Thoth Is A Fucking Nerd - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
I Have Now Successfully Photographed Jonny Without Ending Up With Another Missing Limb. Now Since I Now

I have now successfully photographed jonny without ending up with another missing limb. Now since I now have a photograph I can explain a bit about where he comes from and his biology.

Jonny is a humanoid species of alien which convergently evolved to be similar to humans like much of the Mechanisms. While the name of his species can’t quite be spelt in English, I will do my best: frwringrit.

These creatures evolved to survive in an asteroid belt which was barely habitable, as such they are extremophiles. This means jonny can survive in very low oxygen environments and is adept at moving in low gravity.

If we are to look at his internal structure, he has a much more complicated respiratory system than humans, capable of diffusing not only oxygen, but several other elements aswell. When you don’t know what kind of atmosphere you’ll get, it’s useful to be able to use different chemical reactions to get your energy.

Frwringits are opertunistic feeders, who will even eat eachother if especially hungry and/or don’t like the person. This was made illegal in most places around the belt after they managed to get consistent food up and running, but some regions it’s still very much legal. Those are Jonny’s favorite regions.

Due to living in low atmosphere, frwringits don’t usually like high atmosphere environments as it gives them headaches from the pressure and way too much air in their lungs, but after a millennia of living on the Aurora jonny has managed to adapt. Still, he does prefer low atmosphere over high atmosphere any day.

Anyway tune in next time for: thoth gets way into infodumping alien biology and worlds

Behold thy height chart fool

Behold Thy Height Chart Fool

I shall be reposting updates as I go

Also y’all… I tried to get them to stand still but they just would not cooperate. Jonny keeps trying to bite me because he insists he’s taller than Marius (this is made worse by Marius teasing him about it), Ivy insisted she had a book or she wouldn’t participate, Nastya wanted the Aurora in the picture but how am I supposed to fit a spaceship inside of my little building? Gunpowder Tim brought bombs into my room full of expensive camera equipment, and I had to rush over after taking the picture to put out the fuse on the dynamite he was trying to balance on Nastya’s head. Raphaella was very difficult to pry from her lab, I had to get Jonny to shoot her so we could drag her into the studio. Anyway at least Ashes, Brian, The Toy Soldier, and Lyfrassir didn’t get too under my skin. I do hope they remain cooperative in the future.

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6 months ago
And Now I Have A Nice Picture Of The Toy Soldier. It Was Very Cooperative, Unlike Jonny. Anyway Heres

And now I have a nice picture of The Toy Soldier. It was very cooperative, unlike jonny. Anyway here’s some information about it:

As you may know, the Toy Soldier is far from a biological being. Due to this fact I will mostly be talking about it’s mechanical features.

It has an openable compartment on the back of it’s neck which originally was so that it’s voice box could be accessed, fixed, and replaced. The toy soldier has since removed its original voice and replaced it with a biological one. Despite having no airways, the vocal cords work due to the Toy Soldier believing it should.

The Toy Soldier was only able to repair itself magically after meeting the mechanisms. Before, it would have to manually replace parts and repair damage. Afterwards, it believed that it could regenerate like the mechanisms, and so it can.

It is made mostly out of wood, and it often repaints itself for fun. Just as it can repaint itself, it can also take out it’s hair and replace it with any kind of wig it could want. This means that those two aspects often can vary wildly in its appearance.

Behold thy height chart fool

Behold Thy Height Chart Fool

I shall be reposting updates as I go

Also y’all… I tried to get them to stand still but they just would not cooperate. Jonny keeps trying to bite me because he insists he’s taller than Marius (this is made worse by Marius teasing him about it), Ivy insisted she had a book or she wouldn’t participate, Nastya wanted the Aurora in the picture but how am I supposed to fit a spaceship inside of my little building? Gunpowder Tim brought bombs into my room full of expensive camera equipment, and I had to rush over after taking the picture to put out the fuse on the dynamite he was trying to balance on Nastya’s head. Raphaella was very difficult to pry from her lab, I had to get Jonny to shoot her so we could drag her into the studio. Anyway at least Ashes, Brian, The Toy Soldier, and Lyfrassir didn’t get too under my skin. I do hope they remain cooperative in the future.

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6 months ago

nerd /aff /pos /platonic

You see, in Arthurian myth the fae/fairies are very prevalent, so this is exactly why in my filling of the gaps of High Noon Over Camelot and just making up lore where there is none through wild headcannons, I have added the fae onto the station.

It’s never explained what happened to the world outside of the station, so, I say the reason no one ever checked on the station was because a cataclysmic event happened which meant they were a little preoccupied. This might have been because of the General, who knows, but the point is, it left the homeworld scarred. In a last ditch effort to survive, the people used their technology to create a trace which would survive predicted conditions, with thick skin and a nictitating membrane to protect from coming dust storms, powerful wings to travel over the cracked and shattered landscape, a tail for balance against harsh winds, and large ears to hear incoming threats.

