Dean Ambrose Fluff - Tumblr Posts

𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚎 - 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝙰𝚖𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚎



Warnings - injured reader

Word count - 760

Genre - Fluff, Angst?

Pairings - Fem!Reader x Boyfriend!Dean

Summary - After a harsh match, Dean gets rather worried over your "little bruises"

A/n - Yes i will be writing Dean and Jon as two seperate people, deal with it


Dean watched the screen anxiously. He sat backstage, watching your no D-Q match, having already done his screen time for that episode of smackdown. He cringed at the sight of you being repeatedly hit in the back with a chair. Although you weren't knocked out, yet it was clear you wouldn't be able to take much more from your opponent, Auska. You had always been quite the durable wrestler, which was a poistive, always lasting much longer than some of the other girls. Thankfully, you managed to roll out of the way of the last chair swign and grap a kendo stick. You grabbed the top rope to help steady yourself before jabbing Auska in the stomach with the taped end of the kendo stick.

She held her stomach but didn't go down, making you repeatedly beat down on her with the stick. You were finally getting the upper hand in the match until you weren't. Unfortunately for you, Auska happened to have her own little goon in the form of Kairi Sane, who you'd forgotten about. Right as you were about to climb to the top rope, Kairi came out of nowhere and kicked your legs out, sending you down to the matt in an awkward way. You landed on your arm and rolled over. You slowly brought yourself to your feet ,weakly grasping a cracked kendo stick. You saw Auska doing the same thing, yet no sight of Kairi. Fortunately, you didn't have to ponder on her whereabouts for long. Right as you raised your kendo stick, you felt a harsh blow to the back of the head with what you could only assume was a chair. You dropped straight to the matt and Auska got the pin.

Dean, by now, was on his feet, bolting it down to gorilla. By the time he got there, you were being helped up the ramp by the medics. As soon as you got to gorilla, your knees buckled, causing you to slump down in the arm sof the medics. Dean came down to your level and moved the hair out of your face. He immediately noticed a blue mark forming on your temple. "Hey, look at me, baby." Your eyes opened fully and met with his. "Dean, I'm ok, don't worry, It's just a couple of bruises." He gave a quick light chuckle. "Yeah, ok then, sweetheart." He hook your arm around his shoulders and held your waist before taking you to the medics room as quickly and carefully as he could. Once there, he helped you to lay down on the table and stood by your side ,grasping your hand nervously.

The medic examined your face and the back of your head. He found a fractured bone in your arm and some ligament tears in your thigh and back ,aswell as multiple bruises forming on the side of your face.After informing you that you'd be out of action for a few months,he left the room, leaving you and dean together. He rubbed the back of your hand. "Sorry, you're gonna be able to wrestle, baby." He held the side of your face, making you sigh and lean into his hand. You hated when you couldn't wrestle, and it was even worse when Dean could. "Not really much i can do about it now." You tried to hold back tears but failed. Dean looked at you sympathetically and gently lifted you into his arms. He sat on the bed and rubbed your back.

You cried quietly into dean's chest, curling your body up into a little ball and ignoring the burning pain that ran throughout your body. Dean ran his fingers through your hair and got you to look up at him. "Sweetheart, it's not forever ,we are gonna take care of you and get you back into that ring as soon as possible, ok?" You sniffled and nodded. Although you were completely and utterly devastated, you knew he was right. There was no point in giving up and just waiting the entire 8 months when you could do things to make your healing process quicker. "And you'll be with me the whole time, right?" Dean looked almost dumb founded. "Of course i will doll, why the hell would i not?" You smiled and hugged him tightly, well as tightly as you could without making your injuies flare up. "I love you lunatic." Dean smiled down at you and kissed your forehead. "I love you more sweetheart."

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe-Dean Ambrose x OC The Shield Story Chapter 1- So, you wanna wrestle?

Forced To Believe-Dean Ambrose X OC The Shield Story Chapter 1- So, You Wanna Wrestle?

Author's Note: When I first published the story, a lot of these scenes, including about the Indies were flashback scenes later in the story but I made this first chapter to be an introduction on how Melanie got started in wrestling and how she met Jon and so on. But if you want to just go straight to her debut in WWE, you can just proceed to chapter 2. :) Also a lot of these gifs and photos are not mine. Credit to all the owners.

Word count: 10,000+

Warning: And just a warning, she has an asshole boyfriend during the Indies and there is some verbal abuse in this chapter with him just to warn y'all. And he had cheated on her and so on. 

Chapter Summary:  A young Melanie looks to her cousin to get her a job so she can build money to begin wrestling. She proceeds to meet Jon Moxley and builds a strong friendship with him while thriving in CZW.  She begins dating a fellow Indy wrestler who isn't all who he seems to be 






"Come on Mimi! I NEED~ this!" a 16­-year­-old Melanie pestered her big cousin. 

She had been asking her 20-year-old cousin to pull some strings and get her a job so she could raise money to wrestle. It had only been a couple of years ago that she found out that the Ninth Wonder of the World, Chyna, is her cousin, and began to watch any type of wrestling she could. Whenever it was live on TV or tapes, she knew this was what she wanted to do.

"You are not messing up that face of yours." Mimi huffed, sternly gazing at her cousin, ignoring her pleading green eyes.

Melanie ran a hand through her straight, dark brown hair. What would it take for her to just say yes? She really wanted this.

"Please. I really want to wrestle. I need the money so I can start learning."

"Want." Mimi corrected, rolling her eyes.


"Ugh. Why don't you be a model like me? Or go into business for college just like your mom wants?"

"No way! I'm tired of people telling me what I should do in life. I know this is what I want to do. I've been watching the wrestling team at school, it's so awesome! Wrestling is great!"

Mimi scoffed. She couldn't believe her ears. "Oh ho the wrestling coach is responsible for this?"

"Well remember the time I had to stay after school to make up a gym class? That's when I saw the wrestling team up close and personal. He even has a couple students that go to local independent wrestling companies! Ain't that cool? Now come on! Do this for me! I do everything for you. Return the favor. I'll even pay you in back rubs or something!"

"You're gonna be the death of me...fine. I can pull some strings." Mimi sighed.

"YES!" Melanie jumped on her for a big hug.

"Ew! Get off of me! No touching!" Mimi shoved her off. "You owe me. You're lucky you have a cousin who models and knows people. Let's go."

Just a few days later, Melanie was already working as a waitress in a local restaurant thanks to Mimi pulling some strings. The employees kept a strict eye on her, since she was only 16, and were cautious about underage drinking since there was also a bar. But after a few months, she gained their trust. Melanie enjoyed the job and was very grateful. One step further until she could finally learn how to wrestle.

During one weekend, the restaurant was very busy and crowded as 18-year-old Jon Good, Cody Hawk, and a couple of his HWA (Heartland Wrestling Association) guy friends managed to take the last available table to celebrate a good day's work of wrestling.

"Laurer, take care of that table." The manager called before walking back into the kitchen.

"No problem!" The teen made her way over to Jon's table. "Hey, dudes. What would you like?"

Everyone made their orders and then she turned her attention to Jon. "And you?" she inquired kindly.

Making eye contact with the girl, he shrugged and scratched the back of his head. "Ah, just a beer." He replied in his slightly high-pitched voice.

"May I ask how old you are?"

"18..." he let out a sigh, awaiting rejection.

Melanie observed him for a while. He looked around her age and decided to give him a break. His group looked like they were celebrating. 

She looked around and said in a low voice, "Okay, look I'll give you only two beers, max. But you gotta promise me that you won't drive if you drink these beers tonight, got it?"

Jon did a double-take at the female. He wasn't expecting that kind of answer. Nor kindness.

"A-­all right. Thanks," he answered with appreciation in his voice.

"No problem, man," she replied and turned to Cody Hawk. "I'm guessing you're responsible for everyone, tonight. Make sure he gets home safely. Don't want the dude to get in trouble with the police for underage drinking."

Cody smiled and nodded. "Yes ma'am."

A couple months later, Melanie is back at the restaurant, working hard. She still was nowhere near the amount of money to get wrestling gear, lessons, and other things, but she was still going to be persistent. She knew it was going to be hard work. Heading over to a table, she noticed some familiar faces.

Cody Hawk looked up and observed her for a couple of seconds before something clicked in his brain. "Hey, I remember you. You told my boy, Jon, to not drink and drive."

A smile came across her lips as the fond memory popped into her head. "Oh yeah! Nice to see you, guys again! How have you been?"

"Great. I see you're still working here."

"Yeah, trying to save money to wrestle."

The word wrestle made Jon's ears perk up as he turned to study her. "Really? You wanna wrestle, huh?" Jon inquired.

Melanie nodded eagerly. "Definitely. My dream is to become a wrestler. Someone who can wrestle guys, not just chicks. I want to be taken seriously. Right now I'm trying to save up money to get the gear and learn. This job has kind of been helping, but I'm grateful that it's something." she shrugged but the guys listened intently, nodding at her aspiration in approval. 

After making more small talk, she takes their orders. When she comes back, she gives them their beers and places a free beer in front of Jon. "This one is on me. Again, no drinking and driving, ya hear?"

Jon looked down at the drink, then back at her, surprised at the nice gesture. "Yes ma'am." he chuckled and thanked her as she took her leave.

"Wrestler huh? Hey, that's actually pretty cool, maybe we'll see her around one day." One of the boys said.

"She sounds serious." Another guy at the table commented.

"Very. We should give her a big tip." Cody suggested.

"Let's do it." Jon happily agreed.

After they leave, Melanie heads back to the table to clean up and sees a big lump under the check. She carefully opened it, and the sight caused her eyes to water.

"Oh my gosh." she chuckled while internally screaming in her head. She finally had enough money for the next steps to wrestle. How can she ever repay them for such a life-changing gesture?


At the age of 21, in 2009, she managed to get a job at CZW, thanks to her high school wrestling coach, and began getting trained by Drake Younger. He was a CZW veteran and an awesome guy to be around. After he told her some good tips and advice on wrestling, she finally went backstage to walk around. She was nervous because this was her first time going to an independent wrestling company after her school wrestling coach got her there. She would be on her own and would have to fight her way to become a WWE Diva. It was her goal and she would have to make sure she put in a lot of effort.

She wasn't going to get into the WWE just because she was related to Chyna. You don't get a VIP pass like that. You need to work and that's what Melanie was happy about.

"Hi!" A female voice called out. Melanie turned around to smile. "Are you new?"

"Yeah. I'm Melanie Laurer."

"Hey, girl. I'm Chrissy Rivera. Nice to meet you." She gives her a friendly hug. "Aren't you related to Chyna?"

"Yep." Melanie grinned as they started to click.

"Wow! That's awesome! So are you wrestling or being a manager?"


"Really? This is going to be good. You're going to do just fine, here. Welcome to the CZW family."

"Thanks, I'm glad to be here."

"Hey, we should hang out tonight. The roster is going to a bar. You should come."

"Sure, that'll be great!"

"Sweet. Come on, I'll introduce you to the roster."

While Chrissy introduced Melanie to most of the roster, they were very welcoming towards her and couldn't wait to see her in action. After the icebreakers, Chrissy had to get ready for the show, so Melanie started to walk around again to get familiar with the surroundings. She was really happy to wrestle somewhere in her hometown in Philly. After thinking about CZW, her thoughts were interrupted after she saw a guy who was over six feet tall, and had dirty blond hair.

The guy's eyes light up. "It's you. I never got your name from the couple of times I saw you at the restaurant."

Melanie took another look at him and smiled. It was that guy she gave the free beers to. What were the odds of seeing him again?


"Nice to meet you, I'm Jon."

Melanie stuck out her hand and shook his. "Nice to meet cha."

They start walking together. "You're something, you know that? You cared about me, although we were strangers. At first, I was like, this chick is cool as shit for giving me beer although I was 18. But to hear you tell Cody to make sure I get home safe, got to me. No other chick has said that to me. It's just the little things like that, I appreciate."

"Ah, it's not a problem. I should really be thanking you, Cody, and your friends for giving me that money so I can start training."

"Cody can see a great upcoming wrestler when he sees one. It looks like he has faith in you."

"I'm honored. So how long have you been here?"

"A few months. When do you start wrestling?"

"Next show in a dark match."

"Cool. I'll be seeing you in action, soon. You know the roster is going out to a bar, after the show."

"Yep. Chrissy told me."

"Are you coming? You should~" Jon nudged her with a boyish grin

"Hah hah. Yeah. Sounds like a plan."


"So where are you from?"

"Cincinnati. You?"

"Ohio, huh? I bet you've been wrestling all over. I'm from Philly."

"Philly, huh? Nice. I'll catch you later. It's nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you again, too." Melanie watched him leave.

'I think I'm going to like it here.' she thought.

After that, Melanie sat in the crowd and was able to get an idea of CZW by watching the show. Everything was so intense, and it made her look forward to her debut even more. She admired the hardcore wrestling and how involved the fans were.

During the next show, Melanie went against a local female wrestler in a dark match. Her parents were there to watch despite reluctantly going to see her get hurt. Melanie lost her first match, but gained respect for her hard work and heart, to not give up so soon in the match.

After the show, Melanie packed up her gym bag and heard someone knocking on the door.

"Yeah?" She turned.

"Hey, sorry to bother you. Just wanted to say that you were great out there. Good match."

"Thanks! Hopefully, I'll win next time. I'm Melanie by the way."

"Greg. I was wonderin'...uh, you mind if I take you out to dinner, tonight? I'd love to get to know you more."

Surprised at the sudden question, Melanie thought about it for a few moments. "Yeah, why not."

'Next week'

Wearing dark blue skinny jeans, and a cut-up CZW shirt that stopped in the middle of her stomach, Melanie watched in the front row with disapproval on her face of Moxley screwing Devon Moore from winning Robert Anthony's CZW World Heavyweight Championship. Jon started bragging about being the best wrestler with Robert Anthony and being CZW Legends which made her shake her head. But then it caught Robert's attention and he pointed her out.

"Do you disagree toots?" Jon asked with a smug look.

"Chicks can't handle us." Robert bragged. Melanie's scowl made them laugh. "She better be glad we even looked at her because we're the best wrestlers in this company."

Rolling her eyes, she gives him the middle finger as the crowd 'ohs' and cheers. Jon and Robert chuckle to themselves before turning their attention back to Devon Moore who was down and out. As soon as they were about to attack him again, the Briscoe brothers came out to even the odds. They start arguing with them until Joker runs down the ring with a chair and starts attacking Devon and the Briscoe brothers. The crowd cheered as they threw out Moxley and the others out of the ring.

Jay Briscoe grabbed a mic and offered up a challenge to have all the titles on the line, in a match, next month.

"Hey Moxley, you're out of luck, buddy. You ain't got no title. You're just a goofy motherfucker." He exclaimed as the crowd cheered.

"Uncalled for!" One of the commentators said.

Melanie started laughing. Jay knew how to have the best one-liners.

"And what are you laughing at? Huh?" Jon walked over to her, towering over her since she was sitting down.

"A goofy motherfucker." She bluntly declared, slowly standing up. "Who else?"

"You're not even worth my time..."

"I believe that I am. I'll take you down anyplace, anytime." She shrugged.

"Do you know who you're talkin' to? I'm Jon Moxley." He began to get in her face.

"In one ear, out the other..." She looked at her nails as the crowd 'oohed'.

Fed up, Jon grabbed a fan's drink and dumped it on top of her head.

"What is he doing!?" One of the commentators exclaimed.

Melanie gasped and looked at her wet clothes as Jon laughed in her face. The crowd started chanting 'Kick his ass!' while Melanie tried to adjust her hair and clothes.

"Big-­fucking-­mistake!" she growled with rage and smacked him right across the face.

"Damn~!" The Briscoe brothers exclaimed as Jon stumbled back. The crowd went wild when Melanie jumped over the barricade and started unloading on Moxley, throwing in punches. Robert and Joker look on in shock as she gave Jon a kick out DDT on the ground.

"You're gonna get it now!" Robert yelled but she slid into the ring before him and Joker could get her.

Melanie grinned at what she had done and high-fived the Briscoe brothers.

"Do they know this woman!?" One commentator wondered.

Meanwhile, Moxley is helped up by Robert and Joker. He rubbed the side of his cheek and then the top of his head, glaring at the woman who assaulted him. She blew him a kiss and innocently shrugged.

"I think so but she made a statement, going after Moxley of all people. Is she nuts? She must be!" The second commentator declared.

"Allow us to introduce the new bombshell in CZW. Melanie!" Jay raised her hand as the crowd cheered. "Sorry Jon, but you got your ass kicked!" he laughed as the crowd agreed. Jon started yelling at them and began to get restrained by Robert and Joker. Melanie laughed at his struggle but then Jon broke free and slid into the ring. "Run Melanie, run!"

Melanie slid out of the ring and sprinted backstage with Jon tailing right behind her as the others followed them.


'After the show'

Melanie was in a locker room, frowning at her phone.

"You all right?" Jon popped his head into the room.

"Yeah, fine. What's up?" She looked up from her phone.

"All right, what's wrong?" He pulled up a chair and sat in front of her. He could tell something was on her mind and he wasn't leaving until she was happy again.

"Nothing's wrong."

"Bullshit," he exclaimed and started staring at her until she gave him a valid answer.

"I hate it when you do always know when I'm upset even if I try to hide it." she groaned and let out a long sigh. "My boyfriend canceled our date. We were supposed to go to a concert. He knows how badly I wanted to go to see my favorite band. And now I have no one else to go with. I don't want to go alone. Might as well sell these tickets..."

"Or...I could go with you," he suggested, raising his eyebrows.

Hearing his offer, her eyes lit up. "Really?" She started to grin.

"There's that grin I've been waiting for." A half smile came across his face. "Yeah, why not? I wouldn't mind going with you."

"Thank you! I promise you'll have a lot of fun." They stood up and she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Gross you're still sweaty." she laughed and released him.

"Shut it." He let out a laugh.

"My night just got better. But are you sure you want to go? I don't want you to think you have to go, to make me feel better." She brought up as she gave him a ticket.

Jon checked out the ticket before looking at her. "I like hanging out with you, Melanie. You're not one of those annoying ring rats, and you're someone I enjoy being around. Plus, I like the band."

"Thanks. It starts in two hours. We should get ready."

When the show was about to start, Jon and Melanie got to their seats which were near the stage but still in the middle of the crowd.

"I missed this. It's been a while since I've been to a concert. Hey, you ever crowd-surfed before?" she asked.

Jon shook his head, "Nah, have you?"

"Oh yeah! Consider this your lucky day. Come on." she grabbed his hand.

"Whoa, whoa, where are you taking me?" He let out a laugh.

"You and I are gonna crowd surf. It'll be fun."

"All right, I'll be a daredevil tonight."


After the concert, Jon walked Melanie home. Ever since she and Greg started dating, she decided to move in with him. But it seemed like their relationship was a bit rocky now because he never wanted to do anything with her anymore. But she didn't want to worry Jon about that.

"That was awesome!" he shouted excitedly.

"Haha! Told you! I kind of thought you were having fun when you kept wooing and hollering." She giggled. Jon put an arm around her shoulders and started singing one of the band's songs, in a fake tone-deaf voice. Melanie started to laugh at his goofiness. "You're gonna wake up the neighbors."

"Ah, the hell with it." he carried on. She decided to join him, in singing the song until they reached Greg's apartment.

"That was fun. Thanks for hanging out with me."

"Ah, no problem. Wouldn't mind doing it again."

"Of course. You'll be my new concert buddy." She embraced him but the door opened to reveal Greg looking at them with an annoyed expression.

"About time you got home." Greg retorted, scowling at Jon.

Melanie sighed and released Jon. "Sorry, the concert went on a little longer than usual. Thanks for coming with me, Jon. I'll see you later." She smiled and headed inside

"Yeah..." Jon nodded and stared down Greg before he headed inside with her.


After another show, Melanie grabbed her bags and met up with Jon, who was getting ready to leave.

"Hey, are you doing anything, tonight?" She asked hopefully.

"Nah, why?" he questioned as he put on his gym bag.

"I was wondering if you wanted to meet my parents and have dinner with us. They don't bite, I swear. My mom is the overprotective one, not my dad, he's the carefree type." She smiled, hoping he'd say yes.

Jon liked her sweet request but wondered if it would be a good idea.

