thatmoththoth - The Words Of A Page Are Strings To Pull
The Words Of A Page Are Strings To Pull

Full time multi fandom shitposter, part time artist.

472 posts

The World Has Ended Due To Wars And Magic, What Words Are You Keeping, What Words Are You Removing, And

The world has ended due to wars and magic, what words are you keeping, what words are you removing, and what words are you adding to the English language?

  • thatmoththoth
    thatmoththoth reblogged this · 5 months ago

More Posts from Thatmoththoth

5 months ago

I believe that no work is entirely original, therefore people are absolutely free to steal ideas from me as long as you add your own flavour to it. And also if you see an oc of mine you like? Take ‘em an spin them around in a blender till they are a different consistency with the same flavour. See a species I made? All of them are open, make silly little goobers. Like the colors in a piece of mine? Color pick them!

So long as you bring something new and wonderful to the table and give credit where credit is due I will probably bounce off the walls knowing you took inspiration off of me

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5 months ago

This is satisfactory, you shall be spared punishment. Good day.

Trick or treat





Trick Or Treat

Lucy Westenra doodle

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5 months ago

Admiral sic this mother fucker!

Admiral Sic This Mother Fucker!

Trick or treat

Mum didn’t raise no bitch! Trick!

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5 months ago

I’m sorry guys. I have to make sasha James and Martin Blackwood Americans for the plot. I’m removing their British person privileges. (The entire country of Britain got wiped out in my worldbuilding. Woops lol)

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5 months ago

Fun fact, there’s a whole bunch of lore in my head about writers and how to the stories they create, they are essentially the gods of that world, and how truly horrifying a reality with a writer in charge would be. I’ve spent way to much time thinking about the functions writers would play story wise

So essentially writers are cosmic beings which lie in the space between worlds. They weave worlds and the threads of fate within to craft what they consider a good story.

Each person in a universe is considered a character by the writers. Writers can control a character’s every action, however, a good writer will map things out, use the character’s notes in order to give them a life of their own.

Writers can take characters from worlds they did not make and put them into one they did, however this simply creates a copy of the character they took, and each writer handles things a bit differently, so the character will subtly change. Authors who do this regularly to create new worlds are Fanfiction Authors.

Writers use all sorts of methods to create worlds, wether it be the pen or the paintbrush, but they all have one thing in common. Stories.

Writers rarely appear human, rather they take the appearance of non-human animals in some capacity, but most notably, they always have an outer shell of sorts, which hides/protects the more eldritch parts of them. This shell comes usefull when they need to interact with the worlds they create, usually through self inserts, as it prevents their creations from going mad. Of course, they could write that out, but that’s such a tedious process.

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