This new generation of genetically modified children did survive along with very few humans, and they rebuild society as best as they could, as well as kept safe the records of old. Now, when a group of these fae come across a working spaceship, they go out into the world, and stumble upon Fort Galfridian. They land and settle on the lower levels as their skin blocks out the brunt of the radiation, and they observe, staying largely out of sight from humans, but occasionally making trade deals, offering their knowledge and strange technology in return, but using trickery to gain more on their end of the bargain.

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5 months ago

Fun fact, there’s a whole bunch of lore in my head about writers and how to the stories they create, they are essentially the gods of that world, and how truly horrifying a reality with a writer in charge would be. I’ve spent way to much time thinking about the functions writers would play story wise

So essentially writers are cosmic beings which lie in the space between worlds. They weave worlds and the threads of fate within to craft what they consider a good story.

Each person in a universe is considered a character by the writers. Writers can control a character’s every action, however, a good writer will map things out, use the character’s notes in order to give them a life of their own.

Writers can take characters from worlds they did not make and put them into one they did, however this simply creates a copy of the character they took, and each writer handles things a bit differently, so the character will subtly change. Authors who do this regularly to create new worlds are Fanfiction Authors.

Writers use all sorts of methods to create worlds, wether it be the pen or the paintbrush, but they all have one thing in common. Stories.

Writers rarely appear human, rather they take the appearance of non-human animals in some capacity, but most notably, they always have an outer shell of sorts, which hides/protects the more eldritch parts of them. This shell comes usefull when they need to interact with the worlds they create, usually through self inserts, as it prevents their creations from going mad. Of course, they could write that out, but that’s such a tedious process.

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5 months ago

Loretober Day 1: Parasite

Loretober Day 1: Parasite

Over the years, a group of vampire bats adapted to the cold and lack of food brought by nuclear winters by feeding on the one food source which was rare, yet once found was hard to lose. The kaiju which roamed the earth after the first two catastrophes were an open food source, seeing as they don’t die easily, and are easy to spot.

One thing which does make this food source a bit iffy, is the fact kaiju are magical, and have the ability to shrink in size when needed. To combat this, the bats have adapted to detect magic, and when their host is no longer of a size they can latch onto, they will lurk about the area of the kaiju until it returns to its natural size. After a long enough duration of waiting however, they will fly off and look for a new host.

Since kaiju tend to have thick skin, they use their tounge in much the same way a mosquito would, but as they don’t use the blood to spawn, they stay in place more like a tic would.

Loretober Day 1: Parasite

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5 months ago
Heres Some Definitions Aswell:

Here’s some definitions aswell:

Nuketown: towns that started after a city got nuked, usually in the location of the crater. The explosive energy of the blasts created a lot of driah, and since the radiation doesn’t really hurt them (it definitely still has effects but they aren’t necessarily negative), many groups decided to set up shop in the same spot they lived before. Some of those who weren’t changed by the blast but still survived sometimes tried to live in these towns, but usually died to radiation poisoning, although groups that relocated from the crater may be hospitable for non driah.

Wastetown: towns that came about from those who managed to survive against all the horrors and challenges brought by both the nuclear wars and the sudden shift brought by the things that came out of a portal (will be covered in another prompt). People in these towns are extremely hardy, likely have a multitude of radiation related illnesses, and have varying methods of survival.

Bunkertown; usually underground, these towns originate from bunker colonies created by the us goverment and citizens alike during both the resource scare and the nuclear wars, in hopes of allowing people to survive. They tend to have the most physical and intact artefacts from the old world in them, most notably is the Red Disk, which is a sort of time capsule left for future humans, much like the gold disk sent out for aliens.

Heres Some Definitions Aswell:

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5 months ago
Not Much Lore Building Here, More Just Notes On My Research On The Potential Aftereffects Of Nuclear

Not much lore building here, more just notes on my research on the potential aftereffects of nuclear warfare, but yea.

Not Much Lore Building Here, More Just Notes On My Research On The Potential Aftereffects Of Nuclear

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5 months ago
As You Can Tell I Struggled A Bit With This One By I Decided To Bring Back My Character Euphemia And

As you can tell I struggled a bit with this one by i decided to bring back my character Euphemia and change her a bit to fit the setting

The monster version is just what she looks like when she isn’t trying to look human so I mean, considering the way a driah exclusive culture like Nukton might form, would mean that’s probably what she looks like most of the time

As You Can Tell I Struggled A Bit With This One By I Decided To Bring Back My Character Euphemia And

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