" sure about this?"

"Of course! It'll be fun." she guaranteed.

"All right, all right. I'll go. Just for you."


When they arrived at her parents' place, she walked inside with him.

"Melanie! You're home!" Jane, her mother, rushed over to give her a big hug and kiss on the cheek. "Oh, who is this?"

"Mom, dad, this is my friend, Jonathan Good. I met him a couple times when I was working, and recently reunited with him while I was starting out in CZW."

Her father, Diego, began to grin. "Nice to meet you! Melanie has told us all about you."

"She has?" Jon asked with surprise as Melanie quickly stomped on her father's foot.

"Hey!" Diego exclaimed

Melanie shot him a glare and cleared her throat. "Anyway, can he stay for dinner?" she asked

"Why not? The more the merrier!" Jane replied, looking overjoyed, and walked back into the kitchen.

"Dinner should be ready soon," Diego informed the two and walked upstairs.

Melanie sighed out of relief and gave Jon a low five. "Mission accomplished, they love you."

"Glad to hear. So...what have you been saying about me?" he nudged her

"Let's not get into that right now." She punched him on the shoulder.

"Uh-huh." He smirked

After dinner, Melanie went back to Greg's place and set down her bags. "I'm home!" She announced but didn't hear a response. "I guess he isn't here." She checked the time, seeing it was only 10:30. But then she started hearing weird noises in the bedroom.

"Don't let this be what I fear..." She muttered to herself and opened the bedroom door to see Greg sleeping with a local female wrestler. The sight made her sick to her stomach, and she couldn't control her anger anymore. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" She shouted.

The sound of her angry voice made Greg and the girl scramble out of bed.

"Mel, I can explain­-"

"Explain!? You've got to be joking." She retorted. "Why the hell would you do this? Why would you­- I can't. I'm fucking done. No." She tried to wipe her tears and stormed off.

Greg quickly got dressed. "Get out of here." He pushed the girl out of the apartment. He needed to fix this. He should've asked what time she was coming home. He couldn't lose Melanie. He was the next woman on his list to screw. And they just started dating. He really screwed up.

"Mel, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise." He tried to hug her as she struggled to push him away. "Please, I'm sorry! I'll change."

Hearing how sad his voice was, made her even more upset. It sounded sincere to her, but she failed to notice the fakeness of his voice, and she unfortunately decided to take him back.


'To The Ring'

At a CZW arena, Moxley walked out with a cocky grin on his face. He had a microphone in his hands and went straight over to Melanie's parents, who were in the crowd to watch their daughter in action.

"Well, well, look who it is. Melanie's parents. I always think about why and how you raised a bitch of a daughter." He disrespected them as the CZW crowd booed. Jane's jaw dropped, shocked at the words coming out of his mouth, while Diego didn't look too happy.

"How dare you!?" She shouted and gave Moxley a stinging slap to the face, earning cheers from the crowd. "How dare you talk about our daughter like that!?"

Chuckling, Moxley responded, "Is that all you got, grandma? You're a bitch just like your skanky daughter. And I bet you're a­-"

His speech was cut short when Diego's fist met his jaw. The crowd went wild and chanted 'Holy Shit'

"Don't you ever disrespect my daughter or my wife ever again! You hear me, amigo?" Diego's thick accent came in.

Pissed, Jon struck Diego with a cheap shot and tossed him over the barricade, as Jane screamed. The crowd continued to boo Moxley as he dragged him into the ring.

"Stop! Stop!" Jane pleaded, scared for her husband

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Jon shouted back at her, in a harsh tone, making her quiet. He got in the ring and began stalking Diego from behind. But before he could attack, Melanie rushed down the ring, earning loud cheers. She ran as fast as she could as she slid into the ring. But unfortunately, Jon escaped before she could get to him. The crowd booed and chanted 'Pussy' at him.

"Are you friggin' kidding me, right now? You're really gonna do this?" She glared at Jon before helping her dad.

"Thank goodness for Melanie, coming down before Moxley did something worse." One of them commentators said.

'To Greg's Place'

"Can you fucking cook me something, already? You're taking too long." Greg grumbled as he watched TV in the living room. Melanie had made him a chicken pot pie but dropped it in front of him, after tripping over his shoes. Greg rolled his eyes. "You are such a stupid screw-up. Pick that shit up and cook me another plate."

Melanie sighed and cleaned the mess up. "Can't we just order takeout?"

"Listen you little bitch, I fuckin' said make me another plate, got it?"

Melanie quickly nodded and went back into the kitchen, wiping the tears from her face. Lately, it seemed like Melanie was the only one who wanted to be in the relationship now. He said he would change, but it seemed like he had gotten worse. It was starting to frighten her. But she thought he would change, so she decided to continue to stay.

Later on, Greg stepped out and Melanie's phone started to ring. "What's up, Jon? You all right?"

"Yeah, uh, you mind if I crash at your place? I don't think I'll be able to make it to Chrissy's." He sounded tired, probably from the show.

"Yeah, of course. Come on."

"Great, I'll be there, soon."

After five minutes, she let him in and let him crash on her bed, but then Greg came back.

"What is he doing here?" Greg scowled, displeased at another man at his place

"Oh, he couldn't make it back to Chrissy's place, so I decided to let him crash here for tonight," she replied.

"Great..." he sarcastically replied, walking into the living room.

"What's your problem?" she snapped, following him

"I just don't like you being around all these half-naked guys."

"Just because you decided to quit wrestling, doesn't mean I have to. You wrestled there before. Why can't I? Please don't tell me you're jealous..."

"I'm going out. Don't wait up for me." he brushed her off and left the apartment.

Melanie rolled her eyes again. "Wasn't planning to..." she headed back into her bedroom to see Jon relaxing on her bed.

"He's annoying the crap out of me," he grumbled.

"Agreed." she crossed her arms. She was getting tired of Greg's jealousy. She's been nothing but loyal to him.

"Why are you still with him?"

"Couples argue. We're not perfect." She sat down on the bed next to him.

"Where did he go anyway?"

"Who knows? He usually stays out all night..."

"Ever get suspicious?"

"No. I love him and trust him," she replied with a little doubt in her voice. "I'm so glad you won the title."

"Me too," he grunted and held his arm. "Can I get a massage?"

"It'll cost you." she chuckled.


"Grapes I mean."

"Grapes? Just grapes? All right, I can live with that."

As she started to massage his arm with long strokes and circular motions, she couldn't help but feel the firm muscles on his arm. She shook the thought out of her head and noticed that he had fallen asleep after a few minutes. Melanie relaxed next to him and turned to watch him sleep.

Admiring the peaceful look on his face, she brushed some hair from his face.

'So adorable...' She thought with a small blush. 'Wait...adorable...? Oh no, I think I may be crushing on Jon.'

Was it wrong to like a guy while you're dating someone who really doesn't give you the time of day anymore? Someone who doesn't support what you want to do in life?

Jon rolled over to the side and rested his head against her chest. "D­-dude, you're on top of me." She chuckled but Jon mumbled and snuggled into her. She ran a hand through his hair before going to sleep, enjoying the cute moment.

'Next Day'

Shivering and soaked from the rain, Melanie managed to find Chrissy's place and knocked on the door.

"Holy shit! Melanie! Are you okay!?" Chrissy let her in her place and set her on the couch. Melanie shivered violently. "You look like shit. What happened?"

"I­-I was waiting for G­-Greg and he didn't show up." she stuttered as she dried herself off with a towel.

Jon walked into the living room and spotted Melanie's alarming condition. He began to look worried. "Mel? What the hell happened!?" He rushed to her side.

"She was waiting for Greg and he didn't show up," Chrissy replied with resentment. "We need to call him."

Two hours later, Greg walked into Chrissy's place while Melanie rested on the couch in blankets.

"Dude, where the hell were you? We've been calling you for hours." Jon asserted

"I was out at the club with some chicks, why?" Greg shrugged, with no care in the world.

"Seriously? You're at the club when your girlfriend is sick?" Chrissy exclaimed in disbelief.

"She'll survive." he bluntly replied.

Melanie opens her eyes. "W­-where were you? I waited for you." She said in a weak voice.

"Try not to strain yourself, hon." Chrissy expressed her concern.

"What do you mean wait?" Jon asked, turning to Greg.

"Crap...I forgot. We were supposed to go out for dinner. How long was she out there?" Greg sighed.

"Waited about three hours." Melanie weakly replied.

"Three?" Jon asked in shock.

"Three!? You're so faithful, unlike some people." Chrissy glared at Melanie's boyfriend.

"Let me get this and Melanie were supposed to have dinner tonight and you never showed up? You do realize it's raining, right?" Jon crossed his arms.

"Look, things happen. It's all right." Greg put his hands up in defense.

"No, it's not all right. She may have gotten seriously sick because of you." Jon replied with a frustrated growl.

"It's so cold..." Melanie shivered

"Come on, let me get you some warmer clothes." Chrissy helped Melanie in her room. After she got Melanie situated, she let her rest on her bed before walking back into the living room. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Why would you go to a club when you were supposed to have dinner with Mel?"

"Look, the reason I went to the club is because she doesn't do crap for me. Every time I want some, she refuses. We rarely do anything anymore, and all she focuses on is her family and wrestling career. What about me? I'm important too!"

"Un-­fucking­-believable..." Jon mumbled and shook his head in disgust

"And you should respect her interests and take an interest in the things she likes to do." Chrissy lectured

"Wrestling with half-naked men? I'll pass...she better be glad I approve of her doing this." Greg glared at them.

"Don't talk about her like that," Jon growled. "Why are you trying so hard to get in her pants, anyway?"

"Because she's hot. And she's starting to annoy the hell out of me with this waiting crap." Greg replied, making his intentions clear

"Why are you talking about her like that? Is that what you wanted? To get in her pants and then leave? That's not cool..." Chrissy crossed her arms and gave him a stern look.

"I'm tired of her talking about her virgin crap. Who is going to wait that long for her? I don't think I can do this, anymore." Greg admitted, revealing his impatience.

"She can do whatever the hell she wants and if you don't like it, get the hell out of here. And if she doesn't want to do it yet, then respect her wishes. And if you truly loved her, you would wait until she's ready." Jon exclaimed angrily.

"Jon." Chrissy put a hand on his arm to calm him down. "You talk about her like you own her. You don't. Plus, you wrestled in CZW, so why are talking so badly about wrestling?"

"Probably because Mel is better than him and he quit wrestling." Jon chuckled while Greg gave him an annoyed look.

"Whatever. I'm out of here." Greg headed for the door.

"And you're not going to stay with her and make sure she's okay?" Chrissy called out but he shut the door. "What an asshole! I cannot believe this!"

"I know..." Jon shook his head. Melanie managed to get out of bed and goes into the living room. "Mel, what are you doing out of bed?"

"I'm fine. I'm just..." She started to feel light-headed and began to fall down before Jon caught her in his arms.

"I got you," Jon murmurs and picks her bridal style. He walked her back into the bedroom and set her on the bed.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"It's not your fault." He reassured.

"Yes it it me?" She managed to say. "Ever since I told him I was still a virgin and wanted to wait, he's been a little distant. What did I do? I love him."

As much as Jon wanted to vent to her about what an ass Greg is, he decided against it. "I know I screwed ring rats, but you're different because you make chasing worthwhile. You're not easy like those ring rats I screwed. Stay that way. It's a good thing. Continue to wait until you're ready."

She smiled and closed her eyes. "You're so good to me."

Jon gave her a half smile as she started to sleep again. He looked at what she was wearing. She was wearing one of his shirts and thought it looked cute on her. He headed out the room and saw Chrissy grinning at him.

"You like her, don't you?" she teased.

"Uh, why would you think that?" Jon rubbed the back of his neck.

"You're so caring and protective. You don't do that to any of the other girls." she chuckled. "I think it's cute. Now if only she could break up with Greg."

During a CZW show, Melanie was in the ring, wearing her wrestling attire which was jeans, a white tank top with a black bra with fingerless gloves. She was in the ring with another bombshell. All of a sudden, Moxley's theme comes on.

"Great..." Melanie rolled her eyes.

"Introducing your special guest referee for this contest, Jon~ Moxley!" The announcer announced as Melanie's jaw dropped and the other bombshell looked confused.

"What? What!?" Melanie screamed as Jon came out with a cocky grin on his face.

Jon waved at her as he got in the ring. "Hello, Melanie."

"Fuck you." She snapped and gave him the middle finger.

"I'd love to fuck you."

Melanie sighed loudly as the bell rang three times. "Stay out of my way." she pointed to him and circled around the ring with the bombshell. Near the end of the match, Melanie hit the bombshell with a roundhouse kick to the face. She waited for her to get on her knees to run to the ropes but all of sudden, Moxley hit her with the Moxicity, knocking the wind out of her.

"What!?" The first commentator exclaimed. "What the hell was that!? That was crap!"

The bombshell crawled over to Melanie and went for the pin. Jon quickly counted to three as the crowd booed. He raised the bombshell's hand and then she left the ring.

Meanwhile, with Melanie, she held her head and glared at him, sliding out of the ring. "Bullshit..."

Moxley grabbed a mic and began to cut another promo on her, "Melanie has no fucking talent in this company. She fucked with me too many times and she should have saw this coming. The bitch had it coming."

Melanie went on to get a chair while Jon's back was turned from her.

"Uh oh. Melanie does not look happy." The second commentator said.

"She's about to explode!" The first commentator replied, anticipating what she was about to do.

Melanie slid back into the ring and waited for Jon to turn around. As soon as he did, she hit him in the face with the chair as the crowd cheered.

"Fuck you!" She hit him five more times.

"She just hit Jon Moxley with a chair!" The first commentator yelled.

She threw the chair away and started unloading on him as she kept yelling curse words. A few refs ran down the ring to separate the two. The refs got Jon out of the ring while Melanie went to get a mic.

"Hey! Hey, Moxley! That was a bullshit move, dude. You want to fuck with me? Big mistake. So, if you want to get your ass kicked, I have no problem!"

"You can't do shit to me!" Jon yelled back.

"Don't think this is over. I'm not done with you yet, motherfucker! You want to fuck with me? Get in this ring and fight me!" Melanie yelled as the crowd cheered in agreement.

Jon looked at the crowd and then back at her. He decided to take her up on her offer and got on the apron. But then he smirked and jumped off as the crowd booed him.

"You're not worth my time." He shrugged

'Next Week'

During a CZW show, Moxley and Sami thought it would be hilarious to sneak into Melanie's locker room, go through her bags, and take all her clothes and wrestling attire while she was in the shower. After waiting about ten minutes, they see her walking around, frantically backstage with a towel on, trying to find her clothes. From her facial expression, they could tell that she was very worried.

"Well, well...if it isn't little miss Melanie. Nice towel." Mox greeted her with a smirk, eyeing her up and down

"Wonder where your wrestling attire is...isn't your match up next?" Sami added.

"Still can't find them? So...I guess this means you're wrestling...naked tonight."

"Can't wait to see that!" He high-fived Moxley.

Melanie bitterly chuckled. "You two are a bunch of dicks..." she tried to walk away but Jon blocked her way. "...Move..."

"Oh, I'm not leaving. I like what I see. I like what I see, a lot..." He checked her out

"Out of the way."

"Hey, hey hey...leaving so soon?" He asked as he blocked her way again, making her bump into his chest.

"I'm gonna give you ten seconds to defend yourself if you don't get out of my way..." She threatened, making Sami laugh out loud.

"And what are you gonna do, Melly Belly? Kick us in the balls?" Sami suggested.

"Not a bad idea!" she swiftly kicked them both in the balls, before walking away.


A couple weeks later, Melanie was forced to become Sami and Jon's valet after they won a tag team match for her services for a couple months for a storyline. During her time with the both of them was a lot of chaotic mess.

For instance:

'Moxley vs Brain Damage'

Near the end of the match, Melanie ran out with a chair as the crowd booed her. She slid in the ring, making sure she didn't get cut from all the glass scattered around. She was about to hit Brain Damage but he moved out of the way, making her hit Jon instead

Melanie's eyes widen. "Shit! Sorry!"

"Melanie! What the fuck!?" Sami yelled as he ran out.

"I said I was sorry!" she yelled back.

"Fuck him up!" Sami yelled while she rolled her eyes.

She turned around to see Brain Damage with a drill in his hands. She looked a little taken aback since he was so bloody and glaring at her. She took a step back and turned around, about to run out of the ring but he grabbed her by the hair. She screamed as the crowd cheered and started chanting 'Cut her open!'

Sami ran into the ring and was about to hit him with a bat but Brain Damage threw Melanie on the mat, and luckily Jon caught her from hitting the glass. Brain Damage shifted his attention to Sami and threatened to drill him until Jon caught him in a roll-up pin for the win.

Melanie slid out of the ring and hugged Jon as he stumbled down on the ground while Sami met up with them at ringside.

"Here is your winner! Jon Moxley!" The announcer declared

"Fuck him up!" Sami yelled

"Are you okay!?" Melanie asked Jon.

"You worry a lot," Jon smirked, enjoying her concern. "I like it."

"Are you serious? You almost got your head cut open! How can I not be worried?"

"I'm fine. It's just a fucking scratch."

"A big fucking scratch."

Later, she hung out with Jon and Sami to watch the rest of the matches. The crowd was loud and hyped during Nick Gage's match against Thumbtack Jack. Melanie, as always, had a bowl of grapes in her hands, popping them in her mouth like they were candy.

"Mel you look like you gained weight. Eating too much grapes?" Sami teased and poked her stomach.

Melanie chuckled. "Okay...don't be a dick."

"Haha, I'm just messin' with ya." Sami laughed.

All of a sudden they hear loud 'Ohs' and 'Holy shit' chants from the crowd after Nick got thrown into the light tubes, that were propped between the ropes.

"Damn! Is he really hurt?" She cringed and started to look concerned when people started to help him.

"I think so, a doctor is rushing over to him," Jon replied as they watched people take him to the back. There was blood all over him and the doctor had to use towels under his arm to stop the bleeding.

Melanie started to look nervous. "This is why I hate light tubes."

After the show, Melanie drove Jon back to his place which he shared with Chrissy Rivera. Jon was bloody from head to toe, and seriously needed a shower.

"Take a long, hot shower. I'll make you a cheese steak." Melanie headed to the kitchen and placed her bag on the counter. Jon looked at her taking out the ingredients to make the food, and chuckled.

"Only you would have that in your bag."

Melanie was about to answer but stopped herself before pondering. "...I...crave things. I did go to the store before we left the event,"

Jon examined the scars he received from his matches at the tournament. "Oh? Finally lost your card and got pregnant? Was that why Sami said you gained weight?"

"No, and no I'm not pregnant." She firmly noted.

"All right then." He headed to the bathroom but seconds later he came back out. "Wait, shouldn't you be with your boyfriend? You know how overprotective he is."

Melanie rolled her eyes and started to become annoyed. "Can we not talk about him?!" She snapped, getting negative memories of Greg.

"Whoa, calm down. I didn't mean to make you mad." He put his hands up in defense.

Melanie ran her hands through her hair and sighed. "Just forget it. I just...I just want to be with you, right now."

"Well, I'm here. Now what's going on with you and him?"

"Take a shower." She evaded.

"Not until you answer my question."

"You should really wash that blood off."

"What is going on?"

"Can you please just drop it!?"

"I know something is wrong. I'm not gonna stop asking you until you tell me." Jon persisted. Melanie gave him a stern look and started preparing his meal. "So now you're ignoring me, huh? I think I know what it is. Looks like you haven't been getting a lot of attention."

"Or maybe it's because I still have my card. He keeps trying to pressure me. It's turning me off and he gets really angry."

Jon rested his elbows on the counter. "You just need to relax."

"You should take a shower."

"You should take one with me." He suggested.

Melanie stopped what she was doing and looked up at him. "Are you serious?"

"No joke." He replied with a serious face.

"Jon, I'm still with him."

"Do you want to stay with him?

"I...don't know."

"You're blinded by love."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are. The guy cheated on you several times and you're still with him. It's okay to just say fuck you, I don't want to be with you anymore. I think you want to believe you're still in love with him so that your relationship with him can still last. That's not love."

"I love him, Jon. End of discussion."

Jon showed a mischievous look on his face and walked around the counter. "Well if you loved him so much, you wouldn't be staring at my chest this whole time."

