thatmoththoth - The Words Of A Page Are Strings To Pull
The Words Of A Page Are Strings To Pull

Full time multi fandom shitposter, part time artist.

472 posts

The World Has Ended Due To Wars And Magic, What Words Are You Keeping, What Words Are You Removing, And

The world has ended due to wars and magic, what words are you keeping, what words are you removing, and what words are you adding to the English language?

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5 months ago

Oh hey, Thoth here, you don’t mind if I just set this envelope containing a little snippet of what I’m working on your desk would you?… alright then… Just don’t open it, ok?

Open the envelope?:

“My name is Lyfrassir Edda, I am the new Head Archivist of The Magnus Institute, London. Due to recent events I have acquired a job here. Before this I worked as an inspector, and perhaps that’s what got me hired. Either way my employer, one Ms. Carmilla, seems happy with my placement here, and who am I to complain about getting a paycheck. She has given me three assistants. Their names are Ivy Alexandria, Raphaella La Cognizi, and… Marius Von Raum… I will not say much about them, but I hope I will not be needing their assistance often.”

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5 months ago
Sometimes You Just Have To Render A Particularly Nice Panel In A Comic Where A Character Looks Especially

Sometimes you just have to render a particularly nice panel in a comic where a character look’s especially pretty. There’s another one on the last page I want to render too but this one was a lot less difficult and didn’t have any perspective hubjub, so I did the one first and might do the other one if I’m feeling it.

Sometimes You Just Have To Render A Particularly Nice Panel In A Comic Where A Character Looks Especially

Panel I picked

panel 1: Arthur is standing against a black background. a text bubble spoken by Kayne, who is not in the panel, reads "I'm sure I don't need to tell you who they are, but know that they are smiling and laughing, happy even." panel 2: entirely text spoken by Kayne. it reads "kill him right here right now, don't say a word, and I will help you." 3rd panel: Kayne is speaking, looking off to the side somewhere as he does. "good luck, Arthur". panel 4: Kayne disappears, and the motion marks made to indicate that's look vaguely like an eye. panel 5: the black background fades into white as Arthur moves forward through the hallway, and music fills the air. he holds the dagger close to his side. panel 5: Arthur's alternate universe self, who will be referred to as Arthur 2 for convenience sake, has his back turned to the reader and is playing the keys of an upright Piano next to Faroe, who is tugging at his sleeve to get his attention. panel 6: Arthur 2 stops playing the piano and turns to see what Faroe wants. she points in the direction of the reader/Arthur 1. panel 7: it's a split panel which shows Arthur 2's eyes. Arthur 2's eye is wide and shocked, while arthur 1 is looking forward with unfocused, pained eyes which are tearing up. arthur 1 has a scar on the bridge of his nose while arthur 2 is unblemished and still knows comfort. panel 8: arthur 2 stands now, putting himself between Faroe and arthur 1, looking worried and unsure. "who are you? he asks "how did you get here?" panel 9: Arthur 1 stands, shrouded in darkness. he is angled so that the dagger is hidden, but it pokes out slightly. he is silent and doesn't answer, instead he seems to be hesitating and having second thoughts towards his task. panel 10: a close up of the dagger, the edges of the panel are more pointed to indicate alarm and action. panel 11: Arthur 1 bolts forward, face obscured by darkness. the shadow he leaves behind him is stark and thick. panel 12: the silhouette of Arthur 1 stabbing Arthur 2. 1's hand is on 2's shoulder while the other hand is pushing the dagger into his gut. 2 has a hand on Arthur as if he was about to try and push 1 away. Faroe stands behind 2. panel 13: Arthur 2's eyes become lifeless and dead.

Prev << current >> next?

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5 months ago

Fun fact, there’s a whole bunch of lore in my head about writers and how to the stories they create, they are essentially the gods of that world, and how truly horrifying a reality with a writer in charge would be. I’ve spent way to much time thinking about the functions writers would play story wise

So essentially writers are cosmic beings which lie in the space between worlds. They weave worlds and the threads of fate within to craft what they consider a good story.

Each person in a universe is considered a character by the writers. Writers can control a character’s every action, however, a good writer will map things out, use the character’s notes in order to give them a life of their own.

Writers can take characters from worlds they did not make and put them into one they did, however this simply creates a copy of the character they took, and each writer handles things a bit differently, so the character will subtly change. Authors who do this regularly to create new worlds are Fanfiction Authors.

Writers use all sorts of methods to create worlds, wether it be the pen or the paintbrush, but they all have one thing in common. Stories.

Writers rarely appear human, rather they take the appearance of non-human animals in some capacity, but most notably, they always have an outer shell of sorts, which hides/protects the more eldritch parts of them. This shell comes usefull when they need to interact with the worlds they create, usually through self inserts, as it prevents their creations from going mad. Of course, they could write that out, but that’s such a tedious process.

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5 months ago

Of course. Keep those lamps on though :)

There’s been this moth flutterin ‘round my room for the past week. Weird lil guy I’ll say.

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