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Character Death
Complete Work
25 Dec 2023
Major Character Death Jonny d'Ville & Nastya Rasputina Jonny d'Ville Nastya RasputinaHurt No Comfort Songfic Jonny d'Ville and Nastya Rasputina are Siblings Post-Story: Out (The Mechanisms) Sad Jonny d'Ville Canonical Character Death References to Cyberian Demons
Jonny sings a song as a goodbye to his beloved sister, Nastya
Song- Lullaby For the Princess by ponyphonic
I noticed some parallels between Nastya & Brian's background. Warning for major spoilers of their background(Cyberian Demons & Lost in the Cosmos.) Also, trigger warning for mentions of what happened to the characters.

We feel to add more to this list

this happened to my buddy drumbot brian
description by @\majorshatterandhare
hello anyone into podcasts, mistborn or discworld is going to be on Ryucon in Kraków?
if you do come to say hi! would be cool to talk even if for a sec (and i maay have some stuff for ya but im not promising anything)
also, przyjaciele (tzn @gemsbokk @daffytheimp ) beda mieli stoisko z merchem z dun meshi, mass effecta, wiedzmina i po trochu z różnych innych rzeczy wiec wpadajcie (stoisko nr 89 gems.bokk's gems) i tam pewnie mozna mnie bedzie znaleźć
I recently started listening to Steam Powered Giraffe and I have a thesis statement.

@ancientspacepirate pookie why are u like this?
(Banger tbh)
just finished TMA…
coping by listening to The Mechanisms for the first time.
The Mechanisms have me absolutely cracking up, I may have a new top 5 band
“I’m not going to kiss a sleeping stranger, Nastya. That’s really fucking creepy.
Oh well, try your normal plan. Shoot the machines until they explode.
I will! I will do that!!
What do you know- it worked.”
“Come in, boy! I hear you’ve a right to call me father!
Yeah, me and half the city, way I hear it.”
absolutely diabolical. i love it.

Playing Pretend
I was in a trance for 3 days straight and came out of it to grant you this animatic of that one part in Sleeping Beauty
Some parts are wonkier than others but it’s an animatic and it was fun so who cares right!

Just some kissies shared between Jonny and Brian :) ,,uhm,,*throws it out there like breadcrumbs and runs for cover*
(I intended this to be a warm up sketch but I worked on it for 7 hours straight and now it's past 5 am-)
Please dont ask me how I did this I have no idea. Maybe it's the power of love of these immortal gay men idk
Also also Jonnys very secret doodles on his draft papers (for the songs)

i honestly think the ancient greeks would have loved the mechanisms
I woke up a few days ago and remembered i like the mechanisms
So now im obsessed again
Fic Ideas that will not leave my brain, but writing and me don't get along no matter how much I love it.
A fic of Parkthur going through the plot of Brokeback Mountain. Ennis is Arthur, Jack is Parker
Some wolf/dog John story, maybe snapshots of his perspective during particularly canine moments, or he gets a wolf or werewolf body.
Percy Jackson and The Mechanisms crossover. Probably following the vague plot of PJO, and one for Magnus Chase.
Simple cute Parkthur fic, where Arthur is remembering their eventual fall into love, and at the end he meets him again either resurrected or didn't really die. Dancing will be included somewhere
Maybe something from Anna Stancyzk's POV
John meets Parker or/and Faroe, and recounts it to Arthur.
Maybe finishing that one Kunizai fic if I get back into BSD.
I'm having a really hard time with motivation so maybe this will make my brain make me do it. If you wanna write one of these tag me!