"Was not..." She mumbled as he got behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Well if you loved him so much, would you let me do this?" He started to lightly kiss the smooth skin of her neck. Melanie immediately started to relax despite trying not to enjoy the skilled mouth of Jon's. Unfortunately, the pleasure didn't last long because he released her. "Haha, the look of disappointment on your face is hilarious. So much for loving that guy. That was fun wasn't it?"

"Jon." She gave him a stern look while rubbing her neck.

"All right, all right. I'll be in the shower while you continue to pretend you don't want me to kiss your neck again...and in other places." He goes into the bathroom.

Melanie exhaled and sat on the couch, in the living room. She ran her hands through her hair. Was it cheating to get a love mark from another man, let alone having one of your best guy friends give you the love mark. And it felt good? But you're dating someone who disrespects you? She should really break up with Greg. What is the point anymore?

After Jon took a shower, he walked back out in his shorts and no shirt. "All right, do you wanna have sex or not?"

"Jon!" Melanie exclaimed, while he gave her a grin. "This is serious!"

"I am serious. Do you or not, in general?"

"I do but­-"

"Then get over here."

"I don't want to be treated as some play toy or ring rat. I'm not like that and I don't want to just lose it like that."

"Losing it isn't going to be perfect. Just as long as you trust someone. Do you trust Greg?"

"No, not at all."

"Do you trust me?"


"There you have it." He sat down on the couch, next to her.

"I feel like you're treating this like a joke."

"Melanie." He began in a deep tone. "I don't mind deflowering you right here, right now if you want me to. I'm not one for doing that romantic crap, but I know I can make you feel special, unlike that jackass...only if you let me."

"You've screwed so many girls."

"And so has he. But I know I can screw better than him. And you'll be the first I do it with meaning."

"You're my best friend."

"Wouldn't that be a better choice?"

"We're not even together."

"I can change that." He smirked. "Just stay here with me."

The temptation was building as she started to ponder about his offer but sighed. "I really want to, but this will be the first place, he'll try to find me. You know he doesn't like you. And what you did is going to really trigger it."

"So, are you planning on telling him about what we did?"

"What you did."

"What we did. You didn't stop me. And I saw that look of disappointment when I stopped."

Melanie sighed. "No, I'm not going to tell."

"How are you gonna explain to him about that mark?" He looked at the love mark on her neck.

"I'll just put makeup on it. No big deal."

" can you deal with that loser?"

"I don't give in to his pressure."

"I almost pressured you."

"No, you didn't. You see the thing is, I just feel really comfortable with you."

"Glad to hear," Jon cracked a smile


It was a day before Thanksgiving. Melanie was in her street clothes and had her gym bag on her. She saw Jon, tying his sneakers in his locker room. "Hey, how are you spending Thanksgiving? Going home to your family?" Melanie grinned.

"Uh, yeah..." Jon lied

"That doesn't sound so enthusiastic. Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Dude, you can tell me if something is on your mind. What's up?"

"Just drop it, okay?"

"No, I'm not going to drop it. What is the big deal? It's supposed to be a happy time. A happy time with you spending Thanksgiving with your family."

He sighed. "That's the thing...I'm spending Thanksgiving alone."

"What?" she exclaimed as he explained his past and how he was raising himself at an early age. "I'm sorry...I didn't know you had it rough like that..."

He shook his head. "Doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. Look, why don't you stay with me and spend Thanksgiving with my family?" she happily suggested. "You've met my parents before."


"Why are you being so difficult? No one should be alone for Thanksgiving."

"Well, maybe it's because it wouldn't be right, to spend Thanksgiving with your family. We're different people, Melanie. You're daddy's little girl, and I'm just a bad guy. Your family wouldn't accept me. Or accept me hanging out with you."

"Stop it. They accepted you before when I introduced you to them. You are welcome there, anytime, Jon. Just come with me, okay?"

"Melanie, just stop, all right? I'm not going."

"You are being ridiculous, right now. I don't get why you would want to spend Thanksgiving alone when you have a family who loves you and treats you like their own son. My father and mother love you. They truly love you, Jon."

"Mel, I'm sorry, but I can't. I don't want them to think of me differently because of my past."

"Are you fucking kidding me, right now?" She threw her arms up, sighing loudly.

"No, I'm not fucking kidding, right now." Jon snapped.

Melanie rolled her eyes. "You think they are going to abandon you because of your past? Who gives a shit? Let's move on and focus on now. Not the past." she replied as Jon stood up, about to leave. She pushed him back to keep him from leaving. "You know what Jon? I wish you would let me in because I'm one of your female friends who isn't trying to screw you, break your heart, or want you for your looks. I'm here because I care about you and you are my best friend. Okay, so you're violent, I've seen your matches, but I don't care. You're you. So, I'll take no for an answer. But if you want to talk to me, don't call me, don't text me, and don't even email me. You're gonna have to see me face to face, at my place. I'll leave my window unlocked for you. I just hope you come."


'Later, at night'

It was raining and Melanie was in her room, sleeping while her TV was on. All of a sudden, her window opened and Jon slid in like he usually would whenever he'd visit from time to time. He shut the window but it made a sound and Melanie woke up, holding her chest, breathing heavily.

"You scared the crap out of me,"

"Sorry..." he murmured

"I didn't think you'd come." she looked at him and got off the bed to hug him. He was soaked. To his hair, to his leather jacket and gray short-sleeved shirt and jeans. It made her PJs a little damp.

"Ah...I gave it a lot of thought."

"Glad you came. Wow, you're soaked." she ran her right hand through his damp hair. "You should change into some warmer clothes." she goes to her dresser. "Remember the shirt and sweatpants you lent me when I forgot to bring changing clothes during one of the CZW shows? I still got them."

"Thanks." he takes the clothes from her. "I thought you were going to do an all-nighter tonight."

"Trust me, I wanted to but my mom wants me to help cook with her. Early."

"So glad I'm not you, right now."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You should help."

"I'll think about it." he smiled warmly, taking off his leather jacket.

Melanie laughed as he stared to remove his shirt, "Don't change in front of me,"

"Don't like what you see?" he teased, making her face warm

"That's not what I meant. Go in my bathroom and change." she pointed to the door in her room.

"You sure you don't want to see what I got under my pants?"

"Haha. No." Her blush continued to get worse.

"Come on, I know you do. Want me to tell you how big I am?"

"No! Bathroom, now!" She laughed and pushed him

Jon laughed and did what he was told. "Okay! Okay!"

Moments later, he came out of the bathroom and saw Melanie lying down on the bed. He decided to lie down on the floor.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor, man? Get your ass on the bed." She looks down at him.

"You sure you want me in the same bed as you?"

"Why'd you think I'd let you sleep on the floor? Get up here," she demanded as he stood up to get under the covers with her. "You are warm! I love it. Hold me," she snuggled into him.

Jon chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist. In the morning, he woke up first and saw Melanie sleeping. He gently moved some hair from her face and smiled down at her. He was thankful for her, letting him in her life and family with a past like his. She was really something.

"Stop staring, you're making me blush..." Melanie mumbled.

"I make you blush? Sweet..." he replied with a victorious grin. "Hey, do your parents know I'm here?"

"Yeah," she replied. "We should get up unless you want my mom to throw a bucket of water on you. She did that to me last Thanksgiving and it was not pretty."

After they get situated, they go downstairs and into the kitchen to see Jane cooking. "Melanie! Jon! Good morning!" Jane grinned.

"Where's dad?" Melanie asked as she gave Jane a kiss on the cheek.

"Out for a morning jog. He should be back soon. Would you two mind helping out with the pies?"

"Sweet, you got pecan pie." Jon grinned as he saw the pecan pie box on the counter.

"Melanie requested it." Jane smiled.

"Really?" Jon looked at Melanie with admiration in his eyes. Seeing her nod in approval, he replied, "Wow...thanks, Mel! I appreciate it!"

"Not a problem!"

"Thanks for having me here."

"Oh Jon, you are always welcome here. I love you like a son, sweetie." Jane gave him a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. Jon hugged her back, feeling the love and affection.

Melanie smiled at the two. "Now are you glad you came?"

"Completely," Jon replied

After they helped out, Jon and Mel hang out in her room. "My mom usually stays at home, while my dad teaches at his dance studio." she put her hair in a bun.

"Ah, I see. Your dad is Puerto Rican, right?"

"Yeah, and my mom is English. They married when I was born. So whenever my age is, that's their anniversary. I think it's pretty funny."

'Weeks Later'

Jon puts on a shirt with jeans after a match. "Hey, happy birthday!" Melanie smiled as she had her gym bag in her hands.

Jon flashed her a small smile. "Thanks."

"So, doing anything special tonight?"

"Probably getting drunk at the bar with the guys. Nothing new."

Melanie looked at him in slight shock. "No gifts?"


"No cake?"


"Okay, you're coming with me tonight."

"Birthday sex? We can do it right here."

"No silly!" Melanie laughed, getting used to his flirty and playful advances. "I'm going to take you out."

"Shouldn't a guy take out a girl for lunch or dinner?"

"It's your birthday, and you really should do this instead of drinking at a bar. Come on, please? I promise it'll be worth it."

"I can't resist your charm. Fine..."

"Awesome! Let's go."

"In this?" Jon looks at his casual clothing.

"We're going to a diner. I would always go there as a teen after school. Casual clothing is fine." she reassured.

Jon and her drive to a diner called 'Johnny Rockets'. Jon reluctantly got out of the car as he watched how excited Melanie looked to be at the diner again.

"Uhhhh you sure about this?" he asked.

"Shh!" Melanie grabbed his hand and dragged him into the diner.

"Melanie! Good to see you again, sweetie." A woman in her mid-40s greeted her with a bubbly smile.

"Hi! It's my friend's birthday today, thought I might treat him to one of my favorite spots to eat."

"Oh wow, he's handsome. Lemme get you two a table. Right this way."

"Thanks, Miss Amy."

"Melanie, I told you about calling me Miss. Just call me Amy."

"Habit." The Philly girl shrugged

"So, who is the birthday boy?"

"I'm Jon."

"Nice to meet you, sweetie. Check out the menu. You'll love it here. I'll be back in a few minutes." Amy, the waitress walked away.

"Find anything?" Melanie asked.

"A lot of stuff here..."

"I always get a Philly cheese steak."

"Guess you are a Philadelphian." Jon lets out a chuckle.

"Yep! Once in a blue moon, I'll get a cheeseburger and fries."

After a couple minutes, Amy returned. "Mel, the usual? Philly cheese steak?"

"Yes." she answered and gave her the menu.

"And what about you, pumpkin?" Amy asked.

"Ah...I guess I'll get the Rocket Double and some fries." Jon confirmed.

"What are your drinks?"

"She'll get a Sprite and I'll get a Diet Coke," Jon answered for Melanie and himself as Melanie snapped her head to him in astonishment.

"How'd you know I like Sprite?" Melanie asked

"I've been observant." Jon grinned

"What a good friend he is. I'll be back with your orders." Amy said and grabbed Jon's menu. She put her pen in her long black hair which is wrapped up in a bun and walked away.

"That's cool how you know I like sprite. I guess I gotta remember the stuff you like."

After they ate, Amy brought out a birthday cake with 25 candles on it. "I baked you a small cake. Happy birthday." Amy smiled.

"Thanks, I owe you." Melanie replied.

"No worries! It's on the house sweetie," Amy walked away.

"This cake is for me? Seriously?" Jon asked as he stared at the cake in awe. It simply said 'Happy 25th Birthday Jon!'

Melanie laughed. "Yes! Now make a wish!"

Jon chuckled softly and nodded. "All right." he blew out the candles. "You really didn't have to do this for me."

"Can you please stop saying that? I wanted to do this for you. You can return the favor if it makes you feel better. Now let's eat some cake!" Melanie exclaimed and cut a piece of vanilla cake. She dipped her right index finger on the icing of her slice and put it on Jon's nose. "Haha, couldn't resist."

"Cute..." Jon took a napkin and wiped his nose as he grinned. After they have dinner, Jon drove Melanie home and walked her to her doorstep. "Thanks for tonight. You were right, this was better than the bar."

"See! I told ya! Thanks for taking me home."

"No problem."

"Oh, before you go, I got you something," Melanie remembered as she dug in her pockets.

"You got me a gift?" Jon questioned in surprise.

"Of course, dude!" she took out a black leather bracelet. "I made it myself. My mom's sister knows how to make bracelets and taught me how. Sorry I didn't wrap it but I hope you like it." she looked nervous, anticipating his reaction.

"Hell yeah, I do!" He wrapped his arms around her and twirled her around.

"Hahaha! I'm glad!"

'A few days later'

Melanie was in tears of frustration as she knocked on Jon's door. Jon opened it and Melanie gave him an apologetic smile and wiped her tears.

"Sorry to come here unexpectedly. I...I didn't have anywhere else to go." She sniffed and he let her in.

"What's wrong?" He embraces her.

"I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid!" She released him and started pacing around.

"What happened?" He shut the door and turned his attention to her.

"He cheated on me, again. I don't understand. I thought we were doing so good." She sighed. "I'm sorry, I keep venting to you with all my problems. You know what? I should get him back. Get some revenge. How about you kiss me? How about that?"

"H­-hey." Jon got pushed down on the couch and she straddled him. "Mel." He tried to reason.

She sighed and got off him. "What's gotten into me?" She ran her hands through her hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm just not myself. Ugh, and now you think I'm crazy. I'm sorry."

"It's no problem." He fixed his shirt.

"No problem? I just straddled you. Weren't you going to­-"

"Mel, I'm not going take advantage of you when you're like this. You need to cool down and clear your head. You just need to think."

Melanie exhaled. "Thanks. That makes me feel a lot better."

He stood up and noticed a small bruise on her hand. "Did he hit you?"

Melanie looked away. "...Almost. He grabbed me pretty hard."

"You're getting out of that relationship. Now."

"It's nothing really-­"

"Are you kidding me? Ever since you started dating him, you've been losing your mind. You're getting out of this unhealthy relationship. Now. He isn't going to drag you down from being a great wrestler just because he isn't."

"But I­-"

"You can stay with me. Okay?"

"This is happening so fast."

"Then just spend the night. No way in hell I'm letting you go back there. We'll pick up your stuff tomorrow."

She gave him a small smile. "Thanks. I appreciate this."

"No problem. Come on, let's just chill and watch a movie to get your mind off things."

After they get situated and sit on the couch, Jon hands her a bowl of popcorn made from the stove. She popped one in her mouth and looked at the popcorn weirdly. "Uh...what the heck is in this?"

"Oh, Chrissy and I started to put random crap in our popcorn and I decided to make this. You like? I put cinnamon in it." Jon grinned.

Melanie started to smile and popped another one in her mouth.

"It's...freakishly good. Wanna play Truth, Truther, or Truthest?" She suggested as she sat next to Jon on the couch, pretzel style.

"What the hell, all right." he shrugged, turning his head to her instead of the TV. "Truthest."

"Hm...ever got arrested?"

"Oh yeah." He replied and began to tell her the crazy stories. It amused Melanie in some way, but she did feel bad. But he reassured her that he was fine. "Stop being such a cutie, and stop worrying so much. I'm fine."

"All right, all right." She accepted his wishes and popped another grape in her mouth. After several back-and-forth questions, it was back to Jon.

"Truther." He replied.

"How many chicks have you slept with?"

"A lot."

Melanie rolled her eyes out of amusement. "You're a piece of work. Truthest."

"How many people have YOU slept with?"

"Still none." She shrugged

The next morning, Melanie got ready to leave. "Thanks for spending the night with me."

"No problem. What are friends for? Those horror movies we watched were so corny though. We gotta find some good ones." Jon brought up. "I'll make sure to find something better."

"Great. So what are your plans for today?"

"Wrestle, drink some beer, screw a couple of chicks. The usual."

"Ah...I see. Well, I hope you have fun."

"Thanks, I will. Is that jerk gonna yell at you again?" He asked as they start walking down the street.

"He just...really envies you for some reason. I always see him getting so hyped up, around you. It's like a competition, every time he sees you."

"Melanie. Remember what I told you. End it and be careful."

She nodded. "I will. Don't worry. I know how much you care." She smiled and he headed off to the gym to train, while she continued walking down the street.

Greg quickly appeared behind her, giving her an annoyed look. "Well well. It looks like you seem to leave, every chance you get, to wrap your arms around him and make sure you're the only important woman in his life." Greg berated her as she quickly turned around.

"You scared me." She held her chest. "And what are you talking about? It's not like that."

"Oh really? Then where were you last night?"

"At a friend's. I slept over."

"With whom exactly?"

"Look, don't tell me how to live my life-"

"Shut up. The way he touches and looks at you, disgusts me. Stop seeing him."

"But I­-"

"I wasn't asking for your permission. You are going to stop seeing him. And if I catch you with him, it won't be pretty, got it? You are my business and I demand to know everything that you are doing. You're not gonna talk to him ever again, you hear me?"

Something inside of her clicked, and she couldn't take it anymore. "You know what? No. I'm not going to stop seeing him."

"What did you just say?" He glared at her.

"You are the biggest asshole, ever. I'm done. I can't take it anymore. I'm breaking up with you. All you do is treat me like shit, you screw all these skanky ass bitches, and you don't give me the respect I deserve. So you know what? Fuck you, and have a nice life."

Greg let out a laugh. "You can't break up with me."

"I just fucking did. I'm out of here." She turned and stormed off.

"You're gonna regret this!" He yelled.

Tags :
1 year ago

Forced To Believe Masterlist

Forced To Believe Masterlist

A Dean Ambrose x OC story! The Shield 4th member.

Summary: Taking place during the start of The Shield's debut in 2012, follow Morgan Lopez's career as she becomes a member of The Shield, revamps herself as The Outspoken Diva and makes a name for herself in WWE.

OC Profile of Morgan Lopez

Chapter 1- So, You Wanna Wrestle?

Chapter 2- My WWE Debut

Chapter 3- Fighting Back

Chapter 4- My First Wrestlemania

Chapter 5- Becoming Heel

Chapter 6- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 1

Chapter 7- The Shield's Girl

Chapter 8- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 2

Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable

Chapter 10- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 4

Chapter 11- Justice Continues Being Served

Chapter 12- The Underdog from Philly

Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB

Chapter 14- Money In The Bank 2013

Chapter 15- Total Slap!

Chapter 16- Frustration

Chapter 17- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 5

Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do

Chapter 19- Do You Know Who I Am!?

Chapter 20- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 6

Chapter 21- Army of One

Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face

Chapter 23- You Look Like You've Seen A Ghost

Chapter 24- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 7

Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best

Chapter 26- Revenge Is Sweet

Chapter 27- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8

Chapter 28- Is That You Being Serious?

Chapter 29- In Due Time

Chapter 30- Trying To Gain Momentum

Chapter 31- The Slammy Awards

Chapter 32- That Was A Miracle

Chapter 33- The Answer Is No

Chapter 34- Tribute To The Troops

Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer

Chapter 36- Move Thief

Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod

Chapter 38- Respect

Chapter 39- I Hate Snakes

Chapter 40- If Only You Knew

Chapter 41- Making A Statement

Chapter 42- Yikes

Chapter 43- Sister Abigail

Chapter 44- I Lost Her

Chapter 45- She Belongs To Us Now

Chapter 46- I See What You Want

Chapter 47- Armageddon

Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2

Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work

Chapter 50- What Are You Doing!?

Chapter 51- Things Got Personal

Chapter 52- He Kept His Word

Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating

Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games

Chapter 55- Togetherness

Chapter 56- Public Displays of Affection

Chapter 57- The Shield Against The Authority

Chapter 58- Bad News Dinner

Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand

Chapter 60- Annihilated

Chapter 61- Catching Up With Old Friends

Chapter 62- Wrestling's Fun

Chapter 63- Get Back Here!

Chapter 64- War

Chapter 65- Trust Is Dead To Us Now

Chapter 66- Confronting The Sellout

Chapter 67- Going Our Separate Ways

Chapter 68- They Can't Control Me

Chapter 69- Clock Is Ticking Morgan

Chapter 70- Outsmarting The Architect

Chapter 71- Closing The Chapter

Chapter 72- I Win (All Hell Breaks Loose)

Tags :
1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2

Forced To Believe Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2

Chapter Summary: The Shield continue to take on The Wyatts

Words: 6,000+

Author's Note: Trust the process :)


Melanie was elated right now. She was about to face her boyfriend in a match. It had been a while since they had a match together, and she hoped she wouldn't disappoint the fans. She's been working on a new Morganizer ever since the day after Survivor Series and she hopes to debut it tonight. And what better person to do the move with, than her boyfriend? 

Celeste tweeted 'Holy shit! This is gonna be GOOD!'

The Bellas tweeted 'Morgan! I hope you know what you're doing. Dean! Save her!' 

"The Lunatic Fringe going up against The Outspoken Diva. Man...these two know each other so well. This is going to be very interesting." Cole said. 

"Interesting!? This is epic!" King grinned. 

"Epic!? Interesting!? This is horrible! They are supposed to be a couple! They aren't supposed to fight! Physically I mean!" JBL complained. "This is a nightmare! Don't do this!" 

"John, you are taking this a little too far. Morgan wants a match, so maybe if she wrestles Dean, she may be saved." Cole informed. 

"Yeah...MAY be saved." JBL replied. "I hope Dean knows what he's doing."

Morgan narrowed her eyes at Dean. "Looking at you brings back unpleasant memories..." 

"Oh really?" Dean recalled. 

"Break him in half! Make him feel what you felt! Make him pay!" Bray yelled. 

"Your ass is mine, Morgan." Ambrose declared. 

"Oh really? Since when am I yours?" she replied. 

"Since day one. And if you ever kick me again, I swear-" 

"Oh! You're swearing now? Really? What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do!? I'll beat the crap out of you, for sure." 

Dean starts pacing around. 

"Dean, there is still time to rethink this!" JBL shouted. "Rethink this!" 

"I don't think so!" Cole yelled as Morgan did the matrix evasion when Ambrose tried to go for a clothesline. 

He turns around as she spins and hits him with a roundhouse kick to the face.

"And it's on! This place just exploded!" King exclaimed over the loud cheering. 

Morgan goes for the pin but Dean kicks out at two. 

"Stay on him! Stay on him!" Bray ordered as she put Dean in a headlock.

"Common Dean!" Seth cheered as Ambrose grunted and managed to stand up.

She jumps up and puts her legs around Dean's torso to try to tighten the hold. He manages to escape it and she tries to kick him in the stomach but he grabs her foot and shakes his head. 

"Nope." He said.

"Right back 'atcha!" She jumped up and hit him with an unexpected enzuguri as he fell to his knees. 

"I got a feeling these two are going to blow the roof off this place soon. They're just warming up and taking the pace a little slow." King grinned. 

"How can you enjoy watching this!?" JBL exclaimed. 

"It's a sight to see," Cole said. Morgan runs to the ropes and hits Ambrose with a shining wizard. 

"What a kick!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan spun on one knee and stopped to have a staredown with Rosa. 

She slowly smirks at her and blows her a kiss. 

"Are you kidding me!? Dean! Tag me in right now!" Rosa yelled. 

She really wanted to put her hands on Morgan. She hated her guts for taunting her. 

"More mind games by Morgan. Looks like payback." Cole said. 

The Outspoken Diva stands up but as soon as she turns around, Dean takes her down with a lariat. 

"What a takedown by Ambrose! The game has changed now." Cole looked on.

Morgan holds her head but sighs loudly when he puts his right knee on her back and puts her in a headlock submission from behind.

"Hurts doesn't it? It hurts, huh? This is what happens." He taunted. "Maybe next time you should watch your back!" 

"Ugh, shut up!" She yelled.

"Do you submit!?" The ref asked.

"Will Morgan tap!?" Cole shouted.

"Rose! Do not give in!" Bray yelled.

"Dean! That's painful! Why would you hurt her, like this!?" JBL exclaimed. 

"Morgan has to dig down deep." King looked on. 

The Philly Diva manages to hit Dean in the face, making him stumble up to his feet. She quickly drops him down, face first and puts him in the breakdown as the crowd cheers. She leans back and puts her feet on his while putting his arms in a straightjacket position. 

"Grin and bear..." She retorted as she put more pressure. 

"Painful!" King cringed.

"Come on, Dean! Do not tap out!" Seth yelled. 

"Put more pressure!" Bray ordered.

"Tap!" Morgan yelled. 

"Like hell, I will!" Dean yelled and managed to get one of his arms out as he escaped the hold. 

They both stand up and Morgan tries to go for the bulldog but he pushes her away. As soon as she turns around, she gets dropped by a clothesline. 

"What a shot!" King shouted. 

Dean runs to the ropes and does a little wave before hitting her with an elbow drop. He goes for the pin and she kicks out at two and rolls over to the ropes. She gets up and leans on the ropes while Dean runs, striking her with a running front dropkick as she holds her stomach and slides down. 

"And Ambrose is dominating now," Cole said as he hit her with a few shots near the turnbuckle. He throws her to the ropes but Morgan jumps on the middle rope and jumps off to hit him with a springboard forearm. "Morgan with the counter!" 

"Amazing!" King said as Dean rolled over to the turnbuckle next to the Wyatt Family's corner and sat on the bottom turnbuckle. 

She gets up and runs her hands through her messy black hair. She runs towards him and uses the ropes to jump up and connect by giving him a dropkick on the chest while landing.

"Jeesh! What a dropkick!" Cole looked on. 

"Morgan! What are you doing!? Stop it! Stop it right now!" JBL whined. 

Dean rolls over on the apron, near the commentating table and manages to get up. She connects with a spinning heel kick to the face as he falls off the apron. 

"Look out!" King yelled as she got on the apron and hit Dean with a diving clothesline. 

"She's not messing around! Uh oh." Cole said as Seth, Roman, and Rosa got off the apron and headed to Dean to check on him while Morgan had a stare down with them. The Wyatts get off the apron to accompany her. "This is getting intense." 

The ref starts to count and Morgan slides back in the ring, to wait for Dean to crawl back in. At the count of 6, he slides back in. Morgan gets on the top rope and goes for a crossbody but Dean catches her. 

"Uh oh!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheered while she tried to get out of his hold but failed. 

He hits her with a backbreaker as she yells out in pain and puts her in a submission by making her stay in the backbreaker hold.

"Make her tap!" Rosa cheered. 

"Your back isn't supposed to do that," King said with worry as Dean continued the pressure. 

Morgan sighed loudly. "I can't take this anymore!"

"Then give up and come back to me!" Dean yelled. 

"No!" She yelled and punched him away as she escaped the hold. 

She rolls over and stands on the apron. Dean gets up and goes to punch her but she ducks and slides back into the ring, in between his legs. As soon as she stands up, he quickly turns around and grabs her for the headlock driver but she pushes him away. 

"Not today." She retorted and threw him to the ropes, hitting him with a big boot. 

She pins him for a two count. She gets up and runs to the ropes but Dean gets up and follows her to hit her with a knee to the stomach. She groans out in pain and drops to her knees. Ambrose smirks and puts his hands on his knees. 

"That hurt, didn't it?" He taunted as she clenched her stomach, shooting him a dirty look. "This is what happens, Morgan! This is what happens!" 

She stands up and strikes him with a quick roundhouse kick to the face, making him slowly drop to the mat. 

She looked at his dazed form. "Who do you think you're talkin' to!? Do you know who I am!?" She yelled. 

Dean begins to smirk as he starts to sense her coming back to him, but it isn't enough. He'll have to dig down deeper to save her. He stands up and they lock up but he puts her in a waistlock from behind. 

"You know...I always think you're beautiful when you're pissed off." He said in her ear which made Morgan feel a spark in her head. 

She starts to remember the times when he would try to calm her down whenever she got angry. She shakes her head and elbows him in the stomach, making him release the hold. She throws him to a corner and walks back to the corner across from it. 

"Uh oh! I think I know what's coming next!" King grinned as Morgan connected with the handspring back elbow. "Woo hoo!" 

"This is pure torture..." JBL retorted and buried his face in his hands. 

Although it seemed that Morgan hit Dean with the elbow, he quickly grabbed her from behind and slammed her down. 

"What a counter! I thought she got him!" 

Dean picks her up and puts her on top of the turnbuckle. He gets on the middle rope and puts her in a double under hook suplex hold. 

"Put her down! Put her down, now!" Bray shouted. 

Dean smirks at him but Morgan manages to wiggle out and punch him down. 

"Phew! That was close!" JBL sighed out of relief. "W-wait, Morgan! What are you doing!?" 

She goes for the moonsault but Dean moves out of the way.

"Nobody home! Gosh...I hope Morgan is okay." King said with worry as she clenched her stomach. 

Dean goes for the pin but Luke gets in the ring and breaks it up. 

"What the hell!?" Seth yelled as Roman gave Luke a dirty look. 

Dean glares at Luke and starts arguing with him as the crowd gets excited about what will happen next. 

"Watch your back!" JBL warned but Morgan took advantage and hit him with the Morganizer. 

"She got it!" King yelled as she quickly went for the pin.

"No!" Rosa yelled.

"Kick out!" Seth shouted 



"Oh!" The crowd yelled as Dean kicked out.

"What!?" Bray shouted. 

"I thought she had it!" Cole shouted as Seth, Roman, and Rosa looked relieved. 

"Just what I expected," Morgan said. 

She gets up and goes to a corner and waits for Dean to get to his knees. Once he does, she runs to hit him with a knee to the head but he quickly moves out of the way and grabs her for the headlock driver. 

"It's over!" King yelled as he quickly went for the pin.



"Oh!" The crowd yelled again as Morgan kicked out.

"No!" Rosa shouted

Morgan holds her head and remains motionless. 

Nikki tweeted 'Kick out after kick out! This is making me nervous!' 

"Unleash Rose! Unleash!" Bray shouted angrily. 

"I'll unleash on you, all right." Dean pointed to him and stood up. 

He picks Morgan up and throws her to a corner but they both try to fight their way up the top rope. 

"They are just unloading on each other," Cole said. 

They manage to get on the top rope and Morgan positions him for the Morganizer. 

"No way, off the top rope!?" Cole exclaimed. 

Brie tweeted 'Please don't tell me...' 

Nikki tweeted 'WWEMorgan101 you crazy son of a gun' 

"Oh no, no, no, no~. Put him down~! Put him down~!" Seth said in a whiny voice while Morgan smirked in amusement. 

"Morgan! No! Put him down!" JBL yelled. "Put him down now! What are you doing!?" He got up from his seat but King pulled him down. 

"Calm down!" King exclaimed. 

Morgan exhales and hits Ambrose with the Morganizer off the top rope while doing a battle cry as the crowd starts chanting 'Holy shit!' 

"No! No! Morgan! Why would you do that!?" JBL yelled. "I gotta get in there-" He stands up but King and Cole pull him back down. 

"Sit down!" King and Cole yell. 

"We gotta see that again!" King yelled as they showed Morgan's Morganizer a few times from different angles. 

"Morganizer off the top rope! Somebody pin someone!" Cole shouted. 

Morgan and Dean lay motionless and they both were panting. Morgan was lying on her back, looking at the ceiling while Dean was face first on the mat. She kind of felt some weight lifted off her shoulders while she began to wrestle Dean. She started to feel less stressed out with Sister Abigail and more content while wrestling Dean in the ring. 

"Pin him!" Bray yelled. 

"Dean! You gotta make a tag!" Seth put his hand out. "Come on, Ambrose." 

The Outspoken Diva turns her head and sees Ambrose looking at her. 

"Dean..." She managed to say as he looked into her eyes. 

She starts to feel a stronger spark in her head while he begins to recognize the look in her eyes. He wasn't much of a hopeful guy, but he felt like he had a strong chance to save her now and he thinks he knows how. 

"1!" The ref started to count for a double count out. 

Dean had a strong feeling she was coming back to him but it still wasn't enough as she managed to crawl over to The Wyatts. 

"Why didn't she pin him?" Cole asked. 

"Maybe she's coming back," King said with hope as Morgan tagged in Luke and rolled out the ring to recover. "That Morganizer took a lot out of her and it may have just hurt her as much as it hurt Dean." 

Celeste tweeted 'Whoa! Morganizer off the top rope!? Badass!' 

Brie tweeted 'OMG! Morgan! What were you thinking!?' 

"I think Ambrose is still dazed from that Morganizer," King said but Ambrose hit Luke with a neckbreaker and tagged in Seth. 

Seth picks up the pace by hitting Luke with a one leg dropkick and a roundhouse kick to the stomach and a side kick. He starts unloading on him near the turnbuckle and heads for the top rope but Erick gets involved. Erick gets kicked off the apron but Harper takes advantage. He tries to go for a suplex but Seth lands on his feet at the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"Oh man!" Cole shouted.

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice as Seth clotheslined Luke out of the ring and hit him with a suicide dive, getting pumped up. 

Seth jumps on the rope and gives him a knee to the head. He tries to go for the blackout but gets slammed by Luke. Luke tags Bray in and throws him to the barricade while Morgan looks on with worry. She did not want to see Seth in that condition. 

Celeste tweeted 'Whoa! Seth is all over the place! #SethRollinsTheSpiderMan' 

Morgan cringes as Bray gives Seth a splash. To hear him yell out in pain broke her heart. Roman gets off the apron and has a stare down with him. 

"Why don't you bring that crap over here!" Dean yelled as the ref tried to restrain him. 

Morgan shows a faint smile as she starts to remember his short temper as another spark goes off in her head. The Wyatts begin to take control of Seth as the crowd continues to chant 'Lets go Wyatts, Lets go Shield!' 

"Morgan is still down and out," King said as the camera showed Morgan resting. 

"Come on, Seth..." She mumbled as Luke continued to take control of him. 

"Come on, Seth! Come on!" Dean yelled in his raspy voice. 

Bray slams him down and goes for the pin but Dean breaks it up. Luke gets in the ring and hits him with a big boot as the crowd 'Ohs!' 

Morgan puts her right hand over her mouth in shock as Ambrose rolls out the ring. She wanted to run over there and help him but Rosa got off the apron to check on him. 

Nikki tweeted 'Uh huh, I saw that WWEMorgan101. #MorganStillCares #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan #PissOffSisterAbigail' 

Celeste tweeted 'Still care for the crazy man, don't you? I knew you did. If only you would show it.' 

Morgan holds her head. Her emotions and actions were starting to get out of control. One second she feels sympathy for her former teammates and wants to help, and the next second she wants to fight them and obey Bray. She started to feel a little bit more free after wrestling Dean but it wasn't enough. She thought a match would work but she needed something stronger. She needed to try and find a way to piss her off. 

But what would piss Sister Abigail off? 

Morgan gets back on the apron and Seth manages to fight back. Seth crawls over to his team but Rosa tags herself in as the crowd begins to boo. 

"I got this." She got in the ring. 

"And the crowd is not happy," Cole said. 

Rosa pointed to Morgan. "You and me, right now." She said as the Wyatts turned to Morgan. 

The Outspoken Diva narrows her eyes and puts her hand out as Luke tags in her. The crowd cheers for her as she slowly gets in the ring and runs a hand through her hair. She ducks Rosa's clothesline and grabs her for a reverse DDT. All of a sudden, Roman goes at it with Luke outside the ring which catches Morgan's attention. Dean gets involved as he goes at it with Erick and gets the upper hand by throwing him to the barricade. 

"That's it..." Morgan retorted and slid out of the ring, marching right over to Ambrose. "I'm not done with you, yet!" She yelled and tried to hit him but he grabbed her forearm. 

"Oh no!" King exclaimed. 

"Oh boy," Cole looked on in anticipation.

"Don't do anything reckless! You already gave me a heart attack after watching that Morganizer off the top rope. The top rope! They could have broken something!" JBL shouted as he held his heart. 

Morgan looks into Dean's eyes. The voice in her head was telling her to hit him and push him away but she got lost in his eyes and started to gain the control of blocking everything out. Ambrose pulls her to him and begins to slowly lean in. 

"I know what you want me to do. This better make you snap out of it," he muttered

"W­-wait what are you doing?" She managed to say, feeling Sister Abigail's resistance. She tried to pull back but he held a strong grip. 

"About to give you justice." He replied. 

She tries to pull back again but grunts as he keeps holding her in place. 

"N­-no. D-­Dean stop." 

Dean could sense the reluctance in her voice when she told him to stop. 

"Is that really what you want?" he asked.

"Yes! Now get off of me!" She tried to hit him with her other hand but he grabbed it and kissed her as the crowd began to go wild. 

"Whoa!" King shouted as Ambrose wrapped his arms around her waist.

Morgan felt a strong spark in her head as she felt Sister Abigail's desperate resistance in her body, trying to fight him off of her. She tried to quickly hit him off of her but he took the hits and continued to kiss the hell out of her. With each second that passed, the more Morgan was starting to give in. 

"Yes! Thank you! Thank you!" JBL yelled as the crowd began to cheer loudly and chant 'Yes'. "Morgan! Do not fight it! Kiss him back!" 

Nikki tweeted 'This is hot! Keep kissing her! Make her feel the love!'

"He's kissing the heck out of her, that's for sure," Cole said as Morgan's hits started to slow down.

"She's fading! Is she about to kiss him back!?" King asked.

"Come on, Sister Abigail, you can't fight the power of love," JBL said as Morgan's hits started to stop. 

"No..." King pouted as she shoved him back.

"It didn't work?" Cole asked.

"This is tragic...she can't be saved..." King sadly said. 

Morgan started to space out until she saw Ambrose turn away. Her body felt heated from that kiss as she started to remember the things he would make her feel whenever they kissed. The passion was too much for her and she snaps out of it and turns him around. She wanted to kiss him and she needed to kiss him again for the sake of her well­being. 

"What now?" He asked but she grabbed his face and kissed him with the same passion he kissed her with as the crowd exploded. 

She could hear the fangirls screaming as Bray turned his attention to them and his eyes widened. 

"Yes!" JBL yelled. 

"Oh!" King shouted as Dean was taken aback but began to kiss the hell out of her again, while slowly wrapping an arm around her waist. "Oh my gosh, you guys. They-they are all over each other!" 

She wrapped an arm around his neck while Bray looked on in shock. 

"Please tell me that woke her up," JBL said.

"I-I don't know but I'm enjoying the show right now," King added. 

Bray was seething. This was not good. 

"Rose!" He yelled. He couldn't lose her. He had to get her back. "Rose!" 

Morgan began to block everything out as she ran her fingers through Dean's hair. He began to lower her down to the floor with the support of the apron as he put one of his hands on it and released her. 

"Dean..." She managed to say but he shook his head. 

"You know how I feel about you..." He whispered and stood up.

Morgan sits up and looks at him in shock. She touches her lips and stands up before backing up and running a hand through her hair. 

"I think Morgan is wondering what got into her and made her do what she did," King said. "Phew, is it hot in here? That kiss was" 

Celeste tweeted 'LMAO! #TheKissOfJustice needs to be one of the Kiss of the Year nominees this year.' 

Bray was seething and had to take a drastic measure to bring her back to him. He marched over to her and backslapped her in the face as the crowd looked on in shock. 

"You do not disobey me! Snap out of it! He is your enemy! Unleash!" He yelled. 

"What the hell!?" JBL exclaimed.

"He just hit her! What is going on!?" Cole exclaims.

Dean begins to see red and lunges at him and starts unloading on him. No one touches her like that. 

Morgan touches her cheek and has tears forming in her eyes from the stinging sensation of the slap. It was a wake up call for her as she got back in the ring.

" way..." She mumbled and held her head. She got on her knees and mumbled, "That slap...That's one...No one ever touches me like that...No one ever puts their hands on me like that...But no...Bray did it to protect me...right?" 

"Why is she mumbling? Who is she talking to?" King asked. 

"I think she's having a war in her head," Cole said. 

"No one ever one ever...I...follow no...believe in the...follow the...believe...follow..." She continued to mumble. 

"What is going on? She's mumbling all sorts of stuff. Is she okay?" King asked.

"I hope that kiss is making her have second thoughts," JBL said.

"Moment of truth...what is Morgan going to do?" Cole asked. "Is she back to herself?" 

"We will find out momentarily," JBL said.

'Get out of my head!' Morgan thought until she heard something shatter inside her head as she looked at her hands and stood up. 

