was about to ask if you were alright before something stopped him.
Unfortunately for you, right as Adam looked at your face, he caught a glimpse of the title "Hangman Adam Page - Riding the cowboy" in big black letters through the reflection of your glasses. Adam raised his eyebrows before turning his head to look at the tv. You still had not noticed that you'd been caught. "Watcha up to darling?" You looked up from your phone and quite confidently said,"Just chatting to some of the girls." Adam smiled and nodded before snatching the phone from your hand and gripping your neck when you tried to grab it back. "I don't think you are doll, i think you're being a dirty girl and reading something about you already have.
Your eyes widened, and you went silent, you cheeks flushing immediately. Adam smirked and moved his hand from your throat to your jaw. He squeezed your cheeks, making your lips pout. "Doll, i think you need a punishment for this. Maybe something just a little bit worse than your punishment for touching yourself, hmm?" You shook your head, but it was no use, Adam had already made up his mind.
Soon enough, you were being carried over adams shoulder up to the bedroom before he dropped you down onto the bed. He then proceeded to unbutton and open his shirt, and grab some rope from the bedside drawers. As he did, you stripped yourself down to your panties and bra. Adam tied your wrists and ankles to the bedposts, ensuring they weren't too tight, still showing his loving side, even if he was about to give you multiple mind-numbing orgasms.
"So, doll, wanna tell me why you reading that while i was sat right next to you?" You smirked up at him before smuggly stating,"Needed something that actually impressed me, unlike the real thing." Adam simply raised an eyebrow and nodded his head. "Alright then, if you dont think my cock makes you that intrested maybe ill make you cum another way."
Adam then reached over and grabbed a vibrator wand from the bedside drawer and looked you dead in the eye. "And your not gonna stop cumming until im impressed with your pathetic cunt ,am i understood." You smirked and scoffed. "Sure, Adam." You gave a small hiss when he suddenly landed a harsh smack to your thigh before calmly repeating,"Am. I. Understood." You nodded slightly more obdiently. "Yes, Daddy." He smiled slightly at the name before ripping the waist band of your panties and pulling them off.
Adam turned the wand onto the lowest setting before pressing and holding it agaisnt your clit. You made no noise yet, only bit your lip as Adam grinned at the sight of your folds. "Looks like that little fanfiction got you all wet didn't it ,whore." You rolled your eyes "Wetter than you've ever actually gotten me." Adam sighed. "Alright we are still doing that are we? Fine suit yourself." Suddenly the vibrations got much more intense ,making you gasp and writhe. You tried to keep yourself quiet but when adam started moving the wand in quick little circles on your clit ,you lost it. Sweet moans accompanied the faint buzz of the vibrator ,as you arched your back and bucked your hips against the wand head.
You felt your walls clench around nothing, silently pleading for adam's cock. "Please daddy i need your cock-!" Adam chuckled shaking his head. "Not a chance doll, you've not even cum once on the toy, you don't deserve my cock." You felt your first orgasm building quickly making you grip and pull at the rope. "You gonna cum pretty slut?" You rapidly nodded before crying out as you had your first climax of the night.
As you came back down from your heaveanly headspace, you quickly realised that adam had not the vibrator an inch. You whimpered at slight overstimulation, looking up at adam with pleading eyes. His eyes showed no sympathy or remourse for you, however. Instead, Adam's eyes were dark and clouded over with lust and hunger, almost wild. You threw your head back and cried out, feeling a second orgasm building. You soon came for the second time ,this time making your legs jerk and shake.
Once again ,adam didn't move the buzzing toy away from your now swollen clit. You stuttered a plea for him to stop but he just shook his head. "One more darling." You shook your head. "P-please adam i can't take anymore~" Adam pressed the wand against ypur clit with more force, making the vibrations even more intense. You let out a loud cry when he did, writhing and desperately trying to pull your hips away to ease the overstimulation. Adam wasn't gonna have that and held his forearm over your lower stomach to keep you in place. You moaned loudly, grasping the ropes as your third orgasm grew evidently closer. "Cmon baby, gimme one more like the desperate cum slut you are." You finally reached your third high as your eyes rolled back and your mouth just hung open silently. Adam chuckled at your numb minded state before untying your wrists and ankles.
"One more thing i need you to do for me, doll." Whilst panting and shaking ,you raised your head and looked at adam. "I can't adam, please." Adam undressed and stroked his now erect cock as he kenlt on the bed. "Maybe you shouldnt of been a brat then darling." He gripped your hips and hovered you over his lap. "You wanted to read about riding, now you get to actually do it. Get working before i do baby girl." You whimpered and lowered onto his cock slowly. Even after taking him so many times, he still stretched you out so perfectly every single time. You moaned ,adjusting before you strted weakly bouncing on his cock. He tucked his bottom lip under his teeth feeling you pulse round him.
However, Adam quickly decided that you weren't being rough enough and gripped your waist, digging his fingertips into your plump hips. Your arms wrapped around his neck as adam started thrusting up and forcing your hips down quickly. Your head lolled back ,your mind already blank and cockdrunk. Adam chuckled darkly before gripping your chin and making you look at him. "Is my pretty cock slut already dumbfucked hmm? C'mon open, you can still do that cant you gorgeous?" You technically complied when your mouth fell open. Adam held it open and spat into your mouth. "Swallow, pretty girl." You happily complied, swallowing with a sloppy grin spread across your lips. You were almost too fucked out, but not too fucked out forget about your last orgasm, which built up rather quickly again.
You let out incoherent babbles and cries of pleasure as your ultimate orgasm hit you like a tsunami. Adam stopped moving panting and held you still on his throbbing cock, he didn't care if he didn't cum, if he got too desperate, he could rub one out later on. He held you against his chest stroking your hair. "You did really tonight doll." You managed to muster a hum in response, but nothing else, your body was far too tired to even speak. Did that make you regret earlier? Absolutely not, infact now you were considering bratting even more from now on.
Darby allin masterlist

☆ - Smut
◇ - Other warnings
♡ - Part of a series