She fixes her gloves and looks ahead to lock eyes with Rosa. She starts to remember how badly she wanted to kick her ass and begins to smirk at her while Rosa replies with a scowl. Rosa's eyes widen as soon as she gets speared by Morgan as the crowd cheers.

"Spear!" King exclaimed. 

"Is she back!?" JBL shouted as Morgan started unloading on her. 

"Looks like all that frustration over the months has really taken its toll,"

Cole said. 

Morgan picks her up and throws her to the turnbuckle. She places her on the middle rope and hits her with a double knee smash to the stomach. 

"That's gotta hurt," JBL said as Rosa fell and held her stomach. 

Morgan tries to grab her but Rosa pulls her down to the middle turnbuckle. She grabs her and drops her down with a suplex before getting on the top rope. 

"Where is Rosa going?" Cole asked. But Rosa lifts up her leg and does a split off the top rope, landing on Morgan as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"Whoa!" JBL shouted. 

"Did you see that split!?" King exclaimed as Morgan held her chest and looked hurt. 

Morgan didn't understand. At first, she felt energetic but now she feels drained. Emotionally and physically. 

Brie tweeted 'Morgan! What is going on!? Get up and fight! What happened!?'

Celeste tweeted 'Morgan, you look really drained. You were just on a roll a few seconds ago.' 

Alicia Fox tweeted 'WWEMorgan101 was just on a roll a few moments ago. How could you let Rosa hit you that easily #DidSomeoneSuckTheLifeOuttaYou' 

A fan tweeted 'I think WWEMorgan101 is distracted because of that kiss. Come to think of it #WhoWouldntGetDistractedAfterAKissFromAmbrose' 

"I'm surprised. I thought Morgan would move out of the way." JBL said. 

"I guess we all underestimated Rosa, tonight," Cole said 

Rosa goes for the pin but Morgan kicks out at a near fall as the crowd chants 'This is awesome' 

"When did she learn how to do a split!? Can-can we see that again!?" King asked as the titantron showed her split. 

"I thought that was the end," JBL said. "If that kiss from Ambrose didn't work, then maybe if Morgan gets defeated, she'll be okay. I'm rooting for Rosa to win this." 

"Rose! Unleash!" Bray yelled. He quickly turned to Erick and Luke and started to whisper in their ears. 

"Looks like Bray has something planned," Cole said. 

"You know, if the match with Ambrose didn't work, or the kiss and slap, maybe if she gets pinned, it'll work," JBL said. 

"Or submitted," Cole said as Rosa hit Morgan with a double foot surfboard as she held her arms. 

"Give up!" Rosa yelled as she put her feet on her back. 

"Gosh..." King said with worry. 

Dean narrowed his eyes at Morgan. He knew she wasn't going to break this easily. He had hope that she would fight back. 

Morgan closed her eyes. 'Why do I feel so weak?' She pondered. 

She couldn't give up. She had to fight back. 

"Give up!" Rosa yelled again. 

"No!" Morgan screamed. 

Moments later, Rosa releases the hold but drops her back down with a kick. She goes for another pin by Erick quickly gets in the ring and breaks up the pin. 

"That looks like what the Wyatts are trying to avoid," Cole stated. "Did you see how fast Erick got in that ring?" 

"I agree," JBL said. 

Rosa quickly tags in Roman while Morgan tags in Erick. The crowd gets loud once Roman gets in the ring. He drops Erick with a clothesline and takes out Bray off the apron. The Samoan is about to hit Morgan but he stops himself when she flinches. 

"Second thoughts?" Cole asked as they looked at each other, making the crowd cheer loudly.

"Come on Morgan, open your eyes or I'll have no choice but to spear you," Roman said with concern. 

"You couldn't bring yourself to spear me..." She mentioned as another spark went off in her head. 

She starts to remember the accident back at TLC when he speared her instead of Punk. 

Moments later, she looks ahead and sees Erick about to attack Roman from behind. Roman senses this and quickly elbows Erick in the head and hits him with a Samoan drop before unloading on him. Luke gets back in the ring and grabs him off of him. He throws him out of the ring but Roman runs and gives Erick a dropkick off the bottom rope. 

"Show off..." Morgan mumbled while Roman smirked at her comment as he started to think she was coming back to The Shield. 

He gets on the apron and pulls down the top rope, making Luke fall out of the ring. Roman slams Erick down and goes for the pin. 

"Is this enough?" Cole asked but Bray broke it up. Dean slides back in the ring and jumps on top of him as he starts unloading on him. "And things are breaking down, guys." 

"Look at Dean Ambrose go, here," King said. 

Harper throws Dean to the ropes but gets elbowed in the face. Bray gets on the apron and gets dropkicked by Dean. Dean turns to Bray but gets hit with a suicide dive by Harper as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"Are you kidding me!?" Cole exclaimed.

"You gotta be kidding me!" JBL yelled as Seth ran and hit Luke with a Swanton out of the ring. 

"There are bodies everywhere!" Cole exclaimed as Roman went for a roll up but Erick kicked out at two. 

Roman and Erick try to go for a clothesline but they both drop each other down. Seth marches over to the Spanish announce table and takes off the cover as the crowd gets loud and hyped. 

"Oh boy..." Morgan mumbled. 

"Watch it! Watch it!" King yelled as Seth got attacked from behind by Bray. Bray and Luke start to jump him but Ambrose gets involved as the crowd cheers as he goes at it with Bray. "Whoa! This is a war!" 

Bray and Dean fall over the barricade and start fighting out in the crowd. Morgan starts to look worried as soon as Bray comes back and not Ambrose. Meanwhile, in the ring, Erick and Roman start to give each other hits until Roman hits him with a leaping clothesline. He pins him for a near fall. 

Morgan jumped off the apron and walked up to Bray. She gave him a look, asking him, 'What did you do? What did you do to him? Where is he?' 

"He's taken care of. There's no need to worry." Bray reassured. 

Seth gets up and starts attacking Luke but Bray hits him from behind. In the ring, Erick slams Roman and he rolls out of the ring. The Wyatt Family stands before Seth. Erick and Luke lift him up as Morgan's eyes widen. She starts to look conflicted. She wanted to scream and shout. 

"Morgan! Please stop this! Do something!" King yelled. 

Brie tweeted 'BE OUTSPOKEN! OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SPEAK UP WWEMorgan101! #WhatHappenedToTheOutspokenDiva' 

Nikki tweeted 'I can't believe I'm saying this but...I think WWEMorgan101 is officially broken' 

"This is not gonna be good! They are gonna break Seth Rollins in half!" Cole exclaimed

"No!" King yelled. 

As soon as Seth gets thrown onto the Spanish announce table, Morgan drops to her knees and puts her hands over her mouth. 

"Oh my God!" Cole yelled while Bray gave Rollins a blank look. 

Brie tweeted 'Why...why didn't you do anything!? WWEMorgan101' 

Nikki tweeted 'Seth has been there for you...The Shield has been there for you...Why didn't you do something?' 

Celeste tweeted 'Morgan, do I need to give you a spear and gutbuster to make you open your eyes?' 

Bray walks over to Morgan and kneels before her. "This is closure for you, Rose. They gave you so much they get to feel what you felt." 

She nodded a few times and sniffed. "Yes. I understand." She said and stood up while The Wyatts circled around Roman, in the ring. 

Roman gets on his hands and knees while he looks at the Wyatts. 

"They're acting like The Shield now. This is what they did over a year." JBL said as The Wyatts started to jump Roman and take control. 

Moments later, the crowd chants 'We Want Morgan!' as Morgan looks at the crowd. They wanted her to wake up too, but it just wasn't enough. 

"Roman has no help," Cole mentioned as Bray gets tagged in. 

When Bray sets Roman out for Sister Abigail's kiss, Roman grabs his hands and makes him release the hold as the crowd gets excited. He hits Bray with a Samoan drop and cleans house. He hits Bray with a superman punch as he starts to gain momentum. He sets up for the spear but Luke gets back in the ring. Roman spears him as the crowd cheers but then Erick starts to distract the ref. 

All of a sudden, Rosa slides into the ring out of nowhere and hits Roman with a low blow as the crowd looks on in shock. Bray was on his hands and knees, grinning at the sight

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice as Morgan narrowed her eyes at Rosa. 

"Who the-what is going on!?" Cole yelled. 

"I knew it! I knew she was working with the Wyatts! Why do you think she sucked up to The Shield? Why do you think she left as soon as Morgan and Dean broke up? She was nowhere to be seen." JBL exclaimed. "She was so persistent about ruining Morgan's relationship with The Shield." 

Morgan looks on in shock as Rosa smirks while Bray gives her a nod. 

"And now Bray Wyatt off the distraction from Rosa is gonna take advantage!" Cole said as he positioned Roman for the Sister Abigail. 

Nikki tweeted 'I knew it! I knew it! This is bad. Really bad. Morgan, please open your eyes! Please! Do something!' 

Celeste tweeted 'Was not expecting Rosa of all people to be working with the Wyatts this whole time.' 

Morgan walks to ringside, near the ramp as Rosa leaves the arena. Bray turns his attention to Morgan and she nods in approval before he does the Sister Abigail on Roman. He goes for the pin. After the ref yells three, Morgan's body language shows that she is defeated as she reveals a disappointed look at the fallen members of The Shield. 

"The Wyatt Family rule at Elimination Chamber!" Cole yelled as The Wyatt's theme came on. 

"The winners of this match, The Wyatt Family," Justin announced. 

The Wyatts are down and out but once Bray stands up, he locks eyes with Morgan. He motions her to get in the ring with the family. She obeys and they look down at Roman. 

Morgan is about to leave the ring but stops and slowly looks back at the fallen members of The Shield, causing the crowd to cheer loudly, feeling hopeful. Moments later, she gets out of the ring and gets picked up bridal style by Luke Harper. She wraps an arm around his neck and looks back at The Shield while the Wyatts begin to slowly walk up the ramp. 

"So many questions unanswered. Is Morgan back to herself? Did Sister Abigail gain control?" Cole asked. All of a sudden, Morgan began to show a smirk as she looked back at The Shield. "Would you look at that..." 

"She's smirking," JBL said. "I kind of like this." 

"I don't understand. What does the smirk mean?" Cole wondered.  

"This is killing me. Is she back or is this Sister Abigail?" King exclaimed. 

"I guess we'll have to check tomorrow night, on Raw," Cole announced. 

Celeste tweets 'Um, I could have sworn Ambrose was still a part of that match. #GettingWorried #WhereIsDean #ShouldIMakeAMissingPersonsReport?' 

Brie tweeted 'NO! WWEMorgan101 why!? Why didn't you wake up!? I thought you were gonna get the last laugh. #ItsOver' 

Nikki tweeted 'Ooh! Rosa is in hot water now. Just watch. The Shield is gonna get her good.' 

Brie also tweeted 'I don't understand...I thought the kiss...the match...I thought that all worked...The Wyatts got her locked up well. Don't let this be the end.' 

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating

Forced To Believe Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating

Chapter Summary: Morgan loses it and goes ballistic when she is met with unfortunate news thanks to Kane's abuse of power

Words: 5,000+


Chapter­ Harley Quinn Was Friggin Captivating 


Morgan opens her eyes and looks up at the ceiling while she lays on her back. She got her butt saved again by her teammates and she was grateful. Who knows what would have happened if they didn't? Meanwhile, the guys were fighting with the Outlaws and Kane.

"And things have broken down out here as the divas are still down and out. Spear!" Cole yelled as Roman speared Kane at ringside. 

Things get more heated when the Outlaws and Seth & Dean take their fight in the ring. There were two ladders in the ring, and the Outlaws decided to climb both of them while Seth and Dean followed suit. 

"This is dangerous! That's a long way down, guys!" Cole looked on.

"This is about to get ugly." JBL grinned. 

Morgan starts to slowly get on her hands and knees as she groans. Billy starts punching Dean in the face a little harder and it makes him groggy. Ambrose falls down and rolls out of the ring while Seth gets punched off the ladder by Road Dogg. Seth rolls out the ring while Morgan staggers up to her feet and holds her left arm. 

"You can't beat us, Shield!" Road Dogg taunted but the crowd cheered as the Outlaws looked down to see Morgan looking up at them. 

Celeste tweets 'Whoa, whoa ,whoa, I was flipping through the channels and saw Morgan getting thrown onto a table. How are you standing!? #WillToFight' 

The Outlaws looked at Morgan in panic. "M-Morgan! Morgan let's be rational now. You wouldn't do this to your cousin's teammates, would you? I don't think she'll like that." Road Dogg stuttered. 

"Old teammates..." She retorted. 

"Come on, Chyna loves me." Billy Gunn sweet talked. 

"Just let us get down and we'll all laugh about this." Road Dogg said and started to fake laugh with Billy. 

"Hahahaha no." She said with a serious face and started to push the ladders, pushing through the pain in her arm.

"No! Morgan!" Road Dogg yelled but she pushed them off, making them fall through tables out of the ring.

"Oh my gosh!" Cole exclaimed. "She just pushed the Outlaws down onto those tables!" 

"Good Lord...Is she out of her mind!?" JBL shouted as the crowd chanted 'Holy Shit!' 

The Outspoken Diva sets up a table while Rosa starts to get up. Rosa runs towards her but gets caught in a spinning side slam as she lands on a table. The crowd 'Ohs' while Morgan falls on her back, exhausted. 

"Somebody pin someone!" JBL exclaimed. 

Pushing through the pain, Morgan slowly crawls over to Rosa and goes for the pin. 

"1!" The ref and crowd count as Kane tries to get in the ring. 


He slides in the ring but gets his feet grabbed by The Shield as he tries to scratch and claw his way to Morgan. 


The Shield releases Kane while the crowd erupts in cheers. Morgan quickly runs out of the ring before Kane can get her. She scrambles to the end of the ramp and trips out of excitement since she won the match with the help of her teammates. She gets up and gets embraced in a group hug. 

"Woo!" Seth yelled. "That's what I'm talkin' about! No one messes with her!" 

"The Shield celebrating the win. I wonder what's going to happen on Raw. Will Kane get his revenge?" Cole asked. 

Celeste tweets 'Go Shield! #UnitedAndStrongerThanEver'

'Backstage Pass'

The Shield and Morgan were backstage, walking and celebrating her win.

"I literally cannot stand 3MB." Seth brought up. 

"Yeah." Roman agreed while Dean laughed in response and Morgan smiled out of amusement. 

"Now I see why you hate them so much, Morgan," Seth added.

"Totally." She chuckled. "I cannot deal with the sight of Slater-"

"Excuse me guys, guys." Tom walked up to them.

"Tom! Come on, man!" Seth exclaimed. 

"I know I ask you the same question every week, when is this gonna end with Kane, at WrestleMania? Will it end?" he asked. 

"Why you asking us that question? Why don't you ask Kane, Rosa, and the New Age Outlaws when this ends? I don't even know what this is, I don't know what they want from us. I don't know what they want. They call us uh, disrespectful little kids. They started this whole thing. They disrespected us, and they are gonna pay the price for it." Ambrose replied. 

"You know what it is? The reason they keep their distance when it's an uneven Plainfield is because they're afraid, they know when it's 4 on 4, no one can hang with The Shield. Kane and the New Age Outlaws...they had their day. And that day is long gone." Seth said and showed his fist. "This is the new symbol of excellence. Come WrestleMania, they can't duck and dodge us anymore." 

"Exactly. Especially when 'She' comes back." Morgan added with a proud smile. 

"The war ends when your corporate grandpas are lying down at our feet," Roman stated as Seth laughed. "And they beg for forgiveness. Especially when Rosa encounters Morgan and 'Her' at WrestleMania. And we're gonna look them in the eyes, and we're gonna put our boots across their jaw. Believe that. And believe in The Shield!" He yelled at Tom. 

"Roman!" Morgan flinched while Tom ran away and the guys started to laugh. "That's not funny!" 

"Haha. Yes, it was. You flinched!" Seth chuckled. "He scared him and her."

"Little chump..." Roman watched Tom run away.

"You guys are so mean." She chuckled. 

"You gotta admit, that was funny." Roman nudged her. 

"So intimidating. I love it when he gets like that." Dean said. 

"You owe me grapes, now." Morgan declared.

"Fine. I'll treat you." Roman agreed. 

"Not just you. All of you." 

"What!?" Seth shouted. "How did Dean and I get involved in this?" 

"You laughed. I want my grapes. Unless you want a headlock." She warned.

"I'll get three bags," Seth called out and sped walked away. 

"20!" Dean yelled and went after him. 

"Hey! I'm buying her 100 bags!" Roman declared and went after them while she laughed. 


During Raw, Kane walked out with Rosa in business suits and got in the ring.

"Well, Kane and Rosa do not look happy after what happened on Smackdown," Cole said as he began to talk about the no DQ match. 

"Morgan! You may have won the match, but if you think that I'm going to allow you to get away with this, you are deeply mistaken! Get out here, right now!" Kane yelled. 

Morgan comes out with an amused look and gets in the ring. Her arm was taped but she continued to heal well and fought through any aches and pain. After her theme fades out, the crowd chants her name. 

He got in her face. "Who...the hell do you think you are? You've made me angry. And bad things happen when I get angry." He sternly said but she snatched the mic out of his hands as the crowd cheered. 

"First of all, you're not going to do anything because you don't have the guts to. You're a puppet for The Authority and that's all you will ever be. You're not the big red machine, anymore. You're just a sell out in a suit..." She retorted. "And-" 

Kane snatched the mic back. "You don't know enough about this business to do what you're doing right now. Do you know who I am? I am the Director of Operations!" 

Morgan grabbed another mic. "Really? I don't think so. I think you're just...another asshole. This isn't about you. This is about me...and that so called business woman over there, looking like a bootleg librarian," She pointed to Rosa. 

"Librarian?" King exclaimed as Rosa shot her a dirty look. 

"All the suffering...tormenting...the names, the taunts, the scars, the blood, sweat and tears...all because of her...I'm going to make you regret all of that, Rosa." The Philly Diva went on. 

"Shut up!" he yelled. "I am going to hurt you. I am going to destroy you. This match...The Shield, versus Rosa, the Outlaws, and me...will now be an intergender match!" 

The crowd cheered while Morgan smirked, liking the idea more. 

"Intergender!? Are you kidding me? Superstars versus Divas? Morgan and the Outlaws? Morgan and Kane? Rosa and The Shield!? Oh, poor Rosa. I'm afraid for her well­being." King said with concern. 

"You may be smirking now but I will not show any mercy on a woman like you. You are going to get everything you deserve." Kane promised. 

"Fine by me." Morgan shrugged while Kane and Rosa headed for the ropes but they stopped. 

"Oh...and by the way." Kane started to grin and turned around. "Do you remember Vickie's invitational Diva's Championship match, at WrestleMania? can kiss that goodbye because I am stripping you of your spot and giving it to Rosa." 

The crowd heavily booed as Rosa started laughing. 

"What?!" King exclaimed while Morgan looked at Kane in shock. 

"No..." she shook her head. "You can't do that." 

"Oh yes, I can." Kane's grin widened. 

It felt like Morgan's world was crashing down. She worked so hard to get another title shot by proving herself in matches. Feeling herself getting angry, she started pacing around.

"I feel bad for Morgan. She's worked so hard and risked her body these past months. She's starting to gain respect and tried so hard to earn another title shot." King said. "All because of Kane's abuse of power..." 

Rosa taunted her. "How does it feel? You've taken a lot of things from me and now you're going to pay the price. You don't deserve to be in the match. I do!" 

Morgan had enough and pushes her down as the crowd cheers. 

"Uh oh!" JBL looked on as Kane went to aid Rosa.

The Outspoken Diva started shouting. "I hate you! You ruined everything! I'm gonna make you feel every ounce of pain and suffering you've caused me to feel these past months! From taking my boyfriend, from making me miserable...Rosa...I don't think you know how low I can sink to make someone feel what I've felt...just a glimpse...a taste...a preview. I'm gonna take all that frustration out on you...right now!" 

Once Kane stands up with Rosa, Morgan hits him with a low blow, making him roll out of the ring. 

"Low blow to Kane!" King exclaimed as Rosa stood up, preparing to attack.

"Rosa, you better get out of there!" Cole warned but Morgan speared her and started hitting her with hard, frequent right punches to the face as the crowd exploded. "All these emotions have been building up for months. This has to feel good for Morgan." 

Rosa starts screaming and gets thrown out of the ring, near the announce table.

"Morgan, calm down! Calm down!" JBL tried to warn once Morgan got out of the ring.

"I don't think she can hear you. She's in a new world now. She's possessed." Cole stated as she threw Rosa to the steel steps. 

"Good grief! Isn't this enough!? She's lost it! Morgan has completely lost her mind!" 

"Can you blame her? After all, she's been through? All the name calling? Taunting? Cheap shots?" King asked. 

"You did this to me!" Morgan screamed and started throwing Rosa's head on the steel steps, several times. 

She grabs her by the hair and throws her head on the apron before throwing her to the steel post, making her fall face first. 

"Ooh! Did you hear that impact!?" Cole cringed. Rosa was trying to crawl away but shrieks as she gets dragged back, near the announce table by her. "And Morgan still isn't done!" 

"Where are the refs!? Where is everybody!? Is anyone gonna stop this!? This is crazy! Someone stop this before someone gets seriously hurt!" JBL yelled. 

"I don't think Morgan cares who gets hurt," King said. "Watch out guys!" 

King and the commentators stand up while Morgan hits Rosa's head on the announce table. 

"Are you done?" JBL asked as Rosa began to hold her nose.

"Hell no!" Morgan yelled at him and started unloading on Rosa, on the concrete floor. 

The crowd boos when the referees run down to restrain her while Rosa was looking like a hot mess. Her hair was wild, and she was feeling a little groggy from the beating she had received. The crowd begins to cheer again when they see Rosa's face. A few refs were with her and she whimpered and touched her nose before letting out a scream of surprise.

"Oh my gosh, Rosa's bleeding!" King shouted. 

"What!?" Cole exclaimed.

"Her beautiful face!"

"My nose! My nose! Look what she done to my nose!" She screamed as she was starting to bleed from the nose and mouth. "Oh my God, my nose! My nose! My face!" 

"It's all right! It's okay!" A ref reassured.

"No, it's not! My nose!" She screamed again and started to cough as she choked on her blood. 

The Outspoken Diva gets released by the refs as she stands at the end of the ramp, looking at the damage. She looks at her hands and sees blood on them as she starts to come back to her senses. 

"I did this? Am I done here?" She asked herself. All of a sudden, she started to smirk and began to laugh before licking some blood off a finger. 

"She just licked Rosa's blood!" King shouted as Morgan rolled her neck and let out a chuckle.

"No...let's go again...I'm not done" She mumbled. "I'm just getting started. I want her to bleed more...make her suffer...I'm excited..." She started to wickedly grin. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, Morgan has completely lost her mind! She's possessed!" Cole yelled as the crowd chanted 'Harley Quinn' 

"Harley Quinn is about to unleash hell! Goodbye, Rosa! Nice knowing you!" King added, bewildered at the situation.

Celeste tweets 'I don't blame Morgan for this. You can only take in so much. #HarleyQuinnHasTakenOver' 

Nikki tweets 'Thank you WWEMorgan101! Don't stop beating her up! Continue to act crazy! I love it!' 

Brie tweets 'I like this side of Morgan. Her #AlterEgo has come out to play. Make her pay for it WWEMorgan101' 

Morgan starts walking back to where Rosa is as the refs start to panic and try to talk her out of it.  

"She's not done! She's not done!" King yelled. 

"I have never seen this side of Morgan before. This is nuts! Is this the Outspoken Diva?" Cole shouted. 

"Can you blame her actions? This is crazy and I'm starting to love this." 

Morgan grabs a chair and whacks Rosa in the face with it as soon as she stands up with the help of the refs. The crowd 'Ohs' at the impact while she continues to unload on her with chair shots. 

"Chair shot after chair shot!" Cole exclaimed. 

She throws Rosa to the barricade and to the apron several times as the refs helplessly try to convince her to stop. Angry tears run down her face as she starts to rethink every bad thing Rosa had done to her, over the months. She throws Rosa back to the steel steps as she is out cold.

"This is what you wanted!?" She screamed at Rosa as she got held back by the refs and dragged to the back. "I told you! I told you that you would regret this! Wait till WrestleMania! You ain't seen nothing yet! Do not ever provoke me again! Don't ever provoke me again!" 

"This is crazy! Look at this arena!" JBL shouted. 

Ringside was looking trashy because the steel steps were all over the place and the announce table got ruined. 

"It's like there's been a car accident," Cole said as Rosa got helped up by the refs and slowly walked backstage. 

"Poor Rosa. Her face." King looked on. "I love all the divas. I hate to see their pretty faces messed up." 

"I got a feeling Rosa isn't going to settle for this. This war between these divas is far from over." JBL added. 

Morgan tweets 'I'm sorry you had to see that. Title shot or not, I will still find a way to have a #MorganMoment at WM' 

She also tweets 'Tasted her blood and her blood is on my hands. I did this. Me. #IThinkIAmCrazy. I think I'm having a #HarleyAttack' 

Stone Cold tweets 'I love watching WWEMorgan101 beat people up. You are one crazy son of a gun.' 

Eva Marie tweets 'WWEMorgan101, I'm sorry for all I've done to you in the past. I'll never mess with you again. #LessonLearned' 


Morgan walked backstage with a pissed off look on her face as the crowd gave her a loud reception. She headed for The Shield's hideout and started pacing around as she didn't notice Dean sitting on a chair, fixing his vest. 

He stared at her. She looked good when she was pissed. She was still panting out of anger as he saw her chest rise up and down. From her messy straightened hair that he wanted to run his fingers in, to her bloody hands. 

"What?" She snapped and stopped pacing once she noticed him.

"I saw what you did out there." He stood up. 

"Are you repulsed? Disgusted at what you saw out there?"  

"I never said that," 

"I'm not going to bite my tongue like that anymore. I just snapped." 

"I see." 

"I guess you're revolted by me, huh?" 

"You want to know who I see?" 

"A crazy woman who has no sense? Terrible...annoying...violent...excuse for a WWE Diva?" 

"You really should stop putting words in my mouth. You know who I see?" 

"Enlighten me..." She crossed her arms and leaned on a table. 

"I see a woman. She has a crazy bone in her and I think it's one of her most beautiful features. The way you slammed Rosa's head on the announce table...the concrete floor...the steel post and steps...I never saw this side of you before...and it's alluring." He gazed at her in admiration. "How can I be repulsed by what you did out there? That was friggin' captivating. Just like Harley Quinn." 

"I wish you would stop comparing me to her. I'm nothing like her..." 

"You licked Rosa's blood from your grinned in delight when you saw her beaten laughed and screamed...that's captivating to me. And I'm sure the Joker is proud of what Harley has done tonight too. She did something that I wanted to happen for a while. The crowd for that matter. Maybe even the locker room. It feels good, doesn't it? Seeing her choke on her own blood? Seeing her helpless? You needed that." 

She let out a sigh. "Wow. I really am crazy..." 

"In a good way. She deserved it."

"I don't think I want to unleash this side, anymore."

"Why not?" 

"What happens if I hurt the people I care about? When I just snap uncontrollably? What happens if I hurt you?" 

Dean walked up to her. "You know you can take out your anger on me when you're mad." 

"I don't like hurting you." 

"I can handle it," he reassured as they looked at each other.

Seth and Roman walked over to them. 

"Morgan..." Roman began. 

"That..." Seth went on. 


"Awesome!" They yelled as she started to grin. 

"Really?" She asked. 

"Yeah! Didn't know you had it in you." Seth grinned and patted her on the back. 

"That's the type of attitude we need for the match. We need that aggression. Got a name for it?" Roman asked. 

"Harley Mode," Dean answered with a smile.

 "Yeah..." she nodded. "Harley Mode." 

"Well, that certainly made Rosa believe." Seth grinned. "That was awesome. You gotta do that at WrestleMania or something. They need to know that you are not a pushover. And you know honestly guys...I almost feel bad for Kane. I mean look at this. It's like murderous row back, here. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter which one of us wins this app vote. Kane's in a bad way. And his little sidekicks the New Age Outlaws want to get involved...they're gonna find out what we call this. The new symbol of excellence," he put up his fist.

"Important thing to remember that we never disrespected Kane. Kane and now Rosa and the New Age Outlaws disrespected us. When they disrespected this." Dean showed his fist. "What this represents. At WrestleMania, in six days, we're gonna teach those kids a lesson about attitude!" 

"Learn that lesson. And spread the word. Tell anyone that'll listen. The Shield is not to be messed with! And if you don't believe that, did you see what Morgan did to Rosa moments ago? Believe that...and believe in The Shield." Seth, Roman, and Dean put their fists out with Morgan.

In the ring, Jerry reveals that Roman Reigns won the app vote to face Kane by a landslide. During the match. Roman was taking control but the Outlaws start walking down the ramp as the crowd boos. 

"I can't say this is a surprise. New Age Outlaws." Cole said. 

All of a sudden, Dean and Seth run down the ramp and attack them from behind as the crowd cheers. Morgan jogs down the ring to meet up with her teammates while Roman hits Kane with a Superman punch. All members of The Shield slide into the ring and surround Kane as the ref tries to tell them to leave the ring. 

"Get out of there Kane! Get out of there!" JBL yelled as Kane looked at all the members in panic. 

"Where is he gonna go? The Shield got him surrounded." Cole looked on. 

"This has gone from bad to worse for corporate Kane." King cringed. 

The ref calls for the bell when Morgan and The Shield start stomping on Kane. 

"Get him up!" Dean yelled as Roman roared. 

The Outlaws get on the apron but get hit off the apron by Seth and Dean. The Shield tries to do the triple powerbomb but the Outlaws drag Kane out of the ring. 

"The attitude era versus the reality era," JBL said as the Shield's theme came on. 

"They are gonna rip each other apart," King said.


On WWE Main Event, Rosa walked out with a scowl. Her face was still a little banged up but makeup and the intense healing treatments she received helped.

"I'm surprised Rosa is out here. I mean, she suffered a massive beating from Morgan on Raw." Byron Saxton said as she got in the ring while the crowd heavily booed her. 

"Yes, I'm still here! I'm still standing! And I will beat Morgan! Shut up! Be quiet! It's me time now and I will not be disrespected!" She yelled as she started venting in Spanish. "I can handle Morgan's little beating she gave me. I'm not that weak diva, anymore. I'm stronger than her and any other diva, past or present. I'm better than all these divas in the locker room and I will prove that at WrestleMania when I beat Morgan to win for my team!" 

Celeste tweets 'She's out of her mind if she thinks she's better than the past divas. #HitYourHead?' 

The Bellas tweet 'Haha, I think Morgan hit Rosa in the head too hard. She's speaking nonsense.' 

"Over the past weeks, I've beaten every diva, from Alicia Fox to Aksana, Eva, The Bellas...everyone and I know I'm better than the past divas like Lita, Trish, and Victoria. The list can go on and on because I can beat them and anyone else who wants to step up to me. And at WrestleMania, I will become the new Divas Champion so I can shut all of you up!" She continued. "Enough about WrestleMania...let's talk about Raw. Well, I hope you're proud of yourself, Morgan. You almost broke my nose! Almost! I was this close! You better be glad I didn't sue you! Suing you would be too easy. I'll make you suffer at WrestleMania. Why? Because you're going to pay for this! You're nothing but a crazy, sorry excuse for a WWE Diva, a girlfriend, and a woman. I exposed you for who you really are on Raw. You're insane! You showed your true colors and my life was in danger. I mean, do you guys really want to see me beat up?" 

'I've had enough I'm taking you down' 

"Uh oh," Tom said as the crowd cheered. 

"Looks like Morgan's had enough of Rosa's mouth," Byron said as she sped walked down the ramp.

She slides into the ring and ducks Rosa's clothesline before jumping on her to attack. The Outlaw's theme comes on and Morgan turns her head to the stage and quickly gets off of Rosa while Billy Gunn walks down the ring. Rosa crawls away from her and smirks while Billy gets in the ring. The Outspoken Diva decides to go for a punch but Billy grabs her wrist and pushes her back, only to be hit with a backstabber by Rosa. 

Rosa and Billy grin at each other while Morgan holds her back in slight pain. Billy picks up her and holds her for Rosa but all of a sudden, Ambrose runs through the crowd and jumps over the barricade. 

"There's Ambrose!" Tom exclaimed as Billy and Rosa looked at him in shock. 

He sets Morgan down and slides out of the ring but gets attacked by Ambrose. 

"Hey!" Rosa shouted as she walked over to the ropes. 

Morgan starts to stand up and when she recovers, she waits for Rosa to turn around. 

"Watch your back, Rosa," Bryon warned as she turned around to be kicked in the face. 

Ambrose slides into the ring and stands back to back with Morgan while Billy and Rosa regroup. Billy gets on the apron in front of Dean and Rosa gets on the apron in front of Morgan. The Outspoken Diva holds one of Dean's hands and he squeezes her hand. 

"No matter what happens...we're in this together...right?" She asked. 

"You better believe that." He replied.

"Good. Let's do this,"

They throw Billy and Rosa over the apron and into the ring as the crowd cheers. Dean starts fighting with Billy and Billy hits him with a hard shot in the eye, making him stumble. Morgan strikes Rosa with a few clotheslines before hitting her with a spinning kick to the face. Dean recovers and hits Billy with the Dirty Deeds while Morgan takes Rosa down with the backfire.

Dean and Morgan glanced at each other and nodded, positioning their opponents for a double suplex.

"And this may be a preview of what double teaming might happen during WrestleMania," Tom looked on as they took them down with a suplex.

Rosa and Billy roll out the ring and regroup at the end of the ramp as the Shield's theme comes on. 

Ambrose grins and puts his arm around Morgan's shoulders while she wraps an arm around his waist as they look at their WrestleMania opponents. 

"You got lucky!" Rosa yelled and got held back by Billy. "Next time you won't be!" 

"And Morgan & Dean are standing united," Byron praised.


"Ah!" Dean winced backstage and turned his head. He was standing up and leaning on a table. 

"Hold still." Morgan pushed his head to face her as she tended to his eye. "This is what happens when you keep getting reckless." 

"They needed that beating-Ah! Will you be gentler!?" 

"Stop being such a baby!" 

"I'm not a baby!"

She chuckled. "You know what? Fine. Let me just get the doctor- " 

"No!" He pulled her to him. 

She grunted as she bumped into his chest. Their faces were centimeters apart as they felt their breath on each other. 

"...Or not..." She said as he released her. 

"You uh, got lipstick on your cheek." 

"I do?" She touched her cheek but not near the smudge of lipstick. 

"Here..." He caressed her face and slowly wiped the lipstick off with his right thumb. 

He moved some hair from her face and gave her his signature smirk. After a moment, they backed away and cleared their throats. 

"Um...good to know." She backed away from his personal space. "Thanks for that. Thanks for helping me out back there." 

"No problem."

 "I guess I owe you...twice."

"You don't owe me, anything." 

"I don't care. That's not your decision. It's mine." She smiled and continued tending his eye. "Well, it's just a small cut. It'll go away before WrestleMania." 

"Who are you, my private nurse?" 

"I would if I knew more medical stuff but since you didn't want to go to the trainers, I decided to be the good, caring person that I am, and help you out." 

"Well, you did a good job."

"Glad to hear." After a moment of silence, she sighed. "Can you do me a favor?" 


"I don't want you to think that I always need rescuing. I don't want you to think you have to save me, every time I'm in trouble. I don't want you to think you have to save me to try and gain my trust back. There's gonna be a time when I'm alone and get beaten down. But it's okay, 'cause I'm going to get back up and fight back. Plus, sometimes I fake it to know their motives and weaknesses. I know what I'm doing, and on Smackdown, they may plan another attack. And The Shield won't be there on Smackdown." 

"I know...I just want to make things right." 

"You are. You are making things right. And you gained my trust back. No matter what they do on Smackdown...we're gonna make them pay for it and all the cheap shots they gave us at WrestleMania. Okay?" 

Dean smirked and nodded. "Okay."

"We're in this together, no matter what. I'll see you at WrestleMania."


On Tuesday for a Smackdown taping, Rosa was in the ring, embracing the boos she received from the crowd.

"So...WrestleMania...this Sunday...I've heard from everyone that, Morgan is going to get me. 'She' and Morgan are going to get me. Morgan is going to make me pay. I've heard it all. But you know what? I'm not worried because I'm going to prove you all wrong!" Rosa declared. "I heard Morgan is in the back and she's alone. The Shield isn't here. They aren't here to save you or back you up. You're alone and whenever you're alone, you get beat up. By me of course, because I know I can beat you and I will do that at WrestleMania,"

Morgan walks down the ring with a scowl on her face and slides into the ring as the crowd cheers. 

"And Morgan's had enough!" Cole said as the two began fighting once again. "These two have been fighting nonstop! Week after week!"

Moments later, The Outlaws run down the ring and push her off to help Rosa. Morgan decides to take advantage and gets down to hit them with a double low blow but she holds both of her arms in pain. 

"What happened?" Cole asked as the Outlaws turned around and revealed their metal jockstraps. "Uh oh." 

"I see..." She mumbled as she rubbed her arms, thinking of Chyna's mistake years ago.

"Not gonna happen Morgan." Road Dogg taunted. 

As soon as she gets up, Rosa gets behind her and hits her with a Gory Bomb as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact. The move looked devastating and surprised the audience.

"What a move from behind," Cole said as the crowd booed. 

"I don't know; I'm starting to think that Rosa may have a chance in the match. She's showing new moves left and right." JBL looked on as the Outlaw's theme came on. 

Rosa and the Outlaws get out of the ring while Morgan holds her face and glares at them. 

"What a cheap shot..." Cole complained. 

"Cheap shot? Morgan was caught off guard." 

The Outspoken Diva nodded and started smirking. "Okay. I'll let you have your fun." 

"Looks like Rosa and the Outlaws are going to WrestleMania with the momentum. Will The Shield and Morgan be able to stop Kane, Rosa, and the Outlaws?" Cole asked. 

"And what about when she comes? A lot of anticipation for this match,"

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1 year ago

Forced to Believe Chapter 55- Togetherness

Forced To Believe Chapter 55- Togetherness

Chapter Summary: Jon finds a way to spend his 1 year anniversary with Melanie. Rosa and Morgan's moms get involved in their storyline to bring more drama.

Words: 8,000+


Melanie walked around the hallway until she reached Mimi's door. She knocked on it a couple of times and decided to open it with her key. Once she walked in, she yelped while Mimi screamed in surprise.

"For crying out loud! I wish you could have given me a warning!" Melanie quickly closed the door. "I did not want to see you naked like that! I'm scarred for life!" 

"Sorry!" Mimi exclaimed as she quickly got ready. She opened the door in her underwear as she threw out a random guy in his boxers. "Here's your clothes!" She threw them at him as he scrambled away. 

"Are you kidding me?" 

"What? I needed some. There are some good looking guys in New Orleans." 

"At least it's not one of my coworkers..." 

"Hey, there are some hot guys on the roster. Like Colby and Joe but they already have their partners. I'd kill to be in your shoes, right now. Being on a team with hot guys like them, wow." 

"Enough with the fantasies, you're creeping me out."

"Hey, shouldn't you be in bed with Jonny instead of listening to me talk about guys?" Mimi let her in and Melanie closed the door. 

"I wish..." The Philly Diva mumbled. 

"What's wrong?" 

"We're not going to be able to see each other. Our schedule isn't looking so good. Whenever I'm free, he isn't. And when he's free, I'm not." 

"Aw...bring it in." Mimi put her arms out. 

"Not until you take a shower. You smell like sex. This place is a mess!" she sat down on the couch. 

"You may not want to sit there; we did it there." 

"Mimi!" Melanie shouted, looking at her in disbelief. Mimi laughed as she quickly got up from the couch. "This is ridiculous!" 

Later that morning, Melanie and her family ate breakfast as they talked about WrestleMania. 

"I cannot believe this is going to be your second WrestleMania! Are you nervous?" Jane asked.

"Not at the moment but I will be freaking out tomorrow and when my match is about to start," Melanie replied. 

"You'll do great. You always do. Got an idea of what your Morgan Moment will be?" Aria asked. 

"Yes. Two Morgan Moments. Or three. I don't want my boys to steal the show, sometimes the divas gotta do something that will keep the fans talking about it for a week or so." Melanie grinned. 

"I cannot wait! And I can't for her to come too. I hope her flight comes on time." Mimi said.

"Yeah, hope things are fine with her,"  

"Melanie, isn't today your Anniversary?" Diego asked. 

"Oh, that's right! Oh Melly, I am so happy for you and Jon!" Jane squealed. "I love that you two work onscreen as Dean and Morgan. Wow, one year! I hope for more and I hope for lots of grandchildren in the future!" 

"Mom!" Melanie exclaimed.

"I think you're getting too ahead of the game." Mimi mumbled.

"You don't seem so happy. It's your anniversary! One year!" Jane grinned.

"Yeah..." Melanie fake smiled.

"You seem down, what's wrong?" Diego asked with concern. 


"Not convinced..." Aria pointed out and took a sip of her alcoholic drink. 

"Aria it is too early to be drinking, right now!" Jane shouted. 

"Bite me..." Aria retorted and took a loud sip just to aggravate her. 

"This is why I do not like bringing you along to Melanie's wrestling shows because you got to embarrass me." 

"Embarrass you? Ha! You are the embarrassment. How do you think I feel? And Melanie decides if I can stay or go. Not you-" 

"Enough! For fuck's sake!" Melanie snapped as everyone looked at her in shock. "I'm dealing with enough, right now. Stop the arguing. Can't you two just stop for a few minutes?"

"Melanie Nichole Laurer Rivera, what has gotten into you?" Jane asked with a frown. 

"Nothing. I'm sorry. Let's just talk about something else."

"No, what is going on? You look really upset."

The Outspoken Diva sighed. "Jon and I are not going to be able to see each other today." 

"What!? But it's your anniversary!"

"I know but orders are orders. It's okay, I just need to adjust to this." 

"Where is he?"

"He's doing interviews." 

"When are you two going to see each other?" 

"When I'm free, he's not, and when I'm not free, he is. We'll see each other on WrestleMania day. We can't see each other during the Hall of Fame because Creative doesn't want us together like that. They want us to 'sell' the Morgan and Dean conflict, which I think is a load of bull!" 

"I cannot believe this..." 

"Nikki gets to be with John, Nattie gets to be with TJ, Trinity is with Jon Uso, and Brie is with Bryan. What is up with me and Jon? All because of some storyline? It sucks but I'm okay. I just need to calm down and grin and bear it. I can't keep whining about it. This is our job. We gotta work, and we need to respect our bosses' wishes." 


Melanie arrived at the Hall of Fame ceremony with her family and Leah. She had her hair curled and in a ponytail to the side as it rested on her shoulder. And she wore a purple dress just for her dad. 

"This is sick!" Leah exclaimed. "Is that a red carpet? I feel so VIP." 

"Melanie." A thick accent called out. She turned around to see Stu. 

"Hey!" Melanie embraced him. "Guys, you remember Stu, right? Wade Barrett on TV?" 

"How could I not?" Mimi grinned.

"He has a girlfriend." Melanie reminded.

"Darn it..." Mimi mumbled. 

"Ah, Stu, so nice to see you, again." Diego shook his hand. 

"Likewise," Stu replied

"So, are you gonna be delivering some bad news tonight?" Melanie asked. 

"Well, it is a nice night, and it would be a bummer if someone delivered bad news. So I'll be on my best behavior tonight." he grinned. 

"I find that hard to believe." She laughed with him. 

She turned and saw Jon in his suit. She had butterflies in her stomach since she felt like it had been ages since she'd seen him. She started to make her way over to him but got stopped. 

"Melanie." A stern voice called out and grabbed her hand. "Not right now." 

Melanie sighed and turned to Stephanie McMahon. "But I was just­-" 

"I know how much you want to see him but you two are not supposed to be seen together, remember?"

"Fine." She gave up.

Renee Young stood with Morgan and her family for an interview.

"I am here with Morgan Lopez and her family," Renee announced with a smile. "How are you all enjoying WrestleMania week?" 

"It's very amazing. The WWE is such a wonderful company and is very lucky to have my daughter working for them. She will not disappoint." Diego replied and kissed Morgan's cheek as she chuckled. 

"I think this is amazing. Being here and up close with all the divas and superstars and meeting them, very awesome." Aria replied. 

"So Jane, what do you think of Rosa and all she's done to your daughter?" Renee asked. 

"She needs a spanking!" Jane replied as everyone laughed. "I am disgusted with what Rosa has done to her. But it's okay because my daughter is going to kick her butt and I can't wait to see her in action." 

"Really? She's gonna kick my butt?" Rosa stepped up to Melanie's family with her mother. 

"Yes, because you are a disrespectful young lady," Jane replied with a frown. 

"Excuse me? I will not let you talk about my daughter that way. Your daughter is out of control. She's crazy." Rosa's mother pointed out. 

"Thank you." Morgan grinned. "I get it from Dean." 

"You and that eccentric man need to back away from my daughter." 

"Um, your daughter came on to my man and that's how our relationship got ruined. Dean and I may not be together anymore, but we're still a team for The Shield. Everything was great until Rosa got involved and made him cheat on me. All thanks to this, arrogant, little..." The Philly Diva exhaled. "I cannot wait to get in the ring..." 

All of a sudden, Rosa's mother slapped her in the face as everyone but Rosa looked on in shock.

"How dare you try and break my daughter's nose!? You crazed little girl! My daughter did not deserve everything you've done! Especially getting her head put in a dirty toilet!" 

Morgan held her cheek and started to smirk. "Is that it? Is that the best you got? You can do better than that." 

Rosa's mom was about to slap her again but Jane blocked it and managed to slap Rosa in the face. 

"Ow!" Rosa yelled and held her cheek. 

"How dare you? How dare the both of you! My daughter is way better than yours and she will prove that at WrestleMania." Jane snapped. 

"First of all, do not put your hands on my daughter again." Rosa's mother said with a stern voice. 

"I can say the same to you, missy." 

"This is getting intense," Renee said as Diego nodded. 

"Your daughter does not deserve a title shot at WrestleMania. It should be Morgan's." Jane added.

"Too bad. Your daughter is going to lose at WrestleMania and my daughter will be the next Diva's champion." 

Suddenly Jane slapped Rosa's mother across the face as everyone gasped and Morgan started laughing.

"Mama!" Rosa shouted in shock. "You're not gonna let her get away with that are you?" 

"No way." her mom replied and slapped Jane back. 

Jane grabbed Rosa's mom and tried to bring her down as the two started fighting, causing a commotion. 

"Whoa, whoa." Dolph Ziggler got into the situation and tried to break it up with Morgan and Rosa. "Ladies, calm down." 

"Get your filthy hands off me, woman! I don't know where your hands have been! You and your daughter are a disgrace!" Jane yelled. 

"Mom, mom, calm down," Morgan exclaimed as they got separated. 

"Get off of me, I'm not done with her, yet!" Rosa's mother shouted. 

"It's okay mama, I'll settle this at WrestleMania," Rosa reassured and gave Morgan and her family a scowl. Getting into Morgan's face, she smirked. "You know it's a pity...that you can't win against me at WrestleMania. I really hope you and Chyna have a wonderful life when you go to Japan to see her."

Morgan exhaled while watching Rosa and her mom walk away. "Just" the Outspoken Diva murmured.

"Is this the last of the mother wars?" Renee asked. 

"No, it is just the beginning," Jane replied. "I'm going to teach that woman a lesson about respect. How dare she try and throw me down? Jane power is back!" 


Melanie went back to the hotel room with Leah and Celeste. Wanting to turn in for the night, Celeste and Leah convince her to hang with the Divas in their hotel room. When they arrived, the Bellas, Renee, Trinity, Ariane, Eva, Nattie, and Victoria (Alicia Fox) were in the room. 

"Why am I here?" Melanie asked, truly wanting to be in her hotel room instead.

"Wow, don't wanna hang with us? Girl bye." Ariane teased. 

"I didn't mean it like that!" 

The divas laughed and Melanie saw Leah and Celeste heading for the door. "Wait, where are you two going?" she asked.

"I gotta see PJ and Leah has to come with me because she wants to meet him. We'll be back." Celeste grinned and left with Leah. After they closed the door, they high five each other. 

"Think that'll work?" Leah asked. 

"I'm sure she'll survive," Celeste says and they head back to the room. 

They see Jon waiting for them at their door. He was in his casual wear with jeans and a T shirt, with a few bags in his hands. 

"I owe you two." He said with appreciation. 

"Darn right, you do!" Leah playfully glared at him. 

"Is she mad at me?" 

"Not at all. She is pretty disappointed but once she comes back to the room, her frown will totally turn upside down." 

"I'm sure she'll forget about the disappointment after tonight." 

"Look at you, being romantic. This is interesting." Celeste playfully punched him on the arm. "Text us when you're done decorating so we can tell the Divas to bring her back to the room. Leah and I will be staying with PJ. Have fun. Just not too much fun. And do not break the bed!" She ordered.

Jon gave her an amused look and headed into their hotel room while Celeste and Leah shut the door.

'To Melanie'

Melanie sighed and sat down on the couch. "So, why am I here?"

"We wanted some girl time after all the hectic scheduling." Nikki smiled. 

"Well, I guess I'll stay. So, what did you think of the Hall of Fame?" 

"Amazing!" Renee beamed. "Each year just gets better and better." 

"You guys looked awesome in your dresses." Melanie praised. 

"Aw, thanks. So did you. I saw that purple dress." Nikki said kindly. 

"Haha. Thanks. Ready for WrestleMania?"

"Oh, you have no idea. It sucks you're not a part of the diva's match though." Brie replied. 

"Eh, it's okay. I've been through a lot and I would rather be wrestling with the guys at the moment,"

"Who are you rooting for?" Eva asked. 

"Uh..." Melanie chuckled. 

"Obviously me. I'm more athletic." Nikki bragged. 

"Um, no, the bride to be is going to win. Brie mode!" Brie exclaimed. 

"No sweetie, Nattie is going to be Diva's champion, again." Nattie grinned while Melanie laughed. "Speaking of bride to be, how are you feeling about the wedding? It's coming up very soon." 

"I am on cloud nine, right now. I'm so happy Bryan and I are finally getting married. I'm so excited." Brie grinned. 

"I'm so happy for you, two. I can't wait for the wedding."

"I should call John, I wanna see him before I go to bed." Nikki took out her phone. 

"Oh boy, don't be inappropriate on the phone," Victoria groaned.

"Knowing her, she's probably going to." Renee giggled.

"She probably wants to do the nasty," Trinity added. 

"Hey, I love being in his arms and him kissing me," Nikki replied while Melanie looked down and frowned. "I'm glad I got to see him today-" 

"Nicole!" Brie nudged her. 

"Ow! What was that for?" Nikki exclaimed but shut up after the divas gave her a look. She mouthed an 'Oh' after they noticed Melanie looking sad. 

"Uh, on a positive note, you want some grapes?" Eva went to the kitchen. 

Melanie's eyes lit up. "Grapes?!" 

'Good save.' Brie thought as she smiled at the redhead. 

Melanie stood up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. 

"Nicole, you gotta stop running your mouth." Brie huffed. 

"I'm sorry, jeesh. I got carried away. Is he almost done, decorating? And who knows when Melly is going to get suspicious about things." Nikki replied. 

"I'm sure if we keep calm, we'll be okay," Trinity said. 

"She is going to be one happy camper tonight," Nattie said happily. 

"Who would have thought Jon would be so romantic?" Ariane smiled. 

"It's so adorable that he's doing this for her," Renee pointed out. 

"I know right? I think it's so cute." Victoria grinned. 

Melanie and Eva head back into the living room. "Wait, where's the grapes?" Nikki asked. 

"Uh, you see what had happened was..." Melanie began as the divas laughed. "Yeah, I kind of ate them all while I was in the kitchen and walking back in here." 

"You should have seen her. She kept popping them in her mouth like it was candy." Eva giggled and mimicked Melanie's eating motions. 

"Haha. I can imagine that." Victoria chuckled. 

"Anyone play Candy Crush?" Brie asked. 

"I do sometimes. I have it on my phone." Melanie said and took out her phone. She saw that the battery was on 13 percent. "Aw man, I need my phone charger. I'll be back." She stood up and went for the door while the divas looked at each other in panic. 

"Melly, don't worry. I got an extra one. You can use my charger." Brie replied in a calm voice. 

The Philly Diva stopped and turned around. "Really? Thanks." She smiled and headed to Brie's room with her. 

Nikki sighed out of relief. "Thank goodness for Brie's calmness."

"I know. That was close." Nattie replied. 

"Any word from Leah, Celeste, or Jon?" Danielle asked.

Nikki checked her phone. "Celeste says that Jon is a slow poke and he's still decorating." 

'To Jon' 

"You are so slow!" Celeste chuckled with Leah. They were in their hotel room, seeing Jon checking himself out in the mirror. 

"Shut up. I'm trying to look good." he replied. 

"You spent ten minutes checking yourself out and making sure you look presentable. Your hair looks fine. So what if it's messy? Melanie loves your messy hair, remember? And I believe wearing jeans, sneakers, a short sleeved black shirt and a leather jacket is okay. She isn't going to care what you wear. She's going to care about ripping your clothes off when she sees you. Now start the decorating."

"Fine. I'm just trying to be romantic. I'm not used to this stuff." 

"I'm sure what you're about to do for her is enough. All that's going to matter to her is that you two are going to see each other. Who cares about dinner and all that jazz? We're not perfect. Work does get in the way but you'll always find some time with each other." Leah replied. 

'To The Divas' 

"So I heard you're going to be playing the guitar for your entrance at WrestleMania," Victoria said to Melanie. 

"Guitar?" Trinity asked. 

"Ooh, when was this?" Ariane asked eagerly. 

"Victoria!" Melanie exclaimed. 

"Sorry, I heard it around backstage. Rumors." Victoria put her hands up in defense. 

"How come you didn't want anyone to know?" Brie asked. 

"Well, the band who plays my theme song is getting back together just to perform my song. So I wanted to make it a little bit more awesome and asked Creative if I could play the guitar." Melanie replied. 

"Can you sing?" Nikki asked. 

"Chyna can sing but I can't, so I just play the guitar,"

"Why do you want to play the guitar?" Nattie asked. 

"To bring out an old gimmick from the indies. I used to wear rockstar like clothes and play the guitar before breaking it. It's been a while since I showed off a rockstar version of myself." Melanie smiled at the memories. 

"Go 'head girl! I can see you headbanging and rocking out." Trinity high fived her.

"Haha. Yeah. I remember I would headbanging with the guys back in the Indies. Loved every second of it. I miss going to concerts in Philly. Sometimes I go with Leah, sometimes with Jon or some friends from the Indies. I remember all the crowd surfing, I would do." Melanie sighed. "I was crazy back then. I miss doing it."

"What made you stop?" Danielle asked. 

"Um." Melanie put her hair in a messy bun. "I guess it's because I kept moving forward in my wrestling career and didn't have the time, anymore. Ever since I went to FCW, I really haven't had the time to go back to that rockstar stage. They kind of made me change my gimmick,"

"You learn something new every day." Nattie grinned. 

"Yeah, but I'm not a triple threat. I can't sing but I can dance and play the guitar. It's been a while since I played the guitar. So I hope I'm not rusty."

"I'm sure you'll rock it out," Eva said. 

"Thanks." Melanie smiled and yawned. 

She started to play on her phone while the divas started talking about WrestleMania. 

"Who do you think is going to win? Undertaker or Brock?" Eva asked. 

"Obviously Undertaker. Why wouldn't he?" Ariane wondered. 

Melanie yawned again and it caught the attention of the divas. Five minutes later, she glanced up and saw all the divas looking at her. 

"What? What did I do?" she asked. 

"Are you sleepy?" Nikki asked. 

"I just wanted to lay down on my bed." 

"You can lay down on mine." 

"Yeah, but I really want mine. I like my bed." she stood up. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." 

"Melanie, wait, come on, just stay a little while longer. We still wanna chat with you." Ariane spoke up. 

She sighed and sat back down. "All right, fine." She replied. Moments later, she looked at them all. "Why do I feel like you guys are watching me like a hawk?" 

"Nothing girl. We're just chillin'." 

"You sure? Did I do something wrong?" 


"Then why do you guys keep stopping me when I want to leave? You guys are acting weird. I'm going back in my room, I gotta get up early." 

"We can't let you do that," Victoria said while Melanie stood back up. 

"Huh? And why not?" The Outspoken Diva questioned, raising a brow. 

"'s rats in there. Celeste didn't want to worry you." Nattie blurted out. 

Nikki and Renee glanced at each other before looking at Nattie in disapproval.

'Rats? Are you friggin' kidding me?' Nikki thought with annoyance as she shot Nattie an annoyed look. 

'What?' Nattie mouthed to Nikki. 

"Rats? I'm pretty sure this hotel is clean." Melanie chuckled. 

"Okay, fine. I'll tell you the truth..." Trinity sighed. "Celeste and her man are doing the nasty." 

"Yeah, that's right, girl. They're getting it in and they didn't want anyone interrupting their alone time." Ariane added. 

"But PJ has his own room. Celeste would have gone to his room." Melanie countered. "Look. Whatever is in my room, I'll be able to handle it. I'm sure if there are rats, I'll survive." She headed for the door but the Bellas blocked it. 

"Melanie. We're not letting you leave yet." Brie demanded. 

"Haha, very funny. Now move out the way, please." 

"Sorry, Melly," Nikki said, shaking her head with Brie. 

"Okay. Fine. Have it your way." She sat back down and the Bellas walked away from the door. 

"Thank you. Now instead of talking, let's watch a movie." Ariane suggested. 

After they got situated, they started to watch a funny movie but Melanie blocked out the movie and started to ponder. 

'Why don't they want me to leave? Did something bad happen? Are they hiding something from me? Did I miss something? Is the room okay?' Melanie thought as she eyeballed the door. 'I really could be in my bed right now. Maybe if I...' 

Melanie jumped off the couch and sprinted towards the door but got tackled by April out of nowhere. 

"Holy crap, April! That was good instinct!" Brie praised. 

Renee laughed. "Always count on April!" 

"Are you kidding me!?" Melanie shouted. "The hell did you come from!?" 

April giggled. "I have my ways. Sorry, Melly, you can't go anywhere." 

"Good save, April." Trinity complimented while April sat on Melanie's back. 

"This is ridiculous!" Melanie yelled. April got off her and the divas pulled on her legs to drag her back to the living room. She started to scratch and claw on the carpet. "Get off of me! This is assault! Assault!" 

"We can't let you leave, yet!" Ariane shouted. 

"Why not!?" The Philly Diva cried. 

All of them were acting so weird. Just let a woman go back to her hotel room to chill and go to bed. 

"That's for us to know and for you to find out!" Nattie replied. 

Melanie tried kicking her legs to try to get them off and it started to work. 

"We tried to be nice. We need to tie her up so she won't escape." April said with a devilish grin. 

"Oh hell no! Don't you dare! APRIL!" The Outspoken Diva yelled. 


Celeste checked the text message Nikki sent her. "Oh boy. Melanie is being stubborn."

Jon chuckled. "I wonder why."

"Nikki just said they're tying Melanie up so she won't escape. She tried to leave a couple of times." 

He began laughing. "That is so like her." 

He headed into the bathroom and shut the door. He checked out the big bathroom. It was clean and so was the tub. Melanie was one of the hardest workers in the WWE and she liked to take risks during her matches. Like getting thrown onto a table or wrestling superstars. Sometimes that can take a toll on her body. He knew she wanted to take a nice, long bubble bath without any worries or interruptions, and this time she'd get her wish. 

He turned on the bath and filled the tub with warm water and vanilla scented bath bubbles. Taking a few candles from his bags he began setting them around the tub and bathroom. After that, he set up a tray with a bowl of grapes and two glasses with a bottle of champagne. Once the tub was nearly full, he stopped the water from running and began lighting the candles. After he was done, he turned the lights off. 

"Sweet." He grinned, being proud of his efforts. 

He headed out of the bathroom and saw Celeste and Leah rushing over to him to see the bathroom. 

"Oh my gosh! That is so awesome!" Leah cheered. 

"Really?" He asked with a smile.

"Totally," Celeste replied and her phone started to ring. She answered it and put it on speaker. "Nikki?" 

"Are you guys done? Melanie is one stubborn chick, tonight." Nikki laughed. 

Meanwhile, Jon replaced the bed sheets with dark red silk sheets and placed rose petals around the bed and floor.

'To The Divas'

"Are you out of your fucking damn minds!?" Melanie screamed as she had her arms and legs tied up with rope.

"Things would have been so much easier if you didn't wanna leave so early," April replied innocently. 

"Are you drunk!?"

Nikki laughed. "No, we're not." 

"I am so confused, right now. Why can't I leave? Why the heck am I tied up like this?" Melanie exclaimed as Nikki got another phone call. 

She opened up the door to reveal Celeste and Leah. As soon as Celeste and Leah look at Melanie, they laugh. 

"Oh screw you!" Melanie snapped. "You are going to pay for this!" 

"Haha. She can come back now." Celeste said. 

"Wait, I need permission to go back to my hotel room?" Melanie got untied and headed out the door. "Who are you, my mom? I don't think so. I do not like being tied up like that." She continued to ramble.

"Don't worry, you'll thank us tomorrow." Nikki winked and shut the door. 

"Come on, let's go." Leah and Celeste grabbed her and took her back to the hotel room. 

"Do you know what I've been through in there? They're nuts! Friggin' nuts!" The Outspoken Diva exclaimed while Celeste and Leah giggled. "It's not funny!" 

"Yes, it is," Leah replied as they stood by the door. "I'm sure everything will be okay once you get back to the room."

"See you tomorrow." Celeste waved. 

"Wait, you guys aren't coming in?" Melanie asked. 

"Have fun~" Leah grinned and walked away with Celeste. 

Melanie watched them with a confused expression and took out her key to open the door. "Okay then...What a crazy night. I need to take a bath or something." she said after walking in.

All of a sudden, she felt strong arms snaking around her waist as she gasped. 

"Funny...I need to take one, too. Mind if I join you?" Jon whispered in her ear. 

She grinned and turned around. "Jon!" She giggled and embraced him. "You're here!" 

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist as she put her arms around his neck. 

"You know I'm always going to find a way to make you feel special on a day like this." He smiled. 

Melanie couldn't stop grinning and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. They couldn't stop thinking about each other all night and to be together now made the whole day worth the work and drama. 

"Come on." He grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom. 

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, letting him take the lead. As soon as he led her to the bathroom, she gasped and looked around in awe. "You really know how to make me smile. What's all this?" 

"I thought we could both use a nice, relaxing, bath." 

"This is amazing!"

"Just like you. You're the best, you know that?"

"So are you!"

"I'm sorry we couldn't spend the whole day, together." 

"It's okay. What matters now is that I'm with you. Even for the night, I'm still happy I got to see you." 

She ran a hand through his messy hair before pulling him in for another kiss. 

In the morning, Melanie woke up but frowned once she didn't feel any warmth. 

'I guess it was a dream...' she sadly thought. 

But then she heard a soft groan and felt a strong arm wrap around her waist, pulling her back into a hard chest. 

"You okay?" Jon rasped in a sleepy tone.

She smiled and turned around to face him. "Thought I was dreaming." 

"Why dream when you can have the real thing?" he asked as she smiled.

After they got dressed and ready for WrestleMania Day, Melanie was in the kitchen checking out her Twitter before Colby began knocking on the door.

"Lovebirds! Hurry up! We got an interview to go to!" Colby shouted.

Melanie chuckled and opened the door to reveal Joe and Colby. 

"What's up, guys?" She gave them hugs, walking out of the room with Jon.

"I feel content. Ready for Mania?" he grinned.

"You bet. I'll probably get nervous as the time comes but I just can't wait for our match. We're gonna kick some ass." 


'WWE Network Interview' 

"Last year's WrestleMania, our first WrestleMania, how many times as a kid, have you dreamed of being in WrestleMania?" Dean asked. 

"That's all I wanted to do," Seth said. "To say we were the underdogs in that match was quite the understatement." 

"It was our first WrestleMania and you only get one chance. It could be your last WrestleMania."

"To capture a huge win like that, in front of so many people..." Roman spoke up. 

"It's friggin' awesome." Morgan grinned. "It's what we work for." 

"Last year we were like the 1980 US Olympic hockey team, a bunch of nobodies. Going in, sticking together, teamwork, trying to win the gold, and that's what we did." Dean added. "But this year, jeez, we're like the Yankees, Lakers, we're The Shield." 

"We got ambushed, that's something that doesn't happen to The Shield very often," Seth said. "Kane had some tricks up his sleeve, and we paid the price for not being any wiser. But at the end of the day, he didn't get the job done. Cause we're still sitting here, and we're talking about it. And WrestleMania's coming up and we're still walking so...Rosa and those boys are in trouble." 

"I'm a fan of the New Age Outlaws. Morgan knows them well since her cousin was with them, and we both liked them as a kid. But it's gonna be great to set them out." 

"I don't know how many times I gotta say this, but you made a big mistake ambushing us and you're gonna get it. I'll let my actions speak for me. I just can't wait to see them beneath our feet." Morgan mentioned. 

"We came in here, with one goal in mind, knock down doors, kick everybody out of the way. And run the show." Seth announced. 

"Rosa. Pack your stuff, you got to go. You're done." 

"They want to stand in our way? I don't care who they are, I don't care what kind of legacy they got. Just like Morgan said, they gotta go. Kane, Rosa, New Age Outlaws..." 

"You're done," Roman said as Morgan nodded in agreement. "They just made the biggest mistake. You can't break us. We'll bend but we're never break." 


The Shield and Morgan were backstage. Morgan had on jeans and a Shield shirt with her hair in a ponytail. 

"I don't even care anymore, what's happened up to this point. I don't care anymore, what brought us here. Because all I care about is that Kane, Rosa, and the New Age Outlaws bring their absolute best, tonight, at WrestleMania. We want you guys to bring everything you have. So you can feel pain, knowing that your best isn't good enough when you're up against The Shield." Dean said and showed his fist. "When you're up against this. The new symbol of excellence." 

Morgan chewed her mint gum and blew a bubble before popping it. "Do you see this? Do you see this fist?" She put out her fist. "This is the fist that's going to break your faces. I know each and every one of you well. I know your weaknesses, your strengths, and what it'll take to bring you down. Our game plan tonight is to make a statement, and that's what we're gonna do."

"Morgan and I have been planning our game plan carefully for tonight," Seth said as she nodded. "New Age Outlaws, six time WWE Tag Team Champions. And Kane, doesn't matter what title you have, Mister Director of Operations. We see the demon in your eyes. And we all know, what the 4 of you are capable of, we understand your history at WrestleMania. But after tonight, when the old dies out, and the new rises up, we're gonna make you, a part of our history." 

"That's right, history. You're history because we're the future." Roman growled and put out his fist. "Take a good look at that." The Shield put their fists together. "Believe in The Shield." 

After their interview, Melanie headed to the diva's locker room all dressed and ready for the show.

"Damn girl, you are ready to rock. Can't wait to see you play." Ariane smiled while Melanie thanked her.

"It's starting!" Eva grinned as the preshow ended. 

The butterflies in Melanie's stomach started to get worse as she popped another grape in her mouth. 

"Nervous?" Milena smiled at her. "I am too. I'm shaking. See?" She put out her hand and they saw it shaking. 

The Philly Diva grabbed it as they both tried to calm each other down.

"But don't worry. We are going to have one heck of a match." Milena added.

"Totally. I just don't know why I am so nervous. I wasn't like this last year." The Outspoken Diva mentioned.

"This WrestleMania has more meaning for you. More to Chyna and your family. I'm nervous just like you, Melly. But this is our time to shine and show the crowd that we're here for a reason." 

Melanie nodded as they heard the loud crowd cheering. 

"I am so excited!" Eva cheered as she hugged some of the divas. 

"It's showtime girls." Milena winked and walked out of the Diva's locker room. 

Melanie went to put the final touches on her makeup and turned to see April handing her the guitar.

"You're going to do great. Don't be nervous." April encouraged. 

Melanie grabbed her guitar and looked at it. She exhaled slowly and nodded at her. "Thank you. Okay, I think I'm ready."

Later backstage, Melanie was pacing around with her nerves getting to her.

"Man, you're freaking out." Randy chuckled as he watched her. 

"That bad, huh?" she asked with a nervous smile.

"I never seen you so nervous. Relax. Everything will be fine." He put his hands on her shoulders. 

"Easy for you to say."

"I remember my second WrestleMania. WrestleMania 21. Me and The Undertaker."

"I remember that. Were you nervous?" 

"With a Pay Per View like WrestleMania, yeah, I was nervous. But Mel, you're going to do great out there. I never see you have a bad match. You put so much effort into your wrestling that it makes me admire your passion for wrestling. I knew you were going to do great in the WWE ever since your debut match. The butterflies will go away as soon as you're on that stage. All eyes are on you. Show them how great of a wrestler you are." 

She nodded and embraced him. "Thanks for looking out for me." 

"Of course. Good luck tonight." 

"You do the same." She grinned and walked away. 

After walking around, eating grapes, and stretching, her nervousness started to kick in again. She spotted Jon doing pushups and he stood up once he noticed her.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked.

"Y-­yeah, I'm fine." She replied, despite the nervousness in her voice. 

"You're nervous, aren't you?" 

"I don't understand." She paced around. "I'm still nervous after all this time." 


"I can't relax." 


"Why am I nervous? Why am I nervous?" 


"This cannot be happening; this shouldn't not be happening." 


"I can't do this. I can't do this!" She exclaimed but he hugged her from behind and started to softly sing in her ear, calming her down instantly. 

"You okay, now?" he asked with a smile.

"Surprisingly. Much better. Thank you," she replied, officially feeling at ease.

"Good. I gotta go meet up with Colby and Joe. You'll be fine out there. All right?" He kissed her cheek and picked up his mask. 

"Okay." She smiled as he walked away. 

Melanie headed to the gorilla and checked out Daniel Bryan's match against Triple H on the TV. 

She tweets, 'Good luck to Daniel Bryan! I hope he kicks Triple H's ass. #YesMovement' 

A stagehand gave Melanie her guitar after making sure everything was fine with it and helped her prepare for her entrance. 

"There she is." Monty (Billy Gunn) said as he walked over to her with Brian (Road Dogg). 

"Ready to kick our butts?" Brian chuckled. 

"Haha. It's going to be fun wrestling with you guys," she replied. 


'Oh you didn't know? You better call somebody' 

Road Dogg and Billy Gunn walked out on the stage while Road Dogg had a mic in his hand. 

"You damn right! You see the Outlaws are riding into the dirty dirty. Representing The Authority at WrestleMania 30." Road Dogg said as the crowd booed. 

Morgan tweets, 'Wonder how much crap WWERoadDogg and RealBillyGunn will be talking once they get their asses whooped.' 

"The Hounds of Justice are about to learn a lesson in humility-" 








The crowd cheered loudly as The Shield's theme came on. 

"So much for being humble," JBL said.

"The following is an intergender tag team contest scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 707 pounds, the team of, the United States champion, Dean Ambrose, along with Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Lilian announced. 

"The Shield getting set for this intergender match, here tonight. The New Age Outlaws not happy with being interrupted." Cole looked on. 

"I just can't wait for the divas! Rosa and Morgan are gonna tear each other apart!" King said with excitement. 

"When those two get in the ring with each other, it's going to be ugly," JBL anticipated. 

Kane's theme came on and he walked out to meet up with the New Age Outlaws. 

"And their opponents, at a combined weight of 824 pounds, the team of Kane and The New Age Outlaws." Lilian announced. 

With Melanie by the gorilla, she watched their entrance on the screen while Milena stood next to her. 

Milena smiled and gave her a big hug. "See you out there!"

"Sounds like a plan." She waved as Milena walked through the curtains. 

Rosa's theme came on and revealed her big entrance. Her mom was at ringside watching with a huge smile on her face. Rosa walked out, dancing with a huge dance crew and a band playing the instruments for the song.

"Introducing their tag team partner, Rosa Mendes!" Lilian announced. 

"Wow! Look at Rosa! She's looking beautiful, tonight!" JBL said, enjoying the look as she stood in front of the dancers and danced with them. 

"I just hope she doesn't hurt herself, the way her hips are swinging," King said as Rosa started dancing with two shirtless guys, with jeans and short black hair, showing off their abs, and good looks. 

Morgan tweets 'I should have known she'd have an entrance like that. Goodness...' 

Rosa gets escorted down the ring by the two guys. She stood on the apron and did her signature hair flip before getting in the ring. She started dancing some more as the crowd gave her mixed reactions. 

Melanie chuckled at Milena's character acting arrogant. She exhaled and looked at the crowd with amazement. In a few moments, she'll be out there, and all eyes will be on her. 

"Great feeling, isn't it?" A warm voice asked behind her. "Being able to perform at WrestleMania. Heh heh, it's nice to see you spread your wings, when I'm not there in person to see you shine. I'm so proud of you." 

She swiftly turned around to see Chyna with her arms crossed, smiling at her. 

"Chyna!" She embraced her. "Oh my gosh, you're here! I thought you weren't going to make it when your flight was acting up." 

"Of course, I wouldn't miss this." She hugged her back.

In the ring, Rosa grabbed a mic. "Before I personally embarrass Morgan in front of all you ignorant masses. I just want to remind you of who I am. I am the hottest diva on the roster and one of the strongest divas in WWE History. No one can touch me! I am clearly better than Morgan, and even Chyna! None of these divas can step up to me, and I'm going to prove that later on tonight when I become the new Diva's Champion!" 

'Don't Treat Me Like a Woman' 

The crowd exploded and stood up as soon as they heard Chyna's theme. 

"No way," Cole exclaimed as Rosa turned her head to the stage. 

"What in the world?" JBL looked on. 

The crowd started to cheer loudly when Chyna and Jane walked out. The Shield members grinned to themselves as their plan was starting to come in motion.

"Oh my gosh! It's Chyna!" King screamed in a high voice. 

"The rumors were true! She's here!" Cole shouted as Chyna stood at the ramp with her pyro gun with Jane. 

"And Jane's back! Jane power!" King cheered while Chyna shot the gun twice.

Rosa's eyes widened as Seth began to laugh at her. "Why so quiet?" He called out. 

"No, no, no! Get them out of this building!" Rosa shouted. "This cannot be happening!" 

The New Age Outlaws looked on, stunned, as they saw their former teammate on the stage. 

"And the Outlaws look like they've seen a ghost," Cole pointed out. 

"I don't blame them," JBL added.

"Chyna. THE Chyna is back in the WWE for the night. This is awesome!" King happily said. 

Celeste tweets, 'Haha. The look on Rosa's face is priceless. That's a #WrestleManiaMoment right there. And again, holy crap! #ChynasBack!' 

Chyna put her hands on her hips and gave the crowd a smile. 

"The Ninth Wonder of the World is back. This is amazing. Rosa is losing it, folks." Cole chuckled as the camera showed her pacing around, looking worried with the Outlaws.

With Melanie, she stood with her guitar, watching the band of her theme song, Egypt Central, preparing to walk out.

"Melanie, it's nice to see you again." John Falls, who was the lead singer of Egypt Central, said while walking up to her with the other band members. 

"Hey!" She embraced him and the other members. She met them after their concert years ago while they were on tour. "Thank you guys so much for getting back together for one night to perform my theme. I appreciate it." 

"No problem. Ready to rock?" he asked. 

"You bet! And I hope my attire shows it." she chuckled as she looked at her outfit. 

She had on her black fingerless gloves, a black wristband on her left wrist, her hoodie, black pants with a chain on the side, black combat boots, and her purple bandana on her head for her dad. She also had dark eye makeup and a black electric guitar. 

A photographer took a photo of Melanie with the band as they posed. She did the rock on sign on her hands with the band and the photographer posted it on Instagram with the caption, 'Morgan is ready to rock with Egypt Central as she prepares to take on WWERosaMendes, Kane and the New Age Outlaws' 

The stage had all the band's instruments set up and they walked out for their song. The guitarists started playing the first beats of the song. 

'I've had enough I'm taking you down'

"New Orleans!" John yelled as the crowd cheered in response. "Let's turn this up!" 

Morgan got on the stage and started playing her guitar with the band members. She began jumping to the beat as the crowd cheered louder. As soon as John started singing the first verse, he went back to back with her as she continued to play. 

"Do you see this!? Morgan's playing the guitar! This is awesome!" King cheered as she started headbanging with the band. 

"Of all the things, this has got to be one of the most interesting things, I've seen. What the-what are you doing Cole? Stop that! Sit down!" JBL scolded while Cole started headbanging and dancing around. 

"What in the world, Cole?" King laughed.

"Come on, join me, this is awesome! Go, Morgan!" Cole cheered.

"You two need help..." JBL said, watching King and Cole dancing to the song.

Nikki tweets, 'WWEMorgan101 can be so secretive about her talents. Watching her play that guitar makes me want to play it too,'

Celeste tweets, 'WWEMorgan101 is in the house! I'm getting excited to see my cute little #GrapeMonsterHound in action. Hit Rosa for me!' 

Before the second verse, Morgan took the guitar off and slammed it on the floor, breaking it. Rosa crossed her arms and gave her a dirty look as she did not look impressed. The Shield on the other hand was while The New Age Outlaws still couldn't believe Chyna was in the building. Morgan met up with Jane and Chyna and hugged them. Chyna stood in front of the Outspoken Diva before they turned their heads to the ring. 

"You ready?" Chyna smiled, looking back at her.

"With you by my side, I feel like I can do anything," she replied.

"This is giving me goosebumps! Chyna and Morgan are here at WrestleMania together. Rosa better think of a gameplan fast." King looked on. 

Morgan took her hoodie off, revealing her shredded black shirt. The shreds were on her back, and on the front was The Shield symbol. The shirt stopped just before her belly button, showing off her naval piercing. As John sang the second verse, she held hands with Chyna and Jane while they began to walk her down the ring. They raised their arms up in the air as the crowd cheered. 

Chyna and Jane kiss Morgan on the cheek before setting her off by twirling her around and letting her go. Chyna smiled softly, watching Morgan's back as she walked down to the ring with her head up high. 

"Morgan is determined tonight," Cole said as she did her taunt while colorful pyros appeared behind her. 

She started tagging hands before stopping at the end of the ramp. She looked around with a grin as the crowd continued to cheer. She started tagging more hands around ringside and spotted Mimi and Leah. She gave them a high five and gave her Aunt Aria and Dad a kiss on the cheek before running into the ring. 

Jumping on the turnbuckle to do her taunt, she yelled, "Let's go!"

She did The Shield pose as the song ended and pointed to the band, blowing them a kiss. 

"Give it up for Morgan!" John yelled as the crowd cheered loudly in response. 

The Outspoken Diva jumped off the turnbuckle and turned her attention to Rosa. Chyna and Jane got in their front row seats in the crowd with Leah and the others while Rosa's mother was at ringside, cheering Rosa on. 

"You think you're so tough, huh? Little corny rockstar!" Rosa snapped and stepped up to the Philly Diva as they got in each other's faces. 

"Uh oh!" JBL exclaimed as the guys tried to separate them with the crowd getting excited.

Ronda Rousey tweets, 'Can't wait to see WWEMorgan101 kick some ass tonight. #KOThatChick' 

Brie tweets, 'You've come a long way WWEMorgan101. Good luck!' 

Summer Rae tweets, 'The way WWEMorgan101 always connects with the crowd amazes me. Love you! Good luck!' 

Naomi tweets, 'You go girl! Represent the Total Divas! WWEMorgan101' 

Rosa started to mock Morgan while she glared at her. All of a sudden, Rosa slapped her in the face as the Outspoken Diva stood on one knee and leaned on the ropes, holding her cheek. Chyna looked unamused and briefly glared at Rosa for her actions before smirking, knowing that Morgan would handle it.

"Chyna seems to have a good feeling about tonight," Cole looked on. 

"Morgan, you all right?" Seth asked as he helped Morgan up.

The teams stood on the apron, leaving Dean and Kane to start off the match. 

"I'm fine, but I'll be great once I get my hands on her." She replied

"You will, don't worry. Remember our plan." He said and she nodded in response